Hoff William Margy 2005 Honduras

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UNITEDSTATESMEXICOSOUTHAMERIPublished QuarterlySALUDOS!fromBAJIOCHRISTIAN MISSIONVol. 36, Number 1M/M BiU HoffApdo. 3166San Pedro SulaHonduras, Central America504-566-3796e-mail:billhofr@sulanet.netCorporate OfficeP.O.Box61013LasVegas,NV89160-2013Winter 2005Bible Institute Graduation...On October 30th, 315 people gatheredto celebrate the graduation of nine young men. Thesemen have dedicated themselvesto the study of scripmre over the last two years. They have made sacrifices to be able to attend classes and have worked hard toput the Word of Godin their minds and hearts. They have studied each book of the Bible as well as ministerial skills. We praythat these men will be faithful to their railing in the fiirthering of the Gospel.The graduates are (fromleft to right) Reyno, Antonio Paz, Leonel, Elvin, Henr}% Emilio, Mauricio, Sergio, and Antonio Ruby.We were honored to have Dennis Weaver fromJoplin, Missouri, share some words of encouragement with the graduates. Localminister and teacher, Amable Rivera, also presentedthem with a charge.Amable preaching Billpresenting a diploma GraduatesMarktranslatingfor 'Dennis Graduation attendanceChildren'sCarnival...Wehadaveryfundayfor thechildrenof ICF onOctober 23rd. Bill and Margyhosted us on their carportasweset up carnival gamesand snacksfor kidspreschoolthrough6th grade. Theyouth and ladies of the churchwere a great help in providing booths Ukea beanbagtoss, matchboxcar race, musical feet, and face painting.Everyonehad a great time.Christmas in HondurasThe Christmas season is a special time to reflect on the precious birth ofour Lord and Savior and to share His love to those aroundus. We do this through various cultural and family traditions that are dear to each of us personally. In Honduras, Christmas looksbothsimilar anddifferent to ChristmasintheU.S.As welook around weseeChristmaslightsand trees, figurines in j ards, nativities, stockings, and poinsettias. The streets and storesare crowded with holidayshoppers. Gift baskets are handed to those less fortunate. Tables are filled with goodies, and familiesand friends gather.Much of this seems likewhat happens in the U.S. However, we are not wearingour winter coats as temperatures are in the 70sand 80s (and even in the 90s). Some of the Christmas lightsare hung on palm trees. The big celebration for most Hondurans isonChristmas Eve. Honduran families will stay up very late and eat a Christmas dinner at midnight. Dinner may include somedelicious tamales. They normally openall of their gifts on Christmas Eve.TheChurch'sChildren's Christmas program was held during the morning service on December 12. The children and youth dida beautiful job of sharing the story of Christ's birth through drama, song, bells, and recitations.OnChristmasEvethechurchhelditsannualservicewith about 85 people in attendance. Thiswas a special time of reflection, praiseandcommunion. Following theservice, thehotelcatered a special plate of hors d'oeuvre, whicharetraditional for thistime of year. Everyoneenjoyed the fellowshipwith both members andvisitors.After the service, us Hoffs shareda time ofopeningoneof our Christmas giftsandthenvisiting our Russian friends for more celebrationandfood. We arrived home beforemidnight.Christmas day we Hoffshosted30 peopleforChristmas dinner with turkeys and all thetrimmings. We always tryto invite those who donot have family here in Honduras. The gatheringincluded Russians, Filipinos, Finns, Americans,and Latins with various churchbackgrounds.Work teamThey came from Kokomo, Indiana. Seven men and one woman: dieycame with a will to help and theywere needed. The prospect is that thenewclassat the Institute willhave more marriedstudents than the previousone, so another married student's dormitory is in construction. And itmust be finishedbefore the middleof February. Billand Markhoped thatthe teammightget the concretefloors pouredanddo a few odd jobs,butjust in casetheyran out of work, theycontacted a man with a backhoe todig a hole for a septictank. They tried to have plenty of materials readyfortheir projects.While the team worked Bill and Mark triedto finish the roof (aproject long delayedbyunceasing rains.) Bythe end of the first dayit was obvious thata lot more work