HORIZON 2020 - European Commission · 2019-10-01 · LC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020: Decarbonisation of...

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    Energy-Efficiency Call H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2019October 2019

    Vincent BERRUTTO, Head of Unit, EASME

    Zoé WILDIERS, Senior Project Advisor, EASME

  • HORIZON 2020



    • About EASME• Horizon 2020• The Energy-efficiency Call 2019• Next steps, timetable, point of contact


    Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  • EASME 2014-2020 Programmes• Part of Horizon 2020, in particular:

    The Energy Efficiency part of ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’

    Part of 'Climate action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials'

    The European Innovation Council• COSME• LIFE• European Maritime and

    Fisheries Fund (EMFF)



  • HORIZON 2020


    EASME & the Energy efficiency part of secure, clean & efficient energy

    Unit B1 Horizon2020 Energy

    Manages the Energy Efficiency part of 'Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy' challenge

    The same team that was managing the Intelligent EnergyEurope Programme

    Contact details: EASME-ENERGY-EXPERTS@ec.europa.eu

  • Horizon2020:

    the EU Research and Innovation Programme

  • HORIZON 2020


    Calls and proposals• Calls are challenge-based, and give flexibility

    and space to proposers− Calls are less prescriptive - do not outline the expected

    solutions to the problem, nor the approach to be taken to solve it

    − Calls/topics descriptions allow plenty of scope for applicants to propose novel solutions of their own choice

    • Greater emphasis on impact, through 'Expected impact statements' − Applicants are asked to explain how work will bring about

    described impacts

    − During the evaluation, you are asked to assess this potential contribution

  • HORIZON 2020


    Cross-cutting issuesCross-cutting issues integrated in the work programme (WP)• Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) integrated across all

    Horizon 2020 activities

    • Gender dimension in the content of R&I - question on the relevance of sex/gender analysis is included in proposal templates

    • The strategic approach to international cooperation consists of a general opening of the WP and targeted activities across all relevant Horizon 2020 parts− Information on 'automatic funding' to third country participants is restricted – see

    list of countries

    • Other cross-cutting issues may also be included in the WP Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), ethics…; open access to scientific publications; climate change and sustainable development; standardisation …


  • Energy Efficiency Call


    10 September deadline

  • Overview of the Call 2019 topics

    Buildings Industry Consumers& Services

    Financing Energy


    Public Authorities

    & Policy Support

    Innovation Actions

    EU Support: 70%3 to 4 M€ / project

    Coordination & Support

    ActionsEU support: 100%

    0.5 to 2 M€ / project




    EE6EE8 EC1



    EE14(RIA)Min. 3 entities from 3 countries per project (except EE2, EE11, EE18)

    Call 2019 (M€)

    Energy Efficiency 112

  • Proposals received 10 September 2019 deadline

    Topic Type of Action

    Expected EU funding/

    proposal (M EUR)

    Budget (M EUR) N° proposals on 10 Sept

    LC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020: Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation IA 3-4 12 29

    LC-SC3-EE-2-2018-2019: Integrated home renovation services CSA 0.5-1.5 10 22

    LC-SC3-EE-3-2019-2020: Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skil ls in the construction sector CSA 0.5-1 6 13

    LC-SC3-EE-4-2019-2020: Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment IA 3-4 10 29

    LC-SC3-EE-5-2018-2019-2020: Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification IA 2-2.5 10 9

    LC-SC3-EE-6-2018-2019-2020: Business case for industrial waste heat/cold recovery CSA 1-2 5 7

    LC-SC3-EE-8-2018-2019: Capacity building programmes to support implementation of energy audits CSA 1-2 5 15

    LC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019: Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments CSA 1-1.5 4 14

    LC-SC3-EE-10-2018-2019-2020: Mainstreaming energy efficiency finance CSA 1-1.5 6 9

    LC-SC3-EE-11-2018-2019-2020: Aggregation - Project Development Assistance CSA 0.5-1.5 6 22

    LC-SC3-EE-13-2018-2019-2020: Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibil ity at demand-side as energy resource IA 3-4 8 16

    LC-SC3-EE-14-2018-2019-2020: Socio-economic research conceptualising and modelling energy efficiency and energy demand RIA 1-2 4 11

    LC-SC3-EE-16-2018-2019-2020: Supporting public authorities to implement the Energy Union CSA 1-1.5 10 35

    LC-SC3-EE-18-2019: Bioclimatic approaches for improving energy performance in buildings in Africa and Europe CSA 1 1 11

    LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020: The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions CSA 1-2 7,5 17

