Going beyond traditional email marketing

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Breakout H: Going beyond

traditional email marketing

Fiona Robson

Managing Director, Rocketseed

Member of DMA Email Marketing Council

Rocketseed – who we are

Rocketseed is a global email media & marketing company

email is evolving

the evolution of email

blast segment lifecycle personal trigger

which sectors do email well?

DMA Email Tracking Report 2012

What % email is interesting or relevant?

factors impeding improvement

DMA National Client Email Report 2013

relevance is key

Right Content

Right Channel Right Time

a) Tuesday at 11am

b) Wednesday at 2pm

c) Sunday at 1pm

d) Friday at 10am

when is the right time to send

an email?

Workshop session

• cart abandonment email

• email with social

• email media via employee email

cart abandonment emails

Trigger based on user

online activity

• Recover revenues by

sending targeted emails

at the optimum time

cart abandonment emails

• 70% abandonment rate in the charity sector

• 17% are re-marketable by email

Data provided courtesy of

“generic” – customer-service type email

Opportunity to include products

Example provided by

charity sector success rates

• 98% Deliverability

• 38% opened

• 20% Click-through rate

• 15% conversion (re-donate)

• 0.15% unsubscribe

• 21% uplift seen from people who didn’t click – emails also stimulate other behaviour

Data provided courtesy of

cart abandonment emails - tips

• Optimise your check-out funnel:- request data early in the process

• Timing – understand natural return rate

• Choose the right tone for your brand

• Personalise and use specific information related to their behaviour

• Balance content

• Consider option for additional email to those who don’t open (max 3 total)

think more widely about email

who shares email via social?

DMA National Client Email Report 2013

social posting for right time email?

New technology makes email a multi-channel engagement tool

social posting: right time email

New technology makes email a multi-channel engagement tool

use social to increase email impact anticipation makes it right time

Let reactions of subscribers to social content help plan what you put in your email campaigns

drive sign up through social

add live social content in email


Imagine if every email sent from all your clients arrived at their recipient’s inbox as a branded marketing

message much like this one above. Whether it’s new products or services, sales material, customer

support latest news or events, research, PR, season’s greetings or straight corporate or brand identity you

can get ANY message across, drive traffic to your website as well as measure and track the click-through

and response ratios.

Live rss feeds can show live progress towards targeted fundraising total.

Email and social

• Go beyond “share with a friend”

• Social posting: post and share newsletters

• Boost audience for your email & drive


• Leverage real-time content in email –

dynamic rss feeds, publish blogs, tweets

email with social - tips

technology turns email into email media

the power of one-to-one email

• personal emails – 99% open rate

• drive web traffic – up to 21% CTR

• engage when the customer wants to talk to you

• every email is a brand & revenue opportunity

• trusted emails from people you know



Take control of your owned media to drive traffic & boost donations


Imagine if every email sent from all your clients arrived at their recipient’s inbox as a branded marketing

message much like this one above. Whether it’s new products or services, sales material, customer

support latest news or events, research, PR, season’s greetings or straight corporate or brand identity you

can get ANY message across, drive traffic to your website as well as measure and track the click-through

and response ratios.

how can you use email media?

multiple links can boost engagement

42.7% traffic went to the donation page

57.3% traffic to the website

How many right time opportunities?

# Employees Potential # Missed Brand Impressions per Year


10 120,000

50 600,000

100 1,200,000

200 2,400,000

1,000 12,000,000

British Red Cross: the challenges

• Diverse range of marketing objectives

• Limited budget and resources

• Wide range of stakeholders / audience to


• Need to react quickly to events and


spotlight on the British Red Cross

every email relevant for audience

Events team

Education team

Targeted, segmented, relevant marketing

Marketing team

Fundraising team









Email volumes and clicks by month





Unique recipients Clicks

Optimising results from employee email

Red Cross Week 1

1.73 per cent…

Best Practice – optimise for results

Red Cross Week 2

3.35 per cent…

improved call to action

Red Cross Week 3

6.7 per cent

leverage engaging content

facilitate access to relevant content

80 x better CTR than

corresponding cpc


4 x more traffic to specific website pages than their dedicated e-newsletter.

More effective than other marketing?

20 x more likely to engage in donation process

But did it deliver?

right time: mobile and apps

integrate email with other channels

Think creatively

Leverage business partnerships

• Take advantage

of all

opportunities for

list growth

• Make sure your

campaigns are

really having an


Email media: valuable data

email media: employee email tips

• Understand the brand image you want

• Start with the key priorities for your charity

• Identify key messaging for your departments

• Start simply

• Change messaging regularly

• Keep campaigns fresh

• Test and optimise

• Mix service links and donation requests


38% 37%

19% 16% 15% 13% 12% 11% 11% 10%

7% 5% 4% 4% 3% 2%









The ROI of email in the marketing mix

Thank you



twitter @fkrobson @rocketseed

Tel +44 (0) 207 706 9520