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Hoff William Margy 2004 Honduras

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Bill and Margy HofF, 07:05 PM 1/9/2004 -0800, A Belated Happy New Year. Page 1 of 1 From: "Bill and Margy Hoff' <billho£fig8ulanet.net> To: "Langford, Bill" <[email protected]> Subject: A Belated Happy New Year. Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 19:05:37 -0800 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 A Belated Happy New Year. Please forgive us for not corresponding more regularly. To say that we have been busy is an understatement. As I write this, Bill is operating on our 80-pound "puppy." Brutus is seven months old and has a very large hygroma on his elbow from fighting with his brother Baxter who weighs 70 pounds. The operation involves insertion of a drain in the cyst. Baxter belongs to Mark and Joy, but we kept him while they were in the States. The dogs played very roughly on these cement floors. Mark, Joy and Lynnell Fields are assisting in this little operation. Our trip to Las Vegas was great. Mark and Joy and their Mend picked us up at the airport on December 19th. It was good to see our "kids" again after being separated several months. We had a wonderful Hoff reunion over Christmas as we celebrated the 80th birthday of Bill's mother on Christmas day. (She thanks all of you who sent her birthday cards). The fourteen of us had our picture taken on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day, my sister and some of her family, came in the morning to bring gifts and to meet Alfredo and Zach. We all had a lot of fun. In the afternoon we enjoyed a prime rib dinner. Bill and I babysat three nights while Beka and Alfredo visited the sights of Las Vegas. They enjoyed seeing the city and we enjoyed entertaining our Httle grandson and being with other family members. It truly was a special trip that we will never forget. Meanwhile, in Honduras the church activities continued on without us. We were welcomed home with great rejoicing. Five days later Mark and Joy returned after being gone since the middle of October. All foxu: of us are now busy trying to catch up on our many responsibilities here. Bill accidentally deleted the e-mail program while working on the computer. If you have sent any e-mails to which we have not responded, please write us again. We are sorry. I have also been catching up with various friends, and several of us church members are helping a family resettle in San Pedro after being gone for six month. Classes resimie at the institute in February. Bill has been preparing to teach once again. We pray that you will have a very happy new year. Thank you for your support. We love you. Bill and Margy serving in Honduras Printed for Mission Services Association <[email protected]> 1/12/2004

Bill and Margy HofF, 07:05 PM1/9/2004 -0800, ABelated Happy NewYear. Page 1of 1From: "Bill and Margy Hoff' To: "Langford, Bill" Subject: A Belated Happy NewYear.Date: Fri,9 Jan 2004 19:05:37 -0800X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200A Belated Happy New Year.Please forgive us for not corresponding more regularly. To say that wehavebeen busy is an understatement. AsI write this, Bill is operating on our80-pound "puppy." Brutus is seven months old and has avery large hygroma onhis elbow from fighting with his brother Baxter who weighs 70 pounds. Theoperation involves insertion of a drain in the cyst. Baxter belongs to Markand Joy, but we kept him while they were in the States. The dogsplayed veryroughly on these cement floors. Mark, Joy and Lynnell Fields are assistingin this little operation.Our trip to Las Vegas was great. Mark and Joy and their Mend picked us upat the airport on December 19th. It was good to see our "kids" again afterbeing separated several months. Wehad awonderful Hoff reunion overChristmas as we celebrated the 80th birthday of Bill's mother onChristmasday. (She thanks all of you who sent her birthday cards). The fourteen of ushad our picture taken on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day, my sister and someof her family, came in the morning to bring gifts and to meet Alfredo andZach. We all had a lot of fun. In the afternoon weenjoyed a prime ribdinner.Bill and I babysat three nights while Beka and Alfredo visited the sights ofLas Vegas. They enjoyed seeing the city and we enjoyed entertaining ourHttle grandson and being with other family members. It truly was a specialtrip that we will never forget.Meanwhile, in Honduras the church activities continued on