    LC-SC3-EC-2-2018-2019-2020: Mitigating household energy poverty CSA 1-2 7,5 20

    112 279

    Call 2019 Topic leaders

    Call H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2019

    Evaluation weeksN° days central PAs involved

    TopicTopicType of ActionExpected EU funding/ proposal (M EUR)Budget (M EUR)No projects +/-Topic leader (co-lead/back-up)SectorN° of proposals expectedEvaluation weekNumber of panels N° of experts per proposalExperts expected to contractN° proposals on 10 Sept N° eligible proposalsNumber of panels Experts expected to contractLong list of experts (x2,5 - 3,5)1 (4-8 Nov)2 (11-15 Nov)3 (18-22 Nov)

    EE-1Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovationLC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020: Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovationEE-1IA3-4123PM11633515292842025-354

    EE-2Integrated home renovation servicesLC-SC3-EE-2-2018-2019: Integrated home renovation servicesEE-2CSA0.5-1.5108Cmi320333922193922-313

    LC-SC3-EE-3-2019-2020: Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sectorEE-3CSA0.5-166ADL (RK)120123613132622-312

    LC-SC3-EE-4-2019-2020: Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipmentEE-4IA3-4103PAV (SSt)1242

    WILDIERS Zoe (EASME): preference from PAV4520292842037-524

    EE-5Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and CertificationLC-SC3-EE-5-2018-2019-2020: Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and CertificationEE-5IA2-2.5104OL (RK)1122144992825-352

    WILDIERS Zoe (EASME): Till Thursday lunch time

    EE-6Business case for industrial waste heat/cold recoveryLC-SC3-EE-6-2018-2019-2020: Business case for industrial waste heat/cold recoveryEE-6CSA1-253BL (PRG)2201133771322-311

    EE-8Capacity building programmes to support implementation of energy auditsLC-SC3-EE-8-2018-2019: Capacity building programmes to support implementation of energy auditsEE-8CSA1-253FG (OD/StS)220123615152622-312

    EE-9Innovative financing for energy efficiency investmentsLC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019: Innovative financing for energy efficiency investmentsEE-9CSA1-1.543BZ320123614142522-312

    EE-10Mainstreaming energy efficiency financeLC-SC3-EE-10-2018-2019-2020: Mainstreaming energy efficiency financeEE-10CSA1-1.564KP3201133991422-311

    EE-11Aggregation - Project Development AssistanceLC-SC3-EE-11-2018-2019-2020: Aggregation - Project Development AssistanceEE-11CSA0.5-1.564ME315323622223915-213

    EE-13Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side as energy resourceLC-SC3-EE-13-2018-2019-2020: Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side as energy resourceEE-13IA3-482UN3163251016152925-352

    EE-14Socio-economic research conceptualising and modelling energy efficiency and energy demandLC-SC3-EE-14-2018-2019-2020: Socio-economic research conceptualising and modelling energy efficiency and energy demandEE-14RIA1-242GP320123611112622-312

    WILDIERS Zoe (EASME): From Tue AM till Fri PM

    EE-16Supporting public authorities to implement the Energy UnionLC-SC3-EE-16-2018-2019-2020: Supporting public authorities to implement the Energy UnionEE-16CSA1-1.5108CK (MS)34024312353551537-525

    LC-SC3-EE-18-2019: Bioclimatic approaches for improving energy performance in buildings in Africa and EuropeEE-18CSA111OL (MAR)115123611112615-212

    EC-1The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actionsLC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020: The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actionsEC-1CSA1-27.54OD (StS/SV)220323617173922-313

    WILDIERS Zoe (EASME): Till Friday lunch time

    WILDIERS Zoe (EASME): Till Thursday lunch timeEC-2Mitigating household energy povertyLC-SC3-EC-2-2018-2019-2020: Mitigating household energy povertyEC-2CSA1-27.54NK (FG/PRG/SV)225-30233920193930-423


    PANELS:sector 1

    sector 2

    sector 3

    Expert budget estimation

    Allocation matrixNb experts200

    ECASFirst NameLast NamePanel(s)Nb days remote84503600

    berruviVincentBERRUTTO_ALLNb days onsite54502250

    Daily allowance592460

    Hotel allowance6100600

    daloiorOronzoDALOISOEE-08; EC-01Travel allowance1500500

    lacouamAmandineDE COSTER - LACOURTEE-03; EE-047410

    eiblmmaMartinEIBL_ALL1,482,000 €


    jahnaneAnetteJAHN_ALLPool forecast (032463)

