Hello Israel | July 2010 | Issue # 1603

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Y o u r g u i d e t o t h e b e s t o f i s r a e lJuly 10Contents

page 4Out & About

page 6Sites & Attractions

Art & Culture page 14

Shopping & Fashion

Yakir FavoritesRestaurants, Bars & Cafes

Dining Out

Night Life

City Maps

Tourist Information

Bonus Coupons

page 38

page 28

page 24

page 45

page 46

page 35

page 20

out & About

4 hello israel

A sizzling hot summer season awaits theater & dance lovers with Maholohet (Hot Dance) from July 1 – August 31, The Karmiel dance festival starting on the 26th & Clipa Aduma, an international of performance art and visual theater starting on July 15th (see page 18).

MAHOLOHETTel Aviv, July 1 - AugusT 31

Maholohet means “hot dance” in Hebrew. Founded 14 years ago, it has become a hugely popular and very prestigious international modern and classical dance festival, hosted annually in Tel Aviv. Over the past decade or so, Maholohet has become one of the most important international dance festivals of the summer season. It attracts prestigious dance companies from all over the world, as well as dance lovers who often fly in to Israel for an opportunity to see the world’s most innovative and famous dance companies from all over the world gathered in one place.

Maholohet showcases veteran and young Israeli creators of dance of all types: modern, Eastern, flamenco,

experimental and performance art mixed with dance. The event is always a memorable experience, and highly recommended. In past years Maholohet ran for three weeks. This year, the festival will extend over six weeks, from July 1 to August 31and will take place in the Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv. During that time there will be performances in the auditoriums as well as in the beautiful courtyard at the Suzanne Dellal Center in historic Neve Tzedek, home of the Batsheva Dance Company.

84 dance performances by leading Israeli and International dance companies will fill the halls all summer long, and the Vertigo Dance Company will perform Birth of the Phoenix outdoors in the courtyard.Opening the festival is Madrid Dance – a celebration of Spanish dance from July 1 – 10. The Antonio Najarro Dance Company, founded in 2002, presents a modern version of Spanish classical dance. Jazzing Flamenco, create by Najarro, features 11 dancers in a fusion of jazz, blues, soul and flamenco, to the music of Fernando Egozcue.

Keer - Photo by Gadi Dagon

Bat Sheva Dance Company – Creating Dancers, Photo by Yoav Barel

out & About

5hello israel

Tu Be’Av - The Jewish Valentine’s DayMondAy, July 26

Tu Be’Av, the 15th of Av, is the Jewish “holiday of love” and one of our favorites. It’s a matchmaking ritual and celebration of joy that began over 2500 years ago. To celebrate, maidens wore white dresses and danced in the vineyards, enticing the village bachelors. Enchanted by their grace, the men chose which maiden to take as their bride.After going unnoticed for centuries on the Jewish calendar, the Jewish holiday of Tu Be’Av has gained popularity in recent decades. We hope that its spirit brings you good luck in love this July.

Nuevo Ballet Español, under the artistic direction of choreographers Angel Rojas & Carlos Rodriguez, will perform Cambio de Tercio, a combination of traditional dance with contemporary pop influences.Sharon Friedman and Jesus Pastor will perform an evening of their work, and Pastor will also appear in a program with José Marino. One of the festival highlights will be �Spanish Celebration� when all Madrid Dance performers will come together on a single stage, including Ida Gomez and the Ladino singer Yasmin Levy.

Incidence Choreographique presents original works created and performed by dancers of the prestigious Paris Opera Ballet, with choreography by Nicolas Paul, José Martinez and Bruno Bouché. The Black Light Theatre from Prague returns to Suzanne Dellal with Africania.

There are several premieres of Israeli choreographers to look forward to this summer: Rena Sheinfeld, Ronit Ziv, Tamar Borer and Tamara Arda, Einat Ganz, Rachel Erdos, Anat Grigorio, DaNaKa, the Jerusalem Ballet, Elina Pichersky, Kamea Dance Company, Tirza Sapir, Idan Sharabi, Sharon Vazana, Dafi Eltabab and Mami Shimazaki, Sigal Ziv and Portal.

Summer is an excellent opportunity to catch up on performances missed during the year. Returning to the stage are: the Batsheva Ensemble with Ohad Naharin’s Kyr/Zina, the Inbal Pinto/Avshalom Pollak Dance Company with Rushes Plus, Arkadi Zaides’ Quiet, Dana Ruttenberg and Shlomit Fudaminsky, Iris Erez, Yoram Karmi’s Particle Accelerator, Yossi Berg and Oded Graf’s 4 Men Alice Bach and the Deer, the Kibbutz Dance Company’s Infrared, Shlomi Frige’s DIXI, , and the Vertigo Dance Company with White Noise, Mana and Birth of the Phoenix.

The full schedule of performances can be viewed in English on the Batsheva Dance Company’s website: http://www.batsheva.co.ilAll performances will take place at the Suzanne Dellal Centre, 8 Yehieli Street, Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv, 03-5105656.

Karmiel Dance Festival The 23rd Karmiel Dance FestivalJuly 27-29

Israel’s greatest dance festival kicks off in the northern city of Karmiel, the capital of the Galilee with over 5,000 dancers from Israel and abroad taking part in 120 events and performances. More than 250,000 visitors are expected to visit the festival over the 3 day festival when the city will pulsate with rhythm and dance. This dance festival creates a rich cultural bond for dance lovers to enjoy the variety of events from fairs, bazaars, workshops and performances in folk dancing, modern dancing, ballet and jazz all performed on multiple stages around the city. Karmiel Stadium, Morad Haguy, Karmiel Sports Hall, 103 Tsahal St., Tel: (04)9980525 Mofet Hall, 33 Sderot Nesi�ei Yisrael, Tel: (04)9987988 http://www.karmielfestival.co.il

SItES & AttRActIonS

6 hello israel

Rokach HouseThe house of Shimon Rokach, one of the founders of Neve Tzedek, is now a charming museum.36 Simon Rokach St., Neve Tzedek. Tel: (03) 5162531 Groups by appointment. www.ilmuseums.com


Bloomfield Science Museum

Fascinating, thoughtful and intelligent interactive exhibitions for both children and adults.Rupin St. (02) 6544888 www.mada.org.il

Cardo - The Jewish Quarter of the Old City.

Remains of a Roman road dating back to the 5th century C.E, which is now a busy shopping street.Jewish Quarter of the Old City

Chagall Windows

Tel aVIV-YaFFO & area

Bauhaus Center

A resource center, gallery and store highlighting the uniqueness of Tel Aviv as “the Bauhaus architecture capital”. 99 Dizengoff St. Tel: (03) 5220249 www.bauhaus-center.com

Bialik HouseThis charming museum was the home of Israel’s national poet, Chaim Nachman Bialik, from1925-34. 22 Bialik St., Tel: (03) 5254530 www.ilmuseums.com

Israel Children’s MuseumChildren and parents can enjoy a variety of unique creative interactive experiences in a realm of imagination and fantasy. Mifraz Shlomo St., Peres Park, Holon. Tel: (03) 6503010 www.childrensmuseum.org

Museum of the History of the IDFA popular history of the Israeli armed forces. Tel Aviv Promenade, Yehezkel Kaufmann St. (corner of Hamered St.) Tel: (03) 5161346 www.mod.gov.il

Old Yaffo

An ancient city with Ottoman and Arab architecture, a thriving artists’ quarter and a flea market not-to-be-missed.

These magnificent windows of the Abbell Synagogue at the Hadassah University Hospital in Ein Kerem represent Marc Chagall’s unique interpretation of the blessings Jacob gave to his twelve and Moses gave to the twelve tribes of Israel.Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Kerem. Pre-booking recommended Tel: (02) 6776271 www.hadassah.org.il

Mini IsraelMini Israel miniature city features over 350 beautifully crafted exact-replica models, of historical, religious, archeological and modern sites.Latrun, Tel (08) 9130000 or 1-700-599-599 www.minisrael.co.il

Ramparts WalkA walk around the Old City walls providing an elevated view of Jerusalem.Damascus Gate and Yaffo Gate Tel: (02) 6277550

Tower of David Museum

Located in the medieval citadel near the Yaffo Gate, the museum details the major events in Jerusalem’shistory. Yaffo Gate, Old City. Tel: (02) 6265333 www.towerofdavid.org.il

Via Dolorosa (Way of the Cross)Christendom’s most holy road, it follows the route taken by Jesus from the Antonia Fortress where he was condemned to the Hill of Golgotha where he was crucified. The Via Dolorosa is marked by 14 stations, the last five being within the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Old City.

Yad VashemThe world’s most famous Holocaust museum is a sobering learning experience. Har Hazikaron, Tel: (02) 6443400 www.yadvashem.org.il

HaIFa & NOrTHerN COasT

Acre (Akko)Significant archaeological discoveries and numerous historical sites can be found within the massive walls of Acre (Akko), as well as beautiful beaches, excellent

SItES & AttRActIonS

8 hello israel

fish restaurants and a traditional covered market.

Bahai Shrine and Gardens

The World Center of the Bahai Faith is located in Israel and includes holy places and beautiful gardens in both Acre and Haifa. 80 Hatzionut Ave., Haifa and North Acre Intersection, Acre. Reservations Required. Tel: (04) 8313131 www.ganbahai.org.il

Caesarea This ancient port city is located mid-way between Tel Aviv and Haifa on the Israeli Mediterranean coast. Along with ancient ruins, including an amphitheatre which hosts regular music concerts, modern Caesarea, an upscale residential development, offers a choice of restaurants, galleries and lush golfing fairways.

Rosh Hanikra

Visit the grottos, cableway and cliff-top Snack-bar and restaurant at Rosh Hanikra’s Visitors Site. 10km north of Nahariya Tel: 073-2710100 www.rosh-hanikra.com

GalIlee & GOlaN HeIGHTs


Capernaum (Kfar Nachum) served as Jesus’ home base during his ministry in the Galilee and was a thriving Christian community. After the Arab conquest around 700 CE the town was destroyed. The town’s synagogue and house of St. Peter have been restored and made into a museum.

CanaThe traditional site of the wedding feast where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine and the hometown of the discipleNathaneal. The modern town of Kfar Cana is built on this site.

Mount of the BeatitudesThe traditional site of the Sermon on the Mount is today is tranquil garden with a Franciscan church featuring the eight beatitudes in stained glass and provides a good vantage point to view the Sea of Galilee.


The largest church in the Middle East, the Church of the Annunciation, where it was revealed to Mary that she would conceive and give birth to the Son of God, is to be found in this city, the childhood home of Jesus. Gaze in awe at the view of the magnificent Jezreel Valley or experience 1st century life at the Nazareth Village. Tel: (04) 6456042


On the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, is the traditional site of the multiplication of loaves and fishes, a story found in all four Gospels.

The Hermon River ReserveA source of the Jordan River and

a beautiful thickly forested nature reserve and archeological site. Tel: (04) 6902577

Tel Dan Nature ReserveTel Dan is a beautiful hiking area where the Dan River flows. Tel Dan www.parks.org.il

TiberiasNamed after the Roman emperor, Tiberius is one of four holy cities in Judaism. Tiberias was once the center of Jewish life in Israel with the establishment of Rabbinical academies attracting Jewish scholars and sages.

TsfatAn important spiritual center, particularly noted for being the place where the Kabbalah was written. Visit the ancient synagogues thatlie alongside the Artists’ Quarter. www.tsfat.com

NeGeV & araVa

Dead Sea

The lowest body of water on earth, this salt lake has an important biblical history and is also the site of many tourist facilities. Health and beauty products are manufactured from salt and minerals of the area.

