IEPG MSc Matchmaking

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IEPG MSc Matchmaking

Intelligent Electrical Power Grids Section

Electrical Sustainable Energy Department

Delft University of Technology

April 21st, 2020

MSc matchmaking


IEPG team

Peter Palensky

Mart v. d. Meijden

Han La Poutre

Marjan Popov

José Rueda Torres

Milos Cvetkovic

Simon Tindemans

Carla Jager

Alex Stefanov

Aleksandra Lekic-Vervoort

Remko Koornneef Arjen van der Meer


Research areas

Reliability and Resilience

Integrated Energy Systems

Future-proof power systems

Digital Energy

Network expansion and planning Generation adequacy Grid topology optimization Offshore HV grids Grids with large RES share

Interdependent electricity, gas and heat grids The role of hydrogen Transition to electric mobility and heat Integration of TSO-DSO operation

Advanced ancillary services Protection and coordination Stability and reliability WAMPAC Cyber-security

Interconnected laboratories Data analytics for smart grids Distributed decision making and control Digital and local energy markets

Methods • Modeling • Simulation • Experiments • Analytics



• Centered around Real-time Digital Simulator (RTDS)

• Around 1000 three phase nodes simulated in real-time

• 8 racks (NovaCor, PB5) with total of 38 processing cards

• Multiple I/O cards and protocols (IEC61850,IEEE C37.118)

• Digital substation hardware (relays, amps, PMUs)

• Power hardware-in-the-loop (grid emulator, DC source)

• Interconnected with other EU labs


Digital twin of the Dutch power system

• Largest cyber-physical system

• New technologies, ICT enhanced, democratic…

• Design and operation methods?

• Test and validation?

• RTDS, PowerFactory, etc.


Time slots for discussing topics in detail

Professor Topics Date Time Link

Peter Palensky Digital twin and digital power system

Wednesday, April 22 17:00 – 18:00

Marjan Popov Protection of Future Power Systems

Thursday, April 23 15:00 – 16:00

Jose Rueda Torres Stability, Control, Optimization of Future Systems

Wednesday, April 22 15:00 – 16:00 Meeting ID: 403 106 632

Milos Cvetkovic Co-simulations of energy systems Tuesday, April 21 14:00 – 15:00

Simon Tindemans Risk management of power systems: sampling, machine learning, coordination

Thursday, April 23 16:00 – 17:00

Alex Stefanov cyber security and resilience of power grids, and control room of the future

Tuesday, April 21 15:00 – 16:00

Aleksandra Lekic-Vervoort

Analysis, stability and nonlinear control of hybrid power systems

Thursday, April 23 14:00 – 15:00


Large Scale Protection of Future Power Systems and Components

Research area:

- Protection schemes for future-proof power systems

- Modeling power system protection

- Off-line and RTDS protection testing

- Failure analysis of power system failures

- Large scale power system transients

- Overvoltage protection

- DC circuit breaker application in MTDC

- System integrity protection schemes by using PMU

Marjan Popov


Real time and off-line protection testing, modelling • EMT modelling in RTDS environment • HVDC/AC Protection testing by digital models and HiL • Out of step protection testing an analysis • EMTP modelling in EMTP/PSCAD environment • Testing by making use of Omicron • RTDS analysis of new technologies for future proof power

systems • Control islanding and detection

Large Scale Protection of Future Power Systems and Components

HiL testing

Off-line testing

Learning goals • Possibility to work on actual research projects in collaboration

with PSPC partners • Obtaining skills in protection testing with aforementioned assets • Co-simulation techniques of using RTDS/Matlab • Mastering EMTP, RTDS and Omicron platform (depending on the

project choice)


Large Scale Protection of Future Power Systems and Components Some of the MSc theses*:

D. Moharkar: Developing Protection Schemes for off-shore Windparks, 2019 (works at Tebodin) A. Novikov: Testing and Evaluation of Distance Protection in Systems with high PV sources Penetration, 2018 D. Mahendra: Dynamic Testing of Distance Protection, 2017 (GE, Indonesia) N. Save: PMU based Power System Analysis of MV Distribution Grid, 2016 (Eaton Electric) A. T. Saraswathi: Testing of Motor Protection for Internal Faults, 2016 (DOW) A.R. Hakim: ATP-EMTP Modeling of Distance Relays to Simulate Single-phase to ground Faults Performance in Transmission Networks, 2015, (PLN-Indonesia) H. Khalilnezhad: Influence of 380 kV AC Underground Cables on the Dynamic Stability of Dutch Transmission System, 2012 (PhD position and currently works at Stedin) On-Going: Modeling and performance of DC CB for MTDC Grids (part of EU Promotion project) The Effect of DC CB switching on HVDC converters in MTDC Grids (* Feel free to contact me in case you are interested for M.Sc theses realized since 2007) Internship: Possible to be obtained for some projects.


Stability, control, and optimization of future proof multi-energy systems

My research agenda:

- Advanced EMT and RMS models

- Advanced EMT and RMS dynamic equivalents

- Understanding fast changing dynamics

- Understanding multi-controller interactions

- Advanced methods for stability assessment

- Robust and adaptive control methods

José Rueda Torres


Stability, control, and optimization of future proof multi-energy systems

Role of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) Grid code compliance testing of

control functions of power electronic converters

HIL testing of new control strategies for mitigation of transient and voltage stability threats

HIL testing of new control strategies for fast active power-frequency control

HIL testing of new control methods

for delivery of ancillary services by Electrolysers


Stability, control, and optimization of future proof multi-energy systems

Being member of my team, you will develop multi-disciplinary skills:

- Modelling, simulation, for EMT and RMS (RTDS, PowerFactory). Scripting in Matlab and Python.