wouldbe done than was anticipated, theyhadpoured and finishedone fifth of the floors.Soon they were doing the septic tank anddicing ditchesand lading pipeto connectit. Theyalsoput gutters to collecttherainsothat it will notform a swamp. Because oftheir hardwork, it nowseems that themarriedstudents apartment willbe finishedon time. They are greatly appreciated.Five week trip in the U.SOn November 2"*^, shortly aftergraduation,Billand I flew to Indianapolisto visit with familyand a few friends. Wechose to spend a day with our long timefriends of Mexico, Beckyand HumbertoRamirez. Theytookustotheir weeklyHispanicchildren's clubmeeting. Thatwas areal experience withover60childrenpresent. The followingday we flew toLas Vegas. Inorder tosavetimeandavoid vvear andtearonourbodies, wechosenot to drivethis part ofthe trip.Wehad a good time visitingbothsides of our families. After aweek's visit in Arizona wereturned to Las Vegasand thenflew back to Indianapoliswhere the Rowans (Joy'sparents) pickedus up. We tookMark's car in order to finish therest of the trip on the road. Ourtravels tookus toAlexandriaand Mt. Vernon, KY and thenIIIon to Knoxville for Thanksgiving. WeenjoyedZachariahand parents alongwithwith other friendsat Johnson Bible College.The last section of our trip took us to Springfield,MO in order to spend the weekend with friends. Onour return toIndiana, westopped toseeformermissionariesin Honduras, Danilo and Chrisdne Vijil.Christine'sparents. Chuckand Carol Kelley enjoyedour visitation with them also.We arrived home on December7^^. It wasa rushedtime to prepare for the Christmas season withchurchactivities, dinners, etc. but weweregladthatwe had this opportunitj' to visit and share with ourloved ones. ToGodbe the ^lor)'.ZZ ON XINH3dSN'HTIIASSO^aivdaovxsoci s n'O^O XIJO>Id-NONPraisePrayer *n' PraiseThat Markand Joygottheir residencyfor HondurasFor the 9 men who graduated fromthe Bible instituteFor the 315 people who came to support the graduatesFor the new building and the prospective studentsfor next yearFr)r Noe, a Christian teacher from Mexico, who will be at the institutero teach February throughMayFor the Macedonia work team fromIndiana who worked hard on theconstruction of thenew dormFor ourchurchfamilyat theInternational Christian FellowshipFor Bernie, a young man fromLas Vegas who stayed with us for acouple of months in 2004, and was in Honduras for a year and a half.He received his passportand visa and was able to returnhomeForGod's protectionand grace.PrayForthe graduates as they seek tofollow God'scalling in their livesFor theworkteamthat iscomingfromtheHazelwoodChristianChurch in Indiana fromthe 27''^ of January' until the of FebruaryForBill, Noe, andthe otherteachers asthey preparetoteachtheVC'ordFor the newstudents as theyprepare to begin their studiesin FebmaryFor the members of the English churchas they face many trials ona daily basisFor Rebecca and Zachariahas theypreparea week'strip to HondurasinFebruaryasfxs'^nd'3}! syanooi^599 S>IISi'Xog odDui 'uoissij>j UBpsijq^oi(BgXq paqsnqnjWilliam Hoff, 10:54 AM 1/19/2005 -0600, Wrapping uptheoldyear beginning another Page 1of 2Date: Wed, 19 Jan 200510:54:29 -0600From: William Hoff Subject; Wrapping upthe old year beginning anotherTo: "Langford,Bill" Reply-to: William Hoff X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0503-0, 01/18/2005), Outbound messageX-Antivirus-Status:CleanX-NAI-Spam-Score: 7.3X-NAI-Spam-Level: *******Dear friends,We wrapped upthe old year with a wonderful children's Christmas program at theEnglish speaking church and a Christmas Eve service. The children gave usa drama ofChrist's birth based on interviews with eyewitnesses. It was fun and it was thoughtprovoking. The Christmas Eve service brought together most of the church members and anumber of former members who were visiting in Honduras. It was a great homecomingcelebration with ChristmasCarols and readings followed by the Lord's Supper. Followingthe service, the hotel catered a special plate of hors d'oeuvres, which are traditional forthis time of year.Margy and Joy prepared dinner Christmas day forthirty people. Each year they try toinvite those who have no families here so that their Christmas will bemore joyful. We hadturkey and the trimmings,Another new year passed with us fast asleep. I figure that