Go Ahead Tours Eco Tours Direct Mail Launch

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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ECO TOURSexplore • learn • preserve

The serene waters of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala • 3 On the cover: Exploring Australia’s Daintree Rainforest

Go Ahead Eco ToursPositively imPact the Places you visit.

Get a closer look at vibrant communities while supporting conservation

programs and local economies. Our itineraries highlight businesses and

organizations that give back to the local people and support wildlife—

so while you explore breathtaking natural landscapes and engage in

authentic cultural experiences, you’ll also bring awareness and travel

dollars to meaningful initiatives.

your tour includes: Round-trip airfare • Hotels & eco-lodges • Expert Tour Director

Select meals • Private transportation


Eco Tours for every travelerWe offer three types of tour experiences for travelers seeking different

levels of eco-engagement, ranging from opportunities to delve into

conservation efforts and local traditions to getting a small taste of

ecotourism on the itineraries of our traditional cultural tours.

community & conservation p.7

Engage in activities that benefit surrounding

communities and fund wildlife conservation efforts.

Learn handicrafts and cultural traditions directly

from the locals. Travel on our most immersive

adventures, designed to make a positive impact.

safari, nature & Wildlife p.16

Go wild and give back, too. These nature-focused tours and safaris

lead you through picturesque landscapes and get you closer to diverse

wildlife, with the added benefit of knowing your travel dollars are helping

to sustain the conservation areas you visit.

sustainable highlights p.22

Experience a touch of ecotourism. This is a collection of sustainable

components found on the itineraries of our traditional cultural tours,

featuring activities that bring you closer to indigenous cultures and

endangered wildlife.

4 • Visit the homes of Kenya’s wild creatures

6 • An early morning bush walk in Kenya

the go ahead eco tours experience

Our Eco Tours feature destinations and communities that we’ve visited and experienced firsthand, ensuring

that your adventure is as genuine and memorable as it is eco-friendly. We’ll lead you off the beaten path, so you’ll

have more opportunities for authentic cultural immersion and to learn more about everything—responsible travel,

environmental initiatives, people, places, even yourself.

Do good. Sleep wellIt’s a little easier to sleep knowing that your

accomodations fund local schools or support

environmental initiatives. In addition to more

traditional hotels, we’ve handpicked a mix

of lodges and hotels that either help sustain

communities or the environment.

Learn from the bestNature lovers, history buffs, avid adventurers—

call them what you will, Tour Directors know

everything there is to know about the unique

ecologies and cultural traditions of the lands

and communities you’ll visit on tour.

A wildlife camp in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley • 7

A Tour Director lecturing in Costa Rica

8 • The women of Umasbamba show off their traditional handicrafts 9

COmmUniTy & COnSERvaTiOn

Do your part to ensure that the world’s most vibrant communities and environments stay that way.

This group of tours gets you closer to local people and rare wildlife.

No matter where you visit, you’ll know your travel dollars are helping to

preserve the serenity and authenticity of those places. And to make sure

that we leave as small of a footprint as possible, you’ll travel in small,

intimate groups, with as few as seven companions.

Travel like you mean it

Punta Gorda, Belize


days 7-8 Embark on a half-day journey down the Rio

Dulce, a national marine protected area. Cruise toward the

Caribbean, navigating through the jungle and past local

villages. Stop at a community hot spring before arriving

in livingston, a town without road connections. Take in

the local Garifuna culture before boarding a ferry to Punta

Gorda, Belize and checking in to the award-winning Cotton

Tree jungle lodge. The next morning, visit Eladio Pop’s

organic farm, where he’ll show you his land and discuss

his personal conservation efforts. Taste cacao fruit, sugar

cane and other fresh-picked treats. Afterward, Eladio Pop

will invite you for lunch at his home, where his daughter will

demonstrate how to turn cacao beans into chocolate.

hoPkins, Belize


days 9-10 Travel to Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary,

the country’s oldest jaguar sanctuary. A naturalist guide will

lead you through the trails in hopes of spotting the elusive

animals. Then, settle in to your Caribbean hotel in Hopkins,

where you can relax on the beach. The next morning, you’ll

board your flight home.

stay lonGer: add Flores & tikal

Begin your trip with 2 nights in flores, your base for

seeking out Guatemala’s expansive collection of ancient

Mayan ruins in Tikal and Yaxha.

antiGua, Guatemala

1 niGHT—HoTEl VillA ColoniAl

day 1 fly to Guatemala City and settle in to your hotel in

the beautiful colonial city of Antigua.

