How to rank on google with seo beyond 2014

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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When it comes to seo, they are so much myth and opinions than one can ever count. But one thing that we know for sure is that playing by rules will eventually rank a website first, Google give us all what we need to do to rank high on the search engine but we keep looking for bugs and loophole to exploit. Let's face, they aren't any bugs on Google ranking system I'm aware of, and even if they were then they will be fixed on few days. So why try to fight again the system rather than using it to drive unlimited traffic to any website. On this book we will cover how to effectively use SEO and get traffic from search engines.


SEO Evolved

Rank On Google Beyond



Abderrahman Gourragui






On Page SEO Optimization

On Page SEO


Are you using WordPress?The answer to this question should be "Yes". Whatever you're trying to rank for or drive traffic to, WordPress give you a good head start with your SEO and you're greatly on disadvantage against your competitor if you don't use it. Visit this tutorial to learn how to Setup a WordPress website.

Speed of Your WebsiteThis may not seem important on your eyes, but did you know that Google measure the speed of your website and use it a rank factor? In addition to that a study showed that most of your visitors will hit the back button if your website don't load under 4 seconds.

Now you understand the importance of the speed of your website, I recommend that you check your website speed now. You can use Pingdom speed test or just search on Google for others website speed tests.

Reduce Your Bounce RateA bounce is when a visitor quickly leave your website, this mean on Google eyes that your content is bad and shouldn't rank. To reduce the bounce rate make sure that your website speed is good, and avoid a big number of ads because this may frighten your visitors and make them leave your website. Finally make sure that your content is engaging.

Use SEO Friendly URLSAvoid long urls, you should have short urls on your website but the keyword must be present on them as this give a good boost to your ranking. On WordPress make sure that your permalinks structure is set to include the post title on url instead of random numbers.

Social Sharing ButtonsSocial signal became an important part on the ranking algorithm, so make sure that you include social buttons to allow your visitors to share your content. If you want to go the extra mile then you can search for beautiful social button instead of the normal ones, or even buy a premium plugin with awesome graphics.



Content Optimization

Content Optimization

Post TitleAs you may know, the title is the most important part of your content, and fortunately the easiest to optimize for the best ranking. You already know that you should include your keyword on the title, but it's very important to start your title with your keyword instead of putting it on the middle or even the end.

A study showed that page with keyword first on title rank better than others page, now that you know it make sure you take advantage of it.

Add Modifiers to Your TitlesAdding modifiers like date (2014 for example) or best, top, review..... may help ranking your website for long tail keyword. You will get less traffic from those keywords, but I'm sure it's better than nothing.

Keyword on StartThis is also a known fact, but I'll put it here because this post cover everything about seo. So make sure you drop your keyword on the first 100 words of your post, the closer to the start the better but don't make it look like spam otherwise this will increase the bounce rate.

Also putting your keyword on the end of the posts help too, but it isn't as powerful as on the start. Anyway put the keyword on the start and the finish and get the most value.

LSI KeywordsThis too is a known fact too, but most people tend to ignore it. LSI keywords are like synonyms of your main keyword on the eyes of Google, you can find them using the keyword planner (inside Google adword) or simply by searching for your keyword and finding "related search" down on the page

Outbound LinksYou may have read somewhere to put on all external link the no follow tag, this is actually bad for your ranking. In fact the no follow tag should be used when you're linking to bad/spam website, this way you tell Google that you are not associated with them.

But you should have few links do follow to related content and authority on your niche, like this link to wikipedia. Also try to link to .edu websites whenever it's relevant because this give great value to your post on Google eyes.

Is your website media rich?Textual games disappeared a long time ago, and now textual websites are disappearing. Every post on your website should contain at least one picture, but try to add some videos too. If you want to get the most value then make sure that your website work on mobile and that's responsive.

This subject is a little complicated, but if you want me to write more about it then comment on this post!

Post Long ContentIt's important to have multimedia elements on your website, but you shouldn't forget the importance of content. Because after all Google can't read your image or video. In addition using long content allow you to rank for more long tail keyword which mean more traffic to your website.

A good tip is that whenever you include a video on your post, add the transcript below the video. This will help Google and people with disabilities or who simply can't understand your ton of voice.



Off Page SEO: Backlinks

Off Page SEO:


Before starting this section, I'd like to warn you that backlinks aren't as powerful as they used to be. Now the content on your page and the social signals play a more important rule on the ranking algorithm than backlinks, but still backlinks are the third important ranking factor and many time they make the difference.

Interlinking your websiteYou already have many posts and pages on your website, make sure you interlink them and pass their juice to your new posts. This is a basic strategy but if your website is big enough , you can rank high with interlinks only.

Resources/Links PageDepending on your niche, this strategy may or may not work. If you are the only website doing a special thing that no one else do, then you may go to websites related to your website and ask them to add you on their resources page.

This strategy work well with websites providing software, plugins, themes and so on. But if you have some original and unique content then it may work for you too.

Ask people you know for a linkWhether it's your friend or your business partner or your clients. As long as they have a website that's relevant to yours, it's a good idea to ask them for a link or even write a review about your website.

Guest PostingThis is another good method to get quality backlinks to your website, you may get some traffic too with this method. It's recommended that you write the articles you submit and provide great value on them.

But if you want a large quantity of backlinks on a short time, you may consider buying articles as a second choice.

Write Reviews & TestimonialsIt's always a good idea to find products related to your websites and leave your testimonials there. You can also leave reviews on physicals product or even films that maybe related to the subject of your website.

Participate on blogs & forumsIf they are blogs related to your website, make sure to comment on them as much as possible but avoid spam. Sometimes the webmaster may even visit your website and link to it if he find interesting content.

Also forums are a great opportunity to build backlinks, the best way is to include a signature with a link to your website and a small description too.



Why Build Backlinks While You Can Attract Them

Why Build Backlinks

While You Can Attract


Building link manually is limited on many ways, and as we can see all the big authority don't build links manually they automatically get thousands of backlinks each day. Here we will discuss some strategy that will allow you to attract links.

Link OutYou are already making great content, include a link or two to website similar to yours and they may return the favor. You can send them an email letting them know you linked to them too.

You can link out either on a positive or negative way, if you flatter the other webmaster he'll let his readers know about your post to show his ego. If you criticize him then he will try to defend himself on a post. Either way you're getting your backlink.

Tutorials and How-To'sIf you know a particular problem on your niche and can help people solve it, then write a good post showing them how. To attract the most links try to cover everything about the problem and usually you should make a very long post.

You will need to invest some time and energy in those type of posts, but it can attract more links than you can ever build.

Case StudiesWe all love case studies, because they include real numbers and real results. Doing experiments on your website may take you a lot of time (Even money too) but a good case studies can get you thousands of backlinks from authority source on your niche.

ContestsWant to interact with your readers a little? Create a contest and encourage people to spread the word, you'll get your readers appreciation for sure and some backlinks on the way.

ListsPeople tend to love lists about their favorite subject, make a top list (or a worse list) and allow your readers to debate. In addition ask them to share to know what their friends think.


SEO is easy, by always searching for loophole and bugs people make it hard. Google is search engine, his job is send people to good websites. If your website is a good one then it will eventually start getting traffic as long as you stay good.

Also you may have noticed that I focused more on attracting link part than building links part. I've done that simply because attracting link is easier and better on the long term. It may take you sometime to make a master piece, but your readers will appreciate it, and many of them will reward you with a backlink... or at least a social share.

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