Halloween Energy Ppt

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Candy’s bag “weighed” how much?

How many meters up did she lift it?

What’s the formula to calculate work?

4 Newtons x 3 meters = 12 Joules

How do you calculate potential energy?

P.E. = mgh

P.E. = 60kg x 9.8 m/s2 x 500m

500 m

1000 m/s2

½ mv2

What kind of energy is lightning?


What kind of energy does a match have?


What is this energy converted into?

That match set the bat’s cave on fire!! What kind of energy was the chemical energy converted to in this situation?



What kind of energy does the gargoyle perched on the castle possess?


What kind of energy does (did) this tree depend on for survival?

What kind of energy does the tree convert this energy form to?

The wolf has just eaten his “dinner”. What kind of energy did the “food” provide him with? What kind of energy do you think he will convert this energy to in

order to hunt down his next victim?

Chemical, Kinetic

What kind of energy is in the candles?

What kind of energy do we use to light the candles?


Chemical, Mechanical

So….mechanical to strike the match. Chemical in the match converted to light and heat energy. Chemical in the candle to __________.light & heat

It’s time to get down from the tree. As you slide down the bark of the tree trunk, what force is slowing

down your descent?

FRICTION, and that “ain’t no FICTION!

Down you go from that tree. It’s lights out for you and before you hit the ground, you scream, “Thanks a lot

you nasty force called ______________. If it wasn’t for you, I’d nevvveeerrrrrr……………………….

OUCH……..hit the ground!