IB AEM Programme of Professional Development workshops 2012-2013

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Programme of Professional Development workshops in the Africa, Europe, Middle East region from August 2012 through July 2013


Professional Development Workshops ProgrammeAugust 2012 July 2013

Africa, Europe, Middle East

Complete information on all workshops and conferences is available at

www.ibo.org/eventsIB online registration system (for face-to-face workshops organized by the IB)


Introduction 1 - 5

IB Workshop descriptions 6 - 7

Orientation sessions 8 - 9

Professional Development providers in

Africa, Europe and the Middle East 10 - 11

Professional Development event

schedule 2012-2013 12 - 14

Diploma Programme workshops 15 - 25

Middle Years Programme workshops 26 - 31

Primary Years Programme workshops 32 - 35

Continuum workshops 36

Venue information for events run by

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East 37

Registration fees August 2012 to July 2013

for events run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East 38

Registration information for events run by

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East 39 - 40


The International Baccalaureate (IB), as stated in its mission statement, aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. It is appropriate therefore that the IB is also committed to supporting the ongoing development of a worldwide professional learning community comprising internationally minded teachers, school leaders and school administrators. The ultimate objective of course is to improve the learning experiences and outcomes for all our students.

In the context of the IB, professional development can be viewed as an ongoing commitment to develop a culture of lifelong learning and continuous improvement.

Professional Development (PD) opportunities include:

• PYP,MYP,DPandContinuumface-to-faceworkshops (offered by the IB and by IB accredited outsourced providers)

• PYP,MYPandDPonlineworkshops

• In-schoolworkshopsforPYP,MYPandDP.

We are seeking to innovate and develop new models which provide ever greater flexibility, inclusivity and cost options for schools in these challenging economic times.

For the academic year 2012/13 we have an online calendar which combines the face-to-face and online PD. This is the place to look for up to the minute information. In addition, we have produced this booklet to help schools identify and plan for their professional development.

The IB provides training for teachers provided by experienced practitioners. These trained workshop leaders understand the challenges of implementing and developing IB programmes in schools.

Embracing contemporary adult education strategies are key to our success. IB workshop leaders are trained in the use of adult education methodologies. Whilst essential programme information is delivered within the workshops, participants enjoy active learning experiences that feature group activities, discussion, problem-solving and sharing of best practice.

We are always seeking to grow the number of workshop leaders so that the impact on individual schools is minimised. We also hope and believe that becoming a workshop leader is itself excellent professional development for that individual and is something that will ultimately provide benefit to their school.

We are also very aware that we need to continue to explore ways of helping teachers to explore and validate new pedagogies. We hope that the workshops do this today. However, new blended approaches to PD are being developed which will further assist in this process, since the PD will


IB Professional Development Principles


be staggered over time, allowing for a sharing of ideas of what is working best in classrooms. New technology is also being deployed to further assist in finding teachers who share common professional interests and to assist in sharing good practice.

The IB takes the quality of the professional development it offers very seriously. The Quality Assurance Framework has been implemented to underpin our approach to QA. This covers both the workshop development process and the evaluation processes both of which are done centrally for all regions with in the IB.

Analysis of the feedback shows a consistently high level of satisfaction across the regions with the IB PD experience. 93.2% of participants say that they are satisfied or very satisfied with the workshops attended, that it meets their expectations (88.5%) and that 91% have successfully used resources discussed/shared at the workshop. We are however, not content or complacent with these statistics and are constantly striving to make service improvements.

The flagship Africa, Europe and Middle East (AEM) PD events are held, over a period of three days, in major cities across the region and provide an opportunity not only to experience the workshops but also to mix and share experiences with IB Educators from right across our diverse region. We deliberately plan to include more than one category of workshop so that there are networking opportunities for colleagues who are new to the IB with those with more experience as well as those from different cultures. The same is true of the workshops provided by our accredited PD providers who you will find listed in this booklet.

In-School Workshops provide a means to offer professional development opportunities to a larger number of staff within a school. These are particularly helpful for authorisation and evaluation purposes but can also be used at other times. They are organised upon a request from the school and can include professional development workshops for the PYP, MYP and DP. They are normally provided over two days. Workshops offered are those that have been developed and approved by the IB and run by a suitably qualified Workshop Leader, identified by the PD Services team, upon receipt of a request.

Requests to run an in-school workshop are made by the IB Coordinator in IBIS (IB Information System). http://www.ibo.org/informationfor/educators/coordinators/index.cfm.

If you would like to know more about in-school workshops then please contact PD Services on pd.ibaem@ibo.org.

Characteristics of the various PD options


Online workshops are growing in terms of both popularity and range of content available. The International Baccalaureate® offers a wide range of online professional development workshops for new and experienced coordinators, teachers and administrators in all of our educational programmes and for the continuum. Online workshops are available for all subject groups in both the Diploma Programme and Middle Years Programme, as well as workshops for the Primary Years Programme. The workshops

are taught mainly in English. However there are a growing number of workshops offered in French and Spanish. IB online professional development workshops have been developed to complement regional face-to-face workshops, widening access for teachers from all IB regions. Our workshops take place in a protected virtual learning environment and range in length from two-week introductory courses for those new to the IB to eight-week courses for more experienced IB educators.

Workshops are classified in the following way:

• Category1–TeachersnewtotheIB(IBandnon-IB schools) and for schools applying for authorisation.

• Category2–ExperiencedIBteachers

• Category3–Specialisedworkshopsfocussingon an area of the programme or a related pedagogy. These are open to teachers new to the IB and to the experienced alike. A more detailed account is offered on page 6 and 7.

IB Workshop Global Architecture

Online Workshops

The IB Educator Network (IBEN) exists to seek, train and deploy IB Educators for a number of roles including as workshop leaders. IB Educators aim:

• ToprovideworkshopsledbyspeciallytrainedIB World School teachers, who have a unique first-hand experience of best practices and challenges faced by IB teachers. This is the core of the IB’s concept of offering training for practitioners by practitioners.

• Toofferteacherswithanoutstandingunderstanding of the IB programmes and curricula, the opportunity to undergo a rigorous training in order to become a workshop leader.

• Toprovideworkshopsandsupportparticipants in several languages, thanks to a large pool of bi- and multilingual workshop leaders. IBAEM currently offers workshops in English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Finnish and Turkish.

Workshop leaders


Participants who complete IB approved workshops will receive a certificate of attendance as evidence of their active participation in the workshops. This can assist with both school authorisation as well as

contributing credit towards the IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning (previously the Teacher Award). This is a certificate provided by the IB through partner universities. There are currently two levels of certificate being piloted.

Schools often want to know what PD is needed to assist them in gaining authorisation. Here is the published guidance.

