Geria Diet and Nutrition Ppt

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Food and Diet

Food should not only satisfy hunger and fulfils nutritional requirements but it is also supposed to taste good.

“Tasting good” forms a large part of the joy of eating.

Social interaction is a key element in eating. The company of friends contributes to the joy of eating well.

Factors Affecting Eating and Nutrition

Environment Unpleasant sights, odor and noises can cause clients to

lose their appetite

Physical stress When people are uncomfortable, in pain, constipated,

have no teeth, have foul taste in their mouth, a digestive upset or any other physical discomfort, they may not feel like eating.

  Appearance of Food

A pleasant smell of food, or food that looks attractive can encourage a person’s appetite.

Factors Affecting Eating and Nutrition

Emotions If a person is upset, worried, afraid, angry or excited they may

“lose their appetite”, and not feel like eating or only want certain foods.

Likes and Dislikes It gives clients some control over their food selection.

Religious Customs Eating habits can be strongly influenced by religious training

and customs. For example, people who follow strict Jewish dietary laws eat

only kosher foods. Moslems do not eat pork. There are certain times when people of different religion may do fasting.

Factors Affecting Eating and Nutrition

Age Elderly clients need increased fluids and

roughage such as raw fruits and vegetables, to aid in bowel elimination.

They may find it easier to digest smaller meals with nutritious snacks in between.

Amount of Activity Elderly clients are less active than younger

ones. A person, who is sedentary much of the time, generally feels like eating large meals.

Factors Affecting Eating and Nutrition

Personal opinions Strong opinions about certain foods can cause a

problem. For example, a man may think that salads are only for women, or a person may think that milk is only for babies and teenagers.

Misinformation and Food Fad Peer pressure and advertising can affect food

purchasing habits. Erroneous beliefs about certain foods can be misleading (e.g. Oysters increase sexual activity). 

Factors Affecting Eating and Nutrition

Socio-economic Status Individuals on limited incomes sometimes have

difficulty purchasing proper levels of meats and milk products because of the cost of these foods.

Alcohol and Drugs These contribute to dietary deficiency because

money needed for food goes toward alcohol and drugs. Also drugs and alcohol can interfere with absorption of nutrients.

Food consumption guidelines Eat variety of food. Maintain a desirable weight. Avoid fatty and high cholesterol foods. Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber Avoid excessive amounts of sugar. Avoid excessive amounts of sodium. Moderation in food and beverage intake, as

long it does not interfere with the absorption of patient’s medication, and is not prohibited as per patient’s disease condition.

Ensuring adequate food intake Monitor the client’s food intake. This

includes intake of food and fluids as well as all the in between meal snacks.

Provide a comfortable environment for your client during the meal period.

Assist client while eating. Some clients may need their solid food cut or mashed; they may need help with liquids.

Ensuring adequate food intake Note likes, dislikes, and any problem in

chewing or swallowing that the client may have

Observe changes in health and physical status specifically weight gain or loss

If a client has been prescribed a therapeutic diet, check each meal and snack before serving


Dietary adjustments prescribed by the physician indicated per patient’s disease condition

Special nutritional care designed to support a client who is undergoing a period of illness/debilitation, or recuperation.

Fluid/Liquid Diets

Clients who are unable to tolerate solid foods; Liquid diets contain a reduced number of calories.

Diet containing no solid foods

Prescribed for GI illnesses or before or after certain types of surgery involving the mouth or GIT

Types of Liquid Diet

Clear Fluids consists of transparent liquid foods such as meat or

vegetable broth, bouillon, clear fruit juices, clear fruit ices, popsicles.

for clients recovering from anesthesia or GI surgery until they can progress to more solid food

Full/General fluids consists of both clear and opaque liquid foods (full and

strained) with a smooth consistency. It includes milk, milkshakes, ice cream, pudding, strained cream soups

It is planned for those who have difficulty chewing, swallowing and digesting food.

Light Diets

intermediate step between a full fluid diet and regular diet.

includes easily digested foods which can be mildly seasoned, non-gas forming and relatively low in fiber

diet prescribed for bedridden or convalescent people

Soft Diets

This diet is based on a regular diet but includes liquids and semi-solid foods that are more easily digested and chewed.

Usually provided for clients who have no dentures or problems with chewing or swallowing (Dysphagia)

Pureed Diet

Also based on a regular diet but all the food is put into blender

Clients who received this diet are usually persons who have a great deal of difficulty in swallowing

There is a danger that the patient will choke/aspirate

Special Therapeutic Diets Diet prescribed by a physician to help a

client cope with a medical problem.

Planned and coordinated with a dietician in cooperation with the client

Client input is essential in these highly individualized diets. It is important that likes and dislikes be considered carefully.

Special Therapeutic Diets

Sodium restricted Low Fat BRAT diet Bland diet Low Purine Uremic diet Diabetic diet

Sodium Restricted diet

Designed to avoid excessive sodium retention

Therapeutic for persons with diseases that affect fluid balance or where a decrease in body fluid volume will relieve symptoms of the disease

Indicated for severe heart failure, impaired liver function, high blood pressure, and acute and chronic kidney disease.

Low fat diet

Designed to limit the total amount of fat in the diet.

Used in treatment of various fat malabsorption syndromes such as the disease of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.

It may also be used for persons with elevated serum cholesterol levels, those who are high-risk candidates for heart diseases and hypertension


Bananas Rice Applesauce and Toast

Extensions to the BRAT diet include BRATT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, and Tea) and BRATY (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, and Yogurt)

prescribed treatment for patients with gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea, gastroenteritis

Bland diet

Designed to decrease peristalsis and avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Appropriate for people with peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastritis, Reflux esophagitis or dyspepsia.

Easily digestible food, mildly seasoned. Fried foods, highly seasoned foods and raw or gas-forming fruits and vegetables are eliminated.

Low Purine Diet

Prevents buildup of uric acid in the body that can lead to the pain and swelling; prescribed for people with gout

Legumes, gravy, organ meats should be avoided

Uremic diet

Indicated for patients with Renal insufficiency/ Kidney failure

Aims to limit accumulation nitrogenous waste products by limiting protein intake

Diabetic diet

High in dietary fiber especially soluble fiber, but low in fat (especially saturated fat)

Carbohydrates should make up about 50 percent of the daily calories

Lower carbohydrate intake is associated with lower sugar levels in the blood

End of presentation