IMMANUEL’S INSIGHTS · IMMANUEL’S INSIGHTS APRIL 2017 April Worship Schedule Holy Week The...

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April Worship Schedule

Holy Week

The highlight of the year for the Church is the 3 days from Thursday evening through Sunday morning of Holy Week. The worship of these 3 days invites us to re-imagine and experience what Jesus has done for us in his death and resurrection. We join Je-sus and his disciples at table at the Last Supper. We join the watchers at the cross. We join the women at the empty tomb. Their story becomes our story as we discover that Jesus lived, died, and rose again for us. Make plans to join together with Chris-tians around the world to worship the Lord Jesus and give thanks for both his passion and his victory in those 3 days that changed the world.

Our Easter morning schedule includes two worship gatherings at 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. In between from 8 to 9 a.m. is an Easter Breakfast of breakfast casseroles, fruit, doughnuts, and juice and coffee. There is a sign-up list near the doors to the sanctuary for people to sign-up to provide casseroles, fruit, or juice.

April 1-2

Lent 5 The Final Week Communion

April 5 Lent 5 - Midweek The Passion according to Joseph of Arimathea

Ham & Scalloped Potatoes

April 8-9 Palm Sunday Passion Sunday

The Darkest Day Palm Procession Choir

April 13

Maundy Thursday Signs of the Servant Communion

April 14

Good Friday The Murder of Jesus Service of Shadows

April 16

Easter 1 The Resurrection Communion

April 22-23

Easter 2 The Ascension

April 29-30

Easter 3 The Birth of the Church Praise Band


Dear Friends in Christ,

Are we there yet? That question is often asked during long car trips. Or by children who find worship services about as exciting as long car trips.

We often think of Lent as a journey with Easter as the destination. During Lent we are preparing our-selves spiritually for the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord. And for some people that is the end of the story. Jesus is raised. Hallelujah! We have arrived. The end.

However, Easter is not the end of the story. In fact, Easter is more a beginning than a destination. Eve-rything that came before was just prelude and preparation for the resurrection of Jesus. Easter is the good news that God's love has broken through sin and death to initiate a new age and a new creation.

Christians believe that the resurrection of Jesus is the central event of history. We also believe that the resurrection of Jesus gives us a glimpse of the ultimate purpose of life.

The most important question in life is: what is the purpose of life? How we answer that question makes all the difference for how we will live. It shapes our view of right and wrong, of good and evil, and of whether life is even worth living.

The death and resurrection of Jesus proclaims that God's purpose for each of us is death and resurrec-tion. After our rebellion against God, we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden so that we might not be eternally stuck in our sinfulness. Instead we were sent out into a fallen world to experience death and resurrection. God's goal is the death of the self-centered rebels within us and our resurrection or rebirth as the children of God.

This death and resurrection was promised to us in baptism. It is also a daily process in life of confession and forgiveness. And it is our future hope for the end of our earthly lives. Our blessed hope is that we will die to this world and be resurrected for new life in a new creation.

The saddest thing in the world is when people give up on life. Depression, self-destructive behavior, and suicide are all too common in our world. What we need is a fresh glimpse of the glorious future that God intends for us. That is what Easter is all about.

Christians are Easter people. We live with hope, joy, and love because we have tasted the glorious fu-ture of the new creation. We have the joy and hope of Easter even as we suffer with our sad and sinful world.

So Easter is not about an event long ago and far away. Easter is about the meaning and purpose of our lives today. Easter is the plot summary for the story we are living. God is at work in the world today in the death of sin and the resurrection of a new creation.

My goals don't always line up with God's. Too often I am more concerned for my own agenda of happiness and comfort for today. But the Easter story of the death and resurrection of Jesus reminds us that the purpose of life is much more radical and exciting than just a little temporary happiness and comfort. God's goals are the death of sin and the resurrection or rebirth of new life within us.

As we journey to the celebration of Easter, we look forward not to a final destination, but to a new beginning, a fresh glimpse of where the journey of life is leading us. Easter is not the end of the story. Easter is hope for the journey, a foretaste of our real destination so that we might continue this earthly journey with faith, hope, and love.

