HAARP SBX-1 an Earthquake Machine

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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These equations set up the HAARP and SBX-1 to get ready to target some where on the globe! It is an earthquake machine after all. Tesla was right!



The U.S. Government claims that the naval vessel SBX-1 is

for communications and radar missile defense. GPS

satellites can detect missile launches; so the SBX-1 may

have that capability too, yet rather unnecessary when GPS is

already used for that. I know otherwise; this vessel is no

other than an earthquake, weather warfare and psychotronic

weapons platform. The SBX-1 can induce earthquakes via

resonation of igneous rocks at 70.3 hertz directed into the

lithosphere by refracting frequencies off the ionosphere;

alter the jet stream combined with cloud seeding using

various types of weather against mankind and finally target

the mind waves creating messages for the application of

thought control at a double input of 3k-4k hertz along with

15k hertz frequencies; as well the promulgation of tinnitus

thus disturbing the eardrum using frequencies between

(100 Hz – 11000 Hz) as a stressor.

This is perhaps one weapon that is also an implementation of

U.N. agenda 21. As some may and may not know SBX-1 is

applied warfare against humanity for depopulation which fits

the mandate of U.N. agenda 21 as many governments like the

U.S. has signed on to. The SBX-1 is also an economic

disaster machine weapon against humanity as-well, because

the toll on property drives the demand for resources to build

due to the consequences of the usage of SBX-1. All to

sustain the elite through its phony coporatocrazy and

bankster casino like Wall Street charade.

Mathematics behind HAARP & SBX-1

These equations set up the HAARP and SBX-1 to get ready to

target somewhere on the globe! It is an earthquake machine

after all. Tesla was right!

x = vt cos θ

y = vt sin θ - ½ g t²

v is the velocity (m/sec).

θ is the angle you launch it at

g is the downwards accelaration caused by gravity = 9.81 m/s²

t is time in seconds

You can plot the path by keeping track of when it was fired.

Fire at 20 m/s velocity pointing 70° up, and it is now 2 seconds

after firing, then the path will be at:

x = vt cos θ = 20 x 2 x cos 70 = 13.7m along

y = vt sin θ - ½ g t² = 20 x 2 x sin 70 - ½ x 9.81 x 2² = 37.6 -

19.6 = 18.0m up

Phased Array Schematics:

Here are some links and pictures which back my claim.

Agenda 21 youtube:


No need for SBX-1, because satellites detect missile launches:

Huge earthquake Japan 2011 above cause HAARP as my claim:

HAARP altitude for ELF skywave reflected off Ionosphere at 1531 Km

Over Horizon for Elf wave 4660 Km in yellow for Google Earth Picture to Japan from HAARP:


Weather Warfare Hurricane Sandy Arecibo and HAARP combined to steer Sandy with cloud seeding:

Mind altering frequencies:

Conclusion ah eek Agenda 21’s Guidestone: