III. Psychoactive Plants w a) Stimulants w b) Hallucinogens w c) Depressants.

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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III. Psychoactive Plants

a) Stimulants b) Hallucinogens c) Depressants

a) StimulantsCoca (Erythroxylum coca) Source of cocaine Main ingredient in original Coca Cola

Khat (Catha edulis)

Leaves are chewed Known as “Flower of

Paradise” in Native Africa

Active ingredient is the alkaloid, cathione, a natural amphetamine

Coffee (Coffea spp)Tea (Camellia sinensis)

Coffee made from roasted seeds

Tea made from leaves Caffeine main

stimulant See Table 17.1 for

other plants

caffeine theobromine

Cacao (Theobroma cacao)

Seeds source of powdered chocolate

Contains caffeine and theobromine

Name means food of the gods

Tobacco (Nicotiana spp)

Nicotine, an alkaloid is main stimulant in leaves, may also act as a depressant or tranquilizer

b) HallucinogensPeyote (Lophora williamsii) Eaten as mescal buttons

or dried portion of plant Active compounds are

mescaline and other alkaloids

Causes nausea, visual disorientation, mental clarity, visualizations, and paralysis of the central nervous system

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) Seeds are source of

myristicin, an aromatic volatile (amphetamine-like substance)

Causes powerful hallucinations, hypnotic trances and euphoric bliss (Ecstasy)

Side effects are headaches, dizziness, nausea and sickening hangovers, can be toxic

Morning Glory ( Ipomoea violacea) Seed contain an

alkaloid, D-lysergic acid (LSD is a synthetic form)

Causes hallucinations similar to peyote

Belladonna (Atropa belladona)Part of the very dangerous Solanaceae family which have the Tropane Alkaloids

Contains an alkaloid called scopolamine. Highly hallucinogenic and toxic Used by witches in Europe Stimulates and depresses medulla and

higher cerebral centers Relaxes smooth muscles and alters heart


Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) Contains Tropane

alkaloids Causes hallucinations,

headaches, delirium, convulsions and coma

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa)

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) formed when plant is dried

Common form here is an escapee used for hemp with 0.2 to 1% THC

Asian forms contain 3.4 to 6% THC

Treatment for nausea and glaucoma

c) Depressants

Alcoholic beverages

Kava (Piper methysticum)

Drink made from root or rhizomes

Active ingredients are kavapyrones

Causes relaxation, sleep and pain relief

Used in South Pacific Islands

Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

More than 25 alkaloids including morphine and codeine

Effects central nervous system and intestines

Acts as painkiller, depresses respiration, decreases digestive juices and intestinal peristaltic contractions

Highly addictive!

Take Home Message

Plants contain many secondary compounds used for defense, but have medicinal, toxic and psychoactive properties to us; sometimes all within the same plant

BE CAREFUL what you eat or drink!