Santiago atitlan, Guatemala


days 2-3 Brush up on your bargaining skills in

Chichicastenango on a visit to Guatemala’s most famous

highlands market. Twice a week, the market attracts

indigenous farmers, weavers and other merchants from

throughout the region. Continue to Panajachel, gateway to

Lake Atitlan, and embark on a boat ride across the lake to

Santiago Atitlan, where you’ll check in to your eco-friendly

lakeshore lodge. The next day you’ll cruise along the lake

to San Juan la laguna to meet a local guide from Rupalaj

K’istalin, a community guiding association. Your guide

will show you the town and its local artisan cooperatives.

There, local women will teach you how to spin and dye

yarn and weave it into textiles.

Optional Excursion: San Juan la Laguna: Volcano Hike

& Bird Watching

antiGua, Guatemala

2 niGHTS—HoTEl VillA ColoniAl

days 4-5 Return to Antigua and discover the colonial

churches and evocative ruins of this unESCo World

Heritage site. Then, travel to San Miguel Escobar, near

Ciudad Vieja, for a morning on the coffee farm. Meet

a local farmer who participates in As Green As It Gets,

a nonprofit that strives to provide sustainable incomes to

local coffee growers via coffee exportation and tourism.

Tour the nearby coffee growing areas, then visit your

guide’s home for a demonstration of sorting, roasting and

grinding—followed by tasting. Each visitor will receive the

gift of a one-pound bag of local coffee.

rio dulce, Guatemala


day 6 leave early for Rio Dulce, and arrive at your jungle

lodge. Afterward, travel by boat to finca Paraiso, a local

farm with incredible waterfalls and hot springs.

goaheadtours.com/gcc • 1-877-354-815110 • Guatemala’s volcano-ringed Lake Atitlan 11

Guatemala to Belize: local traditions & tropical wildlife10 days • Community & Conservation • Breakfast daily, 5 lunches, 7 dinners • Expert Tour Director

Communities & Conservation Areas You’ll Visit on Tour:

• Rupalaj K’istalin, by Lake Atitlan

• As Green As It Gets

• Rio Dulce National Park

• Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary

• Cotton Tree Lodge, jungle eco-lodge

Above: Sorting coffee beans at a local farm

Below: Preparing chocolate from fresh cacao

Go online or call to customize your tour and view pricing for your departure city and date.

2013 Oct 19, Nov 9, 30

2014 Jan 25, Apr 5, Jun 21, oct 18, nov 8

Passport must be valid for at least six months after date of travel.

12 • A bush walk through the Masai people’s community lands

Communities & Conservation Areas You’ll Visit on Tour:

• Lewa Conservancy

• Il Ngwesi

• Masai Mara National Reserve

• Mara Naboisho Conservancy

• Talek & Ole Sere Health Clinics

• Basecamp Arts Center

• Lion Scouts & Koiyaki Guiding School

Above: Women creating sustainable jewelry

Below: A lion spotted in the Masai Mara


Kenya: sustainaBle communities & wildlife safari11 days • Community & Conservation • Breakfast daily, 8 lunches, 9 dinners • Expert Tour Director



days 8-11 En route to your next destination, you’ll have

the chance to visit the Ole Sere school and health clinic,

also supported by the Basecamp foundation. Then, make

your way to Eagle View, one of the newest camps at the

Mara naboisho Conservancy. upon arrival, listen to a

lecture about the conservancy and initiatives supporting

the local environment and communities. Afterward, meet

with the conservancy’s lion scouts and visit the Koiyaki

Guiding School, where locals are trained to be tourism

guides. End the day with a game drive and wake early

the next morning for a sunrise game walk through the

conservancy. After one final game drive, you’ll bid farewell

to your fellow travelers over dinner at camp. The next

morning, transfer to the local airstrip, watching for wildlife

on the way, and fly back to Nairobi, where you’ll connect to

your flight home.

stay lonGer: add zanziBar

& chumBe island

End your trip with 1 night on the island of Zanzibar and

2 nights on Chumbe island where you’ll stay at an award-

winning eco-lodge, visit a local school and explore the

forest trails along the coast.


1 niGHT—olE SEREni

days 1-2 upon arrival in the capital city of Kenya, you’ll

be escorted to your hotel and enjoy dinner.

il nGwesi

2 niGHTS—il nGWESi loDGE

days 3-4 following a flight north, you’ll be greeted by

safari vehicles for a game drive in lewa Conservancy, one

of the earliest examples of community-led conservation

in Kenya. Be on the lookout for lions, leopards, cheetahs,

elephants, impala and buffalo. The next morning, wake up

for an early morning bush walk in Il Ngwesi’s conservation

lands. In the afternoon, you can head to a rhino sanctuary,

where you might catch a glimpse of the elusive black rhino.