without us. Wewere welcomed home with great rejoicing. Five days later Mark and Joyreturned after being gonesince the middle of October. All foxu: of us arenowbusy trying to catch up on our many responsibilities here. Billaccidentally deleted the e-mail program while working on the computer. Ifyou have sent any e-mails towhich we have not responded, please write usagain. We are sorry.I have also been catching upwith various friends, and several of us churchmembers are helping afamily resettle in San Pedro after being gone for sixmonth.Classes resimie at the institute in February. Bill has been preparing toteach once again.We pray that you will have a very happy new year. Thank you for yoursupport. We love you.Bill and Margy serving in HondurasPrinted for Mission Services Association 1/12/2004UNITCDSTATESMEXICOPublished Quarterly/ 1 SOimi AMERIHONDUMSSALUDOS!fromBAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSIONVol. 35, Number 1Who is Teaching?One aspect of education is theneedforthe students to receive a well-rounded view of theministry. At the Bibleinstitute we strive to achieve that through bringingin as manyguestteachersaspossible. Last Septemberthe studentswereblessedto receive lessonsinleadershiptrainingfromDr. Robert Kuest. He is the coordinator of International Missions Systems anda member of the facultyof Hope University. He spends a good deal of his timegivingseminars on foreign fields and continues to teach his classes at Hope via the Internet. Bobalso preached and taught classes associated with the church. Pegg)', Bob's wife, also came.She taught the students' wives at the institute andgaveladies' Biblestudiesin SanPedro Sula.They were a great blessingand well received. Bob and Peggy were fellow college studentswithBUI and Margy at Pacific Christian College.Julio Corea, the pastor of the Spanishchurch in San Pedro, is a faithful teacher at the institute.When he is available, he gives studies one day a week. There are other local preachers whohave devoted their time and energies. One who we are going to miss greatly isJuan deLeonwho is returning to his native Dominican Republic soon. He has worked with the studentsboth in classes and in the fieldand has helpedto form their character. Other teacherswillbehighlighted in future newsletters.The students recessed for vacation in Novemberandresumed classes on February 16'*'. Thisis the normal vacation periodfor the Honduran schools.Are You Doing Any Good?Bill's grandfather and dad frequently would use the interrogatory phrase.M/M BiUHoffApdo. 3166San Pedro SulaHonduras, Central America504-566-3796e-mail:[email protected] OfficeP.O. Box 61013Las Vegas, NV89160-2013Spring 2004Boh Kiiest teachingPeggp Kuest teaching mmenFuturepreachenfor Honduras"Areyoudoinganygood?" about some aspect of labor. At this time in our lives it is a very good question!We have been in Hondurasten years and we are obligated to make an analysis. In-so-far-as the institute is concerned; the answeris a definite YES. Bill has not been able to visit his former students very often, but Honduras is a small country and reports oftheir ministries do reach him. Thosereportsconvince him of the utility of the education that the school offers.One student is in Texas finishing up his bachelor's degree at ColegioBiblico. He is stillin the process of decidingif he willgo onto postgraduatework. He hopes to teach at the institute here in Honduras; another graduateis an evangelist on one of the Merc)'Ships currently in the Mediterranean; another of them has a church in Omoa (one hour north of San Pedro Sula;) one of themis preachingin Cuyamel (one and a half hours northwest, almost in Guatemala;) and still another alumni is running a series ofBibleStudies in the clothing assembly factorywhere he works; one graduate preaches in a small rural congregation; and yet anotherformer student preaches in a village high up in the mountains. In all. Bill knows the whereabouts of eight of the nine graduatesand seven are actively involved in evangelism. That is an enviable record for any preacher trainingschool. So in a land that sodesperatelyneedsthe gospel, WeAreDoingSomeGood!Stepping InThe English speaking church inSan Pedro Sula is a"pardcipatory" congregation.Even though theHoffs officially pastor thecongregation, many people participateonSundays andthroughout theweek in order for thechurch to function.Margj^and Joy are constandy looking for people to "stepin" andfilloneof the manypositions needed to keep the church operating.Sometimes it ismore difficult thanothertimes toget thevolunteers