Home Renovation 101: 10 Important Things You Should Consider Before Starting

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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There’s no other perfect time to start home renovations than in summer. It’s one of the best ways to welcome and embrace the warmth of this season.

However, before you start your home renovation project, here are the ten important things you should consider.

1. Set A Budget

Be a realist in setting a budget. Consider how much you can afford for the renovation and send money on quality, not cheaping out. Allot an extra 20% of your budget on inevitable issues that might appear.

2. Find The Right Contractor

Considering your budget, you have to look for the right contractor to do the job. You can ask a friend who has undergone renovation for referrals to ensure that it will not end up a disaster.

3. Do Your Research

Collect all necessary information for your renovation. Prepare all necessary paper works that you’ll need for this project. Scour shops and the Internet for the latest and greatest photos of homes that you want.

4. Ask An Expert

Whether you are planning for DIY or professional home renovation, make sure to ask an expert before deciding on your own. They can give you suggestions and lead you to the right direction without busting your budget.

5. Repurpose Your Old Materials

Instead of throwing out your old materials, you can ask your contractor to repurpose it for your home renovation project. You can still make use of them for your landscaping and interior or exterior designs.

6. Maximize Your Space

Since you’re renovating, make sure to consider maximizing your space. Adding extra wiggle room or living space for you and your family will feel more cozy and comfortable. Experts can provide you tips on how to do this without breaking your budget.

7. Choose Quality Over Quantity

Never go for quantity over quality. Remember, it is your home and you’ll be living in there. Poor quality can lead to accidents and more expensive remodeling in the future. So, make sure to choose wisely.

8. Get Quotes

To help you keep track of your budget, you should get quotes from vendors and service providers in order find out what things are really worth. This will help you not to exceed your budget.

9. Renovate For The Future

The rule of thumb in home renovation is never to follow trends, instead, go for classic or timeless styles that will stand the test of time. Trends can be used in accessorizing your home not for renovation.

10. Safety Points

When renovating your home, it is important that you prioritize safety especially if you prefer DIY. Always wear safety gears while on the working area to avoid any accidents or hazards particularly in renovating older home.

Renovating older homes can pose five major hazards which is why you have to be very careful. Follow proper safety points to make sure that safety will not be at risk.

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