Later, visit a nearby community to learn about local history,

culture and traditions before enjoying dinner in the village

and setting out on an evening game drive.

Optional Excursion: Il Ngwesi Camel Safari Ride

masai mara


days 5-7 fly south to Masai Mara, where representatives

from Basecamp Explorer will meet you for a short game

drive on your way back to camp. After an eco-orientation,

embark on a game drive in the Masai Mara National

Reserve, considered one of Africa’s best-managed game

parks. Watch for the “Big five” of African safaris—leopards,

rhinos, buffalo, lions and elephants—and admire the vast,

stunning scenery of rolling hills, waving savanna grasses

and acacia trees. Wake before dawn for an early morning

game drive to see wildlife at its most active, followed by

a morning lecture about the Basecamp foundation and

its tourism-supported initiatives in the local communities.

You’ll then tour the foundation-supported school and

community health clinic in the Talek area before taking the

opportunity to meet some of the women who work at the

Bascamp arts center and browse their sustainable beaded

jewelry. The next day is free for game drives in Masai Mara

or to help plant trees in the Basecamp reforestation area.

Optional Excursions: Masai Mara Sunrise Balloon Ride, Basecamp

Foundation Tree Planting

goaheadtours.com/kcc • 1-877-354-8151

Go online or call to customize your tour and view pricing for your departure city and date.

2013 Aug 8†, Sep 5, oct 3, Dec 6

2014 Jan 30, Apr 10, Jul 24†, Sep 18, nov 13

† Dates fall during wildebeest migration. A visa is required to travel on this tour.

12 • Capturing daily life in a Masai village



days 9-11 following a flight to Cairns, ride along the

famously scenic Captain Cook Highway, taking in the

rainforest to your left and sparkling Coral Sea to your right.

Your destination is Silky oaks, a boutique eco-lodge set

in the heart of the Daintree Rainforest, which has been

named a unESCo World Heritage site for its incredible

biodiversity. from here, travel to Australia’s northeast coast

for a close encounter with the only living organism visible

from outer space—the Great Barrier Reef. Board an

eco-cruise bound for Agincourt Reef, where a marine

biologist will teach you about the ecosystems contained

within the reef before letting you grab your snorkel for a

closer view of the marine life below. The next day, follow

the indigenous Kuku Yalanji people as they lead you on a

tour of their home in Mossman Gorge, one of the oldest

continuously surviving rainforests on earth.



days 12-14 After flying to Sydney from Cairns, you’ll have

free time to explore on your own or join an excursion to the

Blue Mountains national Park, a unESCo World Heritage

site. The following day, you’ll board your flight home.

Optional Excursion: The Blue Mountains & Katoomba

stay lonGer: add a sydney city stay

finish out your trip with 2 extra nights to spend in Sydney

as you like.



days 1-5 Arrive in Melbourne on day three. After taking

some time to settle in, you’ll have the chance to mingle

with some of Australia’s most notable residents—koalas

and kangaroos. Join a researcher on a walk through the

country’s natural bushland, open plains and teeming

forests to interact with the creatures up close. The next

day, you’ll be free to explore Melbourne, perhaps hopping

on one of its iconic trams or walking through its lively,

art-lined laneways and arcades.

Optional Excursions: Melbourne’s Lanes & Arcades Walking Tour,

Colonial Tramcar Lunch & Ride

Freycinet, tasmania


days 6-7 After landing in Tasmania, make your way to

the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. As a haven for injured

and orphaned wildlife, Bonorong has been helping to

rehabilitate animals in need since 1981. During a guided

tour, you’ll have the opportunity to care for and hand-feed

the sanctuary’s resident animals, gaining an up-close and

personal experience with creatures like golden possums,

sugar gliders and even the Tasmanian Devil. following

your tour, head to freycinet national Park and take in your

surroundings from your waterfront lodge. Spend the next

day continuing to explore Tasmania’s east coast on a

guided tour of the park.

hoBart, tasmania

1 niGHT—SAlAMAnCA inn C

day 8 Part ways with freycinet and board an eco-cruise

to Tasman island, part of Tasman national Park. The island

is comprised of the tallest seaside cliffs in the Southern

Hemisphere, rising a daunting 300 meters into the air.