Yours in Christ, Phil Nielsen

Page 3 Volume 9, Issue 4





April 5 at 3:30

April 12, 19 & 26 at 4:30

Women’s Bible Study

“Women of Easter”

April 19 & 26

Women’s and Men’s Bible Study

Wednesday Evening, 7:00 pm

PLEASE notify the church of changes to your address or phone number. When mailings are returned to us, we are charged a fee. Thank you!


MediaCom Channel # 18 Monday 5:00 P.M.

FMCTC Channel # 48 Wednesday 7:00 P.M.

HMU Channel # 15 Mon. & Wed. 5:30 P.M.

Sunday 6:00 P.M.

LCMC Leadership Conference

The annual LCMC leadership conference is held every spring to gather leaders from LCMC churches to learn from each other. This year's conference is right in our neighborhood, in Omaha. The theme is "Discipling by Design" which will discuss making disciples as we do the things we already do: worship, community, mission, and leadership development. The dates are April 30 to May 2. If you are interested in attending one or more days of the event, please contact Pastor Phil who will be commuting to the conference.

You are invited:

Mobile Food Pantry is serving Monday, April 3, and all

volunteers are welcome. The truck is unloaded at 3 P.M.

and food is available from 4:30 to 6 P.M.

The Living Last Supper is a presentation of local men

portraying Jesus and his disciples in the hours before the

cross. It will be presented Sunday night, April 9, at 7 PM

at Harlan First Assembly of God.

Holy Week prayer breakfast is a traditional ecumenical prayer service and breakfast hosted by the Congregational Church on Monday of Holy Week, April 10, at 7 A.M.

Parents: Just a reminder that Immanuel Lutheran Church encourages you to sign up your children or your family for summer camp at Riverside or Ingham/Okoboji Lutheran Bible camps. The Imman-uel Women of the Word provide scholarships to youth from Immanuel attending one of our camps. See the church office for details.



These are some items that were recently added to Immanuel’s library.


“If I Run” - suspenseful fiction by Terri Blackstock

“Hope Runs” – Story of an American tourist, a Kenyan orphan, and a journey of redemption

“Seven Women: and the Secret of Their Greatness” by Eric Metaxas

“A Case for Easter” by Lee Strobel

“I Am N – Voice of Martyrs” stories of persecuted Christians

“Katharina and Martin Luther”

“Papa Luther: A Graphic Novel” (ages 8-13)

“Katie Luther: A Graphic Novel” (ages 8-13)

“The Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story” (ages 4-8)


“Louis Zamperini – Captured by Grace” (“Unbroken” is based on his life)

“Iesodo: Kindness” – (kids)

Look for the table of free outdated items or duplicates. Also check out the Easter books and DVDs for all ages.

MAY DAY GOODIE BAGS: The WOW women are asked to come to the church fellowship hall to put together our Spring Goodie Bags for those hospitalized or homebound on Monday, May 1st, at 9:30 am. There will also be a “dutch” lunch at 11:30 at the Pizza Ranch that day. A basket will be available in the narthex to collect items for the May Day goodies bags during the month of April. Items that could be given are….notecards, cards, snack bags, word game books, small kleenex pkgs., etc.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Fontanelle, IA has invited us to join them for, "TOOL THYME", the LCMC Women's Conference on April 22nd. Check out the WOW bulletin board for more informa-tion or contact Sandy Nelsen. This is a great opportunity to meet other LCMC women and learn from the breakout sessions that are offered. Registrations are needed by April 17 and you need to in-dicate which three breakout sessions you wish to attend. Break-out sessions will be on a first registration basis.

