IBI Sunday 2015 presentation

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Experience a unique learning



Who is IBI?

The Irish Bible Institute exists to :• Serve the church in Ireland• To train people who will then serve their local church in a range of ways


What do they do?

IBI equips people for ministry through an holistic approach to learning; Head, heart and hands


This approach to learning is achieved through a unique learning environment that is:

Biblical“The education I have received so far has given me a clearer understanding of who God is as the Bible depicts. I have learned so much about God’s heart, love and grace during my studies and because of it I am a richer person.”

Community based“I love looking back at the progression of relationships and seeing how God forms friendships between people who may not otherwise have been friends.  Community among the body of Christ is a beautiful thing, and IBI is a great example of how it can look.”

Strives for Excellence“I think the push for excellence in the way the whole college is run is testament to a God who is excellent. It is great to see Christian organisations not settle for mediocrity.”

Values Diversity“The students that attend IBI come from many different countries and from all across Ireland. The age ranges and church backgrounds is what makes IBI such a great place to be. There is no touting for positions, no favouritism, everyone is there to know Christ more and are encouraged all the way through by their tutors.”

Highly Relevant“I’m a secondary school teacher, that is my area of ministry, it’s where God has placed me at the moment. My whole view on leadership and the responsibilities and challenges involved in that were definitely questioned. I found that very beneficial and very practical.”

Flexible“I started with a single module because I was interested in pastoral care but as a full-time mum, I didn’t have much time to devote to study. I was hooked! I am now doing the Certificate in Applied Theology part-time to fit around my family commitments. I have really appreciated the flexibility of the programme and IBI’s willingness to accommodate my schedule.”

IRISH BIBLE INSTITUTEOur prayer and hope is that

each student leaves transformed by God,

more deeply in love with Him and his Church,

and equipped to serve in ministry


...and you have the option of a

University-validated qualification

Courses on offer

• Short courses and modules.• Certificate course - foundational level

day, evening and online options• BA in Applied Theology

BA in Applied Theology with Youth MinistryBA in Applied Theology with Leadership

• MA in Applied Theology• MA in Transformational Leadership


For further information Visit www.IBI.ie

orEmail: info@ibi.ie