I celebrated New Year's onGreenland time(3 hours early). Funny how, as weget older, things like that mean less.Weonly thank God that wegot tosee another year pass.Yesterday we bid farewell to agreat group of people from The Macedonia Christian churchnear Kokomo, Indiana. They came to help with the construction of amarried studentsdorm. These seven men poured the concrete floors, help put on aroof, built aseptic tankand installed adrainage system to get rain water out of the low-lying areas of the instituteso there will be fewermosquitoes, and installed rain gutters on one of the buildings. Markand I estimate that they did about twice the work we had believed possible. Margy andJoy greatly appreciated Ada Johnson who came to helpcook and clean. The group alsovisited theCopan Ruins and the church where John and Madonna Spratt minister toabout an hour and ahalf away. In nine days another eight people will be coming from theHazelwood Christian Church in Clayton, Indiana tocontinue the work on thedorm.Meanwhile, we are all busy catching up on office work and buying materials for the nextteam.Classes begin the middle of February. Rebecca and Zachariah are planning a week's visiton the 18^^ ofFebruary. We look forward to that visit.Please pray for us at this busy time. Also pray for Noe Soriano who iscoming to teach at the institute for 3months. He isfromMexico. Last but not least, pray for the prospective students.Printed forMission Services Association William Hoff, 03:54PM2/16/2005 -0600, Thelatest on the Bible Institute Page 1of 1-yDate: Wed, 16 Feb 200515:54:24 -0600From: William Hoff Subject: The latest on theBible InstituteTo: Byron Paddock Reply-to: William Hoff X-Mailer: Microsoft OutlookExpress 6.00.2900.2180X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS0507-2, 02/16/2005), Outbound messageX-Antivirus-Status:CleanLatest on the Bible Institute in HondurasThe Hoff family is doing well in Honduras. We hosted two work teams, each with 8people from Indiana during the month ofJanuary and first part ofFebruary. They wereable to finish the second married student dorm, dig a septic tank, put in gutters, clean theothertwo dorms, etc. It was a very profitable time for us and we are verygrateful.Yesterday, ten men registered at the school. They are older than the previous group andwe look forward to a very educational and productive school year. Three wives camealong with four little girls. The visiting professor from Mexico arrived and seems veryenthusiasticand willingto work. He plans on stayinguntil June.On a personal note we anxiously await the arrival of Rebecca and Zachariah on the18 .They plan on staying one week. On Sunday, the20^*^, abaptism is planned in amember'sswimming pool.God is good and faithful as always. Thanks you for your prayers for our health and safetyand for the Lord's work in this country.Welove you.Bill andMargyPrinted for Georgia Sharpe 2/17/2005William HofF, 03:46 PM 4/23/2005 -0600, A short trip to the USA Page 1 of 1Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 15:46:33 -0600From: William Hof Subject: A short trip to the USATo: Bob Keesee Reply-to: William Hoff X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2527X-Antivirus: avast!(VPS 0516-7, 04/22/2005), Outbound messageX-Antivirus-Status: CleanDear Friends of the Ministry:We need to send you a quick note. We are going to make a month-long trip to the USA. As the years go by, we need tovisit our mothers more frequently, and Margy "needs" to visit grandson Zach. We leave April, 26th and will returnMay, 25*-We are leavingthe ministry in Mark and Joy's capable hands, and Noe is doing the teaching at the Institute.We want to inform you ofour states-side phone number and E-mail address.To contact us:Telephone:317-374-1298E-mail: BillandMargy@juno.comI amcurrently downloading our Juno account throughmy pop3 account andyou can use it at anytime. (Previously I onlycheckedit while wewere traveling in the US.) Using my propheticgifts, (Ha!) I foresee a change in our Internet Provider in Honduras and therefore e-address inthe next fewmonths. I will informyou in advance, but the Juno address will continue to be good in any case.The telephone is courtesy of our co-in-laws the Rowans, they lend it to us when we are in the USA.Bytheway, didyouread that, "Happy people