how to make pantograph.doc

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8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 1/47

how to make pantograph





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8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 2/47


'.   2:30

Art as Science - How To a!e A "anto#rap$ - Scale Down % Up


o by 8eroy 6EllgraB o ) months ago

o ,F(* 4ews

How to make a pantograph. Build your own pantograph only wth a

woo9en staBBF screwF washersF nuts an9 two pencls. he 49eo ...

o HA

).   6:39

)uildin# t$e *-D panto#rap$

o by !atthas Wan9elo ) years ago

o *F) 4ews Gul9ng the 09 router pantographF Brom

start to Bnsh. also ha4e plans a4alable Bor t here: ...

o HA

0.   4:11

"anto#rap$ Routin# Drawer Handles

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 3/47

o by <osmas Gauero months ago

o ,F0* 4ews

ee how ths machne s bult:,a0o_c 

use my router pantograph to make 9rawer pulls Bor ...

o HA

-.   5:10

How to draw wit$ a panto#rap$

o by hooCaynerArawngo ) years ago

o *F-( 4ews

6oun9 ths ol9 pantograph an9 thought I9 show t as no one really uses

them these 9ays as we 1ust 9al up a )J ncrease on a ...

.   2:42

How to +a!e a panto#rap$

o by "kotra'o ' year ago

o F00) 4ews

n ths 49eoF you wll learn how to make an9 use a pantograph.

o HA

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 4/47

.   7:59

buildin# a *D router panto#rap$

o by <osmas Gauero '( months ago

o -F)0 4ews

!ass pro9ucng 9rawer han9les:

4=WhKLb!n4$ !y homema9e router pantograph.

o HA

*.   8:51

Router "anto#rap$

o by $agleWoo9workng

o 0 years ago

o 0-*F*, 4ews hs tool allows you to

reate beautBul car4ngs Brom )A or 0A templates. mply ...

.   5:52

eit$ acenie.s "anto#rap$ T$e F/ uitar )uilders Ass1 eetin#

o by chrspaulcko - years ago

o -)F)( 4ews

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 5/47

ome oB the 6MG" meetng hghlghtng #ethIs !antograph.

,.   15:18

How to use a panto#rap$

o by artguy)'00o ) years ago

o ,F( 4ews

 hs 49eo s Brom the webste: $ t 9scusses the set2

up an9 use oB a pantograph.

'(.   3:51


o by muscBromwoo9o ' year ago

o 'F) 4ews

" pantograph Bor making accurate nlay cuts.

''.   13:34

3onder Art 4 a#ni'ier

o by %antGasketo ) years ago

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 6/47

o F00 4ews 2 Won9er "raw sa4es 9rawng tme when

enlargng 9rawngs. mple to set up an9 9eal Bor ...

').   4:48

Hot+ods1net - ase+oddin# tools6 T$e "anto#rap$

o by !a9s %erschkeo ' year ago

o 'F 4ews

!antograph# come n many 9BBerent sNes an9 4arous compleKtes.

Howe4erF the one Im ha4ng a look at here s 4ery smple to ...

o HA

'0.   2:48


o by "kotra'o ' year ago

o 00 4ews

n ths 49eoF you wll learn how to use an9 make a pantograph.

o HA

'-.   3:39

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 7/47

D78 *-D panto#rap$ router copier

o by WolBgang %almero months ago

o -F0* 4ews

" home ma9e pantograph router 1ust because.

o HA

'.   5:43

7nlay eperi+ents wit$ t$e panto#rap$

o by !atthas Wan9elo ) months ago

o 0F(-' 4ews

$Kpermentng wth cuttng ntrcate gutar neck nlays wth my router

pantograph. "lso ...

o HA

'.   5:11

:ew "anto#rap$ 'or t$e S$op

o by Wll !oono - months ago

o -F)) 4ews

" couple 9ays back Bnally got my new >an9 by new mean use9F but

whate4er@ pantograph Bor the shop. " pantograph s a ...

o HA

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 8/47

'*.   5:39

7nlay carin# wit$ a router panto#rap$

o by !atthas Wan9elo ) years ago

o 0)(F-(* 4ews Aemonstratng how to use the

09 router pantograph to do ntrcate nlay car4ng.

o HA

'.   14:29

)uildin# t$e router panto#rap$ by +att$ias wandel,

o by Woo9<raBt G%W

o - weeks ago

o *0 4ews

 hs 49eo s a Bollow along wth me bul9ng the router pantograph a4alable

Brom purchase9 the plansF at a ...