DP - Mandatory teacher professional development

http://www.ibo.org/become/ guidance/documents/DP_Guidetoschoolauthorization.pdf

A school wishing to implement the Diploma Programme needs to make a commitment to ongoing teacher professional development. Specifically, schools must meet the following requirements:

• Theheadofschoolordesigneemustattendan IB category 1 workshop before submission of the application for candidacy: Diploma Programme.

• AllDiplomaProgrammesubjectteachersmust attend IB category 1 workshops in their subject.

• TOKteacher(s)mustattendIBcategory1TOKcourse workshops.

• CAScoordinatorsmustattendIBcategory1CAS workshops.

• TheDiplomaProgrammecoordinatormustattend an IB category 1 Diploma Programme coordination workshop.

It is expected that the professional development has taken place before the verification visit.

MYP - Mandatory teacher professional development

http://www.ibo.org/become/ guidance/documents/MYPGuidetoschoolauthorization.pdf

A school wishing to implement the MYP needs to make a commitment to ongoing teacher professional development. Specifically, schools must meet the following requirements:

• Theheadofschoolordesigneemust attend an IB category 1 workshop before submission of application for candidacy: Middle Years Programme.

• Atleastoneteacherpersubjectgroupandthe MYP coordinator must attend IB category 1 workshops related to their subject areas/responsibilities.

• Additionally,anonsitegeneralMYPworkshopaimed at all MYP teachers must be organized through the relevant IB office.

It is expected that the professional development has taken place before the verification visit.

Professional Development Certificates

Professional Development and School Authorisation


PYP - Mandatory teacher professional development

http://www.ibo.org/become/ guidance/documents/PYPGuidetoschoolauthorization.pdf

A school wishing to implement the PYP needs to make a commitment to ongoing teacher professional development. Specifically, schools must meet the following requirements.

• Theheadofschoolordesigneemust attend an IB category 1 workshop before submission of application for candidacy: Primary Years Programme.

• Thepedagogicalleadershipandall faculty who work with PYP students full- or part-time must all be trained in IB category 1 workshops.

It is expected that the professional development has taken place before the verification visit.

IBCC - Mandatory teacher professional development


A school wishing to implement the IBCC needs to make a commitment to ongoing teacher professional development. Specifically, schools must meet the following requirements.

• DiplomaProgrammesubjectteachersmusthave attended IB professional development activities related to their subject-IB category 1 or 2 as appropriate.

• IBCCcoordinatorsmustattendanIBcategory1 workshop on IBCC coordination.

• TeachersmustattendanIBcategory1workshop on implementing the approaches to learning course.

The school’s commitment to IB professional development would allow as many teachers and staff as possible to participate in IB activities.

PamojaEducationisaUK,Oxford-basedsocial enterprise, dedicated entirely to the development and delivery of top quality online courses for the International Baccalaureate. Pamoja Education, and its management and staff are committed to the IB’s mission, and particularly to helping the IB increase subject choice and global access to the Diploma Programme. Since 2009, over 200 IB World Schools have enrolled students in the DP online courses. All Pamoja Education online courses are fully approved and recognised by the IB. Pamoja Education teachers are highly qualified, experienced, IB educators from around the world. For more information about Pamoja Education DP online courses, please see the public website www.pamojaeducation.com.

Pamoja Education


IB Workshop Descriptions

Teachers who are new to an IB programme will:

Receive a general introduction to IB philosophy and programme

Understand the structure of the programme (including assessment procedures)

Create drafts or refine and improve course outlines/designs and application

Be able to begin teaching the programme upon completion of the workshop

Please note that category 1 workshops will only spend 1 – 2 sessions on the course designs/outlines. If a new teacher already has a course outline they will be able to review it and discuss it with the workshop leader.



Category 1 workshops focus on IB philosophy and implementation. They provide professional development and assistance for schools that have decided to apply for IB authorization. They are also relevant for educators who are new to a school with an existing IB programme and those interested in joining an IB school. Participants will gain an understanding of:

• thebasicphilosophyandcurricular model of the programme, including the IB mission statement, learner profile and curriculum documents

• programmestandardsandpracticesappropriate to the participants’ role (e.g. teacher, administrator, head of school and so on)

• theappropriateprogrammeframework (PYP, MYP, DP)

Category 1 workshops also help to prepare educators to implement the IB programme successfully by explaining the application authorization and implementation processes, including:

• Timelineoftheapplicationprocess (including deadlines)

• Professionaldevelopmentrequirements

• Structureofthesitevisit

• roleoftheconsultant

• ApplicationsAandB


Teachers who have attended category 1 training and currently teach in an IB programme will:

Share best practices, teaching and learning methodologies and resources

Explore IB assessment in more depth

Enhance the quality of pedagogy and international mindedness

Please note that category 2 workshops assume participants have been teaching their particular IB programme. Participants will be expected to have a good understanding and practical experience in the assessment so they can share good practices.

To help you select the workshop that is right for your needs, descriptions of the various workshops are available on http://www.ibo.org/ibaem/workshops.



Category 2 workshops focus on programme delivery. They emphasize assessment, teaching and learning methodologies, and exploring best practice in the classroom. The goals of these workshops are to enhance the understanding of the IB philosophy and programme model and improve the quality of programme delivery. Participants will:

• makeconnectionsbetweentheprogrammeframework and practice

• enhancetheirunderstandingoftheroleofassessment in IB programmes

• discussandanalyzestandardsandpracticesappropriate to their role

• engageindiscussionandactivitiesaimedat sharing pedagogical techniques such as best practice in the classroom; teaching and learning methodologies; and finding, sharing, developing and using resources.


Category 3 workshops shift from implementation and programme delivery to impact and influence. The overall purpose of workshops in this category is to provide a forum for experienced educators to build on and enhance their professional development portfolios. Participants will engage in in-depth investigation into specific areas of interest and

expertise. Participants will engage in detailed discussions around topics such as learning theory, pedagogy, assessment, and other scholarly interests, subject-specific seminars (i.e., changes to the IB curriculum), subject-specific content, administrative leadership, and pedagogical leadership.


We are pleased to introduce orientation seminars to our PD calendar this year.

Orientation seminars are designed for schools that are new to IB programmes or for existing IB World Schools that are interested in learning

about a programme they may wish to offer in the future.

There are four different ways that orientation seminars will be offered in 2012-13.

IB will be offering one day seminars in AEM regional hub cities in 2012-13. The likely locations for these events will be Netherlands, Dubai, Qatar, Jordan, London, Madrid, Poland, Eurasia and Southern Africa (Cape Town and Johannesburg). The one day seminars will include an overview of the IB mission and learner profile and an enquiry based approach to learning followed by programme specific breakout sessions. In this way participants will

be able to gain an insight into the IB learner continuum and the philosophy of the IB as well as specific programme information. Please review the IB website for information about these sessions http://www.ibo.org/ibaem. To find out more about one day orientation seminars contact IBAEM Regional Development team at ibaem.development@ibo.org.

