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Grammatica. GRAMMATICa. Lexica. GRAMMATICa. Lexica. LEXAR and GRAMICON Mutant Children of the Revolution. Sally Rice Décade I, Nonidi de Germinal de l'Année CCXIV de la Revolution 29 March 2006. LEXAR and GRAMICON Mutant Children of the Revolution. Sally Rice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation







LEXAR and GRAMICONMutant Children of the


Sally RiceDécade I, Nonidi de Germinal de l'Année CCXIV de la Revolution

29 March 2006

LEXAR and GRAMICONMutant Children of the


Sally RiceDécade I, Nonidi de Germinal de l'Année CCXIV de la Revolution

29 March 2006

the age of enlightenm


the age of enlightenm


“We distinguish the lexicon from the computational system of the language, the syntax in a broad sense (including phonology). Assume that the syntax provides three fundamental levels of representation, each constituting an ‘interface’ of the grammatical system with some other system of the

mind/brain: D-Structure, Phonetic Form (PF), and Logical Form (LF).” Chomsky 1995:130

“Any theory of language must include some sort of lexicon, the repository of all (idiosyncratic) properties of particular lexical items...The lexicon is a set of lexical elements, each an articulated system of features. It must specify, for each such element, the phonetic, semantic, and syntactic properties that are idiosyncratic to it,

but nothing more.” Chomsky 1995:30. 130

“Items of the lexicon are of two general types: with or without substantive content. We restrict the term lexical to the former category; the latter are functional. Each

item is a feature set. Lexical elements head NP, VP, AP, and PP.” Chomsky 1995:54

[CP Spec [C’ C [IP Spec [I’ I VP]]]]

4.2.2 The Lexicon

I will have little to say about the lexicon here. Chomsky 1995:235

“The lexical entry provides...the information required for further computations.” Chomsky 1995:130




LAUD Conference on Cognitive Linguistics, Universität Duisburg

Les sans-culottes

LAUD Conference on Cognitive Linguistics, Universität Duisburg

Ron Langacker

“A grammar is a structured inventory of conventional linguistic units.”

Len Talmy

George Lakoff (a.k.a. Robespierre)

Towards more Republican Values


“Whenever a change leaves the internal mechanism untouched, we have reform; whenever the internal mechanism is changed, we have revolution.”

Daniel DeLeon, 1896, in address to the Workingmen of Boston

The Reformers

Ken Hale on LEXAR/GRAMICON items in Navajo

ch’ɪ́ E-shi-di-nɪ́ E-ɫ-da̜̜̜̜zhout-1SG.O-QUAL-3SG.MOM-TRANS-

uncontrolled.movement‘he jerked me out(side)’

Ray Jackendoff on the Lexicon-Grammar Interface

Semantic Structures (1990)

“To develop [a] more general theory of language (concerned with syntax and semantics and their points of connection), one must confront two basic problems, which might be called the Problem of Meaning and the Problem of Correspondence.”

“The Problem of Meaning is to characterize the phenomena that a theory of meaning is to account for, and to develop a formal treatment of semantic intuitions.”

“The Problem of Correspondence is to characterize the relationship between the formal treatment of meaning and the formal structure of syntax.”



[CAUSE ([Thing ]A’ [GO ([Thing ] <A’>

[TO [IN [MOUTH-OF []]]])])])



[CAUSE ([Thing ]A’ [GO ([Thing ] A’

[TO [IN [MOUTH-OF []]]])])])

1525 Satan, visualized as a great fish seeing his enemy insuch distress, swoops to devour but gets more than hebargains for. 1526 He is hooked.

2709 There are those who annihilate with violence -- whodevour. 2710 There are others who prefer to lay waste withwords.

2076 The embrace can be taken to extremes. 2077 It can be aclasp that grips and devours and from which there is noescape. 2078 Or it can be an offer of shelter, of friendship, aport in a storm.

