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Bittinger et al. Genome Biology 2014, 15:487

RESEARCH Open Access

Improved characterization of medically relevantfungi in the human respiratory tract usingnext-generation sequencingKyle Bittinger1, Emily S Charlson1,2, Elizabeth Loy1, David J Shirley1, Andrew R Haas2, Alice Laughlin1, Yanjie Yi2,Gary D Wu3, James D Lewis3, Ian Frank4, Edward Cantu5, Joshua M Diamond2, Jason D Christie2,Ronald G Collman1,2* and Frederic D Bushman1*


Background: Fungi are important pathogens but challenging to enumerate using next-generation sequencingbecause of low absolute abundance in many samples and high levels of fungal DNA from contaminating sources.

Results: Here, we analyze fungal lineages present in the human airway using an improved method for contaminationfiltering. We use DNA quantification data, which are routinely acquired during DNA library preparation, to annotateoutput sequence data, and improve the identification and filtering of contaminants. We compare fungal communitiesand bacterial communities from healthy subjects, HIV+ subjects, and lung transplant recipients, providing a gradient ofincreasing lung impairment for comparison. We use deep sequencing to characterize ribosomal rRNA gene segmentsfrom fungi and bacteria in DNA extracted from bronchiolar lavage samples and oropharyngeal wash. Comparison toclinical culture data documents improved detection after applying the filtering procedure.

Conclusions: We find increased representation of medically relevant organisms, including Candida, Cryptococcus, andAspergillus, in subjects with increasingly severe pulmonary and immunologic deficits. We analyze covariation of fungaland bacterial taxa, and find that oropharyngeal communities rich in Candida are also rich in mitis group Streptococci,a community pattern associated with pathogenic polymicrobial biofilms. Thus, using this approach, it is possible tocharacterize fungal communities in the human respiratory tract more accurately and explore their interactions withbacterial communities in health and disease.

BackgroundNext-generation sequencing can provide unprecedenteddata on the composition of mixed microbial communities,including those important in clinical infections, but ad-mixture of contaminating DNAs into low biomass samplesprovides a considerable challenge to analysis. For example,fungi can result in both colonization and severe infectionsof the human airway, but are often present in environmen-tal specimens in low abundance, complicating distinguish-ing authentic community members from background.

* Correspondence:; of Microbiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,426 Johnson Pavilion, 3610 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA2Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Division, University of PennsylvaniaSchool of Medicine, 522 Johnson Pavilion, 3610 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia,PA 19104, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2014 Bittinger et al.; licensee BioMed CentraCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the orDedication waiver (http://creativecommons.orunless otherwise stated.

Here we introduce a method for abundance-weightingthat improves detection of fungi, and use the method to:(1) identify fungi in clinical airway samples; and (2) quan-tify covariation of fungal and bacterial lineages.Many examples of medically important interactions be-

tween individual bacteria and fungi have been reported[1-4]. For example, the fungus Candida albicans is knownto interact with several bacteria in disease states, includingwith Pseudomonas in wound infections, with Staphylococciin systemic infections, and with Streptococci in dental car-ies. However, fungal-bacterial interactions have not beenstudied extensively using culture-independent sequence-based methods (for a few examples see [5-9]).Here we compare a series of samples from the airway of

subjects with progressively more severe immunodeficiencyand/or lung disease, consisting of healthy controls, HIV+subjects, subjects with mixed pulmonary diseases, and

l Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domaing/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article,