Page 5 Volume 9, Issue 4


Attendance General Building Total

February 25-26 17 + 160 = 177 $ 3,487.00 $ 70.00 = $ 3,557.00

March 1 (Ash Wednesday) 164 $ 1,127.00

March 4-5 45 + 169 = 214 $ 6,523.00 $ 50.00 = $ 6,573.00

March 8 111 $ 1,119.00

March 11-12 29 + 99 = 128 $ 2,507.00 $ 215.00 = $ 2,722.00

March 15 111 $ 853.01

March 18-19 39 + 113 = 152 $ 3,464.00 $ 65.00 = $ 3,529.00

March 22 116 $ 695.00


The Church Council met March 21 with 13 of 14 members present. Rick Chipman led devotions and prayer. Treasurer reported February income of $18,911 and expenses of $25,760. Year to date shows a net loss of -$2946. General fund balance was at $26,881 as of February 28. Outreach reported that March mission partner was Riverside and Okoboji Lutheran Bible camps and a speaker from Okoboji would join us on the last Sunday of March. Education reported a family bowling event organized for March 26. Property reported LED bulb installation in sanctuary is complete. They are seeking estimates/bids from two tuckpointing companies. Executive will send a letter to about 20 member households that no longer live in the area in order to update our membership roster. Discussed the possibility of Faith Sound performing as part of a worship service in the future. Purchased and sent out the NCD survey to over 30 member house-holds as an evaluation of our congregation. Decided to put a minimum of $1500 each month into the new capital fund. If more funds are given for that purpose in a month, the extra funds will be added to the capital fund. Pastor Phil recommended Deb Brix for membership in Immanuel. She has been a member at Our Savior's LCMS in Walnut. She is a teacher at Harlan Community School District. We welcome Deb Brix as a member of Immanuel. Pastor Phil requested vacation days in April while his wife is in Ethiopia visiting their two girls they sponsor through Compassion International. He will attend the LCMC leadership conference in Omaha April 30 to May 2. He requested two Saturday vacation days (April 29 and May 6). He will recruit an ILC member to lead those services. Joan Wehr will be out of the office for the last 2 weeks of May. We will seek members to cover office hours while she is gone.


Tanzania News The Tanzania Soup Supper and Auction was a “HUGE” success. The soups were yummy, the judges were thoughtful, the music was inspirational, the auction items were many and the auctioneer was witty. Put this all together and you have the recipe for a fun night. Thank you everyone, no matter what part you played in the FUNd-raiser, it is very much appreciated. All the proceeds will be used for our Kidugala mission project.

The winners from the Supper are:

Judges’ Choice for the best soup: Toro, Toro Tortellini made by Larry


People’s Choice Award for the best soup: Pig in the Paddy, made by

Kay Johannsen

Best Decorated Table: Groovy, by Kris Harmon-Olson

The Grand Total for the evening was: $11,033

Some fun facts about the Tanzania mission see how many you know?

TZ Trivia 1. How many bibles are given from Immanuel each year to confirmation students in Kidugala?

a. 100 b. 200 c. 50 2. In 2016, how many cans and plastic bottles were collected and redeemed for the TZ mission projects?

a. 9562 b. 26,583 c. 37,781 3. On average, how many primary school orphans does Immanuel sponsor each year?

a. 83 b. 135 c. 170 4. Since the start of the secondary school scholarship program in 2015, what is the total number

of students that are attending (high school) that would not have been otherwise? a. 6 b. 16 c. 44

5. How many missionaries representing Immanuel have journeyed to TZ? a. 23 b. 4 c. 64

6. How many ambassadors have visited Immanuel from Kidugala? a. 4 b. 8 c. 12

7. What is the strangest thing that the Immanuel Missionaries have taken with them to TZ? a. Surgical Equipment b. A portable toilet c. Swine Semen

Answers: 1. B, 2. C, 3. C, 4. C, 4. C, 5. C, 6. C, 7. A, B, & C.