HerodianSituated in the Judean Desert with a clear view of Jerusalem, are the remains of an ancient heavily fortified palace including a luxurious bathhouse built by King Herod. This complex was also used as a command center during the Bar Kochva revolt.

Ein Gedi

160 Dizengoff St. Tel-Aviv, Tel: 03-5228558Sun. - Thr.: 10:00-13:00, 17:00-19:00 Fri.: 10:00-14:00

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Now is the Perfect Time to Realize Your Dreams.I will guide you through all the stages of your investment process from the moment you arrive to Israel until you take possession of your well purchased home.

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Tel. (03) 544-2525196 Ben Yehuda St. Tel Aviv (Near the Hilton Tel Aviv)


SItES & AttRActIonS

10 hello israel

An oasis located in the Judean Desert, mentioned several times in the bible and famous for its caves, springs, and rich diversity of flora and fauna. Massada

This world heritage site situated on a mountain top, is famous for the heroic last stand of Jewish zealots besieged by the Romans. The magnificent view of the desert panorama and the Dead Sea, along with various activities of the tourist center, make for an extraordinary experience.

Underwater Observatory Marine Park - Eilat

Enjoy the underwater observatory, giant aquariums, underwater dive simulator and glass submarine. This marine park offers the richest presentation of animal life of the Red Sea.Tel: (08) 6364200 www.coralworld.com

Now is the Perfect Time to Realize Your Dreams.I will guide you through all the stages of your investment process from the moment you arrive to Israel until you take possession of your well purchased home.

With our 47 years of experience as builders, developers and realtors, our dedicated professionals guarantee that you will find the best property at the most favorable price & terms.

Always at Your ServiceYali Enchilini - CEO

Considering a Real Estate Purchase in Tel Aviv?

Tel. (03) 544-2525196 Ben Yehuda St. Tel Aviv (Near the Hilton Tel Aviv)


SItES & AttRActIonS

12 hello israel

Market Culture – Best Finds and Unforgettable ExperiencesYou are invited to discover the unique character of Israel by exploring the many open-air markets, known as shuks. This is the perfect time of year, when the change in season brings with it weather suited to shuk-shopping as well as an incredible selection of seasonal products.

old CiTy MArkeT – JerusAleMFound deep inside Jerusalem’s heart, is the Old City Market, bursting with history and attracting locals and tourists alike. The system of narrow alleyways reveals the secrets of this ancient city. The market offers a fascinating variety of wares.Muslim Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem. Opening Hours: Daily from early morning to sunset

MAChAne yehudA MArkeT – JerusAleMFor travelers seeking a fascinating look at Israeli culture or residents hoping to strike a bargain, this crowded, yet inviting market is a meaningful experience. Fresh, inexpensive produce is in abundance but the market’s specialties include colorful spices, pre-made salads and spreads and newly baked pastries. Agripas St. and Yaffo St., Jerusalem. Opening Hours: Sun-Thur 8am-8pm, Fri 8am-3pm

CArMel MArkeT – Tel AvivThe most amazing fresh produce of every imaginable kind plus more can be found here. Check out the tiny shops in the alleyways and indulge in edible delicacies that are prepared with love and sold with character by the lively store owners. Treat yourselves to a meal at the popular Carmela Ba Nacaala or Basta restaurants.Between Allenby and the sea shore, Tel Aviv. Opening Hours: Sun-Thur 8am-evening, Fri 8am-3pm

nAhAlAT BinyAMin PedesTriAn MArkeT – Tel AvivIsrael’s foremost craft fair boasts an amazing array of items, highlighting the talents of local artists. Ranging from wooden crafts, to decorative goods, to jewelry, to art for the home and so much more, this is an excellent place to find the perfect gift.Nahalat Binyamin St., Tel Aviv. Opening hours Tues and Fri 10am-5pmFleA MArkeT shuk hAPishPushiM – yAFFo

If you’re looking for bargains, antiques and second-hand treasures, this market is the place for you. Literally anything and everything under the sun can be found here. The vendor’s wares spill out into the streets and hidden

treasures await inside the alleyway stores.The market is in walking distance of the famous Yaffo clock-tower. Yefet St. by the Clock Tower, Yaffo. Opening Hours: Sun-Thur 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-2pm

Machane Yehuda Market - Jerusalem

Flea Market, Shuk Hapishpushim - Yaffo

14 hello israel

ARt & cuLtuREPlease note that the events listedin this section do not cover all thecultural activities taking place during this period in Israel’s major cities. We recommend that you call the telephone numbers listed for reservations and further information. Events may be subject to change. Please confirm! Enjoy your stay.

Art Tel aVIV-YaFFO

ArT MuseuMs

Beit Hatfutsot, Museum of the Jewish PeopleThis museum tells the unique and ongoing story of the Jewish People. The museum presents thousands of years of a flourishing, multifaceted culture, bringing to life the unity that underlies the diversity of the Jewish culture.Tel Aviv University Campus, Matityahu Gate (#2), Klausner St., Ramat Aviv.Tel: (03) 7457800 Opening Hours: Sun-Tues, Thurs 10am-4pm Wed 10 am-6pm, Fri 9am-1pm, Closed on Saturdays and Jewish holidays www.bh.org.il

Bible MuseumHosts constantly changing exhibitions by Israeli and foreign artists on biblical subjects from asecular perspective.16 Rothschild Blvd. Tel Aviv. Tel: (03) 5177760Opening Hours: Sun-Tues 9.30am-12.30pm, Wed 9.30am-12.30pm / 4pm-9pm, Thurs-Fri 9.30am-12.30pmwww.ilmuseums.com

Nachum Gutman MuseumTucked away on a small street in Neve Tzedek, this delightful little museum tells the story of one of Israel’s most famous artists.21 Rokach Street (Neve Tzedek). Tel: (03) 5161970Opening Hours: Sun-Wed 10am-4pm, Thurs 10am-7pm, Fri 10am-2pm, Sat 10am-5pm, www.gutmanmuseum.co.il

Rubin MuseumRecently renovated, this small museum located in the home of Reuven Rubin tells the story of thefamous artist’s life and work.14 Bialik St Tel. (03) 5255961Opening Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, 10am-3pm, Tues 10am-8pm, Sat 11am-2pmwww.rubinmuseum.org.il

Tel Aviv Museum of ArtIsrael’s main art museum hosts more than half a million visitors per year. It features a dynamic program of changing and permanent exhibitions, cultural programs of classical and jazz music, performance arts, lecture series, special events, children’s programs, dance, and cinema.27 Shaul Hamelech Ave, Tel AvivTel: (03) 6077020. Opening Hours: Mon, Wed, Sat 10am- 4pm, Tues, Thur 10am-10pm, Fri 10am- 2pm. Sun closed. www.tamuseum.com

new eXhiBiTion

Tel Aviv Museum of ArtLarry Abramson: Paintings 1975–2010A comprehensive exhibition of paintings by leading Israeli artist Larry Abramson (b. 1954). Abramson's work comprises mostly of series centered on one leading motif, e.g., The Black Square, The Yellow Square, Anatomical Paintings, Nevo, Columns, Beams, tsooba, ShalomShalom, The Pile, Rose of Jericho; and the most recent series, Yechiam, Home and Panic. Over the years, the series have accumulated more and more images and contexts that serve Abramson as linguistic units, recurring in his work to create each time new painterly sentences. Abramson began painting in the mid-1970s, concurrently with the appearance of new artistic forms in Europe and the USA, especially

"New Painting," which challenged the conventions of conceptual and minimalistic neo-avant-garde. Against this background, as an artist challenged by art history and theory, Abramson constructed his painting as a form of inter-era hybrid-painting; painting which, on the one hand, refers to values from the past, yet on the other hand offers an alternative system of ideas and concepts centered on the desire to rehabilitate painting as a relevant medium for the expression of the complicated reality of this place, where he lives. Yadid Rubin: Plowed ColorYadid Rubin's paintings offer a new syntax of landscape, which does not correspond with the concepts of subjectivity, intimacy and authenticity through which Israeli art has woven its identity. This is landscape delighting in the "decorative," the "synthetic" and the "beautiful"—terms that were unmentionable for many years in Israeli art's inner circle; these are landscape paintings in which the sense of place and its absence exist side by side, composing a new reality. The exhibition sets out Yadid Rubin's work since the late 1960s. Alongside chapters from his early work—conceptual works and units of paintings of kibbutz life, studio interior and landscape, the exhibition includes paintings from the late 1980s until today, as a crystallized unit: landscape scenes from his life, including field, house, tree, path, horizon line and sun in countless

Larry Abramson Paintings 1975-2010

15hello israel

ARt & cuLtuRE

Please note that the events listedin this section do not cover all thecultural activities taking place during this period in Israel’s major cities. We recommend that you call the telephone numbers listed for reservations and further information. Events may be subject to change. Please confirm! Enjoy your stay.


Alon Segev6 Rothschild Blvd., Tel Aviv.Tel: (03) 6090769, Mon-Thurs, 12pm-7pm, Fri 10am-1pm,www.alonsegevgallery.com

Artists’ House9 Alharizi St. Tel: (03) 5246685Mon-Thur 10am-1pm, 5pm-7pm, Fri 10am-1pm Sat 10am-2pm www.ilmuseums.com

Chelouche Gallery5 Chissin St. Tel: (03) 5289713 Mon-Thurs 10am-1pm, 5 pm-7pm, Fri 10am-1pm www.chelouchegallery.com

Contemporary by Golconda .117 Herzl St, Tel Aviv. Tel (03) 6822777 Sun 4pm-7pm, Mon-Thu 11am-9pm, l Fri 10am-2pm, Sat 11am-2pm. www.contemporary.co.il

Dvir Gallery11 Nachum St. Tel: (03) 6043003 Tue-Thur 11am-6pm, Fri-Sat 10am-1pmwww.dvirgallery.com

Engel Gallery26 Gordon St. Tel: (03) 5225637

Gallery 39 for Contemporary Art39 Nahmani St. Tel: (03) 5666631Mon-Thurs.11am-7pm, Fri 10am-2pm, Sat 10am-1pmwww.artgallery39.com

Gebo Gallery 35 Shaul HamelechTel: 052-2570792, 077-3300141Mon-Fri 11am-2pm, 4pm-7pm, Fri 11am-2pmwww.gebogallery.com

The Heder Gallery11 Gottlieb St. Tel: (03) 5222402,

Mon-Thur 12am-6 pm Fri 11am-2 pm Sat 11am-1pmwww.theheder.com

Gerstein GalleryPaintings By Ioan IacobThe reality of Iacob's paintings is independent and without ties to a world that is devoid of color. The subjects of his paintings are borrowed directly from his immediate surroundings but they do not represent or symbolize or attempt to show something that is outside of what they actually consist of. One must open one's senses and emotions to Iacob’s world. Runs from June 3-3099 Ben Yehuda St. Tel: (03) 5293826Sun-Thur 11am-7pm, Friday 10am-2pmwww.davidgerstein.com

Givon Gallery35 Gordon St. Tel: (03) 5225427Sun 10am-1pm, Mon-Thurs 10am-1pm, 5pm-7pm,Fri 10am-2 pm, Sat 11am-2pmwww.givonartgallery.com

Gordon Gallery95 Ben Yehuda St. Tel: (03) 5240323Mon-Thurs 1am-7pm, Fri 10am-2pm, Sat 10am-1pmwww.gordongallery.co.il

Biblelands Museum - Angels And Demons, Jewish Magic Through The ages.