needed. Thereis a constant change in membershipdueto the transient natureof the group.Currendy there aremany people willing to "step in" and fill a needfor which wearevery grateful. Schedules are prepared monthly, listing who will preach eachSunday during the month, who will give the communion meditation, serve thecommunion, collect the offering, etc. The communion meditation and sermon aretranslated through headsets on Sunday mornings for those who onlyunderstandSpanish. Mark, Bill, and one other member do most of the translating.Meanwhile, Joy is the headof the Christian education department and takes careof finding theBible school teachers for thethree children's classes. She assigns acoordinatorfor eachclass andordersall the necessary materials alongwithtakingher turnin teaching. Joy alsoplans a schedule of teachers for theTuesday eveningBiblestudyand the Thursdayafternoonwomen's group.Joy is alsothe leaderofone of the musical teams. There are three teams that lead music for a period ofthreemonths at a time. Theyeachhavetheir own style but all tr\' to blendh)'mnswith praise choruses.Christmas Play atChurchChurchchildrendecorateChristmas cookies.Margy andJoy prepare the weekly bulletins and also send out a prayer and praise report to all the church members.Thereare several people whoworkwith thetreasurer of thechurch. Accountabilit}' isvery important for theleadership. Thechurchis very proudof the friendly nature of its people. The visitors oftenmention this. Therearesome people whovisit once or twicea year and are excited to return to worship once again.Last Sunday there was an attendance of 145 people. This was a record for the International Christian Fellowship.Tall GrassEach day, after class hours, the students are required to help maintain the institute's properties. Whilethe perimeter wall wasunfinished, most of their time was devoted to completion of that goal. Recently, however,wehave been assigning work onlandscaping.Slowly we are trying to do what Isaiah recommends, "exalt the valleys and make the rough places plane," so thatthe whole school can be mowed mechanically. Theschool has a small riding mower that has been a Godsend, but it and the bigwalk behind bush-hog mower will both last longer and need lessmaintenance if we can remove the rocksand level the land.Naturally, all the edging and trim is done with what Bill calls a Honduran weed-eater, a machete.Besides offering amore pleasant environment, mowing is agood safety feature. During the development of the institute propertywefoundand choppedupsix or seven venomoussnakes. Mowing discouragessnakesbecause they need the cover providedby high grass and weeds. The children of the studentsare safer with the lawn mowed close. Another benefit is that the numberof mosquitoes has been drastically reduced bythecombination of thewall, the short grass, and no weeds. Hopefully, that willreduce the chance of dengue, malaria and other mosquito borne diseases.During vacation there is no one to work at mowing. This winter the growth of weeds and grass wasfueled by two months ofnearly nonstop rain. As a result, Mark andBill went out before classes with theexpressed goal of reassembling themowers andmowing so that the students could find their apartments and dormitories when they returned from vacation. What about thatreassembling business? Well it was just the usual maintenance: a newtire, a bad bearing, and a bent shaft. Next timeit will be abad battery, aloose belt, or something else. It takes about 8-10 man-hours tomow the property; that wears outmachine and body!AGrandsonZachariah Mark MirelesThe phone rangSundayevening. It wasSeptember21"and Rebeccawas havinglabor pains. She called to saythat Alfredo was driving her to the hospital. We weresomewhat surprised because this was one week beforethe baby's due date. We began prajing and waiting forfurther news.Three hours later the phone rangagain. Once again weweresurprisedto receive another call so soon. ItwasfromBekaand she had just delivered a babyboy. Isn'tthat amazing that thousands of milesaway we couldreceive wordthat wehadagrandsononly minutesafter he was bornfrom a mother still in the deliveryroom. ZachariahMark Mireles was born healthyweighing 6 lbs. and1 oz. He was 18Va inches long.Wow! We were now grandparents and what joy filledour souls. I began calling the baby"my litdeguy."I had airline tickets for September 26*^. Even thoughBekagot quiteillwith highblood pressure, she assuredme that she wouldbe O.K. and for me not to changethe ticket.When I arrived at about11p.m. my firstlook