Bittinger et al. Genome Biology 2014, 15:487 Page 2 of 14

lung transplant recipients. Transplant requires intensivetreatment with immunosuppressive drugs, and mechanicaldefense mechanisms are also compromised due to defect-ive cough reflex from vagal denervation, mucociliary clear-ance dysfunction, and anastomotic site barriers [10-19].The HIV+ subjects included individuals both on and offantiretroviral therapy, but most had relatively preservedimmune function based on CD4 T cell counts, providing agroup intermediate between healthy controls and lungtransplant recipients.In previous studies, we investigated the microbiota of

the healthy lung [20] and of the lung allograft from lungtransplantation subjects [21], using samples obtained bybronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Upper respiratory com-munities were sampled concurrently by oropharyngealwash (OW). We used targeted PCR amplification of 16SrDNA sequence tags to characterize bacteria and ITS1rDNA sequence tags to characterize fungi. In healthy sub-jects, bacterial communities in lung are quite sparse, anddominated by lineages from the densely colonized upperrespiratory tract (URT). Oropharyngeal lineages in BALmay be authentically present as a result of aspiration, butmay also be introduced into BAL samples as contaminantsduring trans-oral bronchoscopy [20]. In lung transplantrecipients, however, the lung allograft contains a highermicrobial biomass, and BAL samples contain a greaterproportion of distinctive lineages likely representing bac-teria authentically replicating in lung [21]. BAL samplesfrom individual transplant recipients commonly showedhigh levels of specific bacterial taxa including Pseudo-monas [22], Staphylococcus [23], or Achromobacter [24],as well as the little known anaerobic lineage Sneathia [25].The HIV+ subjects studied here had relatively preservedimmune function, and levels of bacterial DNA were com-parable to healthy controls.A significant problem in sampling fungi is the relatively

modest numbers of organisms in typical samples and thehigh representation of contaminating lineages in blankcontrols, reflecting admixture of fungal DNA from envir-onmental sources during sample acquisition or DNA con-tamination in reagents. Here we introduce a method forusing information on the efficiency of PCR reactions(PicoGreen quantification prior to amplicon pooling) toimprove detection of authentically present fungi. An ad-vantage of this approach is that sequencing laboratoriesnecessarily collect the PicoGreen data as a step in se-quence library preparation, so acquisition of these data re-quires no extra effort. Using the corrected abundances, wequeried the data from healthy subjects, HIV+ subjects,and lung transplant recipients for evidence of authenticrespiratory tract fungi, and for covariation of bacterialand fungal lineages. We: (1) identified multiple lineagesof clinical interest enriched in the more immunocom-promised subjects; and (2) found a significant covariation

of Candida and Streptococcus, an interaction which hasbeen proposed to be important in formation of medicallyimportant biofilms [26], and which we characterize inmore detail here.

ResultsFungal diversity and community compositionSamples were obtained from healthy control subjects (n =12), HIV+ subjects (n = 19), subjects undergoing bron-choscopy for a variety of clinical indications (n = 13), andlung transplant recipients (n = 42). Healthy and HIV+subjects were without respiratory symptoms and had notused recent antibiotics. HIV+ subjects included untreatedviremic (n = 11) and antiretroviral-treated, virologically-suppressed individuals (n = 8), with median CD4 T cellcounts of 591 and 674, respectively. Lung transplant sub-jects were all undergoing treatment with multiple immuno-suppressive drugs and combinations of antibiotics. Thestudy groups and sampling protocols are listed in Table 1and Additional file 1.We profiled the fungal populations of 69 oropharyngeal

wash and 149 BAL samples using 454 pyrosequencing ofrRNA ITS regions. The bacterial community compositionwas also characterized by amplifying and sequencing 16 srRNA V1V2 regions (data for healthy subjects in group2B and transplant recipients with paired BAL andOW samples was published previously [20,21], datafor HIV+ subjects is new here). A set of 132 contamin-ation control samples were also analyzed to enumerate thefungal DNA present in lab water (21 samples), saline solu-tion used for OW and BAL sampling (9 samples), withinthe suction channel of a bronchoscope (86 samples), sterileswabs (8 samples), and lab tabletop surfaces (8 samples).The sources of contamination control samples are morefully described in Additional file 2. Analysis of contamin-ation in 16S data is described in [20].We recovered a median value of 798 ITS reads per sam-

