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Extreme RIA

Developing RIA Solutions in an Evolving Landscape

Christophe JolifPrincipal Architect


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Main Approaches



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Main Approaches



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People want the “desktop applicationexperience” in a browser environment They want nice looking, animated applications

They want responsiveness

They want off-line capabilities

They want desktop integration

They want advanced visualization

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Extreme RIA is advanced visualization on manyWeb technologies

With these additional requirements Ability to synchronize a lot of data between client and


Ability to smoothly display a lot of objects on thescreen

Ability to provide complex mouse interactions withthe objects

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Typical Ajax-Based Examples of Extreme RIAs

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Typical Flex-Based Examples of Extreme RIAs

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Typical Silverlight-Based Examples of Extreme RIAs

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We can't provide the full desktop-like experience yet,but we come closer every year “They want nice looking, animated applications”

SVG, Flash

“They want responsiveness” Ajax, client-side updates

“They want off-line capabilities” Google Gears, AIR

“They want desktop integration” AIR, HTML 5.0 DnD

“They want advanced visualization” home grown or 3rd party Extreme RIA components

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Main Approaches



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Main Approaches


Ajax + Server-Side Generated Raster Images

Ajax + Client-Side Vector Graphics

Adobe Flex

Microsoft Silverlight

Sun Java(Fx)


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Ajax (XHR + XML + HTML + CSS) is not alwaysenough, technically

We need more graphics capabilities than whatHTML + CSS can render

Two choices: The graphics comes from the server (raster)

The graphics is client-side (vector) Via the browser (SVG, VML, HTML 5) Via a plugin (Flash, Silverlight, JavaFx)

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Ajax + Server-Side Generated Raster Images

Pros: No plugin, ok with deprecated & mobile browsers

This works everywhere

Cons: Limited server-side scalability due to intensive CPU + memory

consumption to generate raster images Limited client-side feedback / interaction

Possible workaround using local feedback with VML or SVG No true UI Framework & interoperability standards

Any standardizations effort in these areas are welcome(OpenAjax Alliance,W3C WAF WG)

Development tools just starting to emerge or linked to particularframeworks: Aptana, Visual Studio, Eclipse ATF (not much progress?)

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Ajax + Client-Side Vector Graphics

Pros: No plugin, works (nearly) everywhere

Cons: Requires dual code path:

VML (IE) vs SVG or Canvas (Mozilla, Webkit, Opera) Might be solved using DojoX 2D wrapper

Limited client-side scalability due to poor JavaScript performance Mozilla is working on it for Firefox with Tracemonkey and Tamarin(?) Google is working on it for Chrome with V8 Apple has already made improvements with SquirrelFish

No true UI Framework & interoperability standards Any standardization effort in these areas is welcome

(OpenAjax Alliance,W3C WAF WG)

Development tools just starting to emerge or linked to particularframeworks:

Aptana, Visual Studio, Eclipse ATF (not much progress?)

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Adobe Flex

Pros: "Standard" UI Framework with development tool (Flex Builder)

Greater productivity Code has better browser portability (versus Ajax) ActionScript 3.0 has better performance than JavaScript:

Still not as good as Java or.NET, however- Flash Player 10 will improve this with Vector<> class

Long running task management requires custom code

Cons: Lacks a proper designer tool chain

Will be introduced in Flex 4 with Thermo Requires plugin installation

But Flash Player is quite ubiquitous: 99% (97.7% for version 9+) of"mature markets" computers according to Millward Brown surveyfor Adobe.

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Microsoft Silverlight

Pros: Provides "Standard” UI Framework

Plus a development tool (Visual Studio) Works with a proper designer tool chain (Expression Suite)

But still quite immature Like Flex, the code easily ports across browsers All .NET languages can be used Threading can be used

Cons: Still in beta Contains a limited set of predefined controls

This will improve a bit in the final release Still lacks a 3rd party platform for deployment and development:

Linux for deployment and MacOS/Linux for development tools Requires plugin installation

Penetration below Flash Player but should benefit from Microsoft ubiquity

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Sun Java(Fx)

Java Desktop platform power brought to the RIA world Pros:

JavaFX is a recycling of Java with More rich client & media APIs The promise of a faster initial download & plugin installation

"Standard" UI Framework with a good development tool (NetBeans) As with Flex and .NET, it ports across browsers better than Ajax

Cons: Still in beta Limited set of predefined controls

This should improve in final release Lacks a proper designer tool chain

To come: better NetBeans integration with Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop Developers must learn a new scripting language Requires plugin installation:

JRE penetration figures: 85.1% of "mature markets" computers according to MillwardBrown survey conducted for Adobe

Plugin initial download to get latest JRE + JavaFX runtimes is quite big Sun is working on lightning installation with JRE incremental download/installation

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Curl "Standard" UI Framework with development tool (Curl IDE)

Commercial licensing for the platform itself

Uncommon scripting language

XUL Mainly based on standard technologies with only limited

additions for building UI

Works only on Gecko-based browsers

OpenLaszlo Choose your deployment target: Ajax or Flash

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Combining Technologies

Extreme RIA Applications often require developers tocombine various technologies

Client-side mashups are well known: Ajax to Ajax

Flex to HTML can be done through the ExternalInterface object

Flex to Ajax can go one step further with Flex-Ajax Bridge

Silverlight to HTML transparent using HtmlPage object

But server-side mashup is also an issue: Standard JSF versus PPR JSF versus "Ajax-Push" JSF

Ajax requests and Portlet Integration

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Ajax Demos

A Flow Diagram Editor

Traffic Monitoring, with a Google Maps Mashup

IceFaces Ajax Push Mashup

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Adobe Flex Demos

Olympics Calendar

Density and Climate HeatMap

Project Schedule

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Microsoft Silverlight Demos

Project Schedule

Organization Chart

CIA Fact Book

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RIA technologies have made great progress New technologies pop up every year

Should slow down, now that major players are in the field

Choices are difficult to make, based on: Interoperability with existing HTML/CSS site / Ajax app How open is the chosen solution? Development Tools Designer / Developer workflow Is extensibility needed? Project release date (can't rely on beta) Deployment issues Development team background

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For more information

Ajax: Flex: Silverlight: http://silverlight.netSun JavaFx:

RIA sites: (coming 10/28) demos were build using: http://elixir.ilog.comMy blog:

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