Yadid Rubin Plowed Color 1983-2000

16 hello israel

ARt & cuLtuRE

Hakibbutz Gallery25 Dov Hoz St. Tel: (03) 5232533Sun-Thurs 12pm-7pmwww.kibbutzgallery.org.il

HAR-EL PRINTERS & PUBLISHERSPrinters and publishers of fine art limited editions and artists' books, this print work shop and gallery, established in 1974 creates original graphics and hosts exhibitions of established Israeli and international artists. Visitors are welcomed in English, French, German and Hebrew and parking is plentiful. 8 Elizabeth Bergner St., Yaffo. Tel: (03) 6816834 or 0544-237320 Fax: (03) 6813563USA: 1888 481 9095;Germany: 0800 181 9114 Sun-Thurs 9am-5pm, Fri 11am-2pm or by appointment. www.harelart.com

Ilana Goor Museum4 Mazal Dagim St, Old JaffaTel: (03) 6837676, Sun-Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 10am-6pm, www.ilanagoor.com

Minotaure GalleryAvant-Garde Yiddish TheatreShowcasing original, rare works by Boris Aronson (1898 – 1980) including sketches for wall drawings, costumes and set designs for the Jewish theatre in America at the start of the 1920's.

A famed painter, sculptor, stage designer, theoretician and art critic, Aronson was a prominent figure of theatre design that successfully applied the ideologies of modern Jewish utopia and brought these ideas to the forefront of international artistic and cultural awareness.His progresive avant garde works were revolutionary and instigated many changes in American theatre thus establishing Aronson as one of the most influential forces in the world of modern theatre.Runs from May 8-June 8. 100 Ben Yehuda, Tel Aviv. Tel: (03) 522-8424 Sun-Thur 10:30am-7.30pm, Fri 10:30am-2pm. www.minotaure-telaviv.com

Minshar Gallery for Art18 David Chachami St. Tel: (03) 6887090 Sun-Thurs 12pm-7pm

Noga Gallery60 Ahad Ha’am St.Tel: (03) 5660123Mon-Thur 11am-7pm Fri-Sat 11am-2pmwww.nogagallery.com

Office in Tel Aviv (installation art)1 Shlomo Hamelech St.Tel: (03) 5254191, Tue-Thurs 2pm-7pm Fri, Sat 11am-1pmwww.officeintelavivgallery.com

Time Fragments – Motke BlumThis award-winning, multi-disciplinary Romanian-born Israeli artist, a

holocaust survivor who escaped forced labor in Romania, closes the circle of his past and emphasises the concept of renewal with his latest exhibition of works that have been created from the depth of his experiences and soul which have been “covered with a layer of dust for many years”. The color white is most prominent as the artist endeavours to purify his experiences as a human being in the 20th century using this cleansing color. Runs from April 27-May 21.8 King Saul Blvd., Tel Aviv. Tel: (03) 6961746 Sun-Thur 9pm- 5pm, Mon, Wed 6pm-8pm.

Rosenfeld Gallery1 Shvil Hamifaal St. Tel. (03) 5229044,Tue -Thurs 12pm-7pm, Fri 11am-2pm, Sat 11am-1pm www.rg.co.il

Sommer Contemporary Art113 Rothschild Blvd. Tel: (03) 5166400Mon-Thur 10am- 6pm Fri 10am-2pm Sat 11am-1pmwww.sommercontemporaryart.com

The Center for Contemporary Art5 Kalisher St. Tel. (03) 5106111Mon-Thur 2 pm – 7 pm Fri-Sat 10 am – 2 pm, www.cca.org.il

Group exhibition at Chelouche Gallery for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv.Runs until August 31

The works of Gaston Zvi Ickowicz, Guy Goldstein, Noa Giniger and Tomer Sapir, four artists who employ various media and materialistic languages, raise questions regarding the ability to think in terms of causality, linear time-line, and clear, unequivocal reality. Through acts of dismantling, blurring, imitating and distorting, the works challenge the possibility of continuous coherent presence. These actions and the discussion in terms that suit the fragmented present are an essential starting point in comprehending how one can resist the hegemonic narrative and the “official story”.

5 Chissin St. Tel AvivTel: (03) 5289713 Mon-Thurs 10am-1pm, 5 pm-7pm, Fri 10am-1pmwww.chelouchegallery.com

pick of the month

Grandfather Paradox

17hello israel


Herzliya Museum of Contemporary ArtOne of the most important contemporary art museums in Israel, this politically conscious, highly intelligent museum is well worth the 20-minute drive from Tel Aviv to Herzliya. 4 Habanim St. (09) 9551011, Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10 am-2pm, Tues&Thurs 4pm-8pmherzliyamuseum.co.il


ArT MuseuMs

The Museum for Islamic Art The Museum’s permanent collections constitute one of the foremost collections of Islamic art and Antique Watches and Clocks.2 Hapalmach St. Tel: (02) 5661291 Opening Hours: Sun, Mon, Wed 10am-3pm; Tue, Thur 10am-7pm; Fri and holiday eves 10am-2pm; Sat and holidays 10am-4pm www.islamicart.co.il

The Israel MuseumThe Israel Museum is the largest and most important cultural institution in the country. The museum includes some 500,000 archeological and anthropological exhibits, displays of Judaica and ethnography, Israeli and international art. The Billy Rose Sculpture Garden includes works byHenry Moore and Picasso. The huge permanent collection is documented with temporary world-class exhibits each month.11 Ruppin Blvd. near the Knesset, Information: (02) 6708811Opening Hours: Sun, Mon, Wed, Thurs 10am-5pm, Tues 10am-9pm Fri and holiday

Tel. (02) 6253653, Sun-Thur 10am-1pm, 4pm-7pm Fri 10am-1pmSat 11am-2pm, www.art.org.il

Museum on the SeamInternational contemporary art on the theme of co-existence4 Chel Handasa St. Tel. (02) 6281278, Sun-Thurs 10am-7pm, Fri 10am-2pm, www.mots.org.il

The Municipal Art Gallery17 Yaffo St. Tel. (02) 6256937 Sun-Thur 8am-6pm

The New GalleryThe Jerusalem municipality’s collaborative contemporary art gallery Teddy Stadium, Tel. (02) 6792968 Sun-Thu 4pm-7pmwww.thenewgallery.org.il

Ticho HouseA lovely museum, garden and café, right in the center of town. Harav Kook Street (near Zion Square) Museum and events: (02) 6245068 Café: (02) 6244186, Sun, Mon, Wed, Thurs 10am-5pm, Tues 10am-10pm, Fri 10am-2pm


ArT MuseuMs

The Haifa Museum of Art26 Shabbetai Levi St.Tel: (04) 8523255Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed 10am-4pm, Thurs 10am-7pm, Fri/holiday eves 10am-1pm, Sat/holidays 10am-3pm www.hma.org.il

The Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art89 Hanassi AveTel: (04) 8383554Sun-Thu 10am-4pm, Fri/holiday eves 10am-1pm, Sat/holidays 10am-3pmwww.hma.org.il

Haifa City MuseumSun-Thurs 10am-4pm, Fri/holiday eves 10am-1pm,Sat/holidays 10am-3pm, www.hma.org.il

DanceTel aVIV-YaFFO


Clipa Theatre38 Harakevet St., Tel Aviv. Tickets: (03) 6879219 www.clipa.co.il

Inbal Multicultural Ethnic Centre5 Yeheli St, Neve Tzedek. Tickets: (03) 5161933 www.inbalethnic.co.il

ARt & cuLtuRE

eves 10am-2pm Sat and holidays 10am-5pmwww.imj.org.il

new eXhiBiTion

Biblelands MuseumAngels And Demons - Jewish Magic Through The ages How do you charm a woman? How do you protect babies against the evil demon Lilith? Why would you bury bowls upside-down at the entrance to your home?The magical and mysterious world of Jewish incantations, spells and curses will be revealed in the this exhibition. This thought-provoking exhibition combines archaeology, folklore and superstition in an all encompassing display of amulets, khamsas, jewelry, manuscripts, books of spells and other mystifying objects.Museum Row, 25 Granot St.. Tel: (02) 5611066 Sun-Tue, Thur 9:30am-5:30pm, Wed 9:30am-9:30pm, Fri and Holiday eves 9:30am-2pmwww.blmj.org


Eden Gallery 10 King David Street Tel. (02) 6244831, Sun-Thur 9am-9pm, Fri 9am-2pmwww.eden-gallery.com

Gerstein Studio/Gallery13 Harekhvim st. Talpiyot. Tel: (02) 6781899Sun – Thur 10am-5pmwww.davidgerstein.comJerusalem Artists’ House12 Shmuel Hanagid St

Biblelands Museum - Angels And Demons, Jewish Magic Through The ages.

18 hello israel

Ezéquiel Garcia-Romeu will run a four day workshop for puppeteers and artists.The Clipa Aduma festival was founded in 2007, and is held each year in Clipa Center for Performance Art in Tel-Aviv and selected theaters throughout the country.Clipa Theater 38 Harakevet St. Tel Aviv For More Information & tickets call 03-6879219 www.aduma.co.il

ARt & cuLtuRE

Mayumana House15 Louis Pasteur St., Yaffo. Tickets: (03) 6811787 www.mayumana.com/momentum

Suzanne Dellal Center5 Yeheli St., Neve Tzedek. Tickets: (03) 5105656 www.suzannedellal.org.il

Tel-Aviv Performing Arts Center - The Opera House19 Shaul Hamelech St., Tel Aviv. Tickets: (03) 6927777 www.israel-opera.co.il

Tmuna Theatre8 Shontziynu St., Tel Aviv. Tickets: (03) 5611211 www.tmu-na.org.il


Hertizlya Performing Arts Center Jabotinsky 15, Haifa. Tel: 1 700 70 29 29 www.hoh-herzliya.co.il


Haifa Auditorium138 Hanasi Boulevard, Merkaz Carmel, Haifa. Tickets: (04) 8418411

Jerusalem & mODIIN


The Lab28 Derech Hevron St., Jerusalem. Tickets: (02) 6292001 www.maabada.org.ilThe Jerusalem Centre for Performing Arts, Sherover Theatre20 Marcus St., Jerusalem. Tickets: (02) 5605755 www.jerusalem-theatre.co.il

TheatreClipa AdumaThe Clipa Aduma international festival of performance art and visual theater establishes a platform for experience, creation and thought, in the innovative and multi-faceted fields of performance art and visual theater. The festival was founded with the purpose of exposing Israeli audiences to the various forms of progressive theatre - which are gradually establishing a prominent role among the stage arts. The Clipa Aduma festival initiates a physical and formative dialogue between international and Israeli artists, promoting quality theatrical productions. The festival hosts carefully selected groups and artists - worldwide leaders in their fields - presenting their work and holding

schindekilliusdutschkle photo by Sandra Then-Friedrich

workshops and master-classes enabling hands-on experience in their methods of work.Clipa Aduma 2010 will host four different international groups. Jo Stromgren Company from Norway will perform the successful, internationally acclaimed show "A Dance Tribute to the Art of Football". "Schindelkilliusdutschke" company from Germany will perform with a humorous musical theater piece titled "Aus der Kammer Musik Theater". The "La Tempest" company (Chile/Korea) will perform their new work called "Sisyphus Rock" – a joint performance of physical theater artist from Chile and a video-art artist from Korea. The French puppeteer Ezéquiel Garcia-Romeu will come with his celebrated performance "Aberrations of an Archivist", a magnificent puppet show for adults.The festival also encourages and promotes Israeli artists working in the forms of visual theater, offering professional production assistance as well as an option to run festival productions in Clipa Center for Performance Art after their premiere. This year the festival will premier four different Israeli nights with a mixture of dance-theater, physical-theater, special presentations and musical pieces.Throughout the festival Clipa will host two international workshops. Elias Cohen from "La Tempest" will run a four day workshop of physical and object theater with martial arts.

