Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Lead Tools


What is it? Lead tools – methods you can use for the different stages of Customer Flow

experience to make sure leadership development is happening. !How is it structured? All the tools are divided based on the global learning environment elements. Each

tool described according to the next scheme: • What is it; • Why should you use this? • Minimum standards tool should meet to ensure leadership development.

Global learning environment elements

Individual Discovery and Reflection

Self reflection is the human capacity of introspection. Doing this we show our willingness to know more about ourselves, the

fundamental nature and purpose. This is related to

psychology of consciousness. In AIESEC we go through this

process by the following ways.

✓ Self Assessment Tools✓ Journaling

✓ Personal Development Plan and goal setting

These tools can be used to access different elements of our personalities. Online tests ad self hosting tools can be used for the same.

!Why should you use this?

These tools should ideally be an integral part of any experience. Members fill this test at different points in their experience. This will help members to become self aware of themselves and the

development they are having throughout the experience. 

!Minimum standards: 

• The points in which the tools will be used in an experience needs to be defined before the start of the experience.

• The assessment should be done at the starting of the experience, at the middle of the experience and at the end of the experience. If the intensity should be increased at the end of

first quarter and at the starting of last quarter if required.

Self Assessment Tools

Journaling is an art that allows you to capture emotions as you go along any experience. This is a very effective method to reflect on

your experience make yourself conscious about the whole experience and your growth.

!Why should you use this?

If you do not connect or understand your values, goals and emotions strongly. 

If you find it difficult to solve problems  If you do not have mental clarity

If you want to improve your insight and understanding  If you want to understand living

If you want to increase self-awareness. !

Minimum Standards: Its a personal space. The use needs to be customized by yourself. The only thing required is consistency(few times a week a least). You need to allow journaling to mirror your emotions and mood.


Personal Development Plan and goal setting

PDP can always be used to set proper expectations about an experience and the growth you want from it. As you go

along, you analyze if your personal goals are being satisfied. 

!Why should you use this?

This will help you to reflect on your experience and redirect if required.

!Minimum Standards:

The personal development plan needs to be well defined before the start of the experience.

This needs to evolve with time by using other elements like coaching and mentoring.

Team Experiences

Interaction with a group of people (min 3) with different skills and different tasks, who work together on a common project, service, or goal, with a meshing of functions and

mutual support.

✓ Team Feedback ✓ Team Building

Team Building

Involves a variety of activities and discussions which work to create a climate that encourages and values the contributions' of team

members. !

Why should you use this? Team building has been scientifically proven to positively affect team

effectiveness, when exerted with its intended purpose. !

Minimum standards • you must start by figuring out what challenges your team faces • there are has to be a real purpose behind your decision to do it –

for example, improving the team's problem-solving or creativity skills 

• aims for improving interpersonal relations and social interactions.

Team Feedback

When done in the right way and with the right intentions, feedback communication is the avenue to performance greatness. Members have

to know what they are doing well and not so well. For them to really hear everyone’s thoughts and suggestions on ways to improve, though,

that feedback has to be delivered carefully and frequently.

!Why should you use this?

The purpose for giving feedback is to improve the situation or performance. It’s a very powerful tool to use during the storming phase

team going through.

!Minimum standards you should meet to make team building efficient

LEAD tool: • Before giving feedback make sure you remind everyone why you are

doing it (boosting performance) and create comfortable environment • Make feedback regular, both when things are going great and when things can be improved. This is not a once-a-year or a once-every-three-month event. While this may be the timing of formal feedback, informal, simple feedback should be given much more often than this – perhaps

every week or even every day, depending on the situation. • When you deliver feedback session, make sure it’s not getting into a

discussion or debate. The person who receives feedback doesn’t respond or argue during the process.

• You need to measure whether improvement of performance happening or not and then make adjustments as you go. 

Learning Circles

Learning Circle is a way to organize and honor the collective wisdom of a group,

community or tribe. This is used to empower members using the collective wisdom in

different societal contexts.

✓ Hosted Spaces

✓ Working Groups / Summits

Hosted Spaces are circles where members of a group, community or tribe come together to

discuss on certain topics.  !

Why should you use this? In this process the members go along a strong self reflection process while aids in bringing a collective realization about any given topic.

The host of such spaces as not necessarily the leader of the group. 

!Minimum Standards

The person hosting the spaces needs to know the fundamentals of hosting.

Hosted Spaces

Working groups are spaces where we use the collective knowledge of the group to develop, design or implement projects. The projects are

directed by the purpose and vision of the team.  !

Why should you use this? This allows a team to reconnect to the vision and purpose of the team

and create projects based on that. Every team member will have strong ownership towards the work, hence enabling a strong team

experience. !

Minimum Standards The team needs to be clear of a common belief and everything they

do needs to be based on the same. The team leader needs to have the capacity of hold the process

The team leader needs to be able to diverge and converge at the right time during the process

The team needs to set timelines and milestones for the process

Working Groups / Summits

Conferences and Seminars

Conference is a gathering of people gathered to discuss, incept, design things

for a common purpose.  Seminar is a gathering of people in which

experts share their knowledge through workshops and lectures. 

