Google docs slides- forms

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Google Docs/ Slides/ FormsJulie H. West


Google Docs

Google Slides

Google FormsGoogle Docs

Google Slides

Google Forms

Click this icon on any slide to return to this page.

Google Docs - CreatingTo create a Google

Doc, open the Google Drive, go to “New” (left hand side), and then click “Google Docs”.

Google Docs - EditingClick “untitled

document” to rename the document. Begin typing just as you would in a Word document. Many of the editing features in Google Docs is the same.

Remember that everything is saved

automatically in Drive.

Google Docs - ResearchingThe “Research” tool

found under “Tools” will open a pane on the far right of your document and allow you to search, insert, and cite information found on the Web.

Google Docs - Revision History

You can see the history of the document by clicking under the “File” tab on “Revision History.” This is useful when you have shared a document. You can see what each person has contributed.

Google Docs - Sharing

To share your document, you click on the blue button in the top right corner labeled “Share.” Once you click the button you decide how you want to share it. You can send it by a link or embedded as well.

Google Slides

Google Slides is very similar to Microsoft PowerPoint. It has many of the same features as Google Docs. Users have the ability to revise, edit, see revision history and share with


Google Slides - Creating

To create a new presentation, click on the “New” button and then click “Google Slides.” Make sure that you name your presentation.

Google Slides - Importing

You can also import slides from other presentations into your Google Slide. Click on “import slide” under the “File” tab.

Google Slides - ImportingOnce you have clicked on “import slide”, the

presentations you have saved will display. Select the presentation you want to import slides from

and then click the slides to import.

Google Slides - Duplicating

One other neat feature of the Google Slides is that you can duplicate the slides and then change the information for each page as I have done on this presentation. You just click “Duplicate” under the “Slide” tab at the top.

Google Forms

Google Forms is very useful for creating surveys and quizzes. Users

have the ability to revise and edit, but many of the other features differ greatly. This is a great tool for

gathering data.

Google Forms - Creating

To create a new form, click on the

“New” tab and then click “Google

Forms.” Sometimes you may have to click under the

“more” tab to see it.

Google Forms - Naming

Be sure to name the form after creating it. If you want your form to be public, you need to deselect the requirement for Jefferson County

BOE login.

Google Forms - Questions

To add items to the Form, simply

type in your question. You

may add a help text underneath. Choose what type

of answer you would like from the drop-down


Always make the first question “Name”.

Google Forms - Adding Items

To continue adding items to the Form, click “Add Items.” To make sure that each question is answered, you can make it a

required question.

Google Forms - Theme

You can change the theme of the Form by clicking on “Change

Theme” at the top. A list will appear on the right and you can click

on one that you choose. You can also upload one of your choice.

At any time, you can click on “View Live Form” to see what the Form will look like.

Google Forms - Responses

You can view the responses at any time by clicking

on “View Responses.”

At any time, you can click on “View Live Form” to see what the Form will look like.

Google Forms - Responses

When you click “View

Responses”, you will be taken to a Google Sheet. Here you can

analyze the data that is gathered from the Form.

Google Forms - Data

In Google Sheets, click on “Form” and then “Show Summary of

Responses.” You will get data such as this.

Google Forms - Quizzes

If you want to use a Google Form as a quiz, go to “Add-Ons”in Google Sheets and click “Get Add-Ons.”

Google Forms - Grading

Google Forms - Grading (2)

Google Forms - Grading (3)

Once you finish, you will have a graded assignment.

Questions / Post-SurveyIf you have any additional questions regarding Google Docs/ Slides/ Forms, please feel free to email me @ Thank you for you time.You may access the Post-Survey Here. You