Introducing Orientation Seminars for schools interested in finding out about IB programmes.

One Day Orientation Seminar


Half day orientation seminars will be held on the Friday afternoon of planned three day workshops. Interested schools will be invited to an overview of the IB mission, learner profile and an enquiry based approach to learning. An overview of all four IB programmes will also be shared. After the event there will be an

opportunity to join the participants of the three day workshop for a cocktail reception. This will provide an opportunity for you to find out about the impact IB is having on student learning in existing IB world Schools within the AEM region. Half day orientation events will be held as follows:

Orientation seminars offered within IB Association events

IB associations have been offering orientation activities for a number of years and work by the principle of sharing good practice by schools for schools. Please see the individual websites of the IB regional associations. You can find out more information about IB associations on the IB website at http://www.ibo.org/ibaem/associations.

Orientation seminars offered at non-IB conferences

Throughout the course of the year IB will be attending a number of non IB conference and events where IB staff members have been invited to speak. International and European events such as ECIS and CEESA will include an IB presence. See the AEM Regional pages for upcoming events http://www.ibo.org/ibaem.

Half Day Orientation Seminar

Location Date City Orientation Introduction

Finland 19 October 2012 Helsinki DP IBCC MYP PYP

Hungary 26 October 2012 Budapest DP IBCC MYP PYP

Spain 2 November 2012 Madrid DP IBCC MYP PYP

Belgium 1 Feb 2013 Brussels DP IBCC MYP PYP

Switzerland 22 Feb 2013 Zurich DP IBCC MYP PYP

Morocco 5 April 2013 Marrakech DP IBCC MYP PYP

Germany 24 June 2013 Berlin DP IBCC MYP PYP

Italy 26 July 2013 Florence DP IBCC MYP PYP

To find out more about half day orientation seminars contact the IBAEM Regional Development team at ibaem.development@ibo.org.


Professional Development Providers in Africa, Europe and the Middle EastProvider Logo DP MYP PYP ALLAmerican International School of Lusaka www.aislusaka.org • •Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) www.aisa.or.ke

• • •Enka Schoolswww.enkaokullari.kiz.tr •IB Africa, Europe, Middle East www.ibo.org/events • • • •Ibicus www.Ibicus.org.uk •IBSCA www.IBSCA.org.uk • • •International College Beirut www.ic.edu.lb •International School of Uganda http://www.isu.ac.ug • • •InThinking www.InThinking.co.uk/ teacher-workshops.htm • •ISTA www.ista.co.uk/ whats-on-offer/calendar • • •Perm State Pedagogical University www.pspu.ru • • •


Provider Logo DP MYP PYP ALLQueen Rania Teacher Academy www.qrta.edu.jo/node/142 • • •SEK www.sek.es • • •St Clare's, Oxford www.stclares.ac.uk/ ibteachers/index.php •Swiss Learning www.swisslearning.com/pages/ About_Workshops.html • •Taaleem www.Taaleem.ae/ourinitiatives/ ib-workshops.html • •TASIS http://summer.tasis.com/ page.cfm?p=375 •TheAgaKhan Academy, Mombasa www.agakhanschools.org/ academies/mombasa

• • •Vienna International School www.vis.ac.at •



27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 MYP 2 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical University

30 Aug - 1 Sept 2012 PYP 1, 2, 3 Spain Madrid SEK

13 Sept - 15 Sept 2012 MYP, DP 1&2, 2, 3 Spain Madrid SEK

20 Sept - 22 Sept 2012 PYP 1 Austria Vienna Vienna International School

21 Sept - 23 Sept 2012 MYP 1, 1&2, 3 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

26 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 DP 1 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

28 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 MYP, DP 1, 3 Spain Barcelona InThinking

29 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 DP 1, 2 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

4 Oct - 6 Oct 2012 DP 3 United Kingdom Stratford ISTA

8 Oct - 10 Oct 2012 DP 1 United Kingdom London ISTA

11 Oct - 13 Oct 2012 DP 2 United Kingdom London ISTA

12 Oct - 14 Oct 2012 DP 1 Germany Berlin InThinking

19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 DP 1, 2, 3 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 DP 1 Spain Barcelona InThinking

25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 DP 1, 2, 3 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 All, PYP, MYP, DP 1, 2, 3 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 DP 1 France Paris InThinking

31 Oct - 3 Oct 2012 DP 1&2 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 All, PYP, DP 1, 2, 3 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 DP 1, 2 Germany Berlin InThinking

6 Nov - 8 Nov 2012 PYP 2 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical University

8 Nov - 10 Nov 2012 PYP 2 Turkey Istanbul Enka Schools

16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 MYP 1, 2, 3 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

21 Nov - 24 Nov 2012 DP 1 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

22 Nov - 24 Nov 2012 PYP 3 Austria Vienna Vienna International School

29 Nov - 1 Dec 2012 PYP 2 Turkey Istanbul Enka Schools

12 Dec - 15 Dec 2012 DP 1 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

31 Jan - 2 Feb 2013 PYP 3 Austria Vienna Vienna International School

Professional Development event schedule 2012-2013eUROPe

= Subject Specific Seminar = MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar & MYP Next Chapter Seminar



1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 MYP, DP 1, 2, 3, SSS, NCS Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 PYP 1, 2, 3 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 DP 2 France Paris InThinking

13 Feb - 15 Feb 2013 DP 3 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

14 Feb - 16 Feb 2013 PYP 3 Turkey Istanbul Enka Schools

15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 PYP, DP 1&2, 3 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 DP 2 Germany Berlin InThinking

20 Feb - 22 Feb 2013 PYP, MYP, DP 2, 3 Spain Madrid SEK

22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 DP 1, 2, 3 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 DP 1, 2, 3 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 DP 2 Germany Berlin InThinking

22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 MYP, DP 1, 1&2 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

1 Mar - 3 Mar 2013 DP 2 Spain Barcelona InThinking

8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 All, PYP 1, 2, 3 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

15 Mar - 17 Mar 2013 DP 2, 3 Spain Barcelona InThinking

22 Mar - 24 Mar 2013 MYP 2 Germany Berlin InThinking

25 Mar - 27 Mar 2013 MYP 1&2, 3 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

27 Mar - 29 Mar 2013 DP 1, 2 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

3 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 DP 1 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

4 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 DP 1, 2, 3 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

6 Apr - 8 Apr 2013 DP 1&2, 2, 3 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

25 Apr - 27 Apr 2013 PYP 3 Austria Vienna Vienna International School

3 June - 5 June 2013 DP 2 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical University

5 June - 8 June 2013 DP 2 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

6 June - 8 June 2013 DP 2 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical University

12 June - 15 June 2013 DP 2 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

19 June - 22 June 2013 DP 2 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

21 June - 23 June 2013 MYP 1, 2, 3, NCS United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East


= Subject Specific Seminar = MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar & MYP Next Chapter Seminar