mayhave better prospects forgood health," Ina recent study doctors found happier people hadlower (better) levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, andfibrinogen, a marker of hearthealth. They found thatthe happiest people hadreduced-stress hormones, stronger immune systems andmore robust cardiovascular systems. Science is confirming the Word: Proverbs 17:22, Amerryheart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.May God pour out his richest blessings on you.We love you.Bill and MargyPrinted for Mission Services Association 5/2/2005UNfTEDSTATESMEXICO enimi ft^ealr'A' VSOITTHAMERCASALUDOS!fromBAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSIONPublished Quarterly Vol. 36, Number 2Bagope...Eachyear, the Christian Churches come together for a weekend camp at the BagopeCamp Center. It is a time for renewing friendships, but more importandy, renewingone'srelationshipwith God. There are great times of worship, preaching, teaching, andsharing. Bill gaveone of the sermons and Noe gaveone of the classes.This yearthe BibleInstitute was responsiblefor the recreation. Markand Noe headed this up as eachof thestudents led a different station offun. It was a great time with water balloons andwatermelons. JoyWillpreaching Madomiareceives a plaquefor 45years ofmissionarysenice.Enjoyingfellomhip at the campCm/M Bm Hoff^Apdo. 3166San Pedro SulaHonduras, Central America504-566-3796e-mail: billhoff@sulanet.netwebsite: bajiochristian.orgCorporate OfficeP.O.Box61013Las Vegas, NV89160-2013Summer 2005BaptismThe angels rejoicedwith us onFebruary 20th as we welcomedCatalina Fuentes as our newsisterin Christ. CataHna has beenattending International ChristianFellowship for several monthsnow. Sheisafaithfulprayerwarriorand shares the Good News ofChrist each dayas she rides the bus.She is making a difference in manylives.baptism atchurch member's swimmingpoolInstituteNotesA groupof 8 came fromthe HazelwoodChristian Church(Joy'shomechurch) januarj'27th- February' 6th. Thej' installedelectrical,plumbing, doors, and windows in the newmarried student apartment building. They alsocleaned the existingapartmentsand dorms, installed gutters, and built a storage cabinet for the kitchen. It was Ha5?:elwood's fourth dme to send a team to servethis ministT)'.We are blessed to have a visidng professorfrom Mexico Cit)'. Noe Soriano is a graduate of Colegio Biblico and has cometothe BibleInstitute to teach for about four months.It iswonderful to have himat the Institute to disciple,teach, and train the students.He is also helping develop a more formal curriculum. Mark and Noe have represented the BibleInstitute to the congregationson the weekends. He is a great blessingto the Bible Institute and to us.Classes beganagain at the BibleInstitute on Februar}' 14th. Ten newstudents arrivedto begin their studiesand prepare to preachthe Word. The men come from fivedifferent areas of the countr)'. In general, they are an older group of students than the previousone; several of them are intheir 30's. Four of thestudents are atthe Bible Institute withtheir wives and children. You canmeetthe students on the internet by going to www.bajiochristian.org, click on "Bible Institute," and "Students," then scroll down tothe current class. Joy.Marriedstudent housing New students\Wives working at theInstitute Noe teachingVisit in FebruaryRebecca andZachvisited fora week inFebruary. Unfortunately,Alfredo'swork did not permit avacationat that time, but he promisesto return with the family next time. The weekwas packedwith fun-filled acd\aties. UsHoffs visited friends, went tothe beach, went outto eat, andenjoyedabapdsm-picnicwith the English-speakingchurchgroup. Everj'one loved Zach and was so happy to visit withRebecca.She is trulya "people-person."Zach was unafraid of the large dogs.He offered a corn chip to Baxter(Nlark and Joy's100-pounddog) who gently bit off a small portionand then Zach put the rest in this mouth. We laughed until we cried.We pray that the next visit will happensoon. MargynZachenjoying the goats at l^nnellField's house Zachoffering a comchipto haxttrew HouseWe, Billand Marg^', have purchased a house in San Pedro Sula. Afteralmost twelve years of renting, we are now the owners of a 2-story,3-bedroom house. Itis located about five minutesfrom where wecurrendy live and