GPMC TODAY 9.1 … · The Ohio Valley 700 charity rally will be held Sept 30 - Oct 2. Rally route...

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$0.00 The Greater Pittsburgh Mustang Club Newsletter September 2016


Volume 31 Issue 9

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Dear Fellow Mustang Enthusiasts, Our GPMC Hospitality Picnic on August 7th at Moon Park was attended by 65 members and we had 2 new members sign up. Many thanks to Al and Barb Pifer who for the second year did a wonderful job organizing the picnic and cooking hamburgers, hotdogs and sausage. Special thanks to Al Senic for being co-fire starter and chef on the grill. Many other members brought great dishes ranging from delicious fried turkey to salads and desserts. Everyone enjoyed looking at fellow member’s Mustangs and park visitors also admired the pony collection parked around the picnic pavilion. GPMC is the sponsor for Can-AM 2017. Mary Hutton is planning and organizing Chair for 2017 Can-Am. She is setting up a planning and organizing committee, so volunteer and give her a call or email. Your Club needs you to get involved and submit interesting ideas for fun activities and Mustang cruising in the Pittsburgh area. Hope to see all 155 + and counting members at our next meeting on Wednesday, Sept 7th, at North Park. This is a great site for our fourth outdoor meeting of the summer season and has great facilities including plenty of parking, a covered pavilion and restrooms. The club will provide hotdogs and members will be bringing covered dishes, desserts and drinks. Our website has full directions to all our “summer season” outdoor meeting sites and I will post GPMC signs along the close in approach roads. GPMC volunteer night at the Starlite Cruise at Northway in Wexford is on Friday, August 19th. Come out and enjoy one of the biggest car cruises in the area and help with setup, directing traffic and teardown. GPMC is going to Washington PA to the Washington Wild Things AAA baseball game on Aug 20th. Deadline for tickets is Aug 18th. We have a trip planned to Gettysburg on Sept. 16-18. The Date for the Fall Cruise is Oct 15th with the route still being planned. Always check the Club website for upcoming events/cruises, changes and weather delay or cancel. Contact Tim Baker if you have any event or cruise ideas. If you have an article for the newsletter, please forward to Scott Unger. Jennie Barker is still looking for new pictures and information of recent events for the GPMC website. Got pictures of cruises, events or your car, do not forget to send them in. As always, we would like to hear from you, brand new or long- time members on any suggestions for improving Your Club. As always, your Officers and Board would appreciate your ideas and help. Get out and enjoy Summer/Fall Cruising, Mark and Charlyn

Next Meeting - Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - Roosevelt Grove, North Park Board Meeting 7:00 pm, General Meeting 7:30 pm

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Upcoming Events and Activities

Our GPMC Activities are listed in Bold Print. Some dates and events are subject to change, so

please check the website at for the most current information such as weather

postponements and cancellations.

August 19 GPMC volunteer night at Northway Starlite

August 20 Washington Wild Things Frontier League Baseball

September 1-4 MCA 40th Anniversary Show in Indianapolis, IN September 7 Mustang Club Meeting – North Park, Roosevelt Grove

September 16-18 Weekend trip to Gettysburg

October 5 Mustang Club Meeting – Kings, Harmarville

October Rally North America (RNA).

October 15 Tentative date Fall Foliage Tour

November 2 Mustang Club Meeting – Kings, Harmarville

Officers, Directors and Other Points of Contact


Mark Mulkey

Webmaster Jennie Barker

Directors at Large Tom Horner Dwight Hutton John Namachar

Alternate Directors Ken Barker Dennis Lane Al Pifer, Barb Pifer,

Vice President Danielle Lane

Newsletter Editor Scott Unger

Secretary Lisa Fricke

Treasurer Jason Uhler

MCA Director Ed Saitz

Membership Director Mary Hutton

Activities Director Tim Baker

Merchandise Director John Holmes

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Combined Board and General Meeting Minutes

Minutes – August 3, 2016

The meeting was called to order by Mark Mulkey, Pres., 7:30 PM, at Croatian Center, Millvale, PA on August 3, 2016.

The sign-in sheet was passed around and the 50/50 was sold by Charlyn Mulkey. The 50/50 tickets also entered everyone for the two left-over baskets we had from the All Ford Show.