✓Trainings / Simulation and Role Playing

✓External Events

✓National/ Local Conferences

✓International Conferences


These spaces allow the delegates to understand the role of AIESEC and to interact with the people from different parts of the world. They understand and comprehend different perspectives. This will help them to stretch their thought process to a Global environment. 

!!!!These spaces allow the delegates to understand the role of AIESEC in their community and interact with people from different background moving towards a same cause.

International Conferences

National/ Local Conferences

These spaces allow members to interact with the community and understand the external relevance of his role. 

!Why should you use this?

Involving membership in external events will help connect the purpose of their role on the context of the society. This will enable a member to evolve a thought process and use the

same for organizational growth.  !

Minimum Standards The events need to be related to world issues, leadership and management

The purpose of participation in these events need to be clear The follow up of the event should be powerful. A team leader needs to facilitate the process

of connecting the event learnings and AIESEC operations.

External Events

Training is a space organised to help members in increasing their skills whenever required. The content of a training can be customised according the need of the members.

!Why should you use this?

In order the deliver a strong inner and outer journey to our customers (EPs) we require our members to have certain skill sets. Trainings will enable you to deliver the same.

!Minimum Standards

The training need to be based on organisational sensing. The trainings need to have well defined objectives.

The follow up mechanism for the success of the training program needs to be designed before the execution. Team leaders need to connect the training sessions to the daily member operations. 

Trainings / Simulation and Role Playing


Element of learning environment which requires one-on-one approach to enable person’s learning and development.

✓One-to-one feedback




A process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. We can distinguish performance coaching and personal coaching.

!Why should you use this?

Personal coaching is about creating a supportive and motivating environment to explore what the coachee want in life and how he might achieve his aspirations and fulfil his needs. The coach's key role is often assisting the

coachee to maintain the motivation and commitment needed to achieve his goals. !

Performance coaching is about increasing coachee effectiveness and productivity at work. It's also closely linked with organisational change initiatives in order to help members to accept and adapt to changes in a manner

consistent with their personal values and goals.

!Minimum standards:

- clear goals - asking the right questions (not leading to any answer)

- listening rather then telling - inspire action by follow up with action steps after the each session

- constant progress evaluation


Long-term process of help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking.

!Why should you use this?

Mentoring enables an individual to follow in the path of an older and wiser member/alumni who can pass on knowledge, experience and open doors to otherwise out-of-reach opportunities. Mentoring is not the same as training, teaching or coaching, and a mentor doesn’t need to be a qualified trainer or an expert in the role the

mentee carries out. They need to be able to listen and ask questions that will challenge the mentee to identify the course of action they need to take in regards to their own development.

!Minimum standards:

- clear goals - constant constructive feedback - mentor is a good role model

- mentor has a deep understanding of the organization - mentor achieved professional success

- follow up

!Example of the coaching/mentoring tool - GROW model


Refers to spending a day or longer accompanying someone in their work place to observe and learn what a particular job consists of. It can be used for transferring the specific parts of the role.

!Why should you use this?

It’s a perfect tool to use during the transition or induction for the new members when they need to acquire the new skills.

!Minimum standards:

- Preparation and expectation setting - actual work of the organization itself as the context for learning

- learning to occur through practice - daily analysis and evaluation

- on-going feedback


The ideal tool to use when you want to change something in the person’s behavior or attitude (give a “negative” feedback). If you want to reinforce it – use team feedback


!Why should you use this?

The purpose for giving feedback is to improve the situation or performance.

!Minimum standards:

• requires preparation in advance with structuring bullet points you want to proceed with • clear communication of what person does or doesn’t do has effects in the workplace/team • communication without strong emotions behind • frequency (min once a month during the team meeting) • focused on the outcome(what you want to change and when )

One-to-one feedback

Virtual spaces

A navigable visual digital environment.

✓A blog/ Facebook Groups

✓Resource Hub



An online event that is hosted by an organization/company and broadcast to a select group of individuals through their computers

via the Internet. The meeting can be a presentation, discussion, demonstration or instructional session. Participants can view

documents and applications via their computers, while shared audio allows for presentation and discussion.

!Why should you use this?

You can use it for showcasing leadership development experience or delivering specific topic connected with leadership development or

world issues. Webinars can as well be used as OPS/IPS delivery tool in case no off-line possibility.

!Minimum standards:

• including interactive elements - the ability to give, receive and discuss information

• clear objectives and follow up mechanism • generating action


Is a regularly distributed publication that is generally about one main topic of interest to its subscribers.

!Why should you use this?

You can use newsletter as the LEAD tool by reinforcing behavior/attitude you want to build by including personal development information, videos to

inspire certain behavior or attitude, build certain skill. It can be as well source of communication with the EPs before, after and during exchange.

!Minimum standards:

• space for self-reflection • space for action generation


Resource Hub A unique gathering of documents, reports, publications and other materials about related topic or issue. Can be used

for self-education & self-reflection. !

Blog/ facebook groups A type of websites, usually maintained by an individual

with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

!Why should you use this?

Can be used as LEAD tool for the member/EP to showcase personal experience and values, journaling, provoke discussions and engage others with the topic/issue.

Recommended to use for people who want to strengthen self-expression and communication skills.

Resource Hub/ Blog/ Facebook Groups

Good luck with delivering leadership experiences! =)