How Color Affects Purchases

Post on 19-May-2015

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How Color Affects Purchases

Color is a meaningful constant for sighted people and it's a powerful psychological tool. By using color psychology, you can send a positive or negative message, encourage sales, calm a crowd, or make an athlete work harder.

Learn your customer behavior

Employ the latest color psychology in all facets of marketing and

particularly in logo design, web site design, designing the cover of a

book, or packaging.

When marketing a new product, it is critical to think about visual

appearance and color

• 95% of a product’s effect is its visual appearance.

• 85% of shoppers site color as a primary reason to buy a particular product.

• Color increases brand recognition by 81%.

Color is one of the most powerful design tools. But color perceptions

depend on country.

Psychology of Black:

Black is the color of authority, power, stability and strength. It is also associated with intelligence. Black is a serious color that evokes strong emotions. It is usually used to market luxury products.

Psychology of White

White is the color associated with purity, cleanliness and the safety of bright light. It is also used to project the absence of color, or neutrality. White is associated with creativity and often utilized in the design of high-tech products.

Psychology of Gray

Gray is associated with the practical, timeless, middle-of-the-road, solid things in life. Too much gray leads to a feeling of nothing; but a little bit of gray will add that rock-solid feeling to your product. Some shades of gray are associated with old age, death, taxes, depression or a lost sense of direction.

Psychology of Yellow

Cheerful yellow is the color of the sun associated with laughter and happiness. A person surrounded by yellow feels optimistic because the brain actually releases more serotonin (a feel-good chemical in the brain). Yellow can be an effective tool in marketing to greater sales, and helps to grab shopper’s attention. Some shades of yellow are associated with cowardice; but the more golden shades are associated with the promise of better times.

Psychology of Red

Red drives attention to your product. Red is the color of energy. It's associated with movement and excitement. People who are surrounded by red find their heart beating a little faster. Some studies show red cars get more tickets but that may be because the red car owner drives faster or the ticket giver notices the movement of the red car more prominently. Red is the symbol of life. In marketing, red is used mostly for clearance sales.

Psychology of Pink

Pink is the most calming of all the colors—often, our most dangerous criminals are housed in pink cells as studies show that the color drains energy and calms aggression. Think of pink as the color of romance and love; to be in the pink is to be soothed. In marketing, pink is used to market products to young girls and women.

Color your Marketing Effort

Psychology of Blue

Blue creates the sensational of trust and security. Seeing the color blue actually causes the body to produce chemicals that are calming. Some shades (darker shades of blue) can send a cold and uncaring message. People tend to be more productive in a blue room because they are calm and focused on the task at hand. For marketing purposes, it could be helpful to paint your store royal blue to help your customers to focusing on shopping.

Psychology of Green

Green—associated with wealth, growth, nature, and money. Dark forest green is associated with terms like conservative, masculine and wealth. It is also the color associated with envy, good luck and generosity. It is the traditional color of peace, harmony, comfort, nurturing, support and energy. In marketing green is associated with organic products or naturally grown food

Psychology of Orange

Orange is tied most with fun times, happy and energetic days. It is also associated with ambition. In marketing it is used to create a call-to-action.

Psychology of Purple

Purple is associated with wealth, prosperity, and rich sophistication. This color stimulates brain activity used in problem solving. This color is used with beauty and anti-ageing products. Young girls are most likely to select nearly all shades of purple as their favorite color.

Psychology of Brown

This color is most associated with reliability, stability, and friendship. More are likely to select this as their favorite color. It's the color of the earth itself, "terra firma", and what could represent stability better. It too is associated with things being natural or organic. Caution however, for in India it is the color of mourning.

Overall website color design analyses

For many shoppers overall design and poor navigation are the reasons not to purchase from this website.• 42% of shoppers base their opinion of a

website on overall design alone.• 52% of shoppers do not return because of

website aesthetic.

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