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ICOOKFood, Design, Culture & IT technology Convergence

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

The kitchen has stopped being a more or less functional space for the preparation of food, and is now a cultural universe, the space of imagination for many people (not just designers and manufacturers).*

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

ICOOK project investigates the connections between the kitchen and its parallel worlds, adapting means transforming the moment, converting problems into challenges, challenges into opportunities: to improve, to conduct research, to open up new markets, to develop new trends.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

The new digital world.

Home, office or public place, where ever you are, digital technology follows you to give you the utmost comfort and ease. Our kitchens too are not deprived of it. With this ever-increasing involvement of technology in our lives have you ever thought what the future of cooking would be? Merging up the worlds of gastronomy and digital technology we will try to imagine the future of cooking.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

The new world and the globalization.

Globalization is not a new trend in which one party dominates and assimilates another, but an ancient and neutral process that affects all parties equally.Food is intertwined with culture. Food plays a complex role in culture, one example that could demonstrate it is coffee. This example highlight how the integral role food and drinks have shaped social, intellectual parts of speech in a culture.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

The new world food culture.

“Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are,” wrote renowned gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in 1825.

Exploring culture through food will give us a different sight and understand how food shapes us and our culture.

What we consume, how we acquire it, who prepares it, who’s at the table, and who eats first is a form of communication that is rich with meaning.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

Cook with IT..

Now Google's cooking / Internet giant's free, gourmet global cuisine powers its workforce while offering chefs and producers a place to shine. The blog world is also full of food, with many food enthusiasts self-publishing their own food creations and experiments.Cooking blogs are great because they illustrate the cooking process and suggest new taste combinations. Here are some of my favorites. They're especially good if you're cooking for a family or a large group.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

This is where Internet Cooking comes in


You have five minutes to cook dinner for the family, via the Internet, to be delivered whenever you specify. Imagine a website that allows you to prepare a meal on the screen, in an animated way, so you can see yourself adding a pinch of garlic to the animated pot, perhaps starting from an online menu and tweaking it. When you're done cooking your animated meal, your exact cooking directions are transmitted to a local kitchen-business that follows your steps. They cook your meal and load it on a truck that delivers to your neighborhood.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

The digital Kitchen

The rise of digital, online technology poses intriguing questions about the future of kitchen appliances.Opening up of appliances to external communications channels could be the future of kitchen.

Now imagine you can do the cooking on your iPhone, monitoring the kitchen appliances...

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

ICOOK project

In one hand ICOOK will emphasize the new convergence between the food culture, the design and the IT technology. The future of food is here, SMART kitchen appliance that will make cooking appliance more comfortable are our next design challenge. In the universe of SMART kitchen hight tech and low tech will coexist.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

ICOOK project

In the other hand ICOOK will emphasize the new convergence between the different cultures West, East and South, fruit of the globalization that create new possibilities in the transfer of cultural behavior.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

ICOOK project

ICOOK project will investigate this new paradigm in both directions. This goes together with high-tech convenience combined with the pleasure of «handmade» focuses on new materials, new forms, new solutions.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

Playing with ideas......

The challenge will be for the project participants to explore new ideas and create new forms in three different categories: Tableware - Kitchenware - Cookware.They will explore the convergence between the food culture, the design and the IT technology as well the convergence of different and opposite culture and how this could create new habits, new behavior and new objects.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

Playing with ideas......

ICOOK project will run in parallel with other University through the world (Singapore, Shanghai , Tokyo, France) to confront the vision of different cultures and how this could merge and converge, to create the Design of tomorrow.

ICOOK project will run in two different ways :

• Running the project as a class (IDAS.....) this will be the core of the project.

• Running the project as punctual & intensive workshops in different locations (Japan, China, Singapore)

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

Playing with ideas......

The output will be be to create simulations of the concepts imagined by the students, those new ideas will be submitted to the appreciation of chefs and company participating to the project it will be evaluated in term of of functionality, ergonomics, convenience, material, finishing and production.

In fall semester prototypes will be realized and one exhibition is planed in Singapore.

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011

mercredi, 16 mars 2011