o HA

',.   8:27

Dre+el tool +ount 'or t$e panto#rap$

o by !atthas Wan9elo ) months ago

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 9/47

o -0F,') 4ews

Gul9ng a 9remel tool mount Bor my 0A router pantograph

o HA

)(.   4:25

*D letter carin#

o by !atthas Wan9elo ) years ago

o ,'F*' 4ews <ar4ng letters wth 4arable 9epth oB cut

on my 0A pantograph. use9 my stencl maker to get the ...

o HA

)'. ):(,

)).8eonar9o Aa ;nc 2 Woo9 Aome 2 Ceal 8Be <onstructon

)0.) 4ews

)-.' week ago

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 10/47

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).8eonar9o Aa ;nc 2 Woo9 Gr9ge 2 <onstructon

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0(.8eonar9o Aa ;nc 2 Woo9 Gr9ge 2 Ceal 8Be <onstructon

0'.',* 4ews

0).' week ago

00. ':)

0-.Galancng als 2 %erBect tatc Galance 2 crewsF als or !atchstc

0.*( 4ews

0.' month ago

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 11/47

0*. ':(

0.One heet OB %aper 2 Optcal lluson 2 mpossble %aper <ut 2 oluton

0,.*( 4ews

-(.' month ago

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-).AeByng Mra4ty 2 Wne & o9a Gottle Mra4ty Hol9er 2 Aecoraton & "mb

-0.*' 4ews

--.' month ago

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-.Cocket Gowlng 2 !ssle 8auncher 2 Worl9 Gest uper Gowl %arty 6un 2

-*.'F' 4ews

-.) months ago

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(.!ssle 8auncher 2 Gottle Cocket 8auncher 2 <ola Ge4erage <rate 2 <o

'.)F))0 4ews

).) months ago

0. ):'(

-.<oca <ola or Water Gottle Cocket 2 How o !ake "rrow !ssle 2 <oke

.,** 4ews

.) months ago

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.mpossble %uNNle 2 op Optcal llusons 2 "nswer & oluton 2 Worl

,.'F',- 4ews

(.) months ago

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 13/47

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).mpossble %uNNle 2 op Optcal llusons 2 "nswer & oluton 2 Wor

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.mpossble %uNNle 2 op Optcal llusons 2 "nswer & oluton 2 Wor

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*(.Gurnng cence 2 Mene n a Gottle 2 6un Wth <ol9 Glue 6re 6lame 2 %art

*'.'F0(' 4ews

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*-. ower Gr9ge %antograph 2 8on9on hemse 2 "rt as cence

*.'F-') 4ews

*.) months ago

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*.%antograph ew Pork <ty2 alng Goat On Hu9son C4er 2 8berty tat

*,.-* 4ews

(.) months ago



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-."rt as cence 2 How o !ake " %antograph 2 cale Aown / Dp >!agn

.'(F,, 4ews

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.Gurnng !oney 2 Aollar Gll 2 Wthout Aamage 2 %ure "lcohol

,.)F') 4ews

,(.) months ago

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,0.*( 4ews

,-.) months ago

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,.Hgh ;oltage cence 2 $lectromagnetsm $Kperment 2 <ola

,*.'F(, 4ews

,.0 months ago

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')). 0 months ago

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'0(. 0 months ago

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8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 19/47

'00. 'F((( 4ews

'0-. 0 months ago

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'--. 8"$C & O%< 2 otal CeBlecton 2 Mreen 8aser %onter 2 Gen9ng the


'-. )F,( 4ews

'-. 0 months ago

'-*. ':'

'-. 8"$C & O%< 2 Gen9ng the 8ght 2 8aser %onter 2 Mreen 8aser 2Gen9ng oB 8ghts

'-,. ) 4ews

'(. 0 months ago

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'). "W$O!$ O%<"8 88DO 2 pnnng ube rck or $BBect 2 Glack

8ght 2 pnnng %pe

'0. 'F(, 4ews

'-. 0 months ago

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'**. 00F(- 4ews

'*. - months ago

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'(. "W$O!$ <$<$ $5%$C!$ 2 !agnetc !agc %utty / !ghty

 hnkng %utty 2 eo9ymum !agnet 2 ck

''. ,F', 4ews

'). - months ago

'0. ':(

'-. <OO8 <$<$ $5%$C!$ 2 !agnetc !agc %utty / !ghty hnkng

%utty 2 Guckyballs & eo9ymum

'. -'F,, 4ews

'. - months ago

'*. ':0,

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'. "!"QM <$<$ $5%$C!$ 2 $lectromagnetc n9ucton 2 <opper

%pe 2 earng Qero Mra4ty

',. 0F-- 4ews

',(. - months ago

','. ':)

