Harvest User Onboarding Analysis

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Harvest Time Tracking Software is a simple time tracking, fast online invoicing, and powerful reporting software. getharvest.com This video that walks through the onboarding process for a first time user and suggest improvements to increase conversions. http://nathanallotey.com/onboarding-analysis/


Onboarding Analysis Harvest: Time Tracking


Home Page

Pricing Page

Signup Page

Getting Started

New Project Form

Good use of photography, sets the proper mindset for

potential customer

Very clear homepage layout

Great tagline, this also implies that Harvest is simple and will

save time. I assume the learning curve is not too steep

Very clear homepage layout

A clear call to action with a nice color contrast and readable text (well done)

Very clear homepage layout

Navigation is simple and does not contain

too many options. (Reduces the level of


Very clear homepage layout

Wasn’t sure if this link “Customers” was for current customers or a testimonial

page, guess I’ll find out later

A Few Observations

Great image as I mentioned, but it does draw attention to the right. The call to action is

on the left so perhaps an image that is looking left

towards the call to action.

A Few Observations

Here is an example

I expected the video to feature the app more closely but instead it showed a video of a team working together. I

thought it might be an explainer video or something similar Good video however after watching it I did not learn anything

about the app.

A Few Observations

Very clear homepage layout

The features of the app are briefly mentioned and

benefits are discussed

Very clear homepage layout

Great job showing screenshots of how the

actual app looks.

A Few Observations

Why not an image of a tablet as well. I imagine users would use this on

their tablet also

A Few Observations

Perhaps clicking on the images can enlarge them so people can read what is on these

preview images

Very clear homepage layout

Additional benefits are good, the icon images reinforce each point

Very clear homepage layout

Another call to action towards the bottom of

the page, great reminder

Very clear homepage layout

Area on the bottom is great social proof. A testimony with a picture

and quote along with logos of a few other companies

Very clear homepage layout

Great job showing quantitative information. Trusted by over 10,000

and available for use worldwide

A Few Observations

I noticed all of these extra benefits can be clicked and taken to a

landing page except the support page. Create a support landing

page to reduce anxiety and inform users of the benefits of support.

A Few Observations

Testimonies rotate too quickly to be read. There is a lot of greyed

out content in this area. Perhaps at least the picture can be in color.

Home Page

Pricing Page

Signup Page

Getting Started

New Project Form

Very straightforward, Well organized

Well organized page, it is easy to tell that each level

allows for more users.

Very straightforward, Well organized

Another clear call to action on this page that has great contrast.

Very straightforward, Well organized

It is clear that if I sign up for free I receive a 30 day

free trail.

Very straightforward, Well organized All questions in this

area are all related to pricing, the central theme of this page.

Seems like a strange transition to go from $99 to the free plan right next to it.

A Few Observations

Is there a “best plan” or a plan that is the “best


What plan is the most popular? Users will

default to groupthink when they cannot decide.

A Few Observations

On the bottom in the FAQ there is a reference to getting a discount when a year is paid for. You could advertise the

monthly rate as being lower if they elected to pay for one year.

A Few Observations

When it comes to English we read left to right. I see an ascension of prices. If this was arranged from greatest to least users would be

anchored around the higher price creating a great appreciation of value for the lower priced plans.

A Few Observations

New suggested order

A Few Observations

FAQs are okay but the goal of a excellent onboarding process is to answer these type of questions along the way so they do not all have to be collected in one area.

A Few Observations

Add a question about how payments processed are protected by an SSL with 256 bit encryption,

“The same as major banks”.

A statement such as this will help reduce anxiety and let users know

when it is time to pay they are protected.

A Few Observations

Home Page

Pricing Page

Signup Page

Getting Started

New Project Form

Menu items are removed and there is a

focus on signing up Great reminder that no payment is needed and

this is a free trial.

Menu items are removed and there is a

focus on signing up

Decent reminder on why users can benefit from using

Harvest. Are all of these questions 5 reasons discussed

on the homepage as well?

Are all 6 items absolutely required and necessary to

the sign up process?

A Few Observations

Why is team size being asked for?

Does this have an effect

on pricing later?

A Few Observations

Central Focus on signing up

This is a great transitional screen. The spinner lets people know that some items are loading in the background and their

account is being created.

This is also a good time to mention any emails they may be receive when their

account is created.

Central Focus on signing up

Nice personalization. Makes me feel like you know me and we

are friends.

Central Focus on signing up

Options seem to default to U.S.A. formats and currency.

Not sure if this is done by viewing the html lang element or geo_ip either way makes it

easy for me.

Central Focus on signing up

When “Other” is selected as a primary industry a box

comes up for users to enter the industry, great job!

Bookmark this page. What am I supposed to be bookmarking?

Can this be turned into a hyperlink that allows me to

bookmark the page?

A Few Observations

First Email I received

Good personalization in the email and a reminder of the information I need

to sign in.

First Email I received

Finally, instructions of what I am supposed to do

next after signing up.

Great that I finally see an instruction on “What’s Next”, however if I never check my email I will not see this step.

A Few Observations

Before loading the admin screen I was informed to

bookmark the link, showing the link during that step would have

been more helpful.

A Few Observations

Home Page

Pricing Page

Signup Page

Getting Started

New Project Form

Simple clean admin screen Great personalization again.

Simple clean admin screen

Assuming various sections of the

navigation take me to different areas in app.

Simple clean admin screen

I am also assuming these are the main features of the app.

Simple clean admin screen

Support information if it is needed. I hope the phone

team is helpful and friendly because if a user decides to

call then that will be their first experience.

Simple clean admin screen

I signed up for a free trial, this counter is a

great addition and keeps me aware of how

may days I have left.

I am not sure what to do first. I see this screen and I guess I should go through

it but I’m unsure

I ask myself, “does the order in which I click on the steps even matter?”

A Few Observations

A brief guided tour here would be EXTREMELY

helpful. Even if the links next to the icons had numbers I

would know what to do first.

Users prefer to follow a predefined path. If there is a path then users can choose

whether or not to deviate from the path.

A Few Observations

I clicked through and went to support.

Good looking knowledge base but I don’t want to spent a large amount

of time reading and watching videos as my first interaction in using the

harvest time app.

A Few Observations

Home Page

Pricing Page

Signup Page

Getting Started

New Project Form

Attempting to Create My First


Since there is no guided tour for creating a project; tooltips next to

each field would be helpful.

When users scroll over the tooltips they can be informed about each field’s purpose.

A Few Observations

Seems strange that I am being prompted to add someone when I am unable to do so. I found out later that

I have to create (invite) a team member first.

How would I ever know that unless I

click around the app and search for it.

A Few Observations

Great email reminder I received 4 days after signing up, continue to engage

users with lifecycle emails.

Onboarding Analysis Harvest: Time Tracking