    kanelreRebeccaKANELLEAEE-03;EE-05Nb experts156187.2

    kerebceCecileKEREBELEE-14, EE-16CSA102+20%122.4


    lagunmiMariaLAGUNA_ALLNb days remote84503600

    lepsabiBianca-NicoleLEPSAEE-06, EE-11Nb days onsite54502250

    luyckovOlavLUYCKXEE-05;EE-18Daily allowance592460

    marxmchChristofMARXHotel allowance6100600

    milinchChristopheMILINEE-02, EE-16Travel allowance1500500


    nuschulUlrikeNUSCHELEREE-04, EE-13, EE-141,387,152 €

    paquakaKamilaPAQUELEE-09, EE-10, EE-11, EE-16


    pizzgiuGiuliaPIZZINIEE-11, EE-13, EE-14

    rennestStephanRENNEREE-02, EE-09, EE-10

    reygpauPauREY GARCIAEE-06;EC-02

    romemigMiguel AngelROMEROEE-01;EE-18

    sansomiMicheleSANSONIEE-2, EE-09, EE-10, EE-16








    zapfebjBjornZAPFELEE-09, EE-10, EE-11


    newEE-02, EE-16

  • HORIZON 2020


    Countries whose entities are eligible for funding

    Member States of the European Union, including their overseas departments and outermost regions.

    Associated Countries – Iceland, Norway, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Moldova, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Ukraine, Tunisia, Georgia, Armenia

    Third Countries eligible for funding – see the 'Annex A - List of countries, and applicable rules for funding'.

    Exceptionally, other countries if:• Bilateral agreement e.g. EU-US/NIH arrangement• Identified in the Work Programme• Deemed essential for carrying out the action. The participation has clear benefits for the

    consortium, such as: • outstanding competence/expertise • access to research infrastructure • access to particular geographical environments • access to data.


  • HORIZON 2020


    Outcome of the UK referendum and Horizon 2020: State of Play

    Until the UK leaves the EU, EU law continues to apply to andwithin the UK, both when it comes to rights andobligations. This includes the eligibility of UK legal entities toparticipate and receive funding in Horizon 2020 actions.Experts should not evaluate proposals with UK participantsany differently than before.


  • HORIZON 2020


    Next steps• You will follow the topic briefing on the day/time arranged

    by your EASME Panel Moderator covering: Presentation of 'your' topic The evaluation process in practice – and in a nutshell The remote phase – how to organise your work? The evaluation criteria and scoring system How to write Individual Evaluation Reports – some experience from

    previous exercises Your timing and deadlines Where to go for support

    • You will receive the guidance documents per e-mail (slide packages, evaluation forms in word)

    • Your Access to SEP is planned just after your topic briefing– depends on both parties having signed your contract

    • For your rapporteur task a separate slide package will besent to you at a later stage

  • HORIZON 2020


    Step: Timeline:

    General Briefing 1 October 2019

    Topic Briefing 1-4 October 2019

    Confirm to your Panel Moderatoryour absence of Conflict Of Intereston the assigned proposals

    Immediately after accessto SEP

    Finalise your first assessment Instructions from panel moderator

    Finalise all your individualassessments:

    18/23 October 2019 depending on topic!intermediate deadlines may be givenby Panel Moderators

    Finalise your remote preparations of the Consensus meeting = Rapporteur task up to 4 proposals

    28 / 30 October 2019 depending on topic

    Central evaluation weeks 4 – 22 November 2019

  • HORIZON 2020


    Where to turn for support

    Your first point of contact: your Panel Moderator(s):• For all clarifications on your assignment• EASME-ENERGY-EXPERTS@ec.europa.eu

    Except for: SEP issues - please do contact the IT helpdesk:

    • DIGIT-EFP7-SEP-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu • Phone: +32 2 29 92222 • Available on weekdays 9:00 -18:00 CET (Friday 17:00)

    Expert Payment issues - please do directly contact: • REA-EXPERTS@ec.europa.eu


  • Thank you for supporting the EASME with evaluation of the Energy-efficiency call H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2019 !

    HORIZON 2020�PROPOSAL EVALUATION�ContentABOUT EASME��Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesEASME 2014-2020 ProgrammesEASME & the Energy efficiency part of secure, clean & efficient energyHorizon2020: ��the EU Research and Innovation ProgrammeCalls and proposalsCross-cutting issuesEnergy Efficiency Call��H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2019��10 September deadlineOverview of the Call 2019 topicsProposals received 10 September 2019 deadlineCountries whose entities are eligible for fundingOutcome of the UK referendum and �Horizon 2020: State of PlayNEXT STEPS, TIMETABLE, �POINT OF CONTACTNext stepsSlide Number 16Where to turn for supportThank you for supporting the EASME with evaluation of the Energy-efficiency call H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2019 !