',). "!"QM <$<$ $5%$C!$ 2 ubmerge9 Asplacement 2 Water &<otton Wool

',0. 'F,0 4ews

',-. months ago

',. ':-

',. "!"QM <$<$ $5%$C!$ 2 6lyng Myroscope2 8e4tron 2

8e4tatng !agnetc op 2 8enNIs 8aw

',*. )0F- 4ews

',. months ago

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%aper <rossbow 0 !nutes 2 low !oton

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)0(. months ago

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)0). "W$O!$ <$<$ $5%$C!$ 2 Aolphn o9a Gottle Aeep Dn9er

Water A4er 2 <artesan A4er

)00. )F 4ews

)0-. months ago

)0. ):((

)0. "W$O!$ <$<$ $5%$C!$ 2 %otato Gattere 2 eres <onnecton 2$nergy ;olt

)0*. )F-*, 4ews

)0. months ago

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Hy9rochlorc ac9 $BBect 2 Grght Glue

)-'. 0F) 4ews

)-). months ago

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). months ago

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an9 2 wth Glacklght eBBect

),. )F'*0 4ews

)*(. months ago

)*'. 0:*

)*). <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 Ocean n the bottle 2 how to make 2 6ull

)*0. 0F-- 4ews

)*-. months ago

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)*. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 "wesomeR Gran9enburger Mate

!atchstck Aomno <han reacton 2 burnng

)**. ''F,-) 4ews

)*. months ago

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)(. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ awesome match trck con quarter 9ollar6ull HA

)'. )F'0* 4ews

)). months ago

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)-. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 blacklght D; 2 %hoto paper an9 natural

Bbre paper 2 6ull HA

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). months ago

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0(,. ,-( 4ews

0'(. months ago

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0'). <ool %hyscs $Kperment 2 6re Water Galloon 2 slow moton 2 6ull HA

0'0. 'F( 4ews

0'-. months ago

0'. ):(-

0'. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 magc mlk 2 Boo9 colorng changng 2

9sh soap 2 6ull HA

0'*. *F*0 4ews

0'. months ago

0',. (:-)

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0)(. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 Bre 2 two matches an9 quarter Aollar 2

trck 2 6ull HA

0)'. F'* 4ews

0)). months ago

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0)-. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 Bre 2 amaNng 1umpng match trck 2

0). '0F*0 4ews

0). months ago

0)*. ':(

0). <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 two eggs out oB the bottle 2 6ull

0),. 'F0'* 4ews

00(. months ago

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00). <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 egg test 2 bole9 or raw 2 6ull

000. ,* 4ews

00-. months ago

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00. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 two eggs n a bottle 2 6ull HA

00*. )F(*0 4ews

00. months ago

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0-(. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 nk an9 4negar2warm an9 col9 water26ull 


0-'. F''0 4ews

0-). months ago

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0-0. (:0

0--. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 angular momentum 2 wheel 2 6ull HA

0-. )F'0- 4ews

0-. months ago

0-*. (:,

0-. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 supercoole9 water 2 6ull HA

0-,. ,F*-( 4ews

0(. months ago

0'. (:0,

0). <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ pepper an9 9etergent water surBace

tenson 2 6ull HA

00. F') 4ews

0-. months ago

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0. (:-*

0. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 water pressure 2 bottle 2 6ull HA

0*. F,)' 4ews

0. months ago

0,. (:-,

0(. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 balloon skewer 2 6ull HA

0'. '(F')' 4ews

0). months ago

00. (:-,

0-. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 6lyng 6orks 2 AeByng Mra4ty 2

O4ercome he 6orce OB Mra4ty 2 6ull HA

0. 'F(* 4ews

0. months ago

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0*. (:

0. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 water boK 2 straw 2 6ull HA

0,. '( 4ews

0*(. months ago

0*'. (:

0*). <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 water glasses 2 paper towels 2 6ull HA

0*0. ',F() 4ews

0*-. months ago

0*. ):''

0*. <OO8 %HP< $5%$C!$ 2 ar pressure 2 water bottle 2 steam 2 6ull


0**. F(* 4ews

0*. months ago

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0*,. (:0*

0(. Ca9atoncounter 2 6un"pp 2 Moogle %lay tore "n9ro9

0'. )F0) 4ews

0). months ago

• ;*600 1

15 - Router-Based

Inlayby The WoodWhisperer  FEATURED 


• <56*0

"y Router #opy#ar$erby %y%lesur&eon

1'5' $ie(s

• <=625 #

lone 'D - Router

Dupli%ator ) #opy#ar$er - *un +to%,


#loneDupli%ator 11'11 $ie(s

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 42/47

• 9622 #l

one 'D - RouterDupli%ator ) #opy

#ar$er - .ropeller


/0/6 $ie(s

• 56<< 

e( .anto&raph 2or the

+hopby Will "oon1/3 $ie(s

• >6*< #

edar bo4 illed 2ro

router illin&


31/ $ie(s

• 26*0 Ar 

t as +%ien%e - o( To"a,e A .anto&raph -

+%ale Do(n ) Up7"a&ni2i%ation8by9eroy F:ll&ra2 06!


