
Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Eye Make-up

I think that eye contact is one of the most important aspects of a magazine cover, the models eyes should grab the viewers and make them feel a connection with the model. In order to draw attention to my models eyes this is where most make-up will be used.In order to make the eyes attractive my model will be wearing fake eye-lashes because this would compliment the eyes and draw the viewers attention to them. I am also planning on either using brightly coloured make-up or black eye make-up; although black may connote darkness and be more suitable for a rock magazine, I feel that it will enhance the eyes, also the colours for my magazine are going to be quite bright and will connote fun and look feminine therefore it will still be clear that the genre of my magazine is pop.

This ‘Flare’ magazine is an example of when dark eye make-up is used but it is still clear that this is a pop magazine. I think that this is obvious because the colour scheme is pink and white; these colours connote innocence and fun and also show that this magazine is probably most suitable for a female audience.

The colours surrounding the eye in this picture are the type of colours I would use if I choose the colourful eye make-up idea. Because they are bright and connote fun and excitement. I think that using these colours will draw in the reader and make the eyes more attention grabbing. Also they will be more appealing to females than males and will therefore show that my magazine is aimed at females.

Position of model

The position that Jennifer Aniston on the cover of this fashion magazine is similar to how I am planning to place my model for the cover of my magazine. I like the way her arm is positioned behind her head, however I may choose to have my models hand her her hip instead. The eye contact she has with the audience is strong because her head is facing the front, however I think that if she had more eye make-up then they would be more eye catching. It is not clear what she is doing with her hand which, in the image, has been cut off; for my magazine cover I plan to have my model holding a microphone in this hand, it will either be a modern microphone which she will hold by the wire and let it hang or it will be a ‘retro’ microphone which she will be tilting towards her. Using these microphones will show the audience that my magazine is a music magazine and will emphasize the fact that the model (which will be on my pop magazine cover) is a pop singer.

This is a more modern microphone which I would have my cover model holding in one of her hands via the wire. I think that this is the most practical idea because it will not draw the attention away from my model and it will also be much easier to get hold of than a ‘retro’ microphone.

This is a ‘retro’ microphone, which I would have the cover model tilting towards her with one hand. Although this style of microphone looks good and would make my magazine cover unique, I feel that it it may draw the eye away from the model and would be difficult to get hold of for my photo shoot. Also, this style of microphone could give the reader the impression that my magazine is not pop; it could imply that my magazine is jazz or possibly opera music; I need to ensure that my genre of music is clear.

At this point I have handed out my questionnaires but I have not yet received them back, therefore I am not yet sure of which magazine name I will be using. If the name which is preferred by my target audience is one one such as “Chune” or “Admire” then I plan on using just one font style like the “Cosmopolitan” magazine does, however if the most popular name is “InTune” then I plan to use two different font

styles like the “Cosmogirl” magazine.


I have learned from my preliminary task that in order to draw attention my magazine the cover lines should include different fonts styles, sizes and colours; however I don’t want to make my cover look too busy so I am going to ensure that there are not too many cover lines. I will also make sure that the colours and font fit with the style of my magazine and do not take the attention away from the model.Although the cover lines on this magazine do not use many different font sizes or styles I think that this is the amount of cover lines I would like to include on my cover. I like the simplicity of the layout of these cover lines however on my cover they will not all be in one column.They also need to advertise products/competitions/content which will draw in my target audience. Below are some types of lure/hook which I am considering…

Cover lines


The person who I choose to feature in my magazine will be wearing a dress in the photos for the cover and double page spread. The type of dress which I plan to use will be quite short as this attracts the male gaze and make females aspire to be like the model, also it will not include too many different colours as this would make the cover seem busy and may clash with background/font colours…

If I include a picture of them on the contents page then they will possibly be wearing clothing which is more casual as this will show a different side to them and will show a variety of clothing…

Who?For my magazine I have to choose a new artist to feature. I have decided that I will be featuring a girl in her late teens or early twenties. Below are images of current solo artists which are similar to the type of person I would choose. These people are suitable for my magazine because they are the same gender and about the same age as my target audience. And also many of them are very popular and are styled in the same way I would want my model to be styled, e.g feminine and glamorous.