How to Create an Insanely Impressive Salesforce Org Worth Bragging About

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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How to create an

Salesforce® org worthBRAGGING ABOUT

Salesforce is pretty easy to use.

But administering a Salesforce org is a much bigger task than you might think.

Doing a periodic audit and overall health check of the state of your org

will help you find out what you’re doing right and identify

potential trouble spots.

Monitoring your org is simple as long as you know

where to look and what to check.

So, what should you be looking at?

Ask yourself...

Where is your data coming from?

Imports, web entries, manual entries, and/or marketing automation systems, to

name just a few possibilities.

different sources.

You probably have data coming into Salesforce from many

Is the data clean before it comes in?

Clean data is critical

for creating and maintaining good relationships with your clients.

Bad data can lead to embarrassing and unprofessional situations.

If your source data is bad,

so is your business.

How are users separated from a security standpoint?

permission profiles

is imperative to protecting your data from erroneous updates, or when

limiting access to proprietary internal or client information in your Salesforce org.

Creating separate

Are you regularly maintaining active and inactive users?

ongoing process.

As new users come on board, roles may change. As users leave, remember to set their user IDs inactive and restrict login access to

your org as a routine procedure.

Maintenance of your users is a necessary

How many user licenses are available in your org?

correct number

of user licenses to fit your needs and that the licenses you have are

It’s critical to ensure that you have the

actually being used.

How are those licenses configured and being used?

properly configured

with a profile and permissions that are appropriate to the individual role

in the organization

Make sure each license is

(i.e. not every user should have a system administrator profile).

What applications and packages are installed and running in your org?

prone you are to conflictswhich is why it’s crucial to be aware of the

applications that you have installed.

The more workflows, rules, and applications you have running, the more

What is the quality of your data?

When the quality of your data is low (incomplete, duplicated, old, outdated) then reporting suffers, sales and marketing suffer,

and the efficiency of IT operations suffers.

Duplicate data is the main source of poor data quality.

How many duplicate records are in your org?

Use a deduplication app that has the flexibility to find duplicate matches from

a variety of angles and data points.

Fix it.Clean your data.


Get rid of duplicates

See how many duplicates are in your org and merge them without losing any important data or relationships. Plus,

dedupe any .csv file against records already in Salesforce before importing.

that already exist in your org with .

Wait, there’s more!

Download the MEGA EBOOK!

A Salesforce admin’s must-have guide complete with even more best practices, step-by-step how-tos, pro-tips, worksheets, and a free data health check.

Learn about:

• Automated reports• Storage limits• Password policies• Network access• API Usage• and more!