8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 43/47

• >65< R 

outer .anto&raphbyEa&leWood(or,in&

3'!!50 $ie(s

• 06;* 2r 

ee ener&y de$i%e testedon li&ht bulbby

9i2ea%,;1;1//'/3! $ie(s

• ?6*<

oebuilt Router #opier  9atheby


11/01; $ie(s

• 56;2 #

opy %ar$in& a rotary phoneby "atthias

Wandel 3516' $ie(s

• <6;060> FE9DER - TE WII* #<"BIATI< 7E*8by

FE9DER-*R<U. T= 3'/;/ $ie(s

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 44/47

• 9609 #lone 'D - Router Dupli%ator ) #opy #ar$er - *uitar Body

Dupli%atin&by #loneDupli%ator 3;35 $ie(s

• ;6*9 Trend Router #ar$er +ysteby Trend"a%hinery 15155; $ie(s

• <;65; Buildin& y Delta 3D .rinterby >oshendy '6!! $ie(s

• 56*9 "a,in& the #ar$in& dupli%ator - Router #opy #ar$er .art 1by Wil2

Ba,er 65;' $ie(s

• 56*9 Inlay %ar$in& (ith a router panto&raphby "atthias Wandel 3;/05


• 065= %ar$in& dupli%ator dupli%atin& %ar$er %n% router &einiby +te$e

"%laren 11!/ $ie(s

• 965> Router Inlay .ra%ti%e - The Diaondby The Apprenti%e and The

?ourneyan '/''3 $ie(s

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 45/47

• ;65= Routin& +tar @nobs on the poor ans ##by #osas Bauer

3!! $ie(s

• ;65= Routin& +tar @nobs on the poor ans ##by #osas Bauer

3!! $ie(s

• <06<0 Router %opy %ar$er build part ;by "atthias Wandel 3'1; $ie(s

• 20622 *un +to%, En&ra$in& ECuipent Wood "etal *lass Fishs%ale

&rip .o(er #ar$erby s%systes ;503; $ie(s

• 965> Router Inlay .ra%ti%e - The Diaondby The Apprenti%e and The

?ourneyan '/''3 $ie(s

• ?600 BI?<U #REE@s +to%, Dupli%ation Auto odeby BI?<U#REE@1

!5!/ $ie(s

• 9659 D=D =olue ; ## *uitar "a%hinin&by +%ott *reen ;'1!/


8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 46/47

• <6<* #lone Router Dupli%ator ) #opy #ar$erby #loneDupli%ator 13330


• 565< 9uthier Inlay Router Dupli%atorby Cuebe%sli 0/3/; $ie(s

• *60> oeade %ar$in& dupli%ator planes (ood"<=by ,enorto

!0/ $ie(s

• 5652 @eith "a%@enies .anto&raph The F9 *uitar Builders Ass

"eetin&by %hrispauli%, '1605 $ie(s

• 96** Router %opy %ar$er build part 1by "atthias Wandel 1'!6'! $ie(s

• 062< Dupli%ator Triin& "a%hineby Rio "ar%antonio 36;050 $ie(s

• =6<; =e&a Dupli%ator Wood 9athe Deonstrationby (aont&oery13

3/16 $ie(s

8/14/2019 how to make pantograph.doc 47/47

• <6;> Terr%o Wood#ar$er - @-+tarby Terr%oF.= 1165'0 $ie(s

• 26<* +%ulptin& a Woans Body - 3D ## Foa #ar$in& (ith

FR<*3Dby FR<*3D## 101/5; $ie(s

• 06;* Router 9athe Atta%hentby pre%isionae ;!560 $ie(s

• 56*< "y Fa$orite oe "ade Toolby +aeid "otahan 1'610!; $ie(s

• <?6*0 <rientin& .anto&raph to .atientby U"i%hDent !/3 $ie(s

• *65* De%,el *@;1by Allen Elishe(it 3/66 $ie(s

• *6<= #lone 'D - Router Dupli%ator ) #opy #ar$er - ?oinery - #uttin& a

Tenon <pen "ortiseby #loneDupli%ator ;05 $ie(s