ple after removal of low-quality reads. The number ofreads per sample is somewhat low for deep sequencingstudies, but as discussed below relatively few fungi are typ-ically present in samples, so the read numbers are gener-ally adequate for detection, as seen in earlier studies [21].The number of reads per sample was significantly lowerin contamination control samples compared to BAL/OWsamples (Mann–Whitney test, P <0.001). After clusteringat 97% similarity, we obtained a total of 1801 fungal oper-ational taxonomic units (OTUs). Following taxonomicassignment, we identified 153 OTUs arising from non-fungal sources, including human, plants, and bacteria.Additionally, we flagged 77 OTUs as potential chimeras.These were removed prior to subsequent analysis.Figure 1 shows a representative heatmap of fungal pro-

portions for all non-transplant samples in the study (datafor transplant samples are in [21]). A total of 61 fungal

Table 1 Groups of subjects appearing in this study

Group Subjects (n) Description Median CD4 count Bronchoscopy procedure Reference

1A 8 HIV+ off ART, CD4 > 400 769 Two scope This study

1B 3 HIV+ off ART, CD4 < 400 315 Two scope This study

2B 8 HIV+ on ART, no lung disease 674 Two scope This study

3B 6 HIV-, no lung disease Two scope 16S data [20], ITS data [21]

3C 4 HIV-, no lung disease None This study

3D 6a HIV-, no lung disease Single scope This study

Pulm 13 HIV-, mixed lung disease Single scope This study

Transplant 42 Lung transplant recipients Single scope Time points with paired BALand OW samples [21]b

aFour subjects in group 3D were also sampled in group 3B. In each case, the group 3D sample was taken more than 1 year after the 3B sample (see Additional file 1for details).bSample sets Tx34B and Tx41B appear as Tx34 and Tx41, respectively, in Charlson 2012. The initial time points were not included in the previous publicationbecause OW samples were not collected at the time of sampling.

Bittinger et al. Genome Biology 2014, 15:487 Page 3 of 14

genera are displayed, each represented by more than 100reads counting across all samples in this set. The genuscould be assigned for 65% of the OTUs, 83% could beassigned at the class level, and 90% at the phylum level.Although the total number of fungal OTUs detected is

large, the number of OTUs present in any one sample islow. At a sequencing depth of 300 reads, the average rich-ness or number of OTUs detected in each OW/BAL sam-ple is only 14. In contrast, bacterial communities fromsimilar samples have a richness of about 130 OTUs atthe same sequencing depth. The number of abundantfungal OTUs is also low, as indicated by the sum of thelog-weighted proportions, or Shannon diversity. Shannon

Healthy HIV+

Oropharyngeal wash BAL


Healthy HIV+ MixedDiseas

Figure 1 Proportional abundance of fungal genera in oropharyngealsamples. Many genera with high proportional abundance appear in only aor 10 BAL samples are identified by name (full data in Additional file 2).

diversity was only weakly dependent on the total num-ber of reads (Additional file 2), and had a mean value of1.5 for the fungal communities in oropharyngeal and BALsamples. Comparable bacterial communities have a Shan-non diversity of 3 to 4 [21].Disturbingly, the composition of fungi in BAL samples

was generally similar to that in contamination controls(Figure 1, right side). A PERMANOVA test of pairwiseJaccard or Bray-Curtis distances yielded no significantdifference between BAL and contamination control samplesin healthy subjects (Additional file 2) [27]. The oropharyn-geal wash samples were distinguishable from contamin-ation, largely on the basis of high Candida abundance,

Contamination controlAspergillus























Assigned atClass level


wash, bronchoalveolar lavage, and contamination controlfew samples. For simplicity, only genera that were detected in 10 OW