Guests: No guests

New Members: Debbie Wetzler - She owns a 40th Anniversary Triple White Mustang

Announcements: No announcements

Correspondence/Illnesses: None

Minutes: The July Meeting Minutes were reviewed. The newsletter email address was incorrect in the minutes. It will be corrected. It was moved by Darryl Miller and 2nd by Ken Barker to approve the minutes and correction. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report: Jason Uhler gave his report. There was a small amount of dues and 2 MCA dues plus monies from the All Ford Show and merchandise sales. The merchandise sales from the 30th anniversary shirts are going very well. Largest expense for this month was the deposit for Ferrante’s Lakeview, where the holiday party will be held in December. It was moved by Mark Morrow and 2nd by Bob Kacinko to accept the Treasurer’s Report as given. Motion carried.

Membership: Mary Hutton not in attendance but Mark mentioned that we have 158 members in the club now.

Newsletter: Scott Unger reported that the newsletter deadline is August 15th. Scott has gotten some information for this month’s newsletter but he welcomes more.

Merchandise: John Holmes was not present to give a report.

Webmaster: Jennie Barker is asking for all members to please send a picture of yourself with your cars. These pictures will be used for the Holiday Party in December.

MCA: Ed Saitz reported that MCA has a new membership structure. You now have a $35 electronic member option that does not include the monthly newsletter. MCA still has their $50 per year member option that does include the monthly newsletter. Also, the club is no longer receiving the $10 per new MCA member.

There was a motion at last month’s meeting to purchase a banner from the club for The National Mustang museum. The name for the museum has recently been changed to the Mustang Owner’s Museum. The museum has a fundraiser for personalized bricks to be purchased. The bricks run from $75 - $225 depending on size. The motion was made to purchase the $225- 8X8 size for the club. First was Mark Morrow and second was Bob Kacinko. The bricks will be located in the entrance and the sidewalk leading up to the entrance. The first 500 people or organizations to purchase the bricks will get to lay the bricks themselves on sight at the grand opening. Please see the website for more information.

Activities/Upcoming Events: Tim Baker gave an update:

Fourth of July parade in Leetsdale went well. Please let Tim know if you are interested in next year’s parade.

Vintage Grand Prix was a great success. Weather and food were wonderful. Mark and Ernie did a wonderful job. Thank you.

Starlite Mustang night was a huge success with lots of participation. Weather was great as well.

This coming Sunday, August 7th is the GPMC hospitality picnic at Moon Park. Al and Barb are our hosts. Please make sure you add what you are bringing on the sign up sheet. The picnic starts at noon but we are looking for people to come early to help setup. Scott Unger will be in attendance at the hospitality picnic to take the pictures of our members with their cars that we need for the 30th Anniversary party.

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Combined Board and General Meeting Minutes (continued)

Friday, Aug 19th is the club’s service night at Starlite. Please arrive at 4 pm to help setup tents and chairs. Then we will also need help tearing everything down after the cruise has ended.

GPMC night at Washington Wildthings will be Aug 20th - $8 for reserved seats. We will meet somewhere nearby and cruise in together. Tim to send an email out with more information.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History is hosting a program called “Cars after dark” - they are looking for featured cars that associate with animals in the museum. The event takes place Saturday - August27 @ 6 pm - Please contact Tim if you are interested in more information.

MCA 40th Anniversary show in Indianapolis Labor Day weekend - September 1 - 4th. Please let Tim know if you are planning on attending.

The Fall Foliage tour is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 15th. Tim is looking for ideas. Please let him know if you have one!

Old Business: We are still working on the GPMC 30th Anniversary program for the Holiday party. Jennie Barker and team are still looking for items and pictures from the early years of the club. Please reach out to Jennie if you have any items or know a previous member that may have some things as well.

New Business:

Mary Hutton to chair the Can-AM 2017. Please send her an email and copy Mark Mulkey if you wish to volunteer to be on the planning committee.

Mary Hutton is looking to retire as membership director so we are looking for volunteers to stand election in December.

We have a number of members who have proposed that the club sponsor a MCA National event in the Pittsburgh area. This event due to scheduling would be held 2018/19. If you have an interest in being a committee member or chair for this multi-year undertaking, please email Mark Mulkey. We will be setting up an initial group to build a proposal to the club and then if club approved, we will submit to MCA to secure a slot.