at Zach was rather shocking. He was lying in aspecial lightedbox becausehe was jaundiced. He onlyhad a diaper on with little black glasses protectinghiseyes. But oh how sweet he was (and still is). For onemonth I was able to hold and rock him and read Biblestoriestohim.On December 19^^, Bill andI flew intoLas Vegas. Thistrip had been planned for a long time. It was to be afamilygatheringforBill's mother's 80'^ birthday,Christmas day. Mark andJoy andJonathanWolfgangpickedus up at the airport. I hadn't seen my"kids" forseveral months so that was a specialreunion. OtherHoff family members arrived over the next few days.All fourteen of us united on Christmas Eve to haveafamily photo taken. An addedblessing was to see mysisteron Christmas day. It has been many years sincewe have beentogether onChristmas. She came withpart of her family to see all of us and to meet Alfredoand Zach. We had a big celebrationin the afternoonfor the "birthdaylady." She was so happy to have allher children and their families together honoringher.Itook many photos during that week, especially ofZach. Bill and I had the privilege of babysitting himthree evenings while his parents enjoyed the sights ofLas Vegas. I wouldn't have traded that time foranything.I look forward to mynext visitwithour grandson. Myprayer is that he willgrow to become a faithful servantof the Lord.1 - Zach one day old; 2 - Zach in bouncer; 3 - Zach andGrandmother; 4 ~ Zach andAdelia; 5 - Zach; 6 - Zach andflowers;7 ~ Zach sleeps; 8 - Zach andGreat-grandmother; 9 -- Zach andhis doctor; 10 - Zach and theChastainboys; 11- Zach atChristmasOur one-hundred pound babyZZ'ON limiHds>i 'aniASso'HaivdHovisod s nO'HO XIJO>Id-NONWe would be remiss withouttalking about the newmembers of our families inHonduras. Last Maythirteen dogs were bomto one of our churchmembers' dog, a Mastiff diat weighs 110 pounds.She was mated with an American Pit Bull and somebeautifulpups wereproduced. MarkandJoj' showedmuchinterest in the dogs andvisited them often. Billand I werenot anxious to get another dog, (wehavea 9 yearolddog that has a little German Shepherdin.her),but aftermuchcoaxing byMark, I agreed toget ' I the last dog that needed a home.Brutus Baxter, Markand Joy'sdog, andBrutus, ourdog,have been a lot ofwork. While Bill and I were in the States last summer, MarkandJoytrained them. While theyweregonefor2 Vz monthsinthe Fall wetookcare of thedogs. It was duringthis dmethatBmtushurt himselfwhile fighting(playing withhisbrother. Hedeveloped ahygroma on hiselbow. Bill decided,afterconsulting witha vet in the States, that he couldoperate on Bniais andput in a drain. So with the help of Lynnell Fields and MarkandJoy, he didit.But thedogwouldn'tleave thewoundalone andpulled out the tube,soit hadtobereinserted. Weare prajong thatthis ball will not produce fluid anj- longer.Meanwhile, Baxter got a dck borne blood infectionand almost died. It wascosdyandtookalot of care, (acouple of I.V.'s) toget himbacktog(jod health.Bmtus is a beautiful light brown dog that weighs almost 100pounds and heis still growing. Baxterweighs about ten pounds less and is being trained wellby Mark. They were purchased as watch dogs but have become real familypets.Prayer 'n' PraisePraise: Zachariah Mireles arrived healthy on September 22ndinKnoxville, TN. Flis parents are Alfredo and Rebecca. The HoffshadawonderfulfamilyreunionoverChristmas. The churchhad a recordattendance of 145on February15. Many people are participating in the church. The students have returned at the instimte and are eagertostudy. Local preachers arewillingto help teach thisyear.Pray: for the students. One wife will have a baby soon. for the spiritual lives of church members. for the safety and health of the Hoff family. for Lynnell Fieldsand her daughters aswellasothers whowereinthevan. March28thwill be theone yearanniversary of Todd's death. -SpecialNeed: We have just beennoufiedtoexpect at least 8 marriedstudentsfor thenext session of smdies at the Bible Institute. We haveapartments for four married students and we will needto double that before classes begin next February. Ifyou know of any churchesthat wouldbe willing tosend work teams for the construction of anothermarried students' apartment complex, please notify usat oure-mail address: [email protected]^nS' ss3^aav599 '^IHASSO^isi'xog odouj 'OOISSIJAJ UEpSIJlJ3Xq psHsnqajUKTTEDSTATBMEXICOSOl/THAMERICAPublished QuarterlySALUDOS!fromBAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSIONVol. 35, Number 2M/M BiU HofApdo. 