Bittinger et al. Genome Biology 2014, 15:487 Page 4 of 14

which is consistent with the well-recognized tropism ofCandida for the oropharyngeal region [28]. Thus it is diffi-cult to determine whether any given detection of fungalDNA in a specific sample represents authentic presence ofthe organism or contamination.A further problem is that the reproducibility of fungal

proportions measured in oropharyngeal and BAL sam-ples is poor between repeat extractions from the samesource. To examine this, we carried out repeated DNAextractions and ITS sequencing for bronchoscope pre-wash, OW, and BAL samples from six subjects in thePulm and Transplant groups. In two OW and two BALsamples, a fungal OTU was observed with over 50% pro-portion in one replicate, but was absent from another(Additional file 2). Fungal OTUs with proportions of 1%to 50% in general appeared sporadically between replicates(further details in Additional file 2). Bacterial proportions,by contrast, are recovered with reasonable accuracy downto proportions of 10−4 for comparable sample types [29].The poor reproducibility of fungal proportions would beexpected for stochastic sampling of low abundance taxaderived from a combination of contaminants and authen-tically present lineages.

Use of DNA quantification after ITS PCR for improvedaccuracyWe investigated whether absolute abundance measure-ments could be used to supplement the relative abun-dance data from pyrosequencing and address some of theabove problems. Fungal quantification by qPCR primersdirected at the 18S rRNA gene was impossible becausethe overwhelming proportion of human DNA in BALand OW samples resulted primarily in amplification ofhuman 18S DNA, even with fungal-targeted 18S primers(data not shown). We thus quantified fungal DNA usingthe ITS-specific primers used in preparing pyrosequenc-ing libraries.To quantify fungal templates present in a sample, we

took advantage of DNA quantification data generated dur-ing routine preparation of sequencing libraries. In a typicalexperiment, individual airway DNA specimens are ampli-fied by PCR using ITS primers, DNA products purified,and the PCR yield quantified using the PicoGreen dye-binding assay. Equal amounts of DNA from each sampleare then pooled and introduced into the sequencing in-strument. Here we used the post-PCR PicoGreen data toestimate the number of ITS templates present in the initialDNA sample prior to PCR, which could then be used toannotate the sequence proportions, yielding estimatesof OTU abundance that take account of template abun-dance in the original airway DNA specimen. It would bepossible to substitute ITS QPCR at this step with im-proved accuracy, but fungal ITS sequences are of variablelengths, complicating quantification, and we sought to

explore what was possible using PicoGreen data on endpoint PCR because of the ready availability.To evaluate PicoGreen quantification, we first quanti-

fied PCR product formation when dilutions of S. cerevi-siae genomic DNA were used as amplification template(Figure 2A). Above 100 ng/μL of ITS amplicon, thePicoGreen assay was saturated. However, below valuesof 60 ng/μL, the response of the PicoGreen assay waslinear with the number of input genomes (R2 = 0.98),suggesting that post-PCR ITS PicoGreen values reportthe amount of starting ITS templates within this range.We next tested oropharyngeal wash samples containing

biologically relevant fungal communities. Serial dilutionswere performed for OW samples from two transplantsubjects, followed by amplification and PicoGreen quanti-fication. The samples were selected for study because theyyielded levels of ITS product in prior analysis that wereamong the highest of any of our respiratory tract samples,suggesting authentic detection of fungi and allowing us todilute through a broad range of concentrations [21]. Therelationship between OW input and PicoGreen-quantifiedITS product was linear in the expected range of 0 to60 ng/μL (R2 > 0.97 for both samples, Figure 2B). We alsomeasured the post-PCR ITS DNA concentration in OWsamples after spiking in DNA from S. cerevisiae. As ex-pected, the PicoGreen quantification was linear at concen-trations below 60 ng/μL (R2 > 0.99, Figure 2C). Thus theITS PicoGreen quantification is linear across a range thatwould be present in many respiratory tract samples.