Page 7 Volume 9, Issue 4

WOMEN OF THE WORD/MARCH 8, 2017 An executive board meeting was held on Wednesday, March 8, 2017 with the following members present: Sally Nairn, Sandy Nelsen, Maggie Hatcher, Ilene Nelson, Julie Vorm, Marlene Sondergaard, Sharon Daberkow, Kathy Block, Sally Simdorn, and Myrna Havick. Chairperson Sandy Nelsen called meeting to order at 8:55am. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from January were reviewed. No corrections were noted. Julie made motion to accept report, and Sally Simdorn seconded. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT: After distributions of 2016 WOW monies of $4,000.00, 2016 Thankoffering of $1,020.00, and receipts of $200, Kathy reported ending balance in January of $3,239.24. In February, bill paid to Concerned Inc. of $330.52 for purchase of napkins and placemats. Ending balance in February $2,908.72. No new bills submitted. CORRESPONDENCE: Kathy reported thank yous received from Salem Home and Ingham Okoboji Bible camps for donations re-ceived. A thank you was received from Kris Olson Harmon for Thankoffering donation. See notes on WOW bulletin board. ACTION: Marlene reported Doris Towne had four blankets to assemble. Group meets last Wednesday of every month at 1:30pm at church. Volunteers needed. COMMUNITY COMMITTEE: Sally Simdorn reported 2017 calendar is completed. She thanked the volunteers who have joined the committee. Birthday party Monday, March 20 at 2:30pm Elm Crest. Meet at 2:15pm at Elm Crest. Tuesday, April 11, 3pm bingo party at Elk Horn Salem Home. DECORATIONS/FLOWERS: Sally Nairn requested volunteers to help her decorate the WOW bulletin board. OLD BUSINESS: 2016 WOW AUDIT: In January, Joanne Christensen audited the 2016 WOW financial records, and no discrepancies found. SOUP BOWLS: Julie purchased 100 soup bowls for the kitchen at a total cost of $269.79 paid by the Trust and Memorial Committee. Thank you! NEW BUSINESS: WOW LENTEN SUPPER POTATO BAR: Will be served on Wednesday, March 29th. Sign up sheet for food items/workers needed was passed around. Food items need to be at church by 1pm. Sign up sheet will also be available after church services in narthex. Please contact Elaine Miller, Chairperson at 755-2089 if you can help or have questions. Thank you! EASTER LILIES: Maggie reported deadline for ordering lilies will be March 29th. Orders will be taken before and after church services in narthex March 18th, 19th and 25th, 26th. After discussion, it was decided that poinsettias and lilies will be sold at the same price of $12.00 each. Previously, poinsettias had sold for $15.00 and Easter lilies for $12.00. Marlene made motion to accept the price change, and Myrna seconded. Motion carried. IF THERE IS A TWO HOUR LATE START OR NO SCHOOL DUE TO SNOW, there will be NO WOW board meeting/gathering that day either. HARVEST BAZAAR date set for Wednesday, October 18, 2017. Mark your calendars. --Sandy discussed whether WOW should be financially helping others who attend church camps such as Recharge weekends, etc. Maggie will obtain more info and present at next meeting. --Two Decent Exposure books donated by Pastor Janet Miller will be given to the LYO group. --Sandy reported LCMC Women’s Conference at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Fontanelle, Iowa Saturday, April 22nd. More details to follow. Bunko March 23rd at 7pm. Meeting adjourned at 9:25am. Kathy made motion to adjourn, and Julie seconded.

WOW GATHERING Women of the Word met in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30am with 17 women/guests present. Refreshments were served by Myrna Havick. Signup sheet for WOW Lenten supper potato bar set for March 29th was passed around. See above for more details in board minutes. Sandy Nelsen explained to the group that if there is no school or two hour late start due to snow, there will be NO WOW board meeting/gathering that day either. Linda Mosher shared Ole and Lena jokes. She then introduced Lydia as her woman of the Bible from Acts 16:6-40. Her character was that of being a successful Gentile business woman for selling cloth; her sorrow was seeing Paul and Silas beaten and thrown into prison because of the faith she embraced, and her joy was making it possible for her and others to hear the gospel for the first time in Philippi. Linda also discussed with group learning about other women of Easter/Christmas in the Bible and more about other religions and bap-tisms. Next gathering will be April 12th at 9:30am in Fellowship Hall. Executive board meeting will be held at 9am in narthex. Sharon Daber-kow will provide refreshments and Joanne Christensen will present the program. As we joined hands, we concluded with the Lord’s Prayer. Bring a friend and enjoy a morning filled with Christian fellowship, fun and good coffee. Ilene Nelson, Secretary


Church Office: 755-5207

Office Hours: 9-12 & 12:30-4:30 (M-F) Office Email:

Pastor Phil’s Cell Number: 712-579-2098

Home Number: 712-766-3178 E-mail:


Pastor Phil Nielsen

Music Director: Heidi Thies

Office Manager: Joan Wehr

Custodian: Tom Henrich





Immanuel Lutheran Church

Every Saturday Worship at 5:00 p.m.

Communion on April 1

Every Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m.

Communion on April 2 & Easter Sunday,

April 16 at 7 and 9am

10:00 a.m. Fellowship/Coffee/Rolls

10:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study

10:15 a.m. Sunday School

A fellowship of believers

Committed to be and become:





In all that we do for the glory of God!