Tasman is also home to one of the world’s largest colonies

of fairy Prions, making it an important Bird Area (iBA).

Afterward, experience the colonial charms of Hobart,

Australia’s second-oldest city and Tasmania’s capital.

goaheadtours.com/acc • 1-877-354-815114 • Strolling along the tranquil bays of Freycinet National Park, Tasmania 15

australia: wild tasmania & the rainforest14 days • Community & Conservation • Breakfast daily, 6 lunches, 7 dinners • Expert Tour Director

Communities & Conservation Areas You’ll Visit on Tour:

• Koalas & Kangaroos in the Wild

• Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary

• Freycinet National Park

• Tasman National Park

• Daintree Rainforest & Mossman Gorge

• The Great Barrier Reef

Above: Interacting with koalas in the wild

Below: Marine life in the Great Barrier Reef

Go online or call to customize your tour and view pricing for your departure city and date.

2013 Aug 22, Sep 5, oct 17

2014 May 15, Jul 17, Sep 4, oct 2

Passport must be valid for at least six months after date of travel.


1 niGHT—ECo inn C

day 7 following your return to Cuzco, spend a free day

uncovering this unESCo World Heritage site, or join our

optional excursion and board the Vistadome Train for a

scenic ride to Aguas Calientes. from here, you’ll travel to

Machu Picchu to explore the lost City of the incas.

Optional Excursion: Machu Picchu


1 niGHT—CASA AnDinA PRiVATE CollECTion Puno

day 8 Ride through stunning Andean landscapes,

stopping to investigate the Incan ruins at Raqchi before

arriving in Puno, a small port town on the shores of

lake Titicaca.

lake titicaca


days 9-12 Boat around lake Titicaca, anchoring to visit

local communities on uros and Taquile islands. later,

arrive at the peaceful and secluded Suasi Island, where

you’ll be free to wander the trails on your own or join

a guided walk to discover local flora and fauna. End your

adventure stargazing beside the bonfire before flying

home the next day.


2 niGHTS—JoSE AnTonio C

days 1-2 After arriving in Peru and settling in to lima, get

to know the city’s historic center. let your Tour Director

lead the the way as you wind past colonial mansions and

Moorish balconies overlooking Lima’s atmospheric old

streets. Stop to admire the 16th-century Santo Domingo

Convent, boasting an ancient crypt full of relics.

Puerto maldonado


days 3-4 Catch a flight to Puerto Maldonado, then travel

by canoe along the Madre de Dios River, an Amazonian

tributary, to arrive at your jungle lodge. Afterward,

maneuver across the hanging bridges of the Inkaterra

Canopy Walkway to see what goes on in the jungle

treetops. You’ll also learn how the walkway supports the

research of the inkaterra Asociación (iTA), an organization

responsible for many of the area’s conservation projects.

During a visit to Tambopata national Reserve, discover

why the region is called Peru’s biodiversity capital as you

navigate across Lake Sandoval, home to the endangered

giant river otter, blue-and-yellow macaw, red howler

monkeys, black caiman and one of the world’s largest

freshwater fish, the paiche.

sacred valley reGion

2 niGHTS—Sol & lunA

days 5-6 Observe butterflies in their natural habitat

before flying on to Cuzco, a colonial city built on the

foundation of incan palaces. from there, travel to

urubamba in the Sacred Valley of the incas. While in the

Sacred Valley, you’ll stay at Sol & luna, a boutique hotel

where 100 percent of profits support the eponymous

foundation and school. The next day, you’ll have a chance

to visit the Sol y Luna school. Afterward, meet with

umasbamba villagers, who will teach you their traditional

agricultural and weaving techniques.

goaheadtours.com/pcc • 1-877-354-8151

peru: the amazon & culture of laKe titicaca12 days • Community & Conservation • Breakfast daily, 8 lunches, 7 dinners • Expert Tour Director

16 • The Uros people who inhabit the floating islands of Lake Titicaca

Communities & Conservation Areas You’ll Visit on Tour:

• Inkaterra Asociación (ITA)

• Tambopata National Reserve

• Asociación Sol & Luna

• Umasbamba Village

• Suasi Island

Above: Crossing the Inkaterra Canopy Walkway in the Amazon jungle

Below: A local weaving demonstration in Umasbamba

Go online or call to customize your tour and view pricing for your departure city and date.

2013 Aug 25, Sep 27, nov 1

2014feb 22, Apr 12, May 3, Jun 7, Jul 26, Sep 6

oct 4, nov 15

international flight times are subject to change and may affect the number and location of hotel overnights.


