IFC Najmon 2014 August news

Post on 20-May-2015

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news from Ross & Megan Najmon, missionary recruits for Italy


The Najmon’sItaly For Christ Mission

My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise His holy name for ever and ever.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, o my soul. I will praise the Lord all of my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

Psalm 145:21 - 146:2

August 2014

Praises:• Receiving the last of our

paperwork• Time with family• Encouragement through

family, friends, and supporters

Prayer Requests:• Visa application to go

smoothly• Preparing to say goodbye for

a year• Reaching our full monthly


As you know we were supposed to fly on August 18th, but were not able to. We have been waiting on our paperwork from Italy and at long last it has arrived! We now can move forward and start the process for applying for our visas. We are very excited. We have started the process, but most of it is out of our control. We have requested an appointment at the consulate. Now we wait and our hope is that there will be no problems once we are able to apply. With the time that has passed, we will not make it in time for the September classes. There is not an option for us to start later in the month, so Ross and I have had to see what other options we have. There is another session of classes

starting in October and that is our new goal. Our hope is that everything will go smoothly when we apply for our visas and that they will be prompt in granting us our visas. Our new departure date will be at the end of September. This will mean that we will also be returning September 2015 (instead of August). We have been trusting that the Lord’s timing is better than our own and we have been able to see a few blessings with a later departure date. Our first one is that we will now be able to stay through all of the summer classes next year. We had originally wanted to be there for the start of the school year in September, but that would put our visa from August through next August and

force us to miss the final month of the summer courses. Their summer sessions are a little different than the rest of the year and we are excited that we now get to be there for all of it. Our second blessing is time with our families. These last few weeks have put us in limbo not knowing when we would receive the paperwork and when we would be able to go. Now we have a more clear picture and are looking forward to seeing family before we leave.Our third blessing is that we are are able to shift the dates of our visas and the dates for when we will be living in Italy. We will not lose any time and we are thankful to still have a full year!

Ross and I are excited and relieved to know that we have an apartment awaiting our arrival. We are looking forward to experiencing an Italian home! Here is an aerial view of where we will be living. What is so neat to

me is the building that stood out. We will be living just a few streets over from this cathedral in the shape of a cross. What a beautiful reminder we will have daily of the one who is with us, no matter where we live!

A New Home in Lecce

A Change In Plans

Ross & Megan Najmon P.O. Box 8 Batesville, IN 47006 rmnajmon@gmail.com 812-212-4098

Please make any checks payable to: Batesville

Christian Church with

Najmon IFC in the memo line.

You can mail any donations to our address


If you would like to meet with us in person or have us speak at your church, Sunday School class, small group, or any other venue - please let us know.

We would love to plan a time to see you!

Ross & Megan Najmon P.O. Box 8 Batesville, IN 47006 rmnajmon@gmail.com 812-212-4098

As we wait in the states, each day is a simple reminder of the culture we are preparing to be a part of. One thing we are sure of is that

the Italian culture is a culture that recognizes the beauty in the

slower pace of life. In Italy they function in ways that, being

American, we will have to adjust to. As we prepare to go to this

culture the most important thing we need to take with us is love. There will be differences from what Ross and I are used to in

America, but the differences are what we will learn to appreciate about their culture. We may be sitting here waiting, but we are

waiting with love.

The love that Christ so perfectly displayed is what I hope we are

able to translate into the culture. I want them to know we are not bringing American values, not trying to change who they are, but bringing Christ, bringing a savior and faith that translates across each and every culture.

There are so many things we are looking forward to experiencing in Italy alongside the people. As we sit and wait, we cling to the joy awaiting us as we arrive in Italy for the next year. Our hope for you each day is that you have

found the joy and peace that our Savior is one that can reach

across cultures to where you are.

A Taste of Culture


You could probably find any number of quotes on patience.

“Patience is the companion of wisdom.” - St. Augustine

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” - Leo Tolstoy

At times, we might all agree with this definition, “Patience, n. A minor form of despair, disguised as a

virtue.” (Ambrose Bierce)

However we feel about patience, we all have had to wait for something.

Two passages of scripture that come to mind with regard to

patience are James 1:2-4 and Romans 5:3-5. Among other things, both of these passages speak about

the results of perseverance or endurance. It produces character

and hope. If allowed, James says, it can make us perfect and complete.

Now I don’t intend to claim that waiting a few months for an Italian student visa is anything akin to the

trial and tribulation referred to in these passages. But I would say

that patience is always developed in the same direction. Whether we are simply waiting in a line or enduring

difficult trials, we can heed the teachings of scripture and welcome

the opportunity to develop our character and grow in

Christlikeness.My personal favorite reference to

patience is 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as

some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to

perish but for all to come to repentance.” If God can

demonstrate such patience with all of mankind in the hope of saving some, what could there be that is

unworthy of my patience?