Quantification of ITS PCR product generated byamplifying OW, BAL, and contamination control samplesThe median amount of ITS DNA produced by PCR wasdifferent for OW, BAL, and contamination control sam-ples (Figure 2C, P <0.001, Kruskal-Wallis). The medianfor oropharyngeal wash samples was 5.6 ng/μL comparedto 1.3 ng/μL for BAL samples (P <0.001, Mann–Whitney).The median ITS PCR product of contamination controlsamples, 0.69 ng/μL, was smaller than that of BAL andoropharyngeal wash samples (P <0.001, Mann–Whitney).Although significantly smaller, the concentration of fungalITS DNA in contamination controls was within an orderof magnitude for OW and within a factor of 4 for BALsamples. Thus a substantial fraction of ITS reads in theexperimental samples likely arose from contaminationsources.

Analysis of PicoGreen-corrected OTU abundancesWe next used the abundance data from PicoGreen quanti-fication to transform the relative proportions determinedfrom the pyrosequencing data. The corrected abundanceof each OTU was computed by multiplying the total post-PCR ITS DNA concentration for the sample by the pro-portion of each OTU in the sample. To establish a global





0 100k 200k 300k 400k

S. cerevisiae genomes per PCR rxn


A] i

n IT







0 1k 2k 3k 4k

Sample OW40 Sample OW42





0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

Fractional concentration


A] a




R r







0 100k 200k 300k 400k

S. Cerevisiae genomes added to OW sample


A] i

n IT










0 2k 4k 6k0





BAL Contam.control


l IT




c. (



*** ******

Median val. 6.6 1.7 0.5





Figure 2 Quantification of post-PCR ITS DNA is linear in the range of oropharyngeal, lung, and contamination control samples. (A) Twoserial dilutions of a standard sample of S. cerevisiae showed a linear response between input and post-PCR PicoGreen-quantification in the rangeyielding 0 to 60 ng/μL of ITS product. (B) Serial dilutions of two oropharyngeal wash samples from lung transplant recipients also showed a linearresponse in this range. (C) Genomic DNA from S. cerevisiae spiked into an oropharyngeal wash sample resulted in a linear increase in total DNAconcentration within the 0 to 60 ng/μL range, as measured by post-PCR PicoGreen quantification. (D) Although the total concentration of post-PCRITS DNA differed between sample types, the median concentration of contamination control samples was about 10% of the concentration inoropharyngeal wash. The median concentration of lung samples was only a few times that of contamination controls.

Bittinger et al. Genome Biology 2014, 15:487 Page 5 of 14

threshold for concentration of fungal OTUs, an empiricalcumulative distribution function was generated from thePicoGreen-corrected OTU abundances in contaminationcontrol samples. A histogram of the abundance distribu-tion in contamination controls is shown in Figure 3A.The 95% limit of the abundance distribution for con-trol samples was 0.3 ng/μL. An inset plot shows thecontrol OTUs with abundance above the 95% limit.No single contamination source dominated this set ofhigh-abundance OTUs.A 95% confidence threshold for abundance is somewhat

conservative. We judged it to be suitable for the set ofsamples presented here, where we are interested in de-scribing the set of fungi that are unlikely to arise fromcontamination sources. For other applications, a differentthreshold may be used simply by selecting a different

percentile value from the distribution of OTU abundancesin contamination samples.A potential issue with the use of a global abundance

threshold is that the abundance distribution of some fun-gal genera may differ from the global distribution. Tocheck this, we selected all fungal genera appearing in 10or more contamination control samples and estimated agenus-specific abundance threshold. In every case saveone, the global abundance threshold fell within the 95%confidence limits of the genus-specific threshold, indicat-ing that the genus-specific thresholds are compatible withthe global threshold. The sole exception is Cladosporium,the most commonly occurring fungal genus in contam-ination control samples. We estimated a genus-specificthreshold of 0.81, about three times higher than the globalthreshold. Thus apart from Cladosporium, any experimental






0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

PicoGreen-corrected abundance (ng/µL)



of O







0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


OTUs with top 5 % DNAconcentration after ITS PCR of contamination control samples

95% contamination

threshold, 0.3 ng/uL


0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00Picogreen−corrected species abundance (ng/uL)