21 June - 23 June 2013 PYP 1, 2, 3 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

24 June - 26 June 2013 DP 1 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

24 June - 26 June 2013 DP 1 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

26 June - 28 June 2013 PYP, MYP, DP 1&2, 2, 3 Spain Madrid SEK

26 June - 29 June 2013 DP 2 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

27 June - 29 June 2013 PYP, MYP 1&2, 3 United Kingdom Stratford ISTA

28 June - 30 June 2013 DP 1 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

28 June - 30 June 2013 DP 1 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

14 July - 17 July 2013 DP 3 France Les Tapies TASIS

26 July - 28 July 2013 DP 1 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 All and PYP 3 South Africa Johannesburg Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

8 Nov - 10 Nov 2012 PYP 2 Zambia Lusaka American International School of Lusaka

15 Nov - 17 Nov 2012 MYP 2 Zambia Lusaka American International School of Lusaka

3 Jan - 5 Jan 2013 PYP, MYP and DP 2, 3 Uganda Kampala International School of Uganda

9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 PYP, MYP and DP 2, 3 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 PYP 1 Kenya Nairobi The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 PYP and DP 3 Ghana Accra Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 MYP 1, 2, 3 & NCS Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 DP 1, 3 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 PYP and MYP 1, 2, 3 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 PYP, MYP and DP 1, 1&2, 2, 3 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 PYP and MYP 1, 2, 3 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 DP 1, 2, 3 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

17 May - 19 May 2013 PYP and MYP 3 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

1 July - 3 July 2013 PYP 1, 3 Lebanon Beirut International College Beirut

1 July - 3 July 2013 PYP, MYP and DP 1&2, 2, 3 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy




= Subject Specific Seminar = MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar & MYP Next Chapter Seminar


neW exCItInG CAteGORY 3 WORkshOPs

This year, we will offer new category 3 workshops. Don’t miss out on:

• AtheoreticalandpracticalapproachtodevelopinglinksbetweenTOKandCAS

• Biology:Afocusoninternalassessment

• Chemistry:Afocusoninternalassessment

• Chemistry:theroleofpracticalworkandexperiential learning

• Creatinginclusiveclassrooms:Accessforallstudents in the DP (special needs)

• DevelopingacultureofThinkingandAssessment for Understanding

• ESS:Incorporatingfieldworkininternalassessment

• geography:teachingandlearningtosupportHL Paper 3

• IBVisualArts:Promotingtheuseof emerging media

• ICTtoSupportPracticalworkinBiology & Chemistry

• ITgS:IncorporatingWeb2.0,developingthinking and writing skills for external assessment, managing the project

• Managingtheextendedessay

• MathsSLandhL:Afocuson internal assessment

• Physics:promotingtheUseofICT

• TechnologyappliedtoPhysics

• Theatre/Devising

*for Language workshops, please consider the following about generic workshops:

Generic Language workshops are the means by which the IB supports professional development of group 1 and 2 language courses with low candidate enrolment for which language specific workshops are not available. A generic workshop is not appropriate for teachers of high candidate enrolment language courses which are regularly offered as separate language workshops. Please visit ‘Workshops and conferences’ at http://ibo.org/events/index.cfm to check availability of language specific workshops.

A generic language workshop is presented in english. The format will typically have a common core for content and materials, sometimes it is possible to supplement with language specific materials related to the languages taught by the participants.

neW countriesIn addition to our traditional locations, we have organized workshops in newly selected countries such as: Finland, Ghana and Russia.

neW subject specific seminarDon’tmissoutontheSubjectSpecificSeminarforTOK!





A theoretical and practical approach to developing links between TOK and CAS 3 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

A theoretical and practical approach to developing links between TOK and CAS 3 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington

College Ibicus

A theoretical and practical approach to developing links between TOK and CAS 3 13 Feb - 15 Feb 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Administrators 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Administrators 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Administrators 1 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Administrators 1 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Administrators 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Administrators 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Administrators 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Approaches to field work in ESS and Geography 3 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Biology 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Biology 2 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Biology 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Biology 1 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Biology 1 21 Nov - 24 Nov 2012 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Biology 2 15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Biology 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Biology 1&2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

Biology 1 4 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Biology 2 4 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Biology 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Biology 1 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Biology 2 19 June - 22 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Biology 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Biology: A focus on internal assessment 3 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Business and Management 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Business and Management 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Business and Management 2 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 France Paris InThinking

Business and Management 1 3 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Business and Management 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Business and Management 2 26 June - 29 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar



Business and Management 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Business and Management 2 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

CAS 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

CAS 1 29 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

CAS 2 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

CAS 1 12 Dec - 15 Dec 2012 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

CAS 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

CAS 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

CAS 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

CAS 1 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

CAS 2 6 June - 8 June 2013 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical University

CAS 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

CAS 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

CAS 1 26 July - 28 July 2013 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Chemistry 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Chemistry 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Chemistry 2 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Chemistry 1 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Chemistry 2 15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Chemistry 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Chemistry 1 4 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Chemistry 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Chemistry 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Chemistry 2 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Chemistry: A focus on internal assessment 3 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Chemistry: the role of practical work and experiential learning 3 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Computer Science 1 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Computer Science 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Computer Science 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Coordination 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Coordination 1 29 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Coordination 1 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Coordination 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar



Coordination 1 21 Nov - 24 Nov 2012 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Coordination 2 15 Mar - 17 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Coordination 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Coordination 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Coordination 1 26 July - 28 July 2013 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in the DP (special needs) 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Dance 1&2 15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Design Technology 2 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Design Technology 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Design Technology 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Developing a culture of Thinking and Assessment for Understanding 3 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Economics 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Economics 1 12 Oct - 14 Oct 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Economics 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Economics 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Economics 2 27 Mar - 29 Mar 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Economics 2 12 June - 15 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Economics 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Economics 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Environmental Systems and Societies 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Environmental Systems and Societies 2 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Environmental Systems and Societies 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Environmental Systems and Societies 2 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 France Paris InThinking

Environmental Systems and Societies 1 3 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Environmental Systems and Societies 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Environmental Systems and Societies 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

ESS: Incorporating fieldwork in internal assessment 3 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington

College Ibicus

ESS: Incorporating fieldwork in internal assessment 3 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Film 1 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Film 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

Film 1&2 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar



Geography 1&2 13 Sept - 15 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK

Geography 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Geography 2 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Geography 1 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Geography 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Geography 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Geography 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

Geography 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Geography: teaching and learning to support HL Paper 3 3 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

History 1 26 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

History 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

History 1 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 France Paris InThinking

