How to measure shopper marketing from the shelf back

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Shelfback / The three step process

Step 1Integrate Retail Media in to the overall communication planning process from Day 1.

Step 2Arm your sales teams with the tools to talk to the retailer about best-in-class plans and leverage them to drive commercial gain.

Step 3Ensure you evaluate your media against a clear set of KPIs that measure the objective of the spend.

Step 1 / Evolving the Path to Purchase

Catch Connect ClosePhase Awarenes

s Intrigue Believability Purchase Instruction Advocacy

Barrier There's a million brands talking to me, why should I listen to this one?

Why should I engage with this brand?

What is this and why is it different?

How do I buy it? How much is it?

How do I use it? Why should I tell anyone about this?

What shall we say to them?

There is a revolutionary new razor called EvoShave.

This is new and revolutionary and this is just for you (not your dad).

Shave by touch. Find EvoShave in the shaving aisle.Clear value communication: half the price of Fusion Proglide.

Relevant usage instructions which are accessible to our target market.

Use free blades and engaging clickable content to incentivise sharing through social media.

What channels should be considered?

• In store.• Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed,

YouTube, Spotify, blogger outreach, targeted online advertising (tactical, PPC, social PPC)

• Experiential, sponsorship of relevant gigs, sampling at university campuses.

• Packaging. • In-store. At

shelf. •

• PR, blog plan.• Word of


• In store. • Social -

sharable. • Front of store.

• Packaging• QR code:

Scan your phone here to learn how to handle it – link to Evoshave.cominstructions video.

• Opportunity to share content through social channels in order to be rewarded with money off coupons or free blades.

Develop bespoke ‘best in class’ plans that help: a) deliver the overall campaign message and b) drive retailer’s share.

Step 2 / Arming your sales team

Then leverage them to drive commercial gain…

Step 2 / Arming your sales team

Level Criteria Support Value


1. Inline plinth for Starter Kits for 8 weeks2. Deliver national promotional plan 3. Deliver 12 weeks branded semi perm FSU/ semi

perm off-shelf display in Q44. Deliver 8 weeks of offshelf display for Blades 4s /


Full Mod package 6 Sheets Shelf Barkers / Talkers Floor graphics In-store Experiential & Sampling Exclusive in-store activity /


PLUS Tagged TV Support PR Support (Where to buy




1. Inline plinth for Starter Kits for 4 weeks2. Deliver national promotional plan3. Deliver 8 weeks branded semi-perm FSU / off-

shelf4. 4 weeks display on blades 4s / 8s

Shelf Barkers / Talkers Trolleys Exclusive in-store activity /


PLUS Tagged Radio Support OR

Tagged Print Support PR Support (Where to buy




1. Deliver national promotional plan2. Deliver 4 weeks of off shelf display for Starter

Kits Shelf Barkers / Talkers £75k

Step 3 / Evaluate against correct KPIs