Feel the incredible rush of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe

18 • A herd of elephants in Amboseli National Park, Kenya

Botswana & zimBaBwe: untouched africa12 days • Safari, Nature & Wildlife • Breakfast daily, 6 lunches, 7 dinners • Expert Tour Director

SafaRi, naTURE & WildlifE

Support endangered wildlife and irreplaceable environments through nature-focused tourism.

Travel to nature reserves and animal sanctuaries, where you’ll get

the unforgettable chance to interact with the local fauna and

support preservation efforts.

For the wild at heart



days 7-8 Chobe national Park is best known for its

elephants: huge herds of them drink and bathe along the

winding Chobe River. As the sun sets, take in this surreal

sight while cruising down river. The next day, hop on

another game drive for a chance to spy hippos, hyenas and

baboons. And on an afternoon cruise, look out for

Nile crocodiles sunning themselves on the banks.

okavanGo delta


days 9-12 Arriving at the Delta, float down its channels

in a native mokoro (a traditional canoe). from the waters,

keep an eye out for giraffe, lion, leopard, jackal, impala

and red lechwe. Next, on a guided bush walk, trek through

the area’s rugged landscape alongside its grazing wildlife.

finally, commemorate your trip at a farewell dinner, and

embark on a morning boating excursion before flying

home from Maun.

victoria Falls


days 1-4 Zimbabwe’s natural wonders beckon after your

overnight flight. in Victoria falls, explore a mile-wide waterfall

so powerful that locals call it “The Smoke That Thunders,”

and embark on a guided tour of local flora and fauna,

including elephants, zebras and even leopards. Then, see

compassion in action at Rose of Charity, an organization

that works to alleviate poverty and improve education.

Optional Excursion: Sundowner Cruise


2 niGHTS—iVoRY loDGE C

days 5-6 Everywhere you look in Hwange national Park,

there’s wildlife to be discovered. On your game drives

through its teak forest and open grassy plains, pay close

attention to your surroundings for a chance to see the

area’s elusive mammal and bird species. You’ll spot more

than a few buffalo, lion and plains game like kudu, eland

and waterbuck.

goaheadtours.com/bzb • 1-877-354-8151

stay lonGer: add caPe town

End your trip with 3 nights in South Africa, diving into the

culture and colorful markets of Cape Town before heading

to the Cape of Good Hope.


Go online or call to customize your tour and view pricing for your departure city and date.

2013 May 16, Jun 13, Jul 11, oct 17, nov 7

2014 Jan 16, Apr 17, May 15, Jun 19, Jul 10, oct 2, nov 6

A visa is required to travel on this tour.

Watch for Sally Lightfoot Crabs on the shores of the GalápagosLook out on the lush greenery of Monteverde

the GalápaGos islands & ecuador10 days • Nature & Wildlife, Land & Cruise • Breakfast daily, 4 lunches, 5 dinners • Expert Tour Director

costa rica: arenal, monteverde & Guanacaste9 days • Nature & Wildlife • Breakfast daily, 8 dinners • Expert Tour Director

are unlike any others, boasting some of the world’s most

diverse flora and fauna. Naturalist guides will highlight

the islands’ vast array of species, including iguanas,

cormorants, turtles, flamingos, sea lions, penguins and so

much more. The menagerie unfolds before you in stunning

color as you float from the olive-green beaches of Ballena

Bay to the lava flows and mangrove swamps of Punta

Morena. Snorkel with sea turtles, visit with giant tortoises

on the slopes of a volcano and enjoy an excursion to

learn about the geological history of the Galápagos. The

Bolívar Channel is a particular point of interest: whales and

dolphins are known to swim through this narrow passage,

and if you wish, you can grab a snorkel and some flippers

and join them.



days 8-10 After exploring the islands to the fullest, make

your way back to quito, where you’ll prepare for your



days 1-3 fly to Ecuador and spend your first evening

as you like. The next day, discover the cobblestone

streets and Baroque churches of colonial quito, the

sky-high capital of Ecuador. With the imposing sight of

Pichincha Volcano as a backdrop, your Tour Director

will introduce you to many of quito’s charms, from the

spectacular facade of la Compañía to the massive San

francisco Monastery, Ecuador’s oldest church. following

an excursion to two dueling monuments (each of which

lays claim to the equator), you’ll have free time to wander

through the old colonial center of quito and seek out the

city’s hidden gems at your own pace.

