Habit 4 Think Win-Win

Post on 11-Apr-2016

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habit 4


Sim, Nowell Paolo Q.

Think Win-Win

“Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more

of it than the next man.”

-C.S. Lewis

Discussion of Habit 4

Win/Lose: The Totem Pole

Lose-Win: The Doormat

Lose-Lose: The Downward Spiral

Win-Win: The All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

This is the habit of creating effective interpersonal leadership

This habit about a character-based code for human interaction and collaboration.

Also known as the totem pole syndrome

It is an attitude toward life that says the pie of success is only so big and if you get a big piece there is less for me

Jealous and envious when something good happens to a friend

Also known as the doormat syndrome

Sets low expectations and comprises standards easily

Easily giving in to peer-pressure

If you go down, you bring everyone else with you

Usually occurs when 2 Win-Lose people get together

You don’t care what happens to you, you just want the other person to be miserable as well

it leads to a stubborn impasse as they try to beat each other at all costs.

Believe that everyone can win and plenty of success to go around

a balancing act between courage and consideration

You want others to succeed as much as yourself

This is where, if a mutually beneficial outcome cannot be reached, then you know it’s okay to walk away with no hard feelings.

Integrity: sticking with your true feelings, values, and commitments

Maturity: expressing your ideas and feelings with courage and consideration for the ideas and feelings of others

Abundance Mentality: believing there is plenty for everyone

Win the Private Victory First

Avoid the Tumor TwinsCompeting – unhealthy when you

compete against yourself and ties into your self-worth

Comparing – unhealthy when you compare yourself to others

It’s more than about what others want. We can never reach a mutually acceptable solution if we don’t know what each other wants to get out of it.

Nothing GREAT was ever achieved without enthusiasm! The opportunities over here are as big as all outdoors…and each hour of each day, the taskwill grow easier, and more satisfying – for all of us.