3166San Pedro SulaHonduras, Centxal America504-566-3796e-mail: [email protected] OfficeP.O.Box61013LasVegas,NV89160-2013Summer 2004All about the Bible Institute:What isa Cohort?During the first class of the Bible institute, two new students were accepted inthe middle of the term. Analysis showed that it was not desirable to dothatagain. We decided to adopt the "Cohort"system. A cohort is defined as a"groupofstudents whostay together as one classthroughout the coursesleading tograduation. Students benefitfrom thenetworking andbondingover the two year period they are together." Once a cohorthas begun, thegroup remains together for the duration of the classes and no new student isadmitted. Theadvantages are especially great in the circumstance where wemake heavy use of visiting professors.Building again!Graduation is now scheduled for October30^. Thekeynote speaker will beBud Yoder fromTheChristian Churchof CoganStationinPennsylvania.There will be nine graduates. We have alreadybegun to make preparations forthe next class. It appears that the group may consist of more married studentsthan we have roomfor, so we have begun a frenzied building project. Thewalls are up on another four unit marriedstudents building. And we willsoonbe trying to get the roof structure built. Each of the four apartments consistsof a livingroom, a small bedroom, and bathroom. There is no kitchenbecausethe students eat in the dining hall.Our married students' wives have been a tremendoushelp. They have beendoing all of the cooking for the school. One of them manages to work whilecaringfor her five-month-old son. The other is pregnant andisdueinSeptember. She also has a four yearold son named "Elder" who often comesinto classwith his father: He is wellbehaved and quiet, so the professors don'tmind his presence. Because we appreciatethe women's cooking for all themen, we have sought to keep their workload down by having the men washthedishes andclean thekitchen. Every week Margy and Joy goout totheschool andteach a Bible lesson tothe wives. They need theopportunit)' togrow spirituallyas much as their husbandsdo.Practice baptismConstructionChristians in ActionAND THE LORD ADDED one more to his kingdom. On Sunday, June 2T^Maricarmen Cruz accepted the Lord and was immersed in one of the churchmember'sswimming pool. About40 people wimessed this event andsangsongs of praise and rejoicing.Maricarmenhas been attendingchurch for about sixmonths. Shewasin severedepression and taking two different medicines when we met her. Her doctortold her that she needed to go to church and attend Bible studies, so she talkedto me and askedabout the variousBiblestudieslistedin the bulletin. Shebeganattending every one of them. At this rime she is not taking any medication andhas returned to collegefor abusiness administrativedegree. Sheis verydedicated in all that she does. Maricarmen has an eight-year-old daughter andahusband whoworksintheStates.TT7iFOLLOWING the baptism, the churchfamily enjoyed a catered taco meal.For dessert, a large chocolate cake was purchased to commemoratethe 25'^birthday oftwo of the members. Theseyoung menare Russian twins andalways the "lifeof the party."Theyarewellknown throughout the cityof SanPedro SuJa. One of them works in a factory and the other is a car salesman,thus, the AUDI on the top of the cake.Steveand KimRanson of HazelwoodChristianChurchin Clayton, Indiana, blessedthe church insongand the preachingof God'sWord during the month of May. Joy grew up in this church in Indiana.LAST SUMMER the churchsaid "goodbye"to two of our families. This summerwewelcomed themallbackto our fellowship.A1 and Ligaya Bustamante, and their two children, came to Honduras from the Philippines. The job he sought didn't work out,so he and his wife taught English here for awhileand then the familydecided to move to Florida as teachers in a Christian school.They hoped to get their citizenship papers in the States, but the I-^)rd had other plans for them. They returned inJanuary and areteachingagainhere. The churchisverj' happy to haveA1 return. He has resumedhis positionas one of the treasurersand alsotakeshis turn in giving the communion meditation and singing for one of the worship teams. Ligaya is a favorite Bible School teacherand leads worshipon a monthly basis. Theirchildren are veiy well versed in the Word.Alsoreturningto Honduras are Royand Maxine Fisher. Roywas a pastor in a churchin northern Indianafor several years. Theymade a commitment to teach in a Christian school for a year, wliich they did. Last summer they returned to their ministrybutfelt the Lord's calling to return