Optional Excursion: Otavalo

GaláPaGos islands cruise


days 4-7 from Baltra to isabela, Darwin’s famous islands

goaheadtours.com/ecu • 1-877-354-8151

journey home. Depending on schedules, your flight may

depart at night or the following morning.

Optional Excursion: Antisana Volcano

stay lonGer: add Peru & machu Picchu

End your trip with 5 nights in Cuzco spent exploring Machu

Picchu and the Sacred Valley of the incas before finishing

your stay with 1 night in Lima.

toucans, monkeys and more. Consider joining our

optional sky walk to stroll through the rainforest’s canopy

on a series of suspended bridges. You’ll gain further

appreciation for the delicate balance of life in the cloud

forests on a full-day guided tour; then enjoy a stop

at Rancho Heliconia to learn about the region’s focus

on ecological responsibility.

Optional Excursion: Sky Walk

Guanacaste reGion


days 6-9 Devote some time to basking on the sugary-

sand beaches before your float down the placid Corobicí

River and full-day excursion to the highlands of Rincón de

la Vieja national Park, known for its geysers and sulfuric

lakes. You’ll also enjoy plenty of free time in Guanacaste—

so kick back, relax, slather on some extra sunscreen and

watch the world go by. After a final night in Guanacaste,

you’ll fly home the next morning.

Optional Excursion: Sailing & Snorkeling

san josé


day 1 Board a flight to San José, where you’ll spend

the night.

arenal reGion


days 2-3 Passing pineapple farms and the famed

Iguana Bridge, make your way to the Arenal region and

its eponymous volcano. Hike at the base of this mile-high,

continuously smoking peak, and open your ears to hear

the harmonies of the Costa Rican forest. You’ll also relax

in one of the nearby geothermal hot springs, a soothing

experience in the midst of a remarkable landscape.

Optional Excursion: Ziplining Tour


2 niGHTS—El ESTABlo MounTAin HoTEl C

days 4-5 On your way to Monteverde, traverse Lake

Arenal and the lush surrounding rainforest teeming with

goaheadtours.com/crp • 1-877-354-8151

stay lonGer: add tortuGuero national

Park & san josé

Begin your trip with 1 night in San José and 2 nights

in Tortuguero national Park spent exploring Caribbean

villages and rainforest wilds on guided tours.

20 21

Go online or call to customize your tour and view pricing for your departure city and date.

2013Mar 11, Apr 8, May 6, 20, Jun 3, 17, Jul 1, 15, oct 21

nov 18, Dec 2

2014* feb 24, Mar 10, 24, May 5, 19, Jun 2, 16, Jul 14, 28

Aug 11, Sep 8, oct 6, nov 3

*2014 itinerary varies. international flight times are subject to change and may affect the number and location of hotel overnights.

Go online or call to customize your tour and view pricing for your departure city and date.

2013 Mar 16, Apr 6, Jun 22, Jul 6, Sep 14, nov 2, Dec 7

2014 Jan 25, feb 22, Apr 26, Jun 28, Jul 12, nov 1, Dec 6

Ngorongoro Crater, known as “Africa’s Garden of Eden”Keep watch for prides of lions in Amboseli National Park

Kenya wildlife safari13 days • Safari, Nature & Wildlife • Breakfast daily, 9 lunches, 9 dinners • Expert Tour Director

masai mara


days 7-8 Travel to the land of the Masai warriors,

where large prides of lions roam the fertile plains.

on two days of game drives, you just might see them

on the prowl, hunting the enormous herds of zebras,

wildebeests and gazelle that pass through the park

during their seasonal migrations.


1 niGHT—inTERConTinEnTAl nAiRoBi C

day 9 Pop back into nairobi to enjoy a night in a first-

class hotel and an exotic meal at Carnivore, one of the

city’s famous restaurants.



days 10-13 Seek out Amboseli’s elephants in the shadow

of Mount Kilimanjaro. on three included game drives, you’ll

search for this national park’s elephant herds along with


2 niGHTS—inTERConTinEnTAl nAiRoBi C

days 1-3 Travel on an overnight flight to nairobi, where

you’ll go inside the estate that inspired Karen Blixen to write

Out of Africa, and say hello to the long-necked residents

of Giraffe Manor.

mount kenya national Park


day 4 The wildlife comes to you at your hotel on the

slopes of Mount Kenya. You’ll relax and watch from the

safety of a secret viewing bunker as animals from near

and far bathe and drink at your lodge’s watering hole.