20 hello israel


Jerusalem, sacred to three religions, has always been the center and heart of the Jewish people and the focus of their longings in exile. Its glorious past, its tumultuous history and its supreme sanctity make Jerusalem a spiritual center worldwide.Inspired by the city and its symbolism, the IDC (Israel Diamond Center) group, specializing in design, manufacture and trade in precious jewelry and diamonds, is launching a collection of opulent jewelry inlaid with original stones from the Temple Mount - the Moriah Collection. This collection is the first of its kind in the world with a registered patent, since the jewelry is inlaid with original stones from the Temple Mount.

"Take a piece of Jerusalem with you" - the slogan that accompanies the Moriah collection expresses the fact that anyone, whoever they may be, can take a ‘piece’ of Jerusalem, the holy and eternal city, and place it on their heart. Each item of jewelry in the Moriah collection is designed and made by hand, projecting a potent message through the unique combination of materials that represent the power, the value and the sanctity of Jerusalem: diamonds - the hardest and most precious stone in the world, gold - the noblest of metals, and Jerusalem stone from the Temple Mount - the holiest place in the world for more than 3000 years.IDC's jewelry designers have retained the raw integrity of each stone from the Temple Mount in order to preserve its originality, suffused with sanctity and symbolism. The Moriah collection is made up of items in a limited series, the number of items in each series being around 7, a number of special significance in Judaism.The name Moriah, chosen for the new collection, refers to Mount Moriah where Abraham bound his son Isaac for sacrifice - which is the Temple Mount on which the temple was built in Jerusalem and from which the stones in the jewelry were taken. A few years ago, the Waqf carried out expansion work on the Temple Mount

and a large quantity of excavated material was removed. In 2004 a tent was set up in Emek Tzurim, at the foot of the Mount of Olives, in which to sift through the excavated material from the Temple Mount. From this came dozens of coins, pieces of jewelry, clay lamps, mosaic stones, pottery shards, glass and stones from the Temple Mount from which the Moriah collection was made.Each piece of jewelry sold at IDC carries an international gemology certificate from leading global institutions such as IGC, EGL, GIA, and so on, and buyers receive full and accurate documentation for every

diamond purchased. The IDC customer base mainly comprises buyers from abroad, especially from the countries of the former Soviet Union and eastern Europe, as well as tourists from western Europe, the United States and the Far East. The showroom is set up accordingly, with sales people who speak a number of different languages. The company has a Russian language website, and will shortly be putting up websites in additional languages. The website is popular among existing customers, who use it to place repeat orders. Along with the launch of the Moriah collection, there is also a designated website for the collection at: www.moriah-collection.comAvi Tavisal, CEO of IDC, says that “as a native Jerusalemite, eighth

generation in Israel, the Moriah collection is very special for me because it represents an emotional combination of materials, design and art. The pieces of jewelry arouse a sense of spiritual elation in every viewer." Tavisal adds that "even before launching the collection list, we were asked to design individual pieces of jewelry created especially as gifts for world leaders and personalities."Plans are currently underway between IDC and the Ir David (City of David) tourist site in Jerusalem for designated items of jewelry from the Moriah collection to be designed

for Ir David, incorporating design elements relating to David's city such as David’s harp, the king's palace, and so on. The Moriah collection has been designed and produced by IDC under the Tavisal label, combining new and old, art and advanced technology in the design and manufacture of luxury jewelry. The Moriah collection can be found at IDC House, 1 Jabotinsky St, Ramat Gan, and in the Gold Time chain in Jerusalem in King George Street and the Jerusalem Mall, Malcha, or in the Rolex store in Mamilla.

Take a piece of Jerusalem with youThe MoriAh ColleCTion MAgniFiCenT Jewelry seT wiTh originAl sTones FroM The TeMPle MounT

Women Friendly Sex Shop

Official Importers of Fun Factory, GermanyTel: (03)5466906 | www.sisters.co.il

love Yorself !

Designed and made in Israel

22 hello israel


The following index is a short sample of Israel's best shopping establishments. You are welcome to send us your personal recommendations to mailto:mail@helloisrael.net


Fine Jewelry

H.SternIn all major hotels H.Stern is one of the best-known international jewelers with boutiques at all major hotels. Hilton Tel Aviv, (03) 5249616, David Citadel,Jerusalem, (02) 6243606, Hilton Queen of Sheba Promenade Eilat, (08) 6331525 & Ben Gurion Airport.

MillerA special selection of models anddesigns by world’s most famousjewelry designers and a uniquevariety of own crafted jewels. Forstore locations see ad on page 3.Main store: 157 Dizengoff St. Tel (03) 5249383.


Sea of Life StoresTel Aviv - Tel: (03) 5292981 Netanya - Tel: (09) 8325567

Tiberias - Tel: (04) 6715204 Ein Bokek at Ein Hatchelet - Tel: (02) 9903525 Neve Midbar, Dead Sea North - Tel: (02) 9401818 Eilat - Tel: 052-5910006 Head Office - Tel: (02) 9903500 Arad Factory - Tel: (02) 9903528 www.deadseashop.co.il


GottexA wide selection of swim and beach wear. Main store, 62 Anilevitch St. Tel Aviv. Tel. (03) 5373879 www.gottex.com


BAsel QuArTer


YaldutiInfants and children’s fashion34 Basel St. Tel. (03) 5465694

Mother LandExclusive importer maternity wear,strollers, prams and more.38 Basel St. Tel. (03) 5460611www.motherland.co.il


MenifaGlass works, jewelry, ethnic works1 Alkalai St. Tel. (03) 6054505

Hagar SatatJewelry, 37 Basel St., Tel (03) 6023718


Daniella Lehavi Leather bags and shoes by top Israeli designer, 34 Basel St. Tel. (03) 5440573www.daniellalehavi.com

Del-ArteColorful home accessories9 Ashtori HaFarchi St.Tel (03) 5466993, www.del-arte.co.il

Ben yehudA sTreeT


AXELADesigner clothing, bathing suits, handbags, accessories and more... 96 Ben Yehuda St. Tel. (03) 5275371, 077-2012530

Caf’e BizarreStreet fashion and accessories

23hello israel



Tifa-ArtsImprinted Art – Leather accessories,ceramics and glass works and more. 2 Levontin St. Tel: 052-2660250, 052-2369606, www.tifa-arts.com

kikAr hAMedinA

He BeEyar St., Hamedina Square.The most exclusive shopping district in Israel where you will find the biggest fashion name brands – from Bulgari to Armani


AmorFashion and accessories designed by the best: Valentino, Fendi, D&G, etc 6 and 74 He BeEyar St.Tel. (03) 6967587, 6956533

Helga DesignImported premium brands for women 12 Heh B’Iyar St. Tel. (03) 6955488

MikaLeather wear for women48 Heh B’Iyar St. Tel. (03) 5468150

TACTICImported premium brands for men and women, 32 Heh B’Iyar St., Tel. (03) 6967173

AdaHandbags, Accessories, Clothing6 Heh B’Iyar St., Tel. (03) 6956701


TimesQuareWatch Boutique62 Heh B’Iyar St., Tel. (03) 6040767


Green VurcelSilversmiths & Jewelers52 Heh B’Iyar St., Tel. (03) 5465661

Blue BandanGifts, Housewares52 Heh B’Iyar St., Tel. (03) 6021686

nAChAlAT BinyAMin


Nachalat Binyamin BazaarColorful arts and crafts bazaarcombined with street theatre,musicians and jugglers. This is an excellent place to shop for unique gifts. Tues: 9.30am-5.30pm, Fri: 9am-4pm

Dorin FrankfurtIsraeli women’s designer164 Dizengoff St.Tel. (03) 5270379www.dorinf.com

ImumaUnique handmade shoes by Israeli designers. 114 Dizengoff St. Tel. 077-4430632

Salon MalkaWide selection of swim and beach wear. 160 Dizengoff St. Tel. (03) 5228558


AmaroJewelry, 226 Dizengoff St.,Tel. (03) 5242479

Dori CsengeriHand embroidered jewelry – featured in Vogue Magazine242 Dizengoff St. Tel. (03) 6043273www.doricsengeri.com


Bauhaus Center99 Dizengoff St. Excellent selection of books and functional designs, Tel. (03) 5220249

Antiquariat – M.PollakIsrael’s oldest and most renownedfirm (1899) for antique maps andprints of the Holy Land. Lithographsand etching from 16th century;Art Deco, Jewish art, antiquarianand rare books. King George St. Tel. (03) 5281336, 5288613.

MAZAL TOVIsraeli gifts and jewelry to bringback home with you. Starts from 1$[full VAT refund].159 Dizengoff st., Tel Aviv.

gAn hAhAshMAl

The Gan Hahashmal (Electricity Garden) lies between the streets of Allenby, Yehuda Halevy, Barzilay & Hahashmal. This is where you will find a concentration of cutting-edge boutiques, studios of apparel and accessory designers.


ShineIsraeli women’s designer 12 HaRakevet St. Tel. (03) 5601658


Ruby StarJewelry, Levontin 28 St. Tel. 077-5606500

TESHandbag designer 12 HaRakevet St.Tel. (03) 5601482www.teschic.com

150 Ben Yehuda St.www.cafebizarre.co.il

OLIVIAElite fashion for women218 Ben Yehuda St., Tel. (03) 6044197

Inn7Premium street wear brands177 Ben Yehuda St., Tel. (03) 6201022


Déjà VuDesigners Eyewear121 Ben Yehuda St. Tel. (03)5275278

Shell YaellContemporary shell craft design187 Ben Yehuda St.


Raphael'sOriginal handmade crafts by talented Israeli designers. 94 Ben Yehuda St. Tel. (03) 5273619


AHAVAHiton Hotel (Lobby) Hayarkon Street – Gan Haatzama’ut Tel. (03) 5220120

dizengoFF sTreeT


BANKERIsraeli designers and imported men and women’s fashion210 Dizengoff St. Tel. (03) 5290358

Banot – Loulou LiamIsraeli women’s designer 212 Dizengoff St. Tel. (03) 5291175

Block 190Trendy international premium brand store, 190 Dizengoff St., Tel. (03) 5279951

Claude SamuelSupremely elegant eyewear17 Dizengoff St. Tel: (03) 6208882

Claudette ZoreaIsraeli women’s designer 236 Dizengoff St., Tel. (03) 542447

Couple OfWomen’s shoe designers207 Dizengoff St., Tel.(03) 6044451

David SassonMen’s fashion, 170 Dizengoff St.Tel. (03) 5298536 www.davidsassoon.co.il



26 hello israel

by world-wide known Israeli designer 37 Sheinkin St. Tel. (03) 5252752www.michalnergin.com

Tel Aviv PorT

Tel Aviv’s old port (“Namal Tel Aviv” in Hebrew), dating back to 1936, has been renovated into a trendy complex where you can shop and eat; at night, go clubbing or bar hopping. www.namal.co.il


Bait Ba'Namal“Empowering Women” is the basic statement reflected in comme il faut’s Bait Ba'Namal, a shopping center focused on women’s needs.Hangar 26, Tel (03)6041025www.baitbanamal.co.il

Souvenirs & Accessories

IditJewelry and Judaica designs1 Yordei Hasira, Tel. (03) 5440067www.iditjewelry.com