L sa



Culture result

Culture Neg

Culture Pos


C. albicans

A. flavus

A. fumigatus

P. lilacinum

AUC = 0.880.00





0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00False positive rate








Figure 3 A global threshold for PicoGreen-corrected OTU abundance identifies genera in experimental samples that are extremelyunlikely to arise from contamination sources. (A) Histogram of PicoGreen-corrected OTU abundances in control samples. The inset plot showsabundances above the 95% limit of the distribution, colored by contamination sample type. (B) Agreement between the PicoGreen-correctedabundance of fungi computed from ITS sequencing and clinical culture results in BAL samples. (C) ROC curve of post-PCR ITS abundance vs.culture results for all cultured fungi. The sequencing method is a good predictor of culture results (AUC = 0.93).

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OTU with abundance greater than 0.3 ng/μL is unlikely toarise from contamination sources.

Application of PicoGreen-corrected OTU abundances toclinical samplesTo verify that a global abundance threshold would workas intended, we first applied the global abundance thresh-old technique to a set of 47 BAL samples for which wehad clinical culture results. The samples came from lungtransplant recipients who are heavily immunosuppressedand highly susceptible to fungal colonization and infec-tion. BAL samples were cultured using standard clinicalmethods. Cultures from 18 samples were positive for fungiincluding Candida albicans, Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus,and Purpureocillium lilacinum (syn. Paecilomyces lilacinus).After matching the OTU assignments to the cultured spe-cies, we recovered 14 of 20 positive culture results withour method (Figure 3B). Of the remaining six, two sam-ples revealed Aspergillus by both ITS and culture but dif-fered in the species identified (A. fumigatus by culture andA. flavus by ITS assignment in sample 44, and vice versa

in sample 36A). In samples Tx6, Tx35, and Tx44, we de-tected the cultured fungus by sequencing (A. flavus inTx6, C. albicans in Tx35, A. fumigatus and P. lilacinumin Tx44), but the PicoGreen-corrected quantity wasbelow the contamination threshold. Sample Tx5 culturedpositive for C. albicans, but we detected high levels ofC. dubliniensis, a closely related species that is often notdistinguished from C. albicans in culture [30]. We countedthis as a positive result. Our method also identified foursamples with high concentrations of C. albicans DNA thatwere not detected by culture.We evaluated our ITS fungal detection method across

all possible threshold values by plotting the receiveroperating characteristic (ROC) curve, which displays therate of true positives (from culture results) against the rateof false positives (Figure 3C). The area under the curvewas 0.93, indicating that our method was able to de-tect most culture positive fungi with few false posi-tives. We also assessed the consistency between cultureand sequencing results using Cohen’s Kappa coeffi-cient, which measures the level of agreement above

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that expected by chance. Our DNA sequencing andculture results had a Kappa of 0.65, indicating goodagreement. This level of agreement is slightly higherthan those reported in a study of bacterial culture vs.DNA sequencing methods [31]. The value of Kappawas not sensitive to the abundance threshold used(Additional file 2).Returning to the issue of reproducibility, we re-evaluated

our set of replicate samples using PicoGreen-correctedabundances. We found that use of an absolute abundancethreshold improved the level of agreement between repli-cate samples extracted from the same source material,especially when the PicoGreen-corrected abundance isgreater than 1 ng/μL (details in Additional file 2).

Healthy(3B, 3C, 3D)

HIV+(1A, 1B, 2B)

Mixed lungdisease

































































































































Figure 4 Heatmap of fungal genera identified in a matched set of orop

Identifying fungi in oropharyngeal and BAL samples thatwere unlikely to originate from contaminationWe next applied a global abundance threshold to theOW and BAL samples from subjects in our study.Using our abundance threshold approach, we elimi-nated OTUs in each sample with PicoGreen-correctedabundance <0.3 ng/μL. The remaining OTUs, shown inFigure 4, are unlikely to arise from contamination sources.A more detailed set of plots is available in Additionalfile 2.We identified Candida in an OW sample of approxi-

mately half of the healthy individuals in the study (samples3D03-3D06 are repeat samples from individuals in group3B, see Additional file 1). Candida was not present in any



PicoGreen-correctedgenus abundance (ng/uL)

less than 0.3























































haryngeal and lung samples following curation by ITS abundance.

