How to make a Zen presentation

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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zenpresentation made by fts global, your global partner in people solution

how to make a





A Zen presentation is all about making your presentation unforgettable


Because your message needs to be assimilated

unleash your creativity for that, you need to

You see the difference?

captivate the audience one of the main challenges is to

delivering the right message, by using the best way,

to the right person.

In fact, It’s a matter of

all you actually need to do is

going straight to the point

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.

• Only have ONE main idea per slide

• SEVEN lines of text as a maximum

• And only SEVEN words per line maximum

• To keep it consistent, we recommend you

• Use only SEVEN bullet points per slide

The 1-7-7 Rule

or not?

yes, but not on every slide!

Make sure you study your audience beforehand!

Zen presentations are not suitable for everyone

Simple can be harder than complex. Steve Jobs

You see, Steve Jobs’ presentations were all about

to create your own Zen presentation? So now, are you ready