is in the location that we have been praying for.Thesearch fora new homehas been in theprocess forseveralmonths. Then, following a Bible studythelast day ofMay, ourhostess mentioned that their neighbor was trying to sell their house.We visited the ladyand she waswillingto showus the house withoutprevious notice. The following morning Mark and Joy joined us tolookat it inthedaylight. Wewereall pleasedwithit andthatafternoon Bill made an offer to the owners. The followingmorningthe pricewas agreedupon. Bill has signedall the papers and the titlewill be in our hands at the end of June. In July we willpaint the house and move in. Our neighbors are church members fromthe Philippines. The sale of our house in Mexico has made this all possible.Many people have asked us if we plan onretiring in Honduras. As long as it is the Lx)rd*s will, we will remain here. We feel itwise to make an investment and not continueto pay rent. Ourcurrenthouse has served us well. Margy3Rebeccaand ZachiFamilytogether3One Month in the StatesBill and I spent most of the month of May in the States. The 4-week triptook us from Las Vegas to Kxioxville and then to Indiana where we gota flight back toHonduras. We purchased a pick-up in Las Vegasanddrove it across countr}'. Thetruck remains in Indiana and will be used byMark and Joy and ourselves during our visitsto the States.Most of thetime in tlie U.S. was withfamily members, but we did enjoyspecial times with former friends of Mexico and Honduras. Time wouldnot permit us to see everj'onew^e would have liked to visit. It is alwaysa blessingto talkon the telephone during our travels. What a joyto keepupdated withour childrenonwhat ishappeninginHonduras or inKnoxville! A special thanks to Joy's parents, Rickand BeckyRowan, forproviding a cellular phonefor ouruse.In Albuquerque we spoke with the mission team of die First ChristianChurch and in I'Cnoxville we spoke at the Gap CreekChristian Church. Igot to enjoymybirthday with Rebecca and family. It is always a blessingto spend time with Zach and see how he has grown from the last dme wesawhim. We call him our "littleguy." Although small in stature, he hasa big heart and is loving toeveryone. MargyGiveme"5" DadTeacups at DollymodDad and Zach- recreationFerris Whee/ at Dol/ymodZachandGranmaFun with FriendsWe alwaysfeel it important to have special activities for our English-speaking friends at the church. Currently, four events areplanned annually to make this possible. There is a springbanquet, a "day at the beach," a Thanksgiving dinner, and a ChristmasEve service.The springbanquet was heldin a rented room at the Princess hotel in SanPedro duringApril. It was a success in spite of the factthat our speaker became ill two days beforehe was supposedtospeak. Unable to find anotherspeaker, joy suggested that wehave a couple litde skitswith a spiritual message. Several members participated and everj'one enjoj'edit. The meal was deliciouswhich was an addedblessing.The "dayat the beach" was held in May. There were over fort)' people in attendance. Even though Bill and I were not able toattend, we heard that it was very successfial and many got sunburned. Is that being successful!!!! Joy.\^(/e ami children ofInstitute students Children ofInstitute studentsJoyleadingworship High schoolgraduatereceives g^tj'rom the churchPrayer 'n' PraisePrayer Praises ...We praise God fortennewstudents andtheirfamilies.We praise God for the work teams andtheir help in finishing the new building and preparing for classes to begin.We praise Godfor Noe, a Christian teacher from Mexico, who is teachingat the Insdmte until June 20th.Wepraise God forsafety in travel aroundthecountry.We praise Godfor a great time of campfor the national churches.We praise God for His protectionandHis grace.We praise God for our churchfamilyat the InternationalC'hristian Fellowship.We praise Godthat we were able to purchasea house.Prayer Concerns ...Please pray for the graduates as they seek to followGod's calling in their lives.Please pray that the squatters' attempt to overtake the adjacent land will be unsuccessful.Please pray for Bill, Noe,and the other teachers as they teach die Word.Please pray for the new students as they study and prepare for ministry.ZZ ON JUVHHds>i 'aniAssoiaivdaovxsoci 'snO^O lIJO>Id-NONnjiA-sns sss^aav999 '3ITP-ssoyDuj 'uoissipj irensiJij^ orlcgXq poqsnqrmIn Page1 of 1To: "Allison Raney" Subject:Update onLaborday In HondurasSeptember UpdateIt is Labor Dayin the U.S. and we have been laboring. It is hot and humid here: thispart of the country has only been getting sprinkles of rainin the afternoon.We are enjoying our new house. Almost every day something is done to make itlook more like ahome. We are gratefulfor a friend who came and gave us somehints on decorating. Currently, there is a carpenter working on newcabinets for thekitchen. It will be nice whenit is finished.The church continues with a good attendance throughout the summer. Variousvisiting work teams came, that helped while some of our regular members wereaway, but now the teams have left and the members are back. The ChristianEducation department had a children's carnival at our house last Saturday. Therewere teenagers here helping and adults enjoying the fellowship also. It was a greattime for everyone. The Fellowship team of the church is nowplanning the annualThanksgiving dinner.The institute has encountereda fewdifficultiesin the past couple of months, butcurrently everything is running smoothly with nine students and one cookwith herdaughter. Asecond cook had a baby on August 26^*^ and she will be returning whenthe second year of classes begin in February.One thing about the educational ministry is that there are not too many great newbreakthroughs to report. We plod along teaching and instillingin the students theirduty to serve the Lord. But overthe weekend Iwent to the quarterly preachersmeeting. Wow!Icould really see growth and maturity in former students. It was soimpressive that I had to mentionit. The Lordis working through them and makingthemuseful toolsinhis hand.We covet your prayers and thank you for your financial support as we continueministeringin thispart of the world.Godbless, BillPrinted for Georgia Sharpe 9/6/2005Page 1 of 1Date: TIKl 24 Nov2005ji)8:04:22 -0600From: WilliSim-Hon User-Agent: Thunderbird1.5 (Windows/20051025)To: "McNabb, LouisandMarilyn" X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS0547-4, 11/24/2005), Outbound messageX-Antivirus-Status:CleanX-SpamScore:4X-MailHub-Apparently-To: msa@missionservices.orgSubject: [Norton AntiSpam] ThanksgivingX-NAS-Classification: 1X-NAS-MessagelD: 1845X-NAS-Validation: {EB187F76-71F6-4642-90B5-A8593A810903}*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*Happy ThanksgivingGod put the most beautiful rainbow that I have ever seen in the sky this morning. Bill saw it about 6:15, but when I wentwalking a little later I saw a full rainbow with the brightest colors that I have ever seen. A lush green mountain backdropped it. The sun shone on the mountain interspersed with the shadows of clouds. I walked and walked so that I couldcontinue watching it. What atime to praiseGodforhis handiwork.Last Sunday was the church's annual Thanksgiving dinner. It is always a highlight of the year. The location we rented wasabsolutely beautiful; it had separate areas for serving food and for setting up tables to seat 170 people. We also had the useof an auditorium for our worship service. Preparing for the Thanksgiving meal was a lot of work, but itwas worth it,because of the fellowship and the number of non-church members who were invited.The weather has beenaffecting many people'stravel plans in Honduras. About thirty inches of rain in less than four dayshas caused extensive floodingand many bridges have washed out. We were asked to go to the airport on twodifferentoccasions to pick up people who could not get to their destination. A nurse practitioner from the States was headed toLaCeiba when therains became so severe and theflooding of the airport made it impossible for the plane to land. Theyreturned to San Pedro Sula where she spent thenight in the airport. We were called the following morning to pick her upand she spent a day and a half with us before she could continue on to her destination. Later, a family that was going to goby road toLa Ceiba could not be picked up as scheduled, sowerescued them.Yesterday Bill helped in the buying and delivering of supplies for families in an area of flooding. Heis awaiting word on howhe can beof furtherhelp in another location. The scope of the flooding doesn't compare to Hurricane