Bittinger et al. Genome Biology 2014, 15:487 Page 8 of 14

BAL samples from healthy individuals. The fungi identi-fied in BAL samples from healthy subjects were taxa of lit-tle clinical importance, with the exception of Aspergillusin subject 3D05.The representation of Candida in OW and BAL sam-

ples from HIV+ individuals was similar to that of healthysubjects, with detection in OW but not BAL, which isconcordant with the frequency of clinical candidiasis inthe upper respiratory tract in this population but rarity ofcandidiasis in the lower respiratory tract [32]. HIV+ indi-viduals are particularly susceptible to pulmonary infectionwith fungi (notably Pneumocystis, Cryptococcus, Histoplas-mosis, and Aspergillus) [33], though the subjects studiedhere were without any respiratory symptoms and had rela-tively well-preserved immune function (mean CD4+ count644 ± 299). In BAL of HIV+ subjects, we detected clinicalpathogens Pneumocystis, Cryptocossus, and Aspergillus.One HIV+ subject, 2B02, was found to have high levels ofMicroascus in oropharyngeal wash.Subjects in the Pulm group were sampled while under-

going clinical bronchoscopy for a variety of indications(details in Additional file 1), and represent a varied as-sortment of patients with lung disease. Here, we ob-served Aspergillus in the BAL samples of four subjects,and Cryptococcus in another. Candida was observedconcurrently in both OW and BAL samples of subjectsPulm2 and Pulm4.For lung transplant recipients, also sampled during

clinical bronchoscopy (data in part from [21] and in partnew here), we detected Candida in BAL samples for 14of the subjects, a significantly higher proportion than innon-transplant individuals (P <0.001, Fisher’s exact test).The abundance of Candida in transplant BAL sampleswas higher than that observed in the Pulm group, exceed-ing 20 ng/μL (PCR product measured by PicoGreen) infive cases (Tx18, Tx38, Tx41A, Tx47, and Tx49). All trans-plant subjects with Candida in BAL who had OW avail-able also had Candida in OW, except for one (Tx41B).Aspergillus was detected in the BAL samples of four trans-plant subjects, and had an abundance in excess of 20 ng/μL in samples Tx11A, Tx11B, Tx44. The abundance ofCryptococcus in transplant BAL samples was similar tothat observed in the Pulm group. Cryptococcus was ob-served in both OW and BAL for one subject (Tx43).

Fungal occurrence in oropharyngeal and BAL samplesrelative to contamination controlsBecause so many OTUs were eliminated by the applica-tion of a global abundance threshold (many of which maybe authentic community members but cannot be defini-tively distinguished from environmental admixture), wewondered whether other methods might be able to iden-tify less abundant genera legitimately present in OW orBAL samples. For genera where the PicoGreen-corrected

abundance is not enough to call individual OTUs as au-thentically present in a particular sample, the frequencyof occurrence can nevertheless reveal patterns acrosssample types. Figure 5 shows the frequency of occurrencein OW, BAL, and contamination control samples for gen-era present in at least 10 OW or BAL samples. An ex-panded plot is included in Additional file 2.To assess differences in overall frequency of occurrence

between sample types, we used a Fisher’s exact test. If thesample types were found to be different for a genus,follow-up tests were performed to determine whether therate of occurrence in OW and BAL samples exceeded thatin contamination controls. In each series of tests, we usedthe method of Benjamini and Hochberg to control for afalse discovery rate of 5% [34]. Aspergillus, Cladosporium,Cryptococcus, and Penicillium were present more oftenin oropharyngeal wash and BAL samples than in con-trol samples. Debaryomyces, Fusarium, Malassezia, Pichia,Rohodotorula, and Saccharomyces appeared more often inoropharyngeal wash samples than in controls, but didnot occur significantly more often in BAL samples rela-tive to contamination sources. Pichia was the sole genuspresent in more than 10 OW/BAL samples not to appearin any contamination control samples. The frequencies ofCystofiloblasidum, Phoma, Talaromyces, Trichosporon, andWallemia were about the same in OW, BAL, and contam-ination control samples.

