… · Chartered...

Post on 06-Aug-2020

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Headmaster of Brentwood School

Mr Michael BondBA

Attends all meetings of the Full Governing Body

Bursar & Clerk to the Governors

Mr Jeremy BlundenCBE LVO BSc (Hons)

Attends all meetings of the Full Governing Body

Chairman of Governors

Sir Michael SnyderDSc Hon FGS FCA FRSA (OB)

Chartered Accountant; Interim Chairman of Metro Bank PLC;

Partner in Bramdean Consultants LLP; Director of the Crossrail

Art Foundation; Chairman of St Peters Developments Ltd; Elected member of the Court of Common

Council and Governor of the City of London School for Girls

Brentwood School was founded in 1557 and is an unincorporated registered charity. The School

Governors, as trustees of the Charity, are legally responsible for the overall management and control

of the Senior School and the Preparatory School.


Mr Paul BeresfordFNAEA MARLA

Chairman of Beresfords Group Ltd; Director of Biminster Homes Ltd;

Guardian of Brentwood Foyer

Mr Bob McLintockMSc DMS Dip Ed

Former Chief Executive of Brentwood Borough Council;

Vice Chairman of Active Essex; Trustee of Active Essex Foundation

and Essex Cricket Foundation

Vice Chairman of Governors

Cllr James TumbridgeCC MCIArb LLB (Hons)

Barrister and Partner of Venner Shipley; Common Councilman of the City of London; Mediator inter

alia with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)


Mr Michael BoltonMBE BA (Hons)

Retired Undermaster at Sevenoaks School;

Formerly acting Headmaster at St Lawrence College, Ramsgate


Headmaster of Brentwood Preparatory School

Mr Jason WhiskerdBA PGCE

Attends all meetings of the Full Governing Body

Lord Black of BrentwoodMA Hon FCIPR FRSA (OB)

Deputy Chairman, Telegraph Media Group Ltd; Chairman, Royal

College of Music; Chairman, Commonwealth

Press Union Trust


Mrs Jasmin Bryan LLB CTA

Chartered Tax Adviser; Head of Tax, L&Q


Professor Christopher Tout MA PhD (OB)

Professor of Stellar Evolution and John Couch Adams Astronomer,

University of Cambridge



Ms Rosemary MartinMEd NPQH

Retired Headmistress of St Albans High School for Girls; Former

Deputy Warden and Head of Forest Girls’ School; AGBIS Board Member


The Venerable David Lowman BD (Hons) AKC

Retired Archdeacon of Chelmsford;Treasurer (Vice Chair) Clergy

Support Trust; Master’s Chaplain, Musicians Company


Mr John Griffith-JonesMA ACA TD

Chartered Accountant, a Deputy Lieutenant in Essex; Formerly

Chairman of the Financial Conduct Authority and,

previously, of KPMG in the UK


Mrs Jenny JonesBA (Hons) ARCM

Independent Schools Inspector; Retired Head of Ipswich Prep

School; Independent Consultant supporting IAPS Heads


Mrs Amanda Hardy QCLLB (Hons), LLM (Tax), AKC

Barrister, 5 Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn; Vice Chair of the

Chancery Bar Association;Liveryman of the Worshipful

Company of Tax Advisors


Lord Flight of WorcesterMA MBA (OB)

Working Conservative Peer; Former MP and Shadow Chief Secretary

to the Treasury; Joint founder Guinness Flight and leading

figure in the investment management industry and SME sector


Professor Bruce EvansBSc (Hons) PhD (OB)

Community Optometrist;Director of Research,

Institute of Optometry;Visiting Professor to City, University

of London; Visiting Professor to London South Bank University


Mr David ElmsMA FCA FCSI

Chartered Accountant; Partner in KPMG LLP


Mrs Susan DalgarnoMA PGCE JP

Currently a magistrate on the East London Bench. Formerly involved in charitable fundraising and the

provision of education and training for social housing providers.


Mr Scott NorrisBSc (Hons) (OB)

Farmer and Company Director; Chairman of Trustees,

Perry Foundation;Liveryman of Worshipful

Company of Farmers


Mr Matthew HampsonBEng (Hons) FBCS

Deputy Chief Digital Officer Nomura International

Liveryman of Worshipful Company of Information Technologists

Fellow of the British Computer Society