Great riFt valley

2 niGHTS—KiGio WilDlifE CAMP

days 5-6 Witness the teeming mass of flamingos at Lake

Nakuru. At their largest, these flocks contain upwards of

two million birds. You might also spot a playful monkey or

two cavorting near Nakuru’s shores.

goaheadtours.com/kes • 1-877-354-8151

its elegant cheetahs, clever hyenas and graceful impalas

before returning to Nairobi, where you’ll board your

overnight flight home.

stay lonGer: add tanzania

End your trip with 4 nights in Tanzania spent among

the rich wildlife of Tarangire national Park, the Serengeti

and ngorongoro Crater.


serenGeti national Park


days 6-8 Set off for a game drive amongst the Serengeti’s

sweeping grasslands and open woodlands. Pass the

striking Moru Kopjes (Rocky Cliffs) and spy the Big five:

lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino. Then, traverse

the Seronera Valley and More Kopjes—stunning granite

formations rising out of the plains.


2 niGHTS—nGoRonGoRo SoPA loDGE

days 9-12 En route to the ngorongoro, stop at the

Olduvai Gorge, where Homo habilis (the handy man)

was first discovered. Then, descend 1,000 feet into the

ngorongoro Crater—covering 100 square miles and home

to 25,000 species, it’s been called “Africa’s Garden of

Eden.” After exploring the landscape, return to Kilimanjaro

Airport for your overnight flight home.



days 1-2 Jambo! After your overnight flight, travel on

to Arusha, where you’ll get a taste for Tanzania at your

welcome dinner.

taranGire national Park


days 3-4 Descend into diverse lands, where predators

and prey fill baobab-dotted plains, and get to know the

indigenous Masai people who call this wild wonderland

their home.

manyara reGion


day 5 Explore an authentic Masai Boma village and

discover Lake Manyara’s starkly different landscape. Look

for the lake’s many flamingos gathered around the water

in a stunning swath of pink. Later, on your game drive,

keep an eye out for the elusive tree-climbing lions.

goaheadtours.com/tws • 1-877-354-8151

tanzania wildlife safari12 days • Safari, Nature & Wildlife • Breakfast daily, 8 lunches, 10 dinners • Expert Tour Director

stay lonGer: add zanziBar

End your trip in Zanzibar, spending 1 night in Stone Town

and 2 nights on the country’s beautiful eastern coast,

where you’ll retrace the history of the spice trade on a tour

of a local plantation.


Go online or call to customize your tour and view pricing for your departure city and date.

2013 Apr 22, Jun 24, Jul 15, Aug 5, Sep 16, oct 7, nov 4

2014feb 17, Mar 24, Apr 21, Jun 16, Jul 14, Aug 4

Sep 22, oct 6

A visa is required to travel on this tour.

Go online or call to customize your tour and view pricing for your departure city and date.

2013May 3, Jun 14†, 28†, Jul 5†, 19†, Aug 9†, 16, Sep 6, 27

oct 11, 25, nov 1, Dec 6, 20

2014Jan 10, 24, feb 7, Mar 14, Apr 11, May 9, Jun 6, 27†

Jul 4†, 18†, 25†, Aug 1†, 22, Sep 12, 19, 26, oct 3, 10

nov 7, 28, Dec 22

† Dates fall during wildebeest migration. A visa is required to travel to Kenya and Tanzania on the tour extension.

24 • Driving through the wilds of South Africa

thailand: the golden Kingdom

12 days • goaheadtours.com/taiChiang Dao Elephant Camp: Interact with Thailand’s gentle giants

south africa: a Journey of discovery

17 days • goaheadtours.com/safLake St. Lucia Eco-Cruise: Count hippos and crocs within the lake’s estuaries

neW Zealand: untamed landscaPes

15 days • goaheadtours.com/nzlMaori Cultural Tour: Watch Maori artisans at work and uncover local customs

on an optional excursion

australia: the great barrier reef to sydney

15 days • goaheadtours.com/atrKuranda Village & Rainforest: Visit local markets and soar on the rainforest

skyrail on an optional excursionSUSTainablE HigHligHTS

Discover our selection of cultural and nature-focused tours featuring one or more sustainable components.

Just a touch

making an impaCTGet to know some of the people and organizations you’ll meet on tour that are setting

the foundation for responsible travel in their local villages and environments.

