HECMA Program Understanding family relationships Ms. Sandra Gorman.

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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HECMA Program

Understanding family relationships

Ms. Sandra Gorman

Everyone is part of a family Family: is the basic unit of society

It gives people a place to belong to. Your family is part of a community and a country

Your family teaches you values, beliefs and expectations

Tell your partner about your family

Different types of families

1. Nuclear Family: husband, wife and their child / children

2. Blended Family: One stepparent, one parent and one or more children

3. Single-parent Family: one parent and one or more children

4. Extended Family: parents, children and other family members such as grandparents living together.

How families help their members

Physical needs: food, water & shelter

Mental needs: teaches life skills, answers questions & helps expand knowledge

Emotional needs: love, acceptance, trust & security

Social needs: teaches how to get along with each other and with people outside the family

Nurtures: to fulfill physical, mental/emotional and social needs

Develop Values & Beliefs

Family’s way of life



Religious beliefs

Values & Beliefs Your values & beliefs influence the decisions

you make, even as an adult.

Influence the types of activities you participate in

The foods you eat

The type of healthcare you choose

Choose to NOT participate in risky behaviours

e.g. smoking, alcohol, drugs

Roles & Responsibilities Every family member has one or more

roles such as parent, child or sibling.

There are responsibilities that come with each role

AS you get older, your roles and responsibilities change as your family needs change.

Roles help families deal with the challenges of daily life and can help build strong family relationships.

Building family relationships

People in strong families feel connected

They enjoy spending time together

Strengthen family relationships

Show appreciation for each other – thank you

Support other family members

Spend quality time together – mealtimes

Communicate effectively – openly

Show responsibility – house tasks / jobs

Show respect

Follow family rules

Positive ways to coping with change in the family

Moving to a new home

Separation, divorce or remarriage of parents

Job change or job loss

Birth of a new sibling

Illness or injury

Death, loss and grief

Change affects ALL family members

Positive Coping with change

Changes and challenges are a normal part of family life.

Keep up normal routines

Talk opening

Get outside help if needed

Counsellors, healthcare workers, religious leaders, police and legal help

Families work together

For most people, the family stands at the center of their lives.

People who enjoy healthy family relationships are more likely to enjoy healthy relationships with others.


Family: is the basic unit of society

Nurtures: to fulfill physical, mental/emotional and social needs