Matthew 28:18-20


Immanuel Lutheran Church LCMC

1700 19th Street Harlan, IA 51537

April 2017

◄ March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 5 pm Worship/Communion

2 First Fruits 8 am Choir 9 am Worship/Communion 10 am Fellowship 10:15 Adult Bible Class 10:15 Sunday School

3 9:30 OA 6:30 Boy Scouts 7-9 Fellowship Hall J Whitfield

4 9 am CF Quilters 6 pm Boy Scouts 7 pm TZ meeting

5 1:30 Rachel Circle 3:30 Women’s Bible Study 5:30 Confirmation 5:30 Bells 6:00 Meal 7:00 Lenten service

6 6:30 Mothers of Preschoolers


8 5 pm Worship

9 8 am Choir 9 am Worship 10 am Fellowship 10:15 Adult Bible Class 10:15 Sunday School 3:00 Jackson Jets 4-H 6:30 Lincoln Bluebirds 4-H

10 9:30 OA 6:30 Boy Scouts

11 9 am CF Quilters WOW Bingo @ Salem

12 9:00 WOW Board 9:30 WOW 4:30 Women’s Bible Study 4:15 Education Commitee 5:30 Confirmation 6:00 Bells

13 7:00 Maundy Thursday service

14 7:00 Good Friday service

15 Noon- 4 Bridal Shower-Donna Nelson No Saturday service

16 Easter Sunday 7 am Worship/Communion 8 am Sunrise Breakfast 9 am Worship/Communion

17 9:30 OA 6:30 Boy Scouts

18 9 am CF Quilters 5:30 Worship Committee 6:00 Executive Board 7:00 Church Council Meeting

19 4:30 Women’s Bible Study 5:30 Confirmation 6:00 Meal/LYO 6:00 Bells 7:00 Women’s/Men’s Bible

20 Newsletter Deadline


22 LCMC Women’s Conference @ Fontanelle, IA 5 pm Worship

23 9 am Worship 10 am Fellowship 10:15 Adult Bible Class 10:15 Sunday School 11:15 Outreach Committee

24 9:30 OA 6:30 Boy Scouts

25 9 am CF Quilters

26 4:30 Women’s Bible Study 5:30 Confirmation 6:00 Bells 6:00 Meal/LYO 7:00 Women’s/Men’s Bible

27 Assemble Newsletter 7 pm Bunko


29 Noon- 4 Chipman reunion Fellowship Hall 5 pm Worship

30 8 am Choir 9 am Worship 10 am Fellowship 10:15 Adult Bible Class 10:15 Sunday School


Worship Schedule

May 2017 Sun Sun Sun Sun

May 6/7 May 13/14 May 20/21 May 27/28

Greeters Connie Behrens Joanne Christensen Ernie & Stacy Foss Alan & Sally Simdorn

Christian Brownlee Lori Schultz

Acolytes Jesse Hansen Kennedy Kjergaard Jordan Schechinger Ania Kaster

Thomas Ernst Jacob Schechinger Katie Burchett Kira Griffin

Saturday Ushers Dory Nielsen Darlene Hess Sally Nairn Larry Klein

Sunday Ushers Mert & Diane Kastens Barney & Judy Ahrenholtz Ross & Lee Burchett Doug & Mary Renkly

Aydin Jacobs Abigail & Andrew Bruck Andrew Burchett Benjamin Renkly

Bailey Schmitz Douglas Chapman Alec Plagman

Lector Sunday School Students Linda Mosher OPEN OPEN

Saturday Altar Guild Sandy Nelsen OPEN

Sunday Altar Guild Kayla Jacobs Stacy Torneten

Sharon Daberkow Donna Nelson

Communion Servers Jim & Becky Chipman Ken & Julie Vorm

Myrna Havick Terry Torneten

Fellowship Coffee SENIOR SUNDAY Duane & Vickie Errett Mark & Michelle Andersen Mike & Pam Jensen

Samantha McCool Megan & Tyler Andersen Michael & Johnathan Monson

Emily Taggs

Sound Technician Rick Chipman Rick Chipman Rick Chipman Rick Chipman

Video Recorder Steve Allen Steve Allen Steve Allen Steve Allen

Projectionist Teri Johnson Teri Johnson Teri Johnson Teri Johnson

SATURDAY Cheryl Nielsen Cheryl Nielsen Cheryl Nielsen Cheryl Nielsen

Council Person Becky Brelje Ken Vorm OPEN OPEN