379 There, crabs, dogfish, broken by the breakers or tossed380 To flap for half an hour and turn to a crust 381 Continuethe beginning. 382 The deeps are cold: 383 In that darknesscamaraderie does not hold; 384 Nothing touches but,clutching, devours. 385 And the jaws, 386 Before they aresatisfied or their stretched purpose 387 Slacken, go downjaws; go gnawn bare.

   complaint about cricket The weather can't be controlled and I hate

sitting around waiting for it to clear up because I can't sit    as a railway station itself. There were dozens of people sitting around waiting for other people. It was easy." It

   she told Best magazine: "It's difficult. Just sitting around waiting for me to finish playing is no life for a    BP and the rest of the plastics industry haven't been sitting around waiting for the environmental debate on waste to start. For

   a week-and-a-half overdue. I thought it wasn't worth just sitting around waiting for something to happen and I had already arranged to    So we are basically wasting another twelve to eighteen

months,sitting around waiting for a decision on the the new settlement. It

   a tour had been tentatively planned, but to have a band sitting around doing nothing until the album came out wasn't realistic.   stuck in the middle of filming and a very depressed

receptionistsitting around doing nothing. Seymour's task is to wobble his weary

   off, disillusioned, people who were once well known now sitting around doing nothing and that's something we all want to avoid   the meantime, the big Irishman continues his weekly

routine ofsitting around doing nothing until match day --; when he runs out to

   bored while you were out. I'm not used to sitting around doing nothing. If I was curious it was only to


<unclear> and then you're going to have to start   all over again  . Mm. Ah. She'd change it.Erm <pause> by starting   all over again   <pause> really.Put everything <pause> organised.Ermhave more time again you can fall in love   all over again   with exactly the same person, I think this happens

millions in Africa, it's beginning to start   all over again  .You know i-- i-- <pause> feeds ? I would like to get married   all over again  , to to the same person I might add,

what happens, I would like to get married   all over again  . What did you do? a word, you had to learn your alphabet   all over again   Right. and didn't realize

round today I see starting the same thing   all over again  , you're weighing your own products at Yeah. And you start   all over again  . Yeah. Okay.

, you change, you got to start a role   all over again  .You see what I mean it.That's It seems to me that we are having to fight   all over again   to keep many things that we have already fought for

Nothing to stop him er, doing the whole   all over again  , is there? Well, he's doing whole blob of new ones to start the cycle   all over again  .Now, you may think that er you and I

don't try and stop them <unclear> and they start   all over again   <unclear> it's incredibly hard work <unclear dur=15> in in a plastic bag on top but it's   all over again  . What it wants Have you

<unclear > kids might have to be uprooted   all over again   because it's too far from her <unclear> <unclear >straight back and did exactly the same thing   all over again   and I just thought <pause> sod it!I left

No same time and everything, same thing   all over again   <unclear> why did they go like, do you straight bar And then you'd start   all over again  ! and then

and then you'd start   all over again  ! Oh I see.You didsomething, it's <unclear> some of them are   all over again  , start them off of course. <unclear> that

Well we could we could start   all over again   then couldn't we? Why we've got Tracey and <pause> you had to start   all over again  ! Oh I know! But you save me writing it <pause> I'll just do it   all over again   <pause> but it looks like I'm not gonna be able

let me rub out the entire thing and start   all over again  , yeah? Yeah it's the best thingis if nobody knows about it you start that   all over again   Mm don't you?

that maybe it would work out cheaper to start   all over again  .Well they <pause> I would think up there thereof heard him, god if it ain't Ross   all over again  , mummy, mummy and she left him there, as I he go, I said to Sandra it's Ross   all over again  , funny innit but she's got

in touch with you and see if we can start it   all over again   Henry.I do know that street lighting is the the car boot sale, and get back to prison   all over again  .Nothing to worry about, no expenses, , that new birth, that new start, starting   all over again  , and so what happens, what's it all about

them, can't be bothered, I'll start   all over again   with new people, I'll have a new creation, <pause> they've got to get to know each other   all over again   <pause> you see that a relationship on a human level

covered us for, and then we had to start   all over again   <pause> with what was in the garage.Even then thousand fragments so I'll just have to start   all over again   without having to print out copy Are

? Yeah cos they've started it   all over again  . Yeah. Can you have of hours.Tomorrow at six-thirty it starts   all over again  . The new city of Milton Keynes is to