Mitch, but forsomepeople it is just as bad.On December 4''th the church is having agoing-away party for two veteran missionary couples. We will miss them greatly.The men were faithful preachers for thecongregation. December ll^th isthe children's Christmas program.On December 15^th Bill and I fly to Indianapolis to spend Christmas with Alfredo, Beka, and Zach. Preparing for this tripby buying Christmas gifts from Honduras will keep me busy after Thanksgiving.Tomorrow weare preparing for sixteen people to eat their Thanksgiving meal in our new house. Welook forward to ablessed time together and rejoice that we have alovely comfortable house in which to Hvewhile we serve the Lord in thiscountry.Thank you for being part of this ministry.In His Love, Bill and Margy HoffPS. If you would rather not get messages fromus. Please let me know. I am about to reorganize our e-address Hst that wasmessed up when I imported it from Outlook Express to Mozilla Thunderbird. Also please notify meof any corrections.BiUfile://C:\DOCUME~l\STEVES~l\LOCALS~l\Temp\eud22.htm 11/29/2005HoH^:33 AM 12/10/2005 -0600, [Norton AntiSpam] Christmas Letter Page 1of 1Date: Sat, 10Dec 2005 11:33:20 -0600From: William Hoff User-Agent: Thunderbird 1.5(Windows/20051025)To: "Meade, Stephen" X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS0550-0, 12/10/2005), Outbound messageX-Antivirus-Status: CleanX-SpamScore: 0X-MailHub-Apparently-To: msa@missionservices.orgSubject: [Norton AntiSpam] Christmas LetterX-NAS-Classification: 1X-NAS-MessagelD: 2132X-NAS-Validation: {EB187F76-71F6-4642-90B5-A8593A810903}*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*Dear Friends,While driving through town last night, I was impressed by the Christmas lights. Lighted palm trees were in vivid contrastwith the American ideal of a perfect spruce or fur. As I pondered that, I remembered while there were no pine trees inBethlehem; Jericho was known as the city of palms (date not coconut), and Jesus would bemore at home here in Hondurasthan in New York. Another thought came to me: "What is a giant inflated Santa doing over-shadowing a manger scene?"Unfortunately, that seemed symbolic of how secularism has advanced over faith in the world today. No longer do the threekings bring presents to the children of Latin America: the mythical, jolly, old fat man does it all. What a loss!Christmas vacation at the institute has come andwe arelooking forwardto a two week trip to the U.S. to visit our grandsonand family.I had a few things to do during the vacation but tropical storm Gamma changed some of them. Honduras washit hard by this little "almost hurricane:" it dumped nearly 30 inches of rain in fourdays. Chiquita lost a quarter of itsbanana production. Some towns were severely hit and had all their crops wiped out. I spent three days distributing foodprovided by the International Christan Fellowship. Lifeline Christian Mission provided me with clothes and Bibles for thetown which was hardest hit. Naturally, I had lots of help bagging the supplies.2YOur ministry at the Bible Institute has been blessed during this past year. Nine men have completed their first year ofstudies. (February through November) And if the Lord permits, they will graduate next fall. Various national evangelistshave helped by teaching. Two students' wives have done most of the cooking.In August we made the "big move" into our newhouse. After eleven years of renting, the Lord provided an opportunity forus to purchase a housenear our previous one. We aretruly blessed and aretrying to make it a home, not just for ourselves,but forall who need our hospitality.TheEngUsh speaking church has done exceptionally well this year with attendance of over 100 most Sundays. We have seena few new familiescome, but tragically we are losing two couples who have been very important to theministry. The natureof the expatriate community is such that we can never say that anyone is permanent. But God has provided and willcontinue to provide the key people who are needed to continue the ministry. Our only regret is not being able to devote moretime to these fine people.Remember, we are aU expatriates in this world. But one daywe will go hometo our true country and King.Pray for the ministry here.Bill and Margy HoffPrinted for Mission Services Association 12/29/2005