The Ohio Valley 700 charity rally will be held Sept 30 - Oct 2. Rally route starts in Hershey, PA. Everyone needs to be there for the drivers meeting at 6 pm on Thursday. The rally will depart on Friday and ends on Sunday in Athens, Ohio. The cost for a rally team is $400 for insurance and $100 directly to the charity. Let Tim know if you are interested to join the rally or if you would like to make a donation. We will have the link on the GPMC website. The charity is CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy.


50/50 Raffle – Winner - Fred Mazur

Next meeting: Wed., Sept 7th in North Park - Directions are on GPMC website

Adjournment: Motion was made to adjourn meeting by Tim Baker and 2nd by Charlyn Mulkey. Motion carried at 8:25 pm.

Lisa F. Secretary

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How Peter got his “Stang”

Something to share with your children....

Last November I had the privilege of celebrating my 65th Birthday with my family. The day before my birthday, at 9pm, the doorbell rang and I looked through the window but could not see anyone so I opened the door and standing crying in the dark was my 2 and 1/2 year- old grandson, Henry, there to surprise me. With him was my son, Andrew, from Los Angeles and daughter, Heather, and son-in-law, Matt from Bowie, Maryland who had caught me off guard by coming to Pittsburgh a day earlier than I was expecting.

The next day I was scheduled to work and after lunch I received a phone call from my son, Andrew, telling me that the rest of the family had eaten lunch at South Hills Village and he had stayed on to do some shopping. He asked if I could pick him up after work which I was happy to do. Forty-five minutes later I pulled into the Village parking lot and he got into the car. As I was preparing to head home, he said, "Dad, you are going to kill me but somewhere in the parking lot I lost my credit card." He was right, I was mad, because I pointed out to him that he is always misplacing important things, like earlier in the year when he lost his driver’s license that turns out he had left at a car dealer for security while taking a test drive that he remembered where he had left it 6 months later! So reluctantly and somewhat angered, I got out of the car to try to help him find his credit card.

After walking through numerous parking isles, we can across a green, 1970 Mustang which immediately caught our attention. Andrew asked me if this car resembled the green 1970 Mach 1 I had as my first new car some 40 odd years earlier. I had often told him how much I loved that car which I purchased in 1970 for $3200. We admired the vehicle and walked around it carefully inspecting the sharp lines and retro style which is rarely seen anymore. After making a full circle around the car, Andrew reached out his hand and boldly opened up the driver’s car door and I immediately scolded him and said "ANDREW, YOU CANT OPEN THIS CAR DOOR...IT'S NOT YOURS!!!!" With that, he turned around and faced me and threw me keys to me and said...."YOU'RE RIGHT...IT'S YOURS...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"

I can't express to you the feeling that came over me as my wife and daughter emerged from behind a nearby car to witness this most unbelievable birthday surprise. Andrew had purchased the car in California a month earlier, had some work done on it and shipped it to Pittsburgh to be stored at a friend's garage a few weeks before he came to celebrate my big birthday. The rest of the weekend was filled with many more surprises but this one is one was very special as is my entire family. You may want to share this story with your children and give them something to think about!


Andrew in LA with Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top)

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More Award Winners! Winners from Mustangs on the Niagara

Bill and ValJean Dwight and Mary Dave and Janice Interesting Sight in Niagara 1963 Mustang III Concept Show Car

Winners from the 2016 Mt. Lebanon Classic Car Show and Street Festival Jim, Al, Ernie, Dwight and former member Bob