The Revolutionaries

Cognitive & Construction Grammarians looking at constructions as the basic building blocks of language

Corpus Linguists looking at N-grams, collocates, and collostructions

Language Teachers who teach collocations

Developmentalists and Computational Linguists looking at emergent structures in language such as lexical islands and lexical bundles

as far as I 'm concerned 105 33% know 71 22% can recollect/remember 40 12% 'm aware 33 10% can see 25 8% can tell 10 3% can make out 7 2% can understand 5 2% work out 3 1%MISC 24 7%

as far as it goes 17 61%MISC 11 39%

"while at the same time amending the law so as to create a preferential class of treatment for the Hongwould prefer to convict of murder in such cases so as to register their abhorrence of the defendant's activities

and wage labour rather than leaving in such numbers so as to exceed natural population growth, and thereby ease theand continually developing in and through such relations so as to form at various phases contradictory forces that generateunderstanding of such concepts and methods of analysis so as to avoid unrealistic expectations about their capabilities by non-experts

, to decorate the aquarium in such a way so as to set out individual territories so each fish canand the same object changing in shape so as to be transformed into something different -- as the baby

Alliance of the same year was soon buttressed so as to isolate France and Russia still more.The firstapparently final has been treated as interlocutory so as to deprive a litigant of a right of appeal or so as

.Then the courts interpret such phrases so as to give themselves more or less control as they wish.obtain the highest authority for such a policy, so as to emphasise the importance of its achievement.

that Schedule is amended by such an order so as to add to it a further class of traffic, the orderfor organizations to plan for such a future, so as to ensure that:a.facilities

asset demands are set at such a level so as to minimize (4) yields models that are both tractable.Senator Ricardo may enact such a bill so as to increase his chance of re-election, or he may oppose

year compared with the same period of 1990, so as to concentrate on priority projects including water conservation,to the transfer, but such objection will operate so as to terminate the employment and the transferor will not be

procedures have to try to reconcile such factors, so as to achieve the optimum balance of relevance and recall appropriateThe first and last points are the same so as to close the zone boundary.The use of too

, provided that all such orders will be placed so as to allow to the Supplier at least 90 days for delivery..LCH is to perform such obligations" so as to ensure the performance of all open contracts in accordance with

conditions. Such an order may be made so as to ensure that there is a home for the children of

"while at the same time amending the law so as to create a preferential class of treatment for the Hongwould prefer to convict of murder in such cases so as to register their abhorrence of the defendant's activities

and wage labour rather than leaving in such numbers so as to exceed natural population growth, and thereby ease theand continually developing in and through such relations so as to form at various phases contradictory forces that generateunderstanding of such concepts and methods of analysis so as to avoid unrealistic expectations about their capabilities by non-experts

, to decorate the aquarium in such a way so as to set out individual territories so each fish canand the same object changing in shape so as to be transformed into something different -- as the baby

Alliance of the same year was soon buttressed so as to isolate France and Russia still more.The firstapparently final has been treated as interlocutory so as to deprive a litigant of a right of appeal or so as

.Then the courts interpret such phrases so as to give themselves more or less control as they wish.obtain the highest authority for such a policy, so as to emphasise the importance of its achievement.

that Schedule is amended by such an order so as to add to it a further class of traffic, the orderfor organizations to plan for such a future, so as to ensure that:a.facilities

asset demands are set at such a level so as to minimize (4) yields models that are both tractable.Senator Ricardo may enact such a bill so as to increase his chance of re-election, or he may oppose

year compared with the same period of 1990, so as to concentrate on priority projects including water conservation,to the transfer, but such objection will operate so as to terminate the employment and the transferor will not be

procedures have to try to reconcile such factors, so as to achieve the optimum balance of relevance and recall appropriateThe first and last points are the same so as to close the zone boundary.The use of too

, provided that all such orders will be placed so as to allow to the Supplier at least 90 days for delivery..LCH is to perform such obligations" so as to ensure the performance of all open contracts in accordance with

conditions. Such an order may be made so as to ensure that there is a home for the children of

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