Galilee’s Galilee’s are proud to present the very best of the Galilee, an authentic series of selected products created by hand, produced from the land, and harvested from nature. Bait Ba’Namal, Hangar 26, Tel Aviv Port. Sun-Thur 10am-10pm, Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 11am-10pm Tel: (03) 5442834, www.galilees.co.il

Gal Designs A special collection of unique garments and accessories made from colorful, especially designed fabrics. All items are handmade in limited editions. Bait Ba’Namal, Hangar 26, Tel Aviv Port, Sun-Thur 10am-10pm, Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 11am-10pm Tel: (03) 5461568



Skalski Leather BoutiqueOriginal designs of fine leather accessories, bags, purses and belts.19 Aboulafia St. Tel: (03)6834505www.skalskidesign.com

neve Tzedek


Sigal DekelIsraeli designer for women’s fashion 15 Achva St. (on the corner of Shabazi St.), Tel. (03) 5165224

Accessories Agas and TamarJewelry, 43 Shabazi St. Tel. (03) 5168421

MishkafayimEyewear boutique14 Shabazi St., Tel. (03)5166202

Ayala BarJewelry36 Shabazi St.Tel. (03) 5100082


BadimExquisite textile shop42 Shabazi St. Tel. (03) 5164269

sheinkin sTreeT


StoryTrendy international premium brand store, 60 Sheinken St. Tel. (03) 560391Hashmal 15Street fashion, 34 Sheinkin St., Tel. (03) 6291119


Michal NegrinRomantic, imaginary colorful jewelry

LE'ELAThis unique shop is a true palace of Israeli design, offering various household items, appliances, fashion accessories and more. Bait Ba’Namal, Hangar 26, Tel Aviv Port.Sun-Thur 10am-10pm, Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 11am-10pm Tel: 0544 627410

Sisters A women-friendly sex shop. Official importers of the Fun Factory brand from Germany. Bait Ba’Namal, Hangar 26, Tel Aviv Port. Sun-Thur 10am-10pm, Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 11am-10pm Tel: (03) 5466906, www.sisters.co.il

ramaT GaN

I.D.C Israel Diamond CenterThe largest selection diamonds and jewelry at wholesale prices. Gemological certificate and international guarantee for each item. All purchases are tax-exempt with 16.5% VAT refund.1 Jabotinsky St. Ramat-Gan. Fora free pick-up from your hotel callTel. (03) 5757979.


Alrov MAMillA Avenue


Israel Government Coins and MedalsThis store carries special commemorative medals, watches, various framed memorabilia, and modern and ancient coins and jewelry. Open Sunday-Thursday 9 am-6 pm, Friday 9 am-1 pm. Mamilla Mall (near Jaffa Gate), Jerusalem. Tel.(02) 625-9294. www.coins.co.il.


AHAVAAlrov Mamilla AvenueTel.(02) 6243929Ein Bokek Beach Ein Ha’tchelet Shopping Mall Dead Sea – Israel, Tel. (08) 9952073Massada Mountain Tel: (08) 6584319/27

AHAVA Visitor CenterDead Sea Laboratories Plant Tel. (02) 9945117, (02) 9945123 Fax. (02) 9945122

yAFFo sTreeT

Khalifa ShoesThe largest selection in the world of Teva Naot. 44 Jaffa St. (corner of Rav Kook St., Opposite the Zion Square), Jerusalem. Sun. – Thurs. 8:30am – 7:30pm, Fri. 8:30am – 2:30pm.Tel: (02) 6257027www.khalifashoes.com


90 Ben Yehuda St. Tel-Aviv, (Between Mapu& Gordon St.) Tel: (03)5273394

Cuciniamo Mangiamo e ParliamoS O L O I T A L I A N O











DInInG out

28 hello israel

The index of restaurants listed below is a mere taste of the culinary experience that Israel has to offer. These establishments represent our selection of eateries that are really worth a visit. If you wish to add to this list with a personal recommendation, feel free to drop us an email on: mail@helloisrael.net

PriCe levels:Inexpensive - up to NIS 70 Moderate - NIS 80 to 150High - NIS 160 and up



Sakura - JapaneseA tiny gem; authentic Japanese restaurant, favoured by Japanese ex-pats. Sun-Sat noon-midnight, 79 King George St, Tel. (03) 6212900, Price Level: Moderate

Sushi Samba - Japanese fusionThe Tel-Aviv branch of the successful restaurant chain. Japanese, Brazilian and Peruvian cuisine. Sun-Fri noon-1.00am, Sat 11am-1.00 am, 27 HaBarzel St, Ramat HaChayal.

Reservations only, Tel. (03) 6444345Price Level: High

Thai HouseAuthentic Thai cuisine. Sun-Sat.noon-midnight. 8 Bograshov St, Reservations optional, Tel. (03) 5178568, Price Level: Moderate

Yakimono - upscale JapaneseSun-Fri-noon-5.00pm, noon-12.30am, Sat. noon-12.30am, 19 Rothschild Blvd, Reservations only, Tel. (03) 5175171, Price Level: High

Bar & Restaurant

Juz & LozThe famously Lesbian chefs make superb dishes from whatever they find fresh in the Carmel Market. The menu is hand-typed in Hebrew only. Intimate, warm atmosphere with candlelight, flea-market furniture and Arab pop music. Sun-Thur. 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm, 6.30 pm -3 am, 51 Yehuda Halevi StReservations not accepted – and there’s always a queue, Tel (03) 5606385, Price Level: Moderate

NanouchkaAuthentic Georgian (Eastern Europe) restaurant. After 10.30 pm it becomes a crowded bar scene with excellent DJs. Sun-Sat. noon – last customer 28 Lilienblum St, Tel. (03) 5162254Price Level: Moderate

Kibbutz B’IrCreating a familiar atmosphere of communal living with good music and great food at excellent prices. Sun-Sat from 8pm. 4 Kaplan St., Tel: 050-6664722Price Level: Inexpensive

SheilaTrendy Sheila combines excellent cuisine and an easy, bar-style ambience. Sun-Thur. 7pm-midnight, Fri-Sat 1pm-midnight, 182 Ben Yehuda St Reservations recommended Tel. (03) 5221224, Price Level: Moderate

TapeoTapas bar Sun-Sat. 19.00-last customer, Haarbaa 16, Reservations recommended, Tel. (03) 6240484, Price Level: Moderate

Nana BarA romantic bistro with a charmingpatio and a private room thatbecomes a lively bar towards thesmaller hours of the night. Sun-Sat noon-1.00am. 1 Ahad Ha’amSt, Neve Tzedek, Reservations recommended, Tel. (03) 5161915Price Level: Moderate


Caffe Tazza D’oroA charming café with good food andthe best coffee in town. Sun-Fri 7.30am-midnight, Sat 8.30am- midnight, 6 Ahad Ha’am St, Neve Tzedek. No Reservations required, Tel. (03) 5166329Price Level: Inexpensive-Moderate

AdoraMediterranean cuisine by the youngand promising Chef Avi Biton. Mon-Thur. noon-5pm, 7pm-midnight, Fri.noon-4pm, 9pm-midnight, Sat. 9am-5pm, 7pm-midnight. 226 Ben Yehuda St, Reservations only, Tel. (03) 6050896, Price Level: Moderate

Brasserie M&RTel Aviv’s most popular brasserie is a consistent favorite with the critics 70 Ibn Gvirol St, Dinner Reservations recommended, Tel. (03) 6967111Price Level: Moderate

DInInG out

DInInG out

L a ve ra c u c i n a i ta l i a n a

OSTERIAda Fiorella

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106 HaYarkon St. Tel-Aviv (Free parking) Tel: (03)5246837Open : 12 pm t o 12 am , w w w. r es t .co . i l / boccaccio

Italian Mediterranean Cuisine

Live music every Friday night

Meat, Fish & Seafood

29hello israel

DallalWell-prepared, imaginative comfort food served in an elegantly renovated Ottoman-era home.Sun-Sat. noon-midnight. Kol IsraelHaverim St (corner of Shabazi St), Neve Tzedek Reservations recommended, Tel. (03) 5109292Price Level: Moderate

Fish & Seafood

Beni HaDayag(Beni the fisherman)Middle Eastern salads (mezze) and a variety of fish and meat, always grilled to perfection.Sun-Sat. 10am-1.00am. 1Yorday HaSira St, Tel Aviv Port, Reservations optional ,Tel (03) 5440518, Price Level: Moderate

Carmela BaNachalaThe beautifully renovated, early twentieth-century building is the perfect setting for the chef’s Mediterranean cuisine. Sun-Thurs. noon-11pm, Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 10am-10pm. 46 HaTavor St, (on the outskirts of the Carmel Market) Reservations recommended, Tel (03) 5161417, Price Level: High

ChloelysLocated in Ramat-Gan’s diamond district, 5 minutes’ from Tel Aviv, this exclusive chef’s restaurant is one of the best fish restaurants in Israel. Sun-Fri noon – 11.30 pm, Sat. noon – 4 pm 16 Abba Hillel St, Ramat GanReservations only, Tel. (03) 5752445www.chlolys.rest-e.co.il, Price Level: High

Fortuna Del MarWith its fabulous location and array of exciting dishes, this restaurant offers a memorable seaside dining experience. Open daily. 9.30 am – 11pm 14 Peri Eliezer St (TelAviv’s marina, near the Carlton Hotel)Reservations recommended.Tel. (03) 5236730, Price Level: Moderate

Manta RayOne of the most popular restaurants in Tel Aviv, this excellent seafood restaurant is famous for its opening mezze (Mediterranean appetizers) Open Daily. 9am-midnightAlma Beach (by the Etzel HouseMuseum parking lot), Reservations only, Tel. (03) 5174773, Price Level: Moderate-High

Mul YamThe restaurant creative kitchenoffers fine plates using premium seaproducts from around the world. Thefirst and only Israeli restaurant to beincluded in Les Grandes TablesDu Monde. Sun-Fri. 12.30 pm-3.30 pm, 7.30 pm-11pm Sat. 1.00pm-4.00 pm 7.30 pm-11 pm, Hangar 24, Tel Aviv Port, Reservations only, Tel. (03) 5469920, Price Level: High

TurqouiseChanging menu with local andimported fish and seafood, good winemenu and attentive staff has madethis restaurant a favorite. Sun-Thurs. 10am-midnight, Fri-Sat. 9.30am-midnight. 6 Rosenblum Herzl St, Sea& Sun Complex Reservations only Tel (03) 6996370, Price Level: Moderate-High


MessaOne of the most beautiful restaurantsin Israel with an impressive white on-white dining room and an equallylavish all-black bar. This Levantinechef’s kitchen evokes the flavors ofthe Middle East with fancy continentalflourishes. Sun-Sat. noon -3.30 pm, 7 pm-12 am 19 HaArba’a St, Reservations only, Tel. (03) 6856859, Price Level: High

Yoezer Wine BarLocated in an Ottoman-era Jaffa building, Yoezer has one of the most comprehensive wine menus in Israel. French-inspired cuisine. Sun-Fri. 12.30pm-1.00am, Sat 11.00

am-1.00 pm, 2 Yoeser IshHabira, Jaffa (near the Clock Tower). Reservations recommended, Tel. (03) 6839115Price Level: High


BelliniThe Bellini restaurant is located in the Suzanne Dellal Centre, in Neve Tzedek. It features a selection of antipasti and classical Italian starters, followed by dishes starring pasta, fish, meat and seafood.Open Daily from noon to midnight. 6 Yechieli st. Suzanne Dellal Centre, Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv. For reservations (03)5178486

CantinaAn Italian restaurant that is a hangout for local celebs, Sun-Sat noon-midnight. 71 Rothschild Blvd. Reservations only, Tel. (03) 6205051, Price Level: Moderate-High

