Holy 158% Increased Click-Through Rates, Batman!

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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How to Utilize the Power of Social Media and Email Marketing Simultaneously

Holy 158% Increased Click-Through Rates, Batman!

If you believe that email marketing should stay separate from social media, now is the

time to find out that this is far from the truth.

When done correctly, social

media can have an incredible impact

on your email marketing

methods; they can go together like

Batman and Robin.

Alone they have their own individual power...

But when combined

they can take on the world.

There are over 1.44 billion active users on

Facebook, with this number growing 13

percent year-on-year (Facebook). So why wait any longer to

attract these users?

There are numerous ways to utilize the

power of social media and email

marketing simultaneously.

Promote: Use emails to encourage people to join your social media pages.

Include a ‘re-tweet this’ in your email: This way

you will give your readers the chance to further interact with your brand and share

your news to the social media world.

Base an email solely on social media: Have an offer, for example, ‘Invite 50 friends on

Facebook and you get 15% off!’

Opt-in: Build an email opt-in form on Facebook so that users can sign up to

your emails.

Add to your blog: If you use email to showcase your blog posts, make sure to

include social sharing buttons.

Be proud of your

relationship with Batman:

Place your social media

icons at the top of your email.

You need to be where your customers are, so social media is

a must when implementing an email marketing plan. Give them somewhere to ‘check you out’ to see more about your company,

likes, comments, photos, re-tweets etc, so your brand not

only gains awareness, but also authenticity.

Emails that include social sharing buttons have a 158% higher click-through rate than

emails which don’t, (GetResponse). And more clicks mean more conversions!



+357 25 33 77 80

Office 203, VashiotisBusiness Center, Ag. Andreou& E. VenizelouSt, 3035 Limassol, Cyprus

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