How to Build Influence in a World of Competing Ideas, with John Butman

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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NOTE:The following represents ten highlights

from the interview by @MoeAbdou, founder & host of 33voices®.

Click to stream audio

John Butman

Advises and collaborates with indi-vidual content experts and leaders of global companies, notfor-profit

institutions, consultancies, and government organizations, helping them shape and express their ideas

and establish idea platforms.

If you’ve got an idea in your head,

share it, live it and articulate it like a catchy headline.


Ideas are not separate from the person who created them.tie your narrative to the core of your idea

and watch it become believable!

Want to test a new idea? Try sketching it on a cocktail napkin

and see if people get it. Then try it at a cocktail party.

To articulate your idea well,

make it relevant.Why does it matter to you? and what big problem is it solving?

Tell me why you’re fascinated with an idea, and my emotions will tug at me to buy in.make your idea a sacred expression.

Tell me why you’re fascinated with an idea, and my emotions will tug at me to buy in.make your idea a sacred expression.

33voicesJohn Butman - Sacred expression

Smart idea entrepreneurs focus on gaining influence within a niched disincline,

not with a mass audiencewhat is it that only you can do?

Your idea is much more likely to resonatewhen others can connect it

with similar ideas.

You’re in respiration mode when your idea can breath on its own. treat this as the beginning of the journey

and lead the conversation.

Success often brings resistance from others.don’t ignore it, discuss it and let your idea grow.

Try less to own an idea,and opt more for advancing it!

Really reflect...

Is the idea in your head a deep part of who you are?

Really reflect...