ErnestoA great authentic Italian restaurant with a charming balcony for outdoor sitting. 90 Ben Yehuda St. Tel: (03)5273394, Price Level: Inexpensive-Moderate

30 hello israel

DInInG out

Herbert SamuelJonathan Roshfeld’s elegant restaurant is a critics’ favourite Sun-Sat. 12.30pm- 12.30am. 6 Koifman St, Reservations onlyTel. (03) 5166516, Price Level: High

Osteria da Fiorella Serves delicious authentic Italian cuisine, in a quaint and elegant style. 148 Ben Yehuda St.Reservations recommended.Tel: (03) 5248818Price Level: Moderate

ProntoTop recommendation for fine northern Italian cuisine, Sun-Sat. 12.30pm-1.00am. 26 Nachmani St, Reservations recommended, Tel (03) 5660915, Price Level: High

Tony VespaExcellent “Rome Style” rectangularshaped pizza slices sold by weight.Sun-Sat. noon-2am. 267 Dizengoff St (03) 5460000, Price Level: Inexpensive

TotoCritics love the Mediterranean-influenced cuisine at this airy, stylish restaurant, Sun-Sat. noon-midnight. 4 Berkovitch St (behind the Tel Aviv Museum of Art), Reservations only, Tel (03) 6935151, (03) 6935152, Price Level: High


BrunoMediterranean cuisine with an openkitchen and a great view.Sun-Thur 12 pm-4.00.pm, 7.00.pm-11 pm, Azrieli Center, 3rd floorReservations recommended, Tel. (03) 6093030, Price Level: High

LiliotMeat dishes with Californian and Mediterranean influences. The restaurant hires and trains at risk youth from disadvantaged backgrounds. Sun-Thur noon - 11pm, Fri 11am-4.00 pm, Sat-8.00 pm-11p.m, 4 Weizmann St (AsiaHouse)Reservations only, Tel. (03) 6091331, Price Level: High

Shmulik CohenTraditional dishes that your Polish grandmother used to make.Mon-Thu 10am-10pm, Friday till 4pm. 146 Herzl St Tel. (03) 6810222Price Level: Inexpensive

PashaTurkish and Kurdish cuisineSun-Thur. noon-midnight, Fri. 12p,-5pm, Sat. 8pm-1am, 8 HaArba’a StTel. (03) 5617778, Price Level: Inexpensive-Moderate


A Place for MeatTrue to its name – a carnivore’sheaven serving the finest cuts ofhome-aged meat.Mon-Sat. noon-16pm, 7pm-midnight, 64 Shabazi St, Neve Tzedek, Reservations optional, Tel (03) 5104020, Price Level: Moderate-High

BoccaccioMediterranean-Italian cuisineAn intimate dining experience witha glimpse of the sea. Sun-Sat.noon-midnight. 106 Hayarkon St (infront of Dan Hotel). Reservations recommended, Tel (03) 03.5246837Price Level: Moderate

CharcuterieHome-made sausages and fine meatdishes complemented by the oldmarket streets of beautiful Jaffa, Mon-Sat. noon-5pm, 7pm-2am, 3 Rabbi Hanina St, Jaffa, Reservations only, Tel (03) 6828843Price Level: Moderate-High

Stefan BraunLevantine-style kebabs and salads served in a romantic, Ottoman-style setting, Sun-Sat. noon-2am, 99 Allenby St (in the courtyard), Reservations recommended, Tel (03) 5604725, Price Level: Moderate

The Sheraton Tel Aviv Hotel and Towers has reinvigorated its food and beverage concepts with the introduction of OLIVE LEAF, the hotel’s signature restaurant. Contemporary, fresh with panoramic sea views, OLIVE LEAF serves a Mediterranean cuisine which dances between the traditional and the innovative.Both laid back and luxurious the OLIVE LEAF, inside and on its own private terrace, is attractively furnished. Comfortable tables and chairs especially designed for the restaurant are made of olive wood richly veneered to show the wood’s natural veins and inlaid with ceramic with the olive leaf motif. Fabrics of blue, green and yellow reflect the Mediterranean orchards, sea, sky and sun.

In the Olive Leaf, a talented team under the direction of the hotel’s executive Chef, Charlie Fadida has replaced traditional rich cream based sauces with olive oil and fresh herbs in keeping with a contemporary kosher restaurant. The simplicity and intense flavoring, of the dishes, the use of seasonal market- fresh local products and the harvest of the olive tree and fruit with which the region is so richly endowed, combine to produce a Mediterranean cuisine that “not only tastes good but is actually good for you too. A winning combination “comments General Manager, Jean-Louis Ripoche.There is an adjacent private dining room, Olive Room, for up to twenty guests.

OPENING HOURS: Sunday – Thursday, Dinner (a la carte) from 19.00 – 22:30, The Tel Aviv Sheraton, 115 Hayarkon., Tel Aviv, Tel: 03-5219300

pick of the month

Olive Leaf - A Kosher Restaurant at the Sheraton Tel Aviv

DInInG out

DInInG out

Considering a Real Estate Purchase in Tel Aviv?

Tel. (03) 544 2525196 Ben Yehuda St. Tel Aviv (Near the Hilton Tel Aviv)

32 hello israel


Abu HassanOne of the most famous hummus joints in Israel Sun-Fri. 8am - till the hummus is finished (usually around 2pm), 1 HaDolphin St, Jaffa, Price Level: Inexpensive

Dr. ShakshukaTripoli cuisine, with an emphasis on the baked egg-and-tomato dish called shakshuka Sun-Thur. 8am-midnight, Fri. 8am-5pm, Sat. 8pm-midnight,3 Beit Eshel, Jaffa, No reservations required, Price Level: Inexpensive

Pini BaHatzerFacing the beach where Jaffa and Tel Aviv meet, this restaurant serves Turkish and Kurdish cuisine. Enjoy the outside terrace at sunset.Sun-Sat.9am-11.30pm, 6 Nahum GoldmanBoardwalk, Jaffa. Reservations recommended Tel (03) 6822111Price Level: Moderate-High


10 IdelsonDelicious pastries and cakes andexcellent (mostly fish& dairy) dishes,Sun-Sat 8am-midnight, 252 Ben Yehuda St, 117 Dizengoff St/ 57 Weitzman St, Price Level: Inexpensive-Moderate

Caffe Tazza D’oroA charming café with good food andthe best coffee in town.Sun-Fri. 7.30am-midnight, Sat 8.30am- midnight, 6 Ahad Ha’am St, Neve Tzedek. No Reservations required Tel (03) 5166329Price Level: Inexpensive-Moderate

ShineSlick and trendy, this café by day becomes a happening bar scene at night. Sun-Thur. 8.30am-12.30am, Fri8.30am-6pm, Sat 10am-12.30am,38 Shlomo HaMelech St Price Level: Inexpensive-Moderate



SakuraSun-Sat. noon-midnight 31 Jaffa St, Reservations optional Tel. (02) 6235244Price Level: Moderate-high

Bar & Restaurant

AdomWine bar with a good menu ofMediterranean meat and fish dishes.Sun-Fri. 12.30pm-4.30pm, 7pm-2am,Sat. 1pm-2am, 31 Jaffa StReservations optional 057.9382169Price Level: Moderate-High

ColonyIn an industrial building this bistro becomes a lively bar in the smaller hours. Sun-Sat. noon-last customer 7 Beit Lechem Rd. Tel. (02) 6729955Price Level: Moderate-high


ChakraBar-restaurant serving upscale meat and fish dishes with an imaginative Mediterranean twiSt Sun-Sat.6pm-3am, 41 King George (under Cafe Joe) Reservations optional Tel. (02) 6252733Price Level: Moderate-High

Fish & SeaFood

Dolphin YamA Jerusalem landmark for seafood.Sun-Sat. noon-1am. 9 Ben Shatach St Reservationsz recommended Tel. (02) 6232272Price Level: Moderate


ArcadiaOne of Israel’s top gourmetrestaurants, serving French cuisinein a beautifully renovated classicJerusalem stone building, Sun-Fri.

12.30pm-3pm, 7pm-10.30pm, Sat.1pm-4pm, 10 Agrippas St (in thealley), Reservations only (02) 6249138, Price Level: High


CieloNorth Italian cuisine in an intimate atmosphere.Sun-Thur, Sat. 1pm-4pm, 6.30pm-11.30pm, Fri. 6.30pm-11.30pm, 18, Ben Sira St, Reservations only,Tel. (02) 6251132Price Level: Moderate-High

ParadisoAn Italian café that is a Jerusalem establishment. Sun-Thur. noon-midnight, Fri. 10am- midnight, Sat. 11am-midnight, 36 Keren Hayesod St, No Reservations, Price Level: Moderate


Buffalo SteakhouseA serious name for a serious game: the enthusiastic consumptions of thick slabs of deliciously seared animal flesh. Buffalo is next logical step in the fairly recent development of a genuine kosher steakhouse culture in Jerusalem. Sun.- Thur. 12am to Last Customer; Sat. One hour after sundown until Last Customer. 54 Emek Refaim st., German Colony, Jerusalem. Kosher/Rabbinate. Tel (02) 5611325 Price Level: Moderate

EucalyptusBiblical - Israeli cuisine. Sun-Thur.12.30pm-11pm, Sat. 7.30pm-11pm7 Horcanus St , Reservations onlyTel. (02) 6232864,Price Level: Moderate

La GutaFrench cuisine, Sun-Thur. 12.30pm-4pm, 6pm-11pm, Fri. 12.30pm-4pm,Sat. 7pm-midnight, 34 Beit Lechem Way, Reservations only, Tel. (02) 6232322, Price Level: Moderate-High

Olive Occupying part of a Templar building midway down Emek Refaim Street is Olive, the quintessential Germany Colony restaurant, offering international-styled kosher meat menu with Mediterranean flair. Sun- Thu, 12:00 to midnight; Sat motzaei Shabbat to midnight. 36 Emek Refaim St., German Colony, Jerusalem.Kosher/Rabbinate, Tel (02)5611102 Price Level: Moderate

Olive & Fish Located on Jabotinsky Street right across the street from Liberty Bell Park and affording a view of Yemin Moshe’s famous windmill and the Old City, Olive & Fish specializes in various preparations of fish, beef. Non-carnivores might have to make do with soup and salad. Sun. -Thur., 12am to midnight;

DInInG out

34 hello israel

Reservations recommendedTel. (09) 9515122Price Level: Moderate-High

SebastianSun-Thur. 8am-2am, Fri. 9am-3am,Sat. 9am-2am, 33 Maskit St, Herzilya Pituach, Reservations recommendedTel. (09) 9513939, Price Level: Moderate

SegevSun-Sat. 7pm-1am 16 Shenkar St, Herzliya Pituach Reservations only Tel. (09) 9580410 KosherPrice Level: High

Fish & Seafood

Shuri-BuriSun-Sat. 12.30pm-12.30 am122 Medinat HaYehudim, HerzilyaPituach Reservations recommendedTel. (09) 9543194, (09) 9565115Price Level: ModerateYam-7Sun-Thur. 12.30pm-2am, Fri-Sat.1pm-2am 122 Ramat Yam St,Herzilya Pituach, Reservations optional, Tel. (09) 9566950Price Level: Moderate


Meat and Wine Co.Kosher grilled meat complemented by a good selection of wines. Sun-Thur. noon-1am, Sat. 7.30pm-1am 15 Shenkar St, Herzilya Pituach Reservations recommendedTel. (09) 9567006, Price Level: Moderate