History 1 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

History 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

History 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

History 1&2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

History 2 1 Mar - 3 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

History 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

History 1 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

History 2 12 June - 15 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

History 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

History 2 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

History 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

IB Visual Arts: Promoting the use of emerging media 3 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

IB Visual Arts: Promoting the use of emerging media 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

ICT to Support Practical Work in Biology & Chemistry  3 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington

College Ibicus

Interdisciplinarity and the World Studies extended essay 3 15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

International-Mindedness across the Hexagon 3 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

International-Mindedness across the Hexagon 3 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

ITGS 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

ITGS 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar









ITGS 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

ITGS: Incorporating Web 2.0, Developing Thinking and Writing Skills for External Assessment, Managing the Project

3 4 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Language A: Exploring literature in translation 3 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Language and Literature 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language A: Language and Literature 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language A: Language and Literature 1 28 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Language A: Language and Literature 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Language A: Language and Literature 2 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Language A: Language and Literature 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

Language A: Language and Literature 2 1 Mar - 3 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Language A: Language and Literature 2 27 Mar - 29 Mar 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Language A: Language and Literature 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language A: Language and Literature 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Language and Literature 2 26 June - 29 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Language A: Literature 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language A: language and literature (generic) 1&2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

Language A: language and literature (generic) 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: language and literature (generic) 2 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Literature (generic) 2 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Literature (generic) 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Literature (generic) 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Literature and Performance 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Literature 1 28 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Language A: Literature 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Language A: Literature 1 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 France Paris InThinking

Language A: Literature 1 12 Dec - 15 Dec 2012 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Language A: Literature 2 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 France Paris InThinking

Language A: Literature 2 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Language A: Literature 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Language A: Literature 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

Language A: Literature 2 1 Mar - 3 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar



Language A: Literature 1 27 Mar - 29 Mar 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Language A: Literature 2 5 June - 8 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Language A: Literature 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Literature 2 26 June - 29 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Language Ab Initio 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language Ab Initio 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Language Ab Initio 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

Language Ab Initio 1 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language Ab Initio (generic) 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language Ab Initio (generic) 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language B 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language B 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language B 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language B 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Language B 1 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Language B 1 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Language B 2 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Language B 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Language B 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Language B 1 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 France Paris InThinking

Language B 2 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Language B 1 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Language B 2 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Language B 2 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 France Paris InThinking

Language B 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

Language B 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

Language B 2 1 Mar - 3 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Language B 2 1 Mar - 3 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Language B 1&2 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Language B 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language B 2 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Language B 2 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Language B 1 26 July - 28 July 2013 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar



Language B (generic) 2 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Language B (generic) 2 15 Mar - 17 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Language B (generic) 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language B (generic) 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language B (generic) 1 26 July - 28 July 2013 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Latin 2 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Latin 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

Librarians 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Librarians 2 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 France Paris InThinking

Librarians 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Literature and Performance 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Literature and Performance 1 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Literature and Performance 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Managing the extended essay 3 13 Sept - 15 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK

Managing the extended essay 3 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Managing the extended essay 3 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Managing the extended essay 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Managing the extended essay 3 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 Ghana Accra Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

Managing the extended essay 3 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

Managing the extended essay 3 15 Mar - 17 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Managing the extended essay 3 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Mathematical Studies 2 13 Sept - 15 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK

Mathematical Studies 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Mathematical Studies 1 12 Oct - 14 Oct 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Mathematical Studies 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Mathematical Studies 1&2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

Mathematical Studies 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Mathematical Studies 2 15 Mar - 17 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Mathematical Studies 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Mathematical Studies 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Mathematical Studies 1 26 July - 28 July 2013 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Mathematics HL 2 13 Sept - 15 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar



Mathematics HL 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Mathematics HL 1 29 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Mathematics HL 1 12 Oct - 14 Oct 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Mathematics HL 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Mathematics HL 2 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Mathematics HL 1&2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

Mathematics HL 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Mathematics HL 2 15 Mar - 17 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Mathematics HL 2 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Mathematics HL 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Mathematics HL 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Mathematics HL 2 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Mathematics HL 1 26 July - 28 July 2013 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Mathematics SL 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Mathematics SL 1 29 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Mathematics SL 2 29 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Mathematics SL 1 12 Oct - 14 Oct 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Mathematics SL 2 3 Jan - 5 Jan 2013 Uganda Kampala International School of Uganda

Mathematics SL 2 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Mathematics SL 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Mathematics SL 2 15 Mar - 17 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Mathematics SL 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Mathematics SL 2 5 June - 8 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Mathematics SL 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Maths SL and HL: A focus on internal assessment 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Music 1 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Music 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Music 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Music 2 12 June - 15 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Music 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Navigating School-Supported Self-taught Literature 3 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Philosophy 1 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 France Paris InThinking

Philosophy 2 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 France Paris InThinking







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar



Philosophy 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Czech Republic Prague Ibicus

Physics 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Physics 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Physics 1 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Physics 2 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Physics 2 15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Physics 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Physics 1 4 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Physics 1 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Physics 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Physics 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Physics 2 26 June - 29 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Physics 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Physics 2 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Physics 1 26 July - 28 July 2013 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Physics: promoting the Use of ICT 3 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Psychology 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Psychology 1 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Germany Berlin InThinking

Psychology 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Psychology 1 27 Mar - 29 Mar 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Psychology 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Psychology 2 19 June - 22 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Psychology 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Social and Cultural Anthropology 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Social and Cultural Anthropology 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Sports Exercise and Health Science 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Successfully Navigating University Recognition 3 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington

College Ibicus

Technology Applied to Physics 3 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Theatre 1 8 Oct - 10 Oct 2012 United Kingdom London ISTA

Theatre 2 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2012 United Kingdom London ISTA

Theatre 2 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Theatre/ Devising 3 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Stratford ISTA

TOK 1 28 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar



TOK 1 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

TOK 2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

TOK 1&2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

TOK 1 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

TOK 2 15 Mar - 17 Mar 2013 Spain Barcelona InThinking

TOK 1 3 Apr - 6 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

TOK 1 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

TOK 2 3 June - 5 June 2013 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical University

TOK 2 5 June - 8 June 2013 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

TOK 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

TOK 2 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

TOK 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

TOK 1 28 June - 30 June 2013 Ireland Dublin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

TOK 2 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

TOK 1 26 July - 28 July 2013 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

TOK for subject teachers 3 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Finland Helsinki IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

TOK Integration across the Subjects 3 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Zurich IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

TOK Integration across the Subjects 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

TOK: Subject Specific Seminar 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Visual Arts 1 27 Sept - 29 Sept 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Visual Arts 1 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Visual Arts 1 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2012 United Kingdom Wellington College Ibicus

Visual Arts 1&2 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2012 United Kingdom Oxford St Clare's, Oxford