- Algorithms from probability theory and artificial intelligence

- Advanced stochastic optimization

- Analytical and signal-processing based methods for stability assessment

- Methods for primary and secondary control

Example recent MSc thesis topics: - Veera Kumar, Nidarshan (2019): Real-time simulation based analysis of Fast Active

Power Regulation strategies to enhance frequency support from PE interfaced Multi-Energy system. Currently working as PhD candidate in IEPG.

- Tjerk den Boer (2019): Validation of Dynamic Power System Models using Synchrophasor Measurements. Currently working in TenneT.

- Stelios Papadakis (2019): Supplementary Damping Control for Transient Stability Enhancement in Power Systems with High Share of Power Electronic Interfaced Wind Generation. Currently working in ABB.


Milos Cvetkovic

Co-simulations of Energy Systems

My research topics:

- Modeling of multi-energy systems

- Modeling of local energy communities

- Simulation and co-simulation of such systems

- Techno-economic analysis

Commonly asked questions when using co-simulations: • Integration of new technologies (EVs, storage, etc.) • Integration of new markets (flex, distribution grid, etc.) • Flexibility for balancing intermittent renewables • Integration of energy carriers


Co-simulations of Energy Systems

Example: Is it possible to create a self-sufficient energy community with a commercial size battery storage?

• What is the role of other technologies, such as EVs, demand response, etc.?

• Can the grid support such energy hub or further reinforcements are needed?

• How is energy exchange organized in terms of market design?

Learning outcomes: • Knowledge for an energy analyst/consultant/engineer • Develop all-around approach to the problem • Energy modeling skills (grids, markets, components) • Mathematical modeling skills (optimizations, controls) • Simulation tools (python, matlab, PowerFactory, etc.)


Example 2019 MSc thesis topics:

- Optimal Sizing and Strategy of a Hybrid Energy Storage System for Smoothing Renewable Power Fluctuations. Currently working at Orga BV.

- The role of grid-size energy storage in enabling a community-level energy hub: Case study in Zuid-Oost Amsterdam Region. Currently working at McDermott.

- Hedging strategies to mitigate electricity price volatility exposure using storage units. Currently working at PWC.


- Soft-linking of energy models – Intertemporal correlation study

- Market mechanism to reduce gaming in local energy markets

Co-simulations of Energy Systems


Statistical risk management for power systems


1. Exploding uncertainty due to renewables, many devices

2. Increased access to measurements and computational power

3. Proliferation of ‘active’ agents (IoT devices, EVs, etc.)

Research topics

1. Coordinating very large numbers of devices/consumers (control, markets)

2. Estimating risks using data-driven models and/or Monte Carlo simulations

3. AI methods for the control room


1. Programming (Python preferred), probability and statistics, machine learning

2. Course EE4665 Uncertainty modelling and risk assessment

Simon Tindemans


Projects (past, current and proposed)

Research topics 1. Coordinating very large numbers of devices/consumers (control, markets)

– Ongoing: Real time market based control of flexible DER – Project: “Distributed control of refrigeration loads and air conditioners “

2. Estimating risks using data-driven models and/or Monte Carlo simulations

– Previous: Evaluation of missing capacity and available resources to reach reliability targets in an interconnected power system [with ENTSO-E]

– Ongoing: Smart Cable Guard data mining for fault prediction [with Alliander] – Ongoing: Compression of electrical load time series data [with Alliander] – Proposal: Cross-border participation in capacity mechanisms – Project: Generative Adversarial Networks for Load Profile Generation

3. AI methods for the control room

– Ongoing: Two day ahead forecasting of renewable energy based on weather forecasts [with TenneT]

– Ongoing: Optimizing grid topology reconfiguration near real-time using Reinforcement Learning [with TenneT]

– Project: Anomaly detection in complex power system


Cyber Security and Resilience of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (CPS)

Alex Stefanov


- CPS models: digital twins of power grids & IT-OT systems

- AI-based automated cyber security and operational resilience

- Vulnerability & risk assessment, threat management, secure OTs

- Cyber attacks modelling, simulation & ethical hacking

- Impact analysis of cyber attacks on power system dynamics (MSc topic)

- Intrusion detection, prevention & incident response systems

- Power system stability, defense & restoration from cyber attacks


Control Room of the Future

- TU Delft in collaboration with TenneT

- Unique, future-ready and multi-domain experimental setup

- Research, development & demo of future-proof power grid technologies & EMS applications


NextGenGridOps – Internship & MSc Thesis with DNV GL

- DNV GL NextGenGridOps Knowledge Framework in Enterprise Architect to manage rapidly changing grid operation requirements & implementation


Nonlinear control and stability of hybrid power systems

Research expertise:

• Power system harmonic stability assesment

• Power system components modeling; circuit theory

• Stability and control of the hybrid power systems with incorporated power electronic converters

• Power converter modeling: VSCs and MMCs

• Nonlinear controlling methods: sliding mode, hysteresis control, polytopic control, etc.

• Model predictive control

Aleksandra Lekić-Vervoort


Nonlinear control and stability of hybrid power systems

This research provides you valuable knowledge in:

• Analyzing and control of power

systems of future

• Integration of renewables in power


• Modeling, control and analysis of the modern HV power converters

You will learn new skills:

• Modeling and simulation in MATLAB, Python and Julia

• Nonlinear controlling methods, Lyapunov theory

• Analysis of hybrid power systems

• Developing of functional power converter models and incorporating them in power system