JoyaSun-Sat. noon-midnight, 9 Shenkar St, Herzilya Pituach, Reservations recommended, Tel. (09) 9566299Price Level: Moderate


Max Brenner’s Chocolate BarDecadent desserts, homemade chocolate, excellent coffeeSun-Sat. 9am-2am, 8 Ha Menofim St, Herzilya Pituach, No Reservations needed, Price Level: Moderate



The Witch’s and the Milkman’sCasserole Perched on a high peak in the Golan, this restaurant serves excellentmeat / fish / diary casseroles. Idealfor cold winter dinners accompaniedby a good bottle of wine. Sun. 10am-11pm, Mon-Thur. noon-midnight, Sat. 10am-midnight

Saturday, one hour after sundown. 2 Jabotinsky St.,Yemin Moshe/Talbieh, Jerusalem.Kosher/Rabbinate, (02) 566-5020 Price Level: Moderate

ScalaChef kitchen and upscale bar combining true elegance and urban lifestyle with contemporary taste.The David Citadel Hotel, 7 King David St., JerusalemReservations (02) 6212030 www.scala-rest.com


Piero’s Table RestaurantIn this tiny joint with one table only,Piero has served for the past 40years a changing menu of greatmeat dishes. Sun-Thur 6pm-1am, Sat 8pm-1am. 82 Agrippas St Reservations only 054.6381687Price Level: Moderate


Abu Shukri Lebanese RestaurantThe restaurant specializes in Middle Eastern cuisine, with a large verity of local meat specialties, including Palestinian-style chicken on a bed of rice, stuffed vegetables, Hummus and all the Arab salads you could want (techina, tabouleh, moussaka) and more. Sun.- Fri. 9:30am until last customer; Sat. 9am to 9pm. 5 Ein Kerem St., Ein Kerem. (02) 643-9499 Price Level: Inexpensive

HerzlIYa & NeTaNYa


KyotoSun-Thur. 12.30pm-4pm, 7pm-1am,Fri-Sat. 1pm-1am, 7 Shenkar St, Herzilya Pituach, Reservations only Tel. (09) 9587770, Price Level: Moderate-High

Yakiniko TankaExclusive Japanese grill restaurantoffering a unique experience inprivate rooms each with a center grill. Diners cook their own cuts ofmeat or fish.Sun-Fri. 7pm-midnight, Sat.12.30pm-4pm, 7pm-midnight9 Maskit St, Herzilya PituachReservations only Tel. (09) 9580322 Price Level: High

ZozobraSun-Sat. noon-midnight 7 Shenkar St, Herzilya Pituach, Reservations optional Tel. (09) 9577077 Price Level: Moderate


RoccaBeautiful sea-front location onHerzliya, Sun-Sat. noon-midnight8 Ramat Yam St, Hertzilya Pituach

Moshav Nimrod Ramat Hagolan, Reservations highly recommended Tel (04) 6870049, Price Level: Moderate-High


Sela HaNotrimGourmet food with private dining at acharming Arab family. Minimum of 4 guests.Moshav Rama in the northern Galil Reservations Reservations onlyTel (04) 9986483, 050.5434454Price Level: Moderate-High

El RidaGood Levantine cuisine restaurantlocated in a beautifully renovatedold house.Sun-7pm-1am, Mon-Sat.1pm-1am 23 El Bishra St (across from the clock tower), NazarethReservations optional, Tel (04) 6084404, Price Level: Moderate

Fish & Seafood

Uri BuriOne of the most famous restaurants in Israel, Uri Buri serves imaginative fish dishes inspired by local produce. Sun-Sat. noon-11pm, HaHagana St (Lighthouse Courtyard) Akko (Old City) Reservations optional, Tel. (04) 9552212, Price Level: Moderate-High


RobergMediterranean cuisine withinternational influences. The restaurant has a marvelous view of the Kinneret and the GolanHeights. Sun-Thur 12.30pm-10pm,Fri. 12.30pm-7pm Moshav LeBanim(neat the northern-west side of theKinneret) Reservations recommended, Tel. (04) 6715656Price Level: Moderate


MuskatGourmet dishes made from thefreshest products (the restaurantis supervising its own cattle farmand organic garden). A romanticdécor with a superb view. Mon-Fri.6.30pm-10pm, Sat. 1pm-midnight Mitzpe Haymim Spa Hotel, Rosh PinaReservations recommended, Tel. (04) 6994523, Price Level: High

LimousineOne of the best steak houses inIsrael. Mon-Sat. noon-1amIndustrial area (look for the signs), Ramat Yishay, Reservations recommended, Tel. (04) 9533173 Price Level: Moderate-High


35hello israel

Hours: Bars open at about 21:00 and Clubs open at midnight and stay open until dawn.Dress Code: Casual and trendy.Reservation: Advance reservations for bars and clubs are not customary.



Cat and Dog23 Carlebach St.

HaOman 17Mega dance club that hosts famous international DJs.88 Abarbanel St. Tel: (03) 6813636

MaximThe place to go on Friday nights (after 11 pm). 48 King George St.

Theater ClubThis large club offers many entertainment areas including a stage and three large bars. 10 Yerushalaim Blvd, Jaffa

TLVOne of Tel Aviv’s biggest nightclubs with state of the art sound and lighting systems.Tel Aviv Port. Tel: (03) 5444194

Zizi-TripoWorld’s best DJs in the trendiest dance club in Tel Aviv. 7 Carlebach St. Tel: (03) 5611597


Ashmoret Vibrant bar/club that hosts an impressive selection of parties.10 Rothschild Blvd. Tel: 077-5600503

Dance Bars

Blackbook37 Menahem Begin Rd.

Hachalonot HaGvohim (High Windows)Stylish 3-floor mega bar. 113 Ha’Hashmonaim St. Reservations Tel: 077-4000600

Lima LimaRed interior, talented DJ’s and a fun atmosphere.42 Lillienblum St. Tel: (03) 5600924

Irish Pubs

Leo Bloom’s Ziv Towers, 24 Raoul Wallenberg St. Tel: (03) 6482126

Molly Bloom’s2 Mendele St. Tel: (03) 5221558

Local Bars

Armadillo51 Ahad Ha’am St. Tel: (03) 6205573

Bar Giora2 Bar Giora St. Tel: 054-8027736

Cerveza174 Dizengoff St. Tel: (03) 5293277

Iika148 Dizengoff St. Tel: 054-8030706

HaMinzar60 Allenby St. Tel: (03) 5173015

Mike’s Place86 Herbert Samuel St. Tel: 054-9292553

Mike’s Place24 Raoul Wallenberg St.Tel: 054-4373259

Peacock14 Marmorek St. Tel: (03) 6868259

Pinxos Tapas Bar57 Nahalat Binyamin St. Tel: (03) 5665505

Levontin 7Ultra-hip Bar & performance space.7 Levontin St. Tel: (03) 5655084

M.A.S.H275 Dizengoff St. Tel: (03) 6051007

NanouchkaGeorgian Food28 Lillienblum St, Tel: (03) 5162254

Saloona17 Tirza St. (Noga Quarter), Jaffa. Tel: (03) 5181719

ShalvataTel Aviv Port. Tel: (03) 5441279

Lounge Bars

AbraxasCrowded lounge-bar with live performances and star DJs and a pool table on the second floor.40 Lillienblum St. Tel: (03) 5104435

Apartment 98A hip bar designed like a residential apartment. 98 Dizengoff St. Tel: (03) 5228697

Gana 71

Newly opened stylish venue. 71 Ibn Gvirol St. Tel: (03) 5290507

Messa BarExclusive, stylish & intimate, extension of Messa 5-star restaurant.19 Ha’arba’a St. Tel: (03) 6856859

223Trendy bar owned by six star bartenders that have managed some of the city’s top places offering specialty cocktails.223 Dizengoff St. Tel: (03) 5446537

Wine Bars

Jajo VinoSmall, chic and stylish.44 Shabazi St. Tel: (03) 5164557

Wine BarAn intimate wine bar with excellent food.15 Montefiore St. Tel: (03) 5102923


Dance Bars

Studio 72A party club with special nights for the much younger crowd. 72 Yaffo St.

17Excellent sound and lighting, hosting the best DJ’s.17 Haoman St. Tel: (02) 6781658

Local Bars

BaktanaKing George St. opposite Independence Park

Gula30 Yaffo St.

Lounge Bars

BirmanLive performances are held every evening. Great Middle Eastern kitchen. 8 Dorot Rishonim St. Tel: (02) 6236115

Cavalier BarA classy establishment attracting stylish clientele.1 Ben Sira St. Tel: (02) 6242945

Chakra A resto-bar serving good food with a calm atmosphere.41 King George St. Tel: (02) 6252733


36 hello israel

touRISt InFoRmAtIon

Mirror BarChic decor and shimmering ambience, an elegant yet casual haven to enjoy classic drinks and exclusive cocktails.Mamilla Hotel, 11 King Solomon St., Jerusalem, Tel: (02) 5482230

ShlomtziTrendy venue with two massive bars. 8 Shlomzion Hamalka St. Tel: (02) 6254999 KOSHER

The LabHip performance/exhibition space for live music & art.28 Hebron Rd., Old train station. Tel: (02) 6292000 KOSHER


Local Bars

Barbarosa8 Pika St, Ahuza. Tel: (04) 8721988

Frangelico132 Moria Rd. Tel: (04) 8248839

Maidler’s Pub126 Moria Rd. Tel (04) 8248754

MorrisonYefe Nof, Carmel Center. Tel: (04) 8383828

Stella60 Moria Rd. Tel: (04) 8112000

Lounge Bars

Beit HaBira16 Hanasi St, Carmel Center. Tel: 050-8229750


Ice Space-7°C ice bar, sculptures and slide. Scheduled events for groups, tours and parties.Yam Suf Tower Spiral House. Tel: (08) 6332225


BlancoKing Solomon Hotel, King Solomon’s Promenade. Tel: (08) 6364444

HaTa’asiya 544 HaMasger St. (Industrial Zone)

Irish Pubs

Paddy’sTourist center on the northern promenade.8 Beit HaGesher St. Tel: (08) 6376237, 057-88340663 MonkeysThe best place to meet fellow visitors from abroad.Royal Beach Hotel. Tel: (08) 6368888

Lounge Bars

Metta BarTourist center on the northern promenade.8 Beit HaGesher St. Tel: 050-7955819, 057-5503636

Park Avenue20 Tarshish St. Ofira’s Park. Tel (08) 6333303 or 6338343

Red BarTourist center on the northern promenade.8 Beit HaGesher St. Tel :052-5779910

pick of the month

The Container - Art space, Bar & RestaurantOld Jaffa Port, Wearhouse #2The Container is an industrial warehouse space that has been converted into an art project space, bar and restaurant, located in the Old Port of Jaffa. The Container''s extensive art program features national and international artists that have been invited to make site specific works for the space. The Main Space gallery of The Container is an industrial warehouse space. Not a museum or a sterile gallery space, the art is in competition with its environment at The Container, it needs to find its own and excel within the dynamic platform. And no space is wasted at The Container. The restrooms have been utilized for a project space named Public Life. This is a space for younger artists, or those with a sense of humour and fun, who are interested in sharing their works in a mini project space at a time when our clients are alone. The most public, the most private. Old Jaffa Port, Wearhouse #2 Tel: 03-6836321