to Honduras for a longerperiodof time. The churchis happyto havetheir fellowship once again.Roy preaches ona monthly basis and Maxine teaches in theBible school department.If you are ever in San Pedro Sula, please give us a call and ask about the English-speaking church.ConfraternidadesIn Spanish, the word Confraternidad denotes a fellowshipamong brothers. It is the word chosen to describe the national gatheringof the Churches: an opportunit)^ for sharingthe joyof the Lord with our brothers. This year Markand Billattended two differentConfraternidades: oneinHondurasandoneinMexico.Themeeting in Honduraswasheldat theBagope campgroundat LakeYojoa onMay 21-23.Marg)' andJoyalsoattendedsome of thesessionsTheministersdeterminedthatAIDSshould bethetheme ofthe Confraternidad becauseallof themhave lost churchmembers to the scourge.Honduras has more AIDS thanany other Central Americannation. Theydecided to getserious about the most pressingproblemin the nation, theconsequences of sexual sin.The Christian churches inHonduras went all out withdrama, songs, and illustrations."Samaritans Purse"providedsome great video resources and lent their chauffer whohas lost four daughters to AIDS. He wasnot eloquent, but as an ordinary poor man trying to scratch out a living, who watched his daughters die with no medical help,his wordsreally spoke tothe gathering.At the end of July, TheConfraternidadNational of Mexico was held in Cacahoatan, Chiapas, (a small town about three milesfrom the Guatemalan border.) Because that is less than 400 miles from San Pedro Sula, Mark and BUI elected to drive there. Thetrip took only twelve hours, (these are not super highways!) While that sounds impressive there was a busload from Guadalajara(in the center of the republic) that had traveled 36 hours: Mexicois a long country.The theme of theconventionwas "Realizingthechurch's potential." Itwas well thought out anddeveloped. But the best partof theConfraternidad wasrenewingold acquaintanceswith former co-workersandtheir children whoarenow grown. Some of themwerepart ofthe campingprogram, and are nowleaders in the nationalchurch. One of the reasonsfor the trip was to recruit ateacher for the Bibleinstitute, and it appears thatgoal was successfully met.CHI^P^cHOeUTOmiAtmcmtMtm71/ Ljef27aEl Eden is one of the poorest ChristianChurch congregations in Honduras. It islocatedinasmall village highin themountains. The churchmembers' onlysourceof income isharvestingcoffee.Their old adobe church buildingwasfalling down, sowe promisedto helpwithconcreteblock. Otherchurchesofferedtodonate cement, etc. Theproblem isaccess: the road is very rough and steepandrequires afour-wheel-drive vehicle.So a regular truckload of 600 blocks cannot be sent in. In March and May, Mark andBill traveledin their two pickups, pulling 2 trailers, and delivered6000 pounds ofblock each trip. These trips were real adventures because road condidons provokedmechanical failures.Pictured is their solution for a brokentrailer tongue on the firsttrip. Because Bill's pickupdoes not have four-wheel-drive, part of each tripwas spentbeing pulled by Mark's truck. (Notpictured because Bill doesn'tlike toadmit it)The church is ver)' proud of their work on the newbuilding. It is nearlyfinished. Theyhave a sense of ownership andresponsibilit)'that isexcitingto see.Theirexcitement extends to dieir plan to sendtwo students to the Bible institute for thenextterm. The Ixjrdhas answeredourprayers for safety and theirs for abuilding. Picturedhereishowthebuildinglooked when the third load of block wasdelivered inJuly. Mark and Bill mayneed to return once more withouttrailers.Prayer *n' PraisePraise BillnotinjuredinaS-vehicleaccidenton Saturday, July17*^. Baptism of church member,Maricarmen Cruz. Local preachers, missionaries, andvisiting preachers fromtheStateshelpingwith the teachingofthestudentsat the institute. Bill and Mark's safe trip driving toMexico, through Guatemala, toattend the Mexican Confratemidad. SteveandKimRansonandSteveand Millie Shold blessed us withtheirvisits.PrayerMargy and Joy's trip to Knoxville inSeptember to help ZachariahMirelescelebrate his 1" birthday onthe22"''.Nine studentsastheyfinishtheirstudiesat the institute andpreparefor graduationonOctober30*^.Property needed for Christiancamp.i 1 ti ii H l\ 11 li ill i Hi I li i0^zz"ON ximsdSM'HTlIASSO'aaivdHovisod s nDHO lUO'Hd-NONTri0-036Z, NX HTIIAXOIvraniET xoa odS30IA^3S NOISSmssn^aavees99syi 'amAsso^ISfxogodDUj 'uGTSStjAj ireuspq^ oijcgXqpaqsnqndMargy.Hoff, 07:44 PM 10/31/2004 -0600, Hoffs Plans Page 1of 1Date: Sun, 