Visual Arts 2 15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Visual Arts 1&2 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Visual Arts 1 18 Apr - 20 Apr 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Ibicus

Visual Arts 1 24 June - 26 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Visual Arts 2 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Visual Arts 3 14 July - 17 July 2013 France Les Tapies TASIS

Visual Arts 1 26 July - 28 July 2013 Italy Florence IB Africa, Europe, Middle East







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar


neW exCItInG CAteGORY 3 WORkshOPsThis year, we will offer new category 3 workshops. Don’t miss out on:

• ActionintheMYP

• Arts:moderationandmonitoringofassessment

• Designingauthenticassessmentsforthe21st century learner

• headsofSchool/IBCoordinators:moderation and monitoring of assessment

• humanities:moderationandmonitoringof assessment

• InquiryintheMYP

• NextChapterSeminar

• PavingthewayforMYPsuccess

• PhysicalEducation:moderationandmonitoring of assessment


neW: next Chapter seminarThe International Baccalaureate (IB) is reviewing the design of the Middle Years Programme (MYP). Since 1994, over 900 schools worldwide have adopted the MYP as a means of providing an education that recognizes the developmental needs of students aged 11 to 16.

The proposed changes to the MYP seek to enhance these underlying strengths, enable more schools to offer the programme within national and state systems and align it more closely with the other IB programmes in order to provide a coherent educational pathway for students. The new design will create an innovative, concept-based and appropriately assessed programme for 11-16 year olds that fully reflects the IB principles of teaching and learning.

Although a number of details are still to be decided, we now have a clear direction for the development of the curriculum framework and an assessment blueprint. This curriculum and assessment will enable more students to access an IB education. It will be further recognized and accepted by governments and universities

and will carry prestige as being a leader in international education.

The ground-breaking conceptual framework and innovative interdisciplinary e-assessment will attract even more schools to the programme. We anticipate accelerated growth in the number of MYP schools and an increasing impact of MYP students within their local community and worldwide.

School directors and heads, subject group leaders and teachers from authorized MYP schools are invited to attend a seminar in which the leader will highlight the significant changes and assist participants in strategies toward implementation of the MYP Next Chapter.

neW countriesIn addition to our traditional locations, we have organized workshops in newly selected countries such as Portugal, Morocco and Russia.



= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated


Action in the MYP 3 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Areas of Interaction: Teaching and Learning in Context 3 21 Sept - 23 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Areas of Interaction: Teaching and Learning in Context 3 28 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Areas of Interaction: Teaching and Learning in Context 3 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Areas of Interaction: Teaching and Learning in Context 3 3 Jan - 5 Jan 2013 Uganda Kampala International School of Uganda

Arts 1&2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

Arts 1&2 25 Mar - 27 Mar 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Arts 1&2 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Arts: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Arts-Performing: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical


Arts-Performing: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Arts-Performing: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Arts-Performing: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Arts-Visual: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 22 Mar - 24 Mar 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Arts-Visual: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Designing authentic assessments for the 21st century learner 3 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Designing authentic assessments for the 21st century learner 3 13 Sept - 15 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK

Drama 1 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum

2 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical University

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum

2 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum

2 22 Mar - 24 Mar 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum

1 21 Sept - 23 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA






= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar








Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum

1 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum

1 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum

1 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum

1 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Humanities 1&2 13 Sept - 15 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK

Humanities 1&2 21 Sept - 23 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Humanities 1&2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

Humanities 1&2 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Humanities: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical


Humanities: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy,


Humanities: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 22 Mar - 24 Mar 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Humanities: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Humanities: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Humanities: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Humanities: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Humanities: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Inquiry in the MYP 3 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Language A: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical


Language A: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2012 Zambia Lusaka American International School

of Lusaka

Language A: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 22 Mar - 24 Mar 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar








Language A: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Language A: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Language A: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language B 1&2 21 Sept - 23 Sept 2012 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Language B: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical


Language B: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2012 Zambia Lusaka American International School

of Lusaka

Language B: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Language B: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 22 Mar - 24 Mar 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Language B: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language B: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 28 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Language B: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language B: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Librarians: From library to MYP media hub: the central role of librarians in supporting student inquiry

3 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical University

Librarians: From library to MYP media hub: the central role of librarians in supporting student inquiry

3 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Librarians: From library to MYP media hub: the central role of librarians in supporting student inquiry

3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Librarians: From library to MYP media hub: the central role of librarians in supporting student inquiry

3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Librarians: From library to MYP media hub: the central role of librarians in supporting student inquiry

3 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar








Mathematics 1&2 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Mathematics 1&2 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Mathematics 1&2 25 Mar - 27 Mar 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Mathematics: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical


Mathematics: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 22 Mar - 24 Mar 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Mathematics: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Mathematics: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 28 Sept - 30 Sept 2012 Spain Barcelona InThinking

Mathematics: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Mathematics: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Mathematics: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

MYP Next Chapter Seminar 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

MYP Next Chapter Seminar 3 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

MYP Next Chapter Seminar 3 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Paving the way for MYP success 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Pedagogical Leadership 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Performing Arts 1&2 27 June - 29 June 2013 United Kingdom London ISTA

Personal Project 3 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Personal Project 3 25 Mar - 27 Mar 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Personal Project 3 17 May - 19 May 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Physical Education 1&2 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2013 Switzerland Geneva Swiss Learning

Physical Education: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical


Physical Education: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Physical Education: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Physical Education: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Physical Education: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy,


Physical Education: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar


= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar


Sciences 1&2 13 Sept - 15 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK

Sciences: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical


Sciences: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Sciences: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 22 Mar - 24 Mar 2013 Germany Berlin InThinking

Sciences: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Sciences: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Sciences: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Sciences: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 21 June - 23 June 2013 United Kingdom London IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Sciences: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Technology 1&2 25 Mar - 27 Mar 2013 United Kingdom Oxford IBSCA

Technology: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical


Technology: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2012 Portugal Lisbon IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Technology: Delivering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 2 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy,


Technology: Implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum 1 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2013 Morocco Marrakech IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Technology: Managing assessment in the MYP 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Visual Arts 1&2 13 Sept - 15 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK







neW exCItInG CAteGORY 3 WORkshOPs

This year, we will offer new category 3 workshops. Don’t miss out on:

• CreatingInclusiveClassrooms:Accessforall students in the PYP (special needs)

• Encouragingchildren’screativeinstinctsinthe classroom

neW languageWorkshops in Turkish

neW countriesIn addition to our traditional locations, we have organized workshops in newly selected countries such as Hungary, Russia, Ghana and Turkey.