37hello israel

touRISt InFoRmAtIon

Hotels Jerusalem

Pilgrims Palace Golden Wall (02) 6272416 Addar (02) 6263111 Al Kazzar (02) 6281111 Ambassador (02) 5412222 Azzahara (02) 6282447 Caesar (02) 5005656 Capitol (02) 6282561 Christmas (02) 6282588 Commodore (02) 6271414 Dan Boutique (02) 5689999 Dan Panorama (02) 5695695 David Citadel (02) 6211111 Eldan (02) 5679777 Gloria (02) 6282431 Grand Court (02) 5917777 Harmony (02) 6219999 Hashimi (02) 6284410 Inbal, Jerusalem (02) 6756666 Jerusalem Gate (02) 5008500 Jerusalem Gold (02) 5013333 Jerusalem (02) 6283282 Jerusalem Pearl (02) 6226666 Jerusalem Plaza (02) 6213333 Jerusalem Tower (02) 6209209 Kikar Zion (02) 6244644 King David (02) 6208888 King Solomon (02) 5695555 Lev Yerushalayim (02) 5300333 Little House in Bakah Boutique (02) 6737944 Maale Hachamisha (02) 5331331 Mamilla (02) 5482200 Meridian (02) 6285212 Montefiore (02) 6221111 Moriah Classic (02) 5320000 Moriah Gardens (02) 6558888 Mount of Olives (02) 6284877 Mount Scopus (02) 5828891 Mount Zion (02) 5689555 Neve Ilan (02) 5339339 Neve Shalom (02) 9917160 New Imperial (02) 6282261 New Victoria (02) 6274466 Olive Tree (02) 5410410 Palatin (02) 6231141 Panorama (02) 6284887 Park Jerusalem (02) 6582222 Prima Kings (02) 6201201 Prima Palace (02) 5311811 Prima Royal (02) 5607111 Ramada (02) 6599999 Ramat Rachel (02) 6702555 Regency (02) 5331234 Riboli (02) 6284871 Seven Arches (02) 6267777 Shalom (02) 6752222 Shoresh Green Hills (02) 5338338 Shoresh (02) 5338338 St. George (02) 6277232 Strand (02) 6280279 The American Colony (02) 6279777 Center of Town (02) 6523121 Three Arches (02) 5692692

Tzuba (02) 5347090 Yad Hashmona (02) 5343956

DeaD sea

Crowne Plaza Dead Sea (03) 5390804 Daniel Dead Sea (09) 9528254 Dead Sea Gardens (08) 6689090 Eretz Ein Gedi, Kibbutz Ein Gedi (08) 6594222 Golden Tulip Club Dead Sea Deluxe (08) 6689444 Hod Hamidbar Resort and (08) 6688222 Isrotel Dead Sea and Spa Resort (08) 6689666 Le Meridien Dead Sea (08) 6591234 Lot Spa , Dead Sea (08) 6689200 Moria Classic Dead Sea (08) 9553333 Moria Plaza, Dead Sea (03) 6213333 Prima Oasis Dead Sea (08) 6688666 Prima Spa Club (08) 6688000 Tulip Inn Dead Sea (08) 6684666 Tzel Harim, Dead Sea (08) 6688111


Beit Oren, Mt. Carmel (04) 8307444 Beit Shalom (04) 8373480 Carmel Forest Resort (04) 8307888 Crowne Plaza (04) 8350835 Dan Carmel (04) 8303030 Dan Gardens (04) 8302020 Dan Panorama (04) 8352222 Eden Haifa (04) 8664816 Gallery (04) 8616161 Leonrado (04) 8508888 Mount Carmel (04) 8381414 Nachsholim (04) 6399533 Nir Etzion (04) 9845555 Nof (04) 8354311 Shulamit (04) 8342811


Plaza (04) 6028200 Nof Tavor (04) 6408000 Rimonim Nazareth Mary's Well (04) 6500000

TIBerIas & sea OF GalIlee

Eden (04) 6790070 Ariston (04) 6790244 Astoria (04) 6722351 Aviv (04) 6712272 Bali (04) 6676666 Berger (04) 6715151 Berzik (04) 6720127 C Hotel (04) 6717888 Caesar (04)6727272 Club Hotel (04) 6728000 Dona Gracia (04) 6717176 Ein Gev, Kibbutz Ein Gev (04) 6659800 Gai Beach (04) 6700700 Golan Tiberias (04) 6711555

Golden Tulip (04) 6714444 Holiday Inn (03) 5390804 Kinar (04) 6738888 Kinneret Spa (04) 6723444 Lavi (04) 6799061 Maagan Eden (04) 6654411 Moriah Gradens (04) 6700800 Moriah Plaza (03) 6213333 Nof Ginosar (04) 6700320 Prima Tiberias (04) 6791166 Ramot Resort (04) 6732636 Rimonim Galei Kinneret (04) 6728888 Ron Beach (04) 6791350 Royal Plaza (04) 6700000 Spa Village Hamat Gader (04) 6655555 The Scots (04) 6710710 Tulip Inn Sea of Galilee (04) 6774444 Vered Hagalil Holiday Village (04) 6935785


Oasis Red Sea (08) 6372171 Adi (08) 6388111 Americana (08) 6303777 C (08) 6366777 Caesar (08) 6305555 Club (08) 6361666 Club Inn (08) 6385555 Club Med Coral Beach (08) 6350000 Crowne Plaza (08) 5390808 Dalia (08) 6334004 Dan Eilat (08) 6362222 Dan Panorama (08) 6389999 Express Beat (08) 6380877 Golden Tulip Club (08) 6363636 Golden Tulip (08) 6300666 Herods (08) 6213333 Hilton Eilat Queen of Sheba (08) 6306666 Holiday Inn Patio (03) 5390808 Isrotel Agamim (08) 6300300 Isrotel King Solomon (08) 6363444 Isrotel Lagoona (08) 6366666 Isrotel Riviera Club (08) 6303666 Isrotel Royal Beach (08) 6368888 Isrotel Royal Garden (08) 6386666 Isrotel Sport Club (08) 6303333 Isrotel Yam Suf Beach and Diving Resort (08) 6382222 Le Meridian Eilat (08) 6383333 Magic Palace (08) 6369999 Magic Sunrise Club (08) 6305333 Moriah Plaza (03) 6213333 Nova (08) 6382444 Orchid (08) 6360360 Pierre (08) 6326601 Prima Music (08) 6388555 Rimonim (08) 6369369 Rimonim Marina Club (08) 6334191 Royal Park (08) 6337010 Royal Tulip (08) 6366000 Siesta (08) 6382333 The Reef (08) 6364444 Vista (08) 6303030

38 hello israel




Grand Beach





Crowne Plaza



Park Plaza Orchid

Sheraton City Tower

Crowne Plaza



tEL AvIv noRtH©







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City Tour Bus Stops

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Grand Beach





Crowne Plaza



Park Plaza Orchid

Sheraton City Tower

Crowne Plaza



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City Tour Bus Stops

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40 hello israel

Park Plaza Orchid

Isrotel Tower

David Intercontinental Dan





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jERuSALEm oLD cIty

45hello israel

touRISt InFoRmAtIon

real esTaTe IN Tel aVIV

A beautiful 98m apartment, 3.5 floor with elevator on Gordon St. Tel Aviv. $ 632,000 Sun Tel Aviv (03) 5442525

2.5 rooms, Ground floor + garden in Geula St. Tel Aviv. $ 447,000 Sun Tel Aviv (03) 5442525

A Fully renovated, 90m, 3rd floor apartment on Shprintsak St. Tel Aviv. $ 632,000 Sun Tel Aviv (03) 5442525

On Ha'neviim St., Tel Aviv, in a building for restoration, 2.5 rooms, 85m + elevator. $ 579,000 Sun Tel Aviv (03) 5442525

A 100m Villa in a prime location near Yehuda Maccabbi St., Tel Aviv. $ 1,550,000 Sun Tel Aviv (03) 5442525

In Neveh Tzedek, Tel Aviv. 200m duplex, 8 rooms. $ 1,550,000 Sun Tel Aviv (03) 5442525

Near the beach, On Dizengoff/Nordau St., Tel Aviv, 90m 2nd floor +elevator. $465,000 Sun Tel Aviv (03) 5442525

An amazing duplex on Ha’neviim St., Tel Aviv, 250m + 250m on the roof, 3 parking spaces + elevator. $ 1,980,000 Sun Tel Aviv (03) 5442525

A beautiful 105m apartment on Frug St., Tel Aviv, 2nd floor. $ 555,000 Sun Tel Aviv (03) 5442525


Y o u r g u i d e t o t h e b e s t o f i s r a e l


Hotels Tel aVIV YaFFO

Abratel (03) 5169966 Adiv (03) 5229141 Alexander (03) 5452222 Ami (03) 5249141 Armon Hayarkon (03) 6055271 Art (03) 7971700Basel (03) 5207711 Best Western Regency Suites (03) 5173939 Carlton (03) 5201818 Center (03) 5266100 Cinema (03) 5207100 City (03) 5246253 Crowne Plaza City Center (03) 7774000 Crowne Plaza (03) 5390808 Dan Tel Aviv (03) 5202525 Dan Panorama (03) 5190190 David InterContinental (03) 7951111 De La Mer (03) 5100011 Deborah (03) 5278282 Dizengoff Sea Suites (03) 5234363 Grand Beach (03) 5433333 Hilton Tel Aviv (03) 5202240 Hotel Montefiore (03) 5646100Imperial (03) 5177002 Isrotel Tower (03) 5113636 Leonardo Boutique Hotel (03) 5110050Lusky Suites (03) 5163030 Marina (03) 5211777 Maxim (03) 5173721 Melody (03) 5277711 Mercure B&P (03) 6288888 Metropolitan (03) 5192727 Moriah Plaza (03) 5216666 Hotel Neve Tzedek 054-2070706Nina Café Boutique Hotel (03) 5161767Olympia (03) 5242184 Orchid Park Plaza (03) 5197111 Prima Tel Aviv (03) 5206666 Renaissance (03) 5215555 Savoy (03) 5140500 Sea.Net (03) 5171655 Shalom (03) 5243277 Sheraton Tel Aviv (03) 5211111 Tal (03) 5425500 The Bell (03) 5174291 Vital (03) 7770000


Dan Accadia (09) 9597070 Daniel (09) 9528282 Eshel (09) 9568208 Nobu (09) 7474073 Shizen (09) 9528282 Tadmor (09) 9525000 The Sharon (09) 9525777


Blue Bay (09) 8600100 Blue Weiss (09) 8603939 Galil (09) 8624455 Ginot Yam (09) 8341007 Green Beach (09) 8656166 King Koresh (09) 8613555 King Solomon (09) 8338444 Margoa (09) 8624434 Mizpe Yam (09) 8623730 Neurim Holiday Village (09) 8663232 Palace (09) 8620222 Park (09) 8623344 Residence Beach (09) 8301111 Shefayim, Kibbutz Shefayim (09) 9595577 The Seasons (09) 8601555


Tour-Phone 24/7 *3888Ben Gurion Airport 24/7 (03) 9754260Tel Aviv (03) 5166188Jerusalem (02) 6271422Dead Sea - Ein Bokek (08) 9975010Netanya (09) 8827286Nazareth (04) 6570555Haifa 1800 305090Eilat (08) 6309111Tiberias (04) 6725666


Egged Lines *2800 Railway *5770

TaXI serVICes

TEL AVIVTo Ben Gurion Airport (03) 9871110Gordon (03) 5272999Habima (03) 5283131Kastel (03) 6332253

JERUSALEMHauma (02) 5389999Beit Hakerem (02) 5000101

HAIFACarmelit (04) 8664640Bialik (04) 8713232Hanassi (04) 9832053


Tel Aviv (03) 6394444Jerusalem 050-8422743Groups 052-3572220


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