31Oct 200419:44:08 -0600From: Margy Hoff Subject: HofT's PlansTo: "Nash,Danny" X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180X-Antlvlrus: avast! (VPS 0444-3, 29/10/2004), Outbound messageX-Antivirus-Status:CleanDear Friends,I want to make a quick report of some recent events andof our travel plans.The Bible institute graduation has been foremostin our attention for the past fewweeks. We have workedhard tobeautify the grounds,obtain additional chairs,practice with the students, arrange music and program, and a dozenother activities.Finally, yesterday was the big day. We anticipated between 200 and 250 peopleand hadfood and cakes prepared for them. But we were chagrined to have about315 in attendance. Four buses arrived fromdifferent churches andmany moreautomobiles. We were so blessed by the adaptable and flexible attitude of thepeople; not one complaint was heard even when the food ran out. And a groupeven spent about fifteen minutes cleaning up afterwards. The program was perfect:good music, two short sermons, the presentation of certificates, a gift of studyBibles fromthePark Plaza Christian Church in JoplinMissouri, and the gift of Biblecommentaries from theBible institute to each student. We were even blessedby anovercast day, with the very slightest hint of a drizzle, that made the tin roofs coolandrefreshed the drought stricken grass.Today, church attendance was 97. We have all been blessed andthe Lord iscontinually glorified with this group of people. The annual Thanksgivingdinner heldthe Sunday before Thanksgivingis abig event, with members bringing friendsandextended family.Let me remind you that 487 years ago today Luther turnedthe world upside downby posting his 95 thesis!Now abit more news! Tuesday, the 2ndof November. Margy andI willbe taking ashort vacation to see our grandson, our mothers, and other family. Wewill be goneuntil the 7th of December.Withthe institute closed andMark and Joy covering ourchurch responsibilities, we are free!!!But never too free! You can reach us on a cellphone at 317-374-1298 or at our E-mail address [email protected]. Pleasepray for our safety.Thank you for your love and support.Bill andMargyPrinted for Georgia Sharpe 11/1/2004PM 12/13/2004 -0600, Fw: AChristmas greeting Page 1of 2Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 20:44:16 -0600From: William Hoff Subject: Fw: A Christmas greetingTo: MissionsServices Reply-to: WUHam Hoff X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0451-0, 12/13/2004), Outbound messageX-Antivirus-Status: CleanMerry Christmas and a Joyous New YearFrom theHoffsOhComeOh ComeEmanuel. Generations cried, "be with us God," but now that Christ has come, we are abletorejoice in His coming. Hehas given us a reason forliving.Because this season comes almost simultaneously with the New Year, it becomes a time of reflection as wellas joy. So I thought I would send out a few words of greeting and news about this past year in the HoffFamily.We have enjoyed our first year of grandparenthood. Margy was able to be in Knoxville for our grandson'sfirst birthday. Later we were both there when Zach decided that two feet were a viable means of transport.Nownothing can stop him! Mark and Joy remain a great blessing to the work here. Their two house dogsgive them a lot of enjoyment.Our hope to purchase a house with the funds from the sale of the house in Mexico has been delayed as wewait for the funds to be transferred. Besides that small problem, we are far too busy with the Bible institutetolook forahouse right now.We had an opportunity for great rejoicing when the Bible institute held its graduation this fall. During theyear we were blessed by a series of visiting teachers. And we have begun building another small apartmentbuilding for married students. Classes are scheduled to begin in February.The English speaking church had its Christmas program this past Sunday. It was well received. The youthdid a great job of presenting the birth of Christ as aCNN-style newscast complete with commercials.Each year the Honduran authorities try to prevent the injuries caused by the traditional useof high-powered fireworks to celebrate Christmas. But you can still count on our neighbors ignoring the ban andburning up several pounds of powder. It makes sleeping on Christmas Evedifficult and probably keepsSanta away. But while the nations get a bang out of pyrotechnics, we get ours out of Christ in our lives.May the Joy of the Messiah's coming overflow your hearts.Bill and MargyPrinted for Mission Services Association 12/14/20045s