3-5 Year Olds 3 3 Jan - 5 Jan 2013 Uganda Kampala International School of Uganda

3-5 Year Olds 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

3-5 Year Olds 3 17 May - 19 May 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

3-5 Year Olds 3 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Action 2 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Action 2 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

An Introduction to the Curriculum Model 1 30 Aug - 1 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK

An Introduction to the Curriculum Model 1 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

An Introduction to the Curriculum Model 1 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

An Introduction to the Curriculum Model 1 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

An Introduction to the IB Standards 1 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem


= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar




An Introduction to the IB Standards 1 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

An Introduction to the IB Standards 1 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Assessment 2 6 Nov - 8 Nov 2012 Russia Perm Perm State Pedagogical University

Assessment 2 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Assessment 2 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Assessment 2 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Assessment 2 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Assessment in the Early Years 2 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Collaborative Planning 2 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Collaborative Planning 2 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Collaborative Planning 2 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Collaborative Planning 2 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Concept-based Learning 3 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 Ghana Accra Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

Concept-based Learning 3 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Concept-based Learning 3 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2013 Austria Vienna Vienna International School

Concept-based Learning 3 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in the PYP (special needs) 3 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Encouraging children's creative instincts in the classroom 3 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Inquiry 3 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Inquiry 3 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Inquiry 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Lebanon Beirut International College Beirut

Inquiry 3 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Inquiry 3 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 20 Sept - 22 Sept 2012 Austria Vienna Vienna International School

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Nairobi The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East






= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar








Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom 1 1 July - 3 July 2013 Lebanon Beirut International College Beirut

Pedagogical Leadership 2 30 Aug - 1 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK

Pedagogical Leadership 2 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Pedagogical Leadership 2 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Pedagogical Leadership 2 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Pedagogical Leadership 2 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Pedagogical Leadership in the Early Years 2 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Personal, Physical and Social Education - Wellbeing 3 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy,


Personal, Physical and Social Education - Wellbeing 3 15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

Personal, Physical and Social Education - Wellbeing 3 17 May - 19 May 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Personal, Physical and Social Education - Wellbeing 3 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Play-based Learning 3 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Play-based Learning 3 22 Nov - 24 Nov 2012 Austria Vienna Vienna International School

Play-based Learning 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

Play-based Learning 3 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Programme of inquiry: A strategy to support school's self assessment 2 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Promoting International-Mindedness 2 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2012 Turkey Istanbul Enka Schools

Promoting International-Mindedness 2 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Promoting International-Mindedness 2 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Reading and Writing through Inquiry 3 17 May - 19 May 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Reading and Writing through Inquiry 3 17 May - 19 May 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Reading and Writing through Inquiry 3 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

Science 3 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Science 3 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Sustainability as International-Mindedness 3 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Teachers as Researchers 3 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Teaching and Learning 2 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2012 Zambia Lusaka American International School of Lusaka

Teaching and Learning 2 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2012 Turkey Istanbul Enka Schools

Teaching and Learning 2 8 Feb - 10 Feb 2013 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

The Exhibition 3 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

The Exhibition 3 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar







= Spanish = French = German = Arabic = Italian = Turkish

nOte: All seminars in English unless stated

= MYP Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar


The Exhibition 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

The Exhibition 3 15 Feb - 17 Feb 2013 United Kingdom Coventry IBSCA

The Learning Environment and Inquiry 3 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2013 Turkey Istanbul Enka Schools

The Learning Environment and Inquiry 3 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

The Role of Arts 3 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 Ghana Accra Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

The Role of Arts 3 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

The Role of Arts 3 27 June - 29 June 2013 United Kingdom London ISTA

The Role of Arts 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

The Role of ICT 3 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

The Role of ICT 3 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 South Africa Johannesburg Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

The Role of Language 3 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

The Role of Language 3 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2013 Austria Vienna Vienna International School

The Role of Language 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

The Role of Language 3 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

The Role of Language 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

The Role of Mathematics 3 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

The Role of Mathematics 3 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

The Role of Mathematics 3 26 June - 28 June 2013 Spain Madrid SEK

The Role of Science and Social Studies 3 17 May - 19 May 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

The Role of Science and Social Studies 3 21 June - 23 June 2013 Germany Berlin IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

The Role of the Coordinator 3 30 Aug - 1 Sept 2012 Spain Madrid SEK

The Role of the Coordinator 3 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

The Role of the Coordinator 3 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 South Africa Johannesburg Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

The Role of the Coordinator 3 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

The Written Curriculum 2 5 Oct - 7 Oct 2012 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

The Written Curriculum 2 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

The Written Curriculum 2 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Jordan Amman Queen Rania Teacher Academy

The Written Curriculum 2 9 Feb - 11 Feb 2013 Kenya Mombasa The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

The Written Curriculum 2 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

The Written Curriculum 2 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

The Written Curriculum 2 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Transdisciplinary Learning 3 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Transdisciplinary Learning 3 1 July - 3 July 2013 Lebanon Beirut International College Beirut



Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in the MYP years 4-5/ DP (special needs)

3 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in the PYP/ MYP years 1-3 (special needs)

3 17 May - 19 May 2013 United Arab Emirates Dubai Taaleem

Education for international-mindedness 3 8 Mar - 10 Mar 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Governance: Introduction to the IB for school owners and board members 3 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2012 Spain Madrid IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Inquiry and the Librarian across the three programmes 3 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2012 South Africa Johannesburg Association of International

Schools in Africa (AISA)

Inquiry and the Librarian across the three programmes 3 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language A: backward mapping the IB curriculum from the DP to the MYP 3 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Learner Profile 3 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Programme Evaluation 3 26 Oct - 28 Oct 2012 Hungary Budapest IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Sciences: backward mapping the IB curriculum from the DP to the MYP 3 1 Feb - 3 Feb 2013 Belgium Brussels IB Africa, Europe, Middle East


Please find below some workshops that have a cross programme focus taking place throughout our region. Don’t miss out on these exciting new category 3 workshops:

• Creatinginclusiveclassrooms: Access for PYP/MYP (years 1-3) and MYP (years 4-5)/DP

• Educationforinternational-mindedness

• governance:IntroductiontotheIBforschool owners and board members (Please note this is a 1,5-day workshop)

• LanguageA:backwardmappingtheIBcurriculum from the DP to the MYP

• Sciences:backwardmappingtheIBcurriculum from the DP to the MYP





Venue information for events run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Regional office

Day Start time End time Event

1 9.00 Session 1 begins

1 17.00 18.00 Official Cocktail Reception

1, 2, 3 12.30 13.30 Lunches Daily

3 12.30 Session 10 Ends


Venues for workshops run by the IB have been carefully selected based on the following criteria:

• Accessibleandefficienttransfersbetweenthehotel and the venue

• highqualitycateringservices

• Easyinternationalaccess

• Standardaudio-visualequipmentavailableinevery room

• On-siteaccommodationforleadersandparticipants

All venues are quality assured over time via:

• Astandardsetofselectioncriteriaacross the region

• Participant/workshopleaderevaluationresults on their suitability for IB workshops*, workshop venue, accommodation & travel information is posted on the IB workshops & conference web pages (www.ibo.org/events).