Learn about more communities and conservation areas featured

on our tours at goaheadtours.com/eco

Communities & conservation areas

Basecamp FoundationWorking with host communities

in Kenya, Basecamp strives to

improve healthcare access, support

community conservation, mitigate

the impact of climate change and aid

education through its initiatives, which

include safari camps, a guiding school

and an arts and crafts center.

featured on: Kenya: Sustainable

Communities & Wildlife Safari, p.10

Mara Naboisho ConservancyMeaning “coming together” in the

Masai’s Maa language, Naboisho

consists of 50,000 acres of land leased

by 500 local landowners to five safari

camps, making it the second-largest

conservancy in the region.

featured on: Kenya: Sustainable

Communities & Wildlife Safari, p.10

Meeting locals in a Masai village in Kenya

Bonorong Wildlife SanctuaryAboriginal for “native companion,”

Bonorong’s mission is to nurture

injured and orphaned creatures.

located in Tasmania, the sanctuary

allows visitors to hand-feed animals in

need, including kangaroos, wallabies

and the endangered Tasmanian Devil.

featured on: Australia: Wild Tasmania

& the Rainforest, p.12

Asociación Sol & LunaThis spa and hotel raises money to

support the Sacred Valley community,

with 100 percent of profits being

redirected into schools and other

programs. The most visible example

is the Colegio intercultural, a private

school that welcomes children from all

walks of life.

featured on: Peru: The Amazon

& Culture of Lake Titicaca, p.14

Lewa ConservancyLewa is home to 10 percent of Kenya’s

black rhino population and 14 percent

of its white rhino population, not to

mention the world’s largest population

of Grevy’s zebras. The conservancy

also engages in community healthcare,

water management, micro-lending and

other social programs.

featured on: Kenya: Sustainable

Communities & Wildlife Safari, p.10

Inkaterra AsociaciónInkaterra and the Inkaterra Asociación

(iTA) have been supporting local

conservation efforts in Peru since 1975.

Together, inkaterra and the iTA fund

scientific research and ecosystem

studies, protect more than 42 acres of

rainforest and run sustainable lodges in

the heart of the Amazon.

featured on: Peru: The Amazon

& Culture of Lake Titicaca, p.14

Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuaryin 1986, Cockscomb became the

world’s first jaguar sanctuary. The

sanctuary has since expanded from

3,600 to 28,000 acres, and is a refuge

for hundreds of species of plants and

animals, each playing a reciprocal role

within the ecosystem of the rainforest.

featured on: Guatemala to Belize:

Local Traditions & Tropical Wildlife, p.8

As Green As It GetsAs Green As It Gets supports a

collective of small, independent coffee

growers, helping them to secure

financing, implement environmentally

friendly practices, pursue new markets

for their coffee beans and add to their

incomes through tourism.

featured on: Guatemala to Belize:

Local Traditions & Tropical Wildlife, p.8

The Great Barrier Reefoff the coast of queensland lies

the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s

largest reef system and largest single

structure made by living organisms.

The Reef is even more impressive by

the numbers—it’s composed of 2,900

individual reefs, 400 species of coral

and 900 individual islands.

featured on: Australia: Wild Tasmania

& the Rainforest, p.12

Il NgwesiThe Masai community had the vision of

using their natural resources to improve

the livelihood of their people and

conserve the area’s wildlife and culture.

With this in mind, they set aside 80

percent of their land for conservation

and also constructed an eco-friendly

safari lodge to bring in travel dollars.

featured on: Kenya: Sustainable

Communities & Wildlife Safari, p.10

Daintree Rainforest & Mossman GorgeAustralia’s largest tropical rainforest,

Daintree is home to the Aborginal Kuku

Yalanji tribe—the land’s indigenous

inhabitants. Known as “Rainforest

People,” many live in Mossman Gorge,

the oldest surviving rainforest at over

135 million years old.

featured on: Australia: Wild Tasmania

& the Rainforest, p.12

Private tours for grouPs as small as 8

Call for details1-877-204-9060

go ahead group travel

Travel free, earn cash and more when you bring your friends, family or community group.

With Go Ahead Group Travel, the 7th traveler goes free. That

means that when you recruit a group of just 6 travelers, you’ll start

earning free travel, plus group discounts, cash bonuses and more.

Interested in fundraising for your organization?

Ask a Tour Consultant for details.

Go to goaheadtours.com/groups or call 1-877-204-9060

to request more information

explore your worlddiscover 100+ tours at goaheadtours.com

To view Go Ahead’s complete Terms and Conditions, visit www.goaheadtours.com/terms. The tour operator for your trip is EF Cultural Travel Ltd. CST 2060043-20.

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goaheadtours.com • 1-877-354-8151