Also found in Lebo Jeff B looking for more work

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GPMC teams to participate in charity rally Over the past several years, Tim the Tour Man, has become involved with a group called Rally North America (RNA). This group joins the automotive hobby with charity work and has proven very beneficial to the charities with which RNA has collaborated. In early October, no less than FIVE teams with ties to Greater Pittsburgh Mustang Club will hit the road in the Ohio Valley 700 to raise money and awareness for Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE). The event this year is formatted as a scavenger hunt. Teams will be given a route sheet with pictures and descriptions of the route checkpoints, which are each worth a set point total. Also on the route card will likely be the typical ‘scavenger’ items for teams to seek out along the way. The team that collects items with the highest aggregate point total within a designated time frame will “win” that day’s rally competition. The route this year will start in Hershey, PA on September 30 with overnights near Deep Creek, MD and Snowshoe, WV before ending on October 2 in Athens, OH. As a charity event, the object of the time before the rally begins is to raise money for the CURE organization. The more money a team raises, the closer to the front of the pack that team will start. All donations go directly to the charity. All rally expenses are paid by the teams out of their own pockets. GPMC-related teams participating in the Ohio Valley 700 are: #69 Team Coyote – Mark & Charlyn M. – 2015 Mustang convertible in their first rally. You can donate to Team Coyote at: #88 Team Pony Power – Rich & Lisa F. – 2011 Mustang convertible in their first rally. You can donate to Team Pony Power at: #48 Team Living the Dream – Jeff & Denise B. – 2009 Chevrolet Corvette in their second rally. You can donate to Team Living the Dream at: #911 Team Just For Fun – Bill & ValJean R. – 2001 Porsche 911 in their third rally. You can donate to Team Just For Fun at: And finally, #621 Team Miser Brothers – Tim B. & Danielle S. – 2012 Mustang convertible in their seventh and third rallies, respectively. You can donate to Team Miser Brothers at: Over its seven years in existence, Rally North America has raised over $620,000 for its associated charities. And, as previously mentioned, all of that money goes directly to the organizations. If you’d like to help with research in Epilepsy, please donate to one of the above teams. Thank you! Tim the Tour Man

Hospitality Picnic July 2016

Steve shares a laugh with Doug and Carl Charlyn, Jill and Brenda; John and John The Als Getting ready

Conversations Chris visits with Jake and Phyllis Lining up!

More Food and more Food and Cars

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Tim the Tour Man’s Activities Round-Up - Activities Update for August 2016

For this month’s GPMC Activities Update, I’m going to write a bit about each of the events to be sure everyone is up to speed on the details and has a full chance to participate. Things tend to fly past us in quick succession, so I want to slow things down a bit. First up is GPMC Service Night at the Starlite Car Cruise at Wexford, PA this Friday, August 19. The folks at Starlite have been very good to GPMC, allowing the club to celebrate our favorite car at Mustang Night each season. This is the club’s chance to give back and help them put on this large show. Show up around 3pm at the North Way Christian Community, 12121 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA 15090 to help with show set-up and initial parking. Or come later and help park the cars (Pontiac is the featured car). Or stay later and help with clean-up and tear down of the show. After putting in some good work at Starlite, it’s time to have some fun! The next night, August 20, will be GPMC Night at the Ballpark as our Mustangs will invade Consol Energy Park in Washington, PA while the Wild Things independent league baseball team takes on the Schaumberg Boomers. These are ballplayer who are still chasing their baseball dreams, but who’ve not yet been picked up by a major league farm team. Tickets are available until August 18 by contacting Zack at the Wild Things office at (724) 250-7654. Tickets are $8/seat. The club will assemble near the Sears at the Washington Crown Center, south of I-70 exit 15, at 5:15 pm and drive the three-quarter mile distance to the ball park at 5:30pm. All tickets are being held in Will-Call (Zack will process all of the orders after the deadline to ensure we get seats together.). At the August meeting, I had mentioned the Cars…After Dark event at Carnegie Museum of Natural History on Saturday, August 27, and several members were interested. However, due to a scheduling change, that event has been canceled. The next event on the schedule is the MCA 40th Anniversary Show in Indianapolis, IN from Thursday, September 1 to Sunday, September 4. Registration for this event closed on July 18, but several GPMC members are going to attend. As a reminder to those attending: Friday night, several members, including me (Tim B.), will be attending the Indianapolis Indians AAA baseball game in downtown Indy. If you want to go to the game, you are more than welcome to join us. Ticket purchase is up to each individual club member. Visit the Indians website at to buy tickets and watch the Pirates of tomorrow in action today. Announced via email just two weeks ago, a weekend trip to Gettysburg is now on the schedule over the weekend of September 16-18. A battlefield tour is planned as well as tours and visits to other area attractions. Theresa S. has secured a block of rooms at the Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center. There are two room types available, a King bed or 2 Queen beds, for the discounted rate of $129.00 plus tax per night. This room rate includes breakfast. To make a reservation, call 717-334-8121 and mention GPMC to get this rate. The rate is only valid for reservation until August 22, so don't delay. The cancellation policy is 24 hours before check-in. Please send an email to Tim at once you’ve reserved your room to confirm your participation in this trip. And finally, please hold the date of Saturday, October 15 for the annual Fall Foliage Tour. Tentatively, this year’s tour will be to the Cook Forest area north of Brookville, PA. I’m currently researching potential stops and my only conclusion thus far is that you all won’t fit in my apartment! More details will be announced in the coming weeks as the Fall Foliage Tour takes shape. And here's something fun! Once you slip behind the wheel of your Mustang, there are few things as important as choosing the perfect song. Whether it's a model-specific classic like "Mustang Sally" or an ode to the drive like Tom Cochrane's "Life Is a Highway", when that perfect tune comes through the stereo, most of us are going to reach out, crank it up, and our drive will be a little bit better. What I want to know is, what are your favorite road trip songs? Drop me an email at and list your five favorite Mustang songs as well as your five favorite road trip or driving songs. I'll compile the list and report back before the Fall Foliage Tour. Let's hear your tunes! I think that's it for me for now. Tim