Length and logistics of an event

Workshops will comprise of 10 sessions of 90 minutes each over three days. Participants should arrive at the venue on the day before the event (Day 0). On Day 3, participant sessions will finish earlier to allow touristic exploration and same day return. An example of our standard scheduling is available online per event via the following web link: http://www.ibo.org/events/workshops.cfm.

Certificate of attendance

Please note that certificates are awarded only to participants who attend all scheduled sessions. For information on the IBAEM regional conference, please refer to the IB conference web page http://ibo.org/ibaem/conference.

*Any modifications to the programme will be communicated to all registered participants and school coordinators well before the event.


Registration fees August 2012 to July 2013 for events run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Regional office




AEM059 DP 1, 2 and 3 19-21 Oct 2012 Finland, Helsinki

USD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

19 Jun 2012

AEM060 All, PYP, MYP and DP

1, 2 and 3 26-28 Oct 2012 Hungary, Budapest

USD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

26 Jun 2012

AEM061 PYP, DP 1, 2 and 3 2-4 Nov 2012 Spain, Madrid

USD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

02 Jul 2012

AEM062 MYP 1, 2 and 3 16-18 Nov 2012 Lisbon, Portugal

USD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

16 Jul 2012

AEM063 MYP and DP1, 2, 3,


1-3 Feb 2013 Brussels, BelgiumUSD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

01 Oct 2012

AEM064 DP 1, 2 and 3 22-24 Feb 2013 Zurich, Switzerland

USD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

22 Oct 2012

AEM065 All, PYP 1, 2 and 3 8-10 Mar 2013 Brussels, Belgium

USD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

09 Nov 2012

AEM066 MYP1, 2,

3 and NCS

5-7 Apr 2013 Marrakech, MoroccoUSD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

05 Dec 2012

AEM067 MYP1, 2,

3 and NCS

21-23 June 2013 London, United KindomUSD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

21 Feb 2013

AEM068 PYP 1, 2 and 3 21-23 June 2013 Germany, Berlin

USD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

21 Feb 2013

AEM069A1 DP 1 24-26 June 2013 Germany, BerlinUSD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

25 Feb 2013

AEM069A2 DP 1 28-30 June 2013 Germany, BerlinUSD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

28 Feb 2013

AEM069B1 DP 1 24-26 June 2013 Dublin, IrelandUSD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

25 Feb 2013

AEM069B2 DP 1 28-30 June 2013 Dublin, IrelandUSD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

28 Feb 2013

AEM070 DP 1 26-28 July 2013 Florence, ItalyUSD 1,180 CHF 1,180GBP 745

USD 1,060CHF 1,060GBP 665

26 Mar 2013

* Early Bird fees will apply for all registrations made 4 months prior the event start date and overall registration deadlines are set for all events 6 weeks prior the event start date.

= Next Chapter Seminar = Subject Specific Seminar & Next Chapter Seminar


Registration information for events run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Regional office

How to register

The IB online registration system is available:

• viaIBIS,theIBInformationSystem (https://ibis.ibo.org).

• byfollowingthelinksavailableontheIBProfessional Development calendar (www.ibo.org/events).

N.B.: IBIS login details are required in all cases and for all schools. If you do not have an IBIS account, please contact our office (ibaem@ibo.org).


Payment should be made upon receipt of the registration acknowledgment e-mail issued automatically once the registration has been completed via our online registration system. In the event that the IB has to cancel a workshop, the total amount of the registration fee will be refunded or a credit note will be issued.

More detailed information on how to make payments is posted on the IB website (www.ibo.org/ibaem/workshops/eventdocs/registrationandpaymentinformation.cfm).

Confirmation of registration

The IB coordinator and individual participants will first receive an automatic acknowledgment of registration, followed by a formal confirmation of participation once payment has been received and the required minimum number of participants have registered.

The automatic acknowledgment message does not mean that the workshop has been confirmed.

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East reserves the right to cancel workshops that do not receive sufficient enrolment.

All registrations are subject to space availability and are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Registrations received after the workshop registration deadline are not guaranteed placement.

Please do not purchase non-refundable airline tickets until you have received the formal confirmation of registration.

Changes to registration of confirmed participants

• Aconfirmedparticipantwhoisunabletoattend may be replaced in the workshop concerned by another teacher from the same school, provided the replacement has the required academic criteria for that workshop.

• registrationcannotbetransferredfromonesubject workshop to another without written confirmation from the IB Africa, Europe, Middle East professional development team. In cases where such confirmation has not been given, the registration will be cancelled and the IB cancellation policy will apply.

• Norequestsforchangesofsubjectworkshopswill be accepted on site.


Other workshop providers

For workshops run by Professional Development Providers other than IB Africa, Europe, Middle East office, registrations are made directly with the Professional Development Providers concerned and registration is via their website (see Pages 10-11) and are subject to the conditions they apply. Cancellations/transfers are independent to IB-run workshops.

Cancellation policy

Any cancellation made 22 days or more prior to the first day of the workshop will be refunded by a credit note for the full amount of the registration fee. For cancellations made 21 days or less prior to the first day of the workshop, a penalty of 100% of the fee will apply.

In the event that the IB has to cancel a workshop, the total amount of the registration fee will be refunded or will incur a credit note.

Unconfirmed registrations will not be billed or will be refunded by a credit note if the payment has been made.

Cancellation policy will apply also in cases where a visa is refused.

Travel and visas

Participants are responsible for their own travel to and from the event. If required, a visa support letter can be downloaded from the online registration system after the participant has been confirmed.


two Pre-conference sessions will be held• Afull-dayPre-conferenceLeadershipworkshop

This is a Professional Development workshop for Heads of School and Senior Leaders

• Ahalf-dayPre-ConferenceworkshopwithLanceKing This academic workshop is for Heads and Teachers

Regional Conference 2012, Palacio Municipal de Congresos, Madrid, spainThursday 4 October - Sunday 7 October 2012

ReGIstRAtIOn‘Early Bird’ discounts apply for registrations made before the 15th June 2012.

Full programme and speakers: www.ibo.org/ibaem/conference

Following on from the extremely successful conference in The Hague, the 2012 Regional Conference will be a forum that draws together the ideas and creativity of educators from a diverse range of countries and cultures from our region. IB educators and outside speakers will provide the platform for you to leave stimulated and motivated to continue your valuable contribution to education.

Complete information on all workshops and conferences is available at


IB online registration system (for face-to-face workshops organized by the IB)



Professional Development

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East regional office

Email: pd.ibaem@ibo.org