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We are requesting photos for the 30th anniversary PowerPoint. I would like to have one picture of each member, and “significant other” for the presentation. I will attempt to put four on a slide, which should make each large enough to see the detail. Please email or send a hard copy to the newsletter editor: or Scott Unger 414 Summit Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15228-2618 I would like People with their cars, not just pictures of the cars, one photo per family, so if you want to show more than one car, you will need to be in the picture with all of your Mustangs. Take photos like these of Dave with Jan, and Bill with ValJean, and Ken with Jenn as shown here. Scott U.

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Announcement .

Classified Ads


FOR SALE: Corvette pinball machine made by Bally

FOR SALE: Corvette pinball machine made by Bally in 1995. 1 of 5,000 produced. Lots of action and a must have for the car enthusiast. Half the cost of a new Mustang pinball machine and hard to admit, but probably a better game! Nice cabinet and playfield, everything works well.

All listed online for $5-6K. Offered first to GPMC members only for $3,500. Listing on E-bay soon. Jason 412-874-8705 or

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Free Member Classified Ads:

“"For Sale"" and ""Wanted"" cars and parts only. Cars/parts for sale must be personal property of the member (not the property of the member's business or that of a non-member friend or business associate)

Limited to three consecutive months,fifty words or less; photos will be cropped to fit as space allows.

Business Ads: Must be for a one-year period, can be renewed annually. No changes in content until up for renewal.

Must be copy-ready.Business card sized ads in the GPMC newsletter and on the GPMC website are $50 per year, $50 for both (Not Each). Please contact the newsletter editor for prices on other size ads.

*** special pricing for GPMC members***

Support Our Sponsor

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Sherrard, German & Kelly, P.C.

Support our Advertisers

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Links to other Mustang and car Websites: Mustang Club of America (MCA): AllFordMustangs -. MustangForums - Windveilblue Registry (Yes the club has two, Unger’s and the West Coast Correspondent Malcolm) CarTalk: Yellow Mustang Registry: Red Mustang Registry: Blue Mustang Registry: Mustang 6 Association: Mustang Museum:

Keep us up to date and current!

Let us know when your address changes (email and home), add or change phone numbers, or you add or

remove a car from your stable. (Hope you add rather than remove).

Please contact us, we want to keep our records as current as possible. Besides those addresses, we have a

photo section on the website that depicts our Mustangs, project cars and other vehicles of interest for sharing, so

send those to Jennie - Webmistress Supreme - too.

Send emails to or use the USPS to:

Mary Hutton, the GPMC Membership Director -

Snail Mail: Mary Hutton, P.O. Box 1073, Monroeville, PA 15146

Jennie Barker, the Webmaster (Mistress?) -

Scott Unger, the newsletter editor -

Snail Mail: 414 Summit Dr., Pittsburgh PA 15228-2618


Please send corrections & omissions to the editor,

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Newsletter Editor 414 Summit Dr., Pittsburgh, PA


Newsletter Submissions

Please share your pictures and short stories with the newsletter and the website; however, large quantities of photos are better shared with the webmaster, while short stories accompanied by one or two shots are better suited for the newsletter. The Newsletter will share with the webmistress!

The next deadline for the newsletter is: September 15, 2016


Next Meeting Wednesday

September 7, 2016 Roosevelt Grove, North Park

Board Mtg 7:00 pm General Mtg 7:30 PM