Fungal covariation with bacteriaTo investigate possible interactions in the human respira-tory tract between microbes from different domains of life,we investigated covariation between fungi and bacteria inour samples. For this we used 16S V1V2 tag sequence datato characterize bacteria from samples used in the analysisof fungal populations described above. Bacterial 16S rRNAgene data for group 3B and some of the lung transplantsamples have been published [20,21] (see Table 1 for acomplete listing of data sources). The 16S rRNA tag datafor bacterial communities from HIV+ subjects are newlypresented here. An analysis of the HIV+ 16S rRNA tagdata is presented in Additional file 3. The 16S sampleset included 151 contamination control samples, whichharbored bacterial communities distinct from BAL/OWsamples, as expected [20]. Our analysis showed modestbut statistically significant differences between HIV+ andhealthy controls in OW but not BAL samples. A previ-ously published study also showed an altered bacterialmicrobiome in lingual samples from HIV+ subjects [35],an oral cavity surface that closely resembles saliva [36].To assess covariation, we focused on Candida, which

was the most commonly detected fungus in the ITS dataand so provided the power needed for comparison. We an-alyzed the OW samples and not BAL because a greaterproportion of OW samples were positive for Candida. We




** ***






* ***

* **






















Fraction of samples containingindicated fungus


p 0.001p 0.01p 0.05

Figure 5 Presence-absence analysis identifies fungal genera present more often in experimental samples relative to contaminationcontrols. Aspergillus and Penicillium are present significantly more often in oropharyngeal and lung samples relative to controls, while Pichia andSaccharomyces are present more often only in OW relative to controls. Conversely, Wallemia likely derives solely from contamination sources.

Bittinger et al. Genome Biology 2014, 15:487 Page 9 of 14

first tested for an effect of PicoGreen-corrected abundanceof Candida on overall bacterial community composition inOW. Using an ADONIS test of pairwise UniFrac distances,we found a significant association of Candida PicoGreen-corrected abundance with bacterial community compos-ition (weighted UniFrac P = 0.003, R2 = 0.06; unweightedUniFrac P = 0.0003, R2 = 0.03). Bacterial communities alsovaried significantly in association with high or low abun-dance of Candida, dividing at the third quartile of Can-dida abundance (Figure 6A; weighted UniFrac P =0.004,R2 = 0.05; unweighted UniFrac P = 0.0003, R2 = 0.03).Previous culture-based studies have suggested that

Candida and Streptococcus are tightly associated in thehuman oropharyngeal cavity [26], providing a specifichypothesis to investigate in the metagenomic data. Tocompare the abundance of Candida and Streptococcus,we multiplied the bacterial OTU proportions by the total16S DNA abundance obtained by QPCR. The abundanceof Streptococcus increased with that of Candida (Spearmancorrelation ρ = 0.41, P <0.001). Figure 6B shows the abun-dance of Streptococcus in each OW sample after trans-formation by ranks, plotted against rank-transformedCandida abundance. We investigated the top 20 mostabundant Streptococcus OTUs to look for trends at thespecies level. Allowing for a false discovery rate of 5%, we

found that 10 of the 20 increased with Candida abundancein a one-sided test of Spearman correlation. Eight wereidentified as mitis group Streptococci, and two were identi-fied as S. salivarius (Additional file 3). One Streptococcus(S. gordonii, a member of the mitis lineage) showed a posi-tive association with Candida and was enriched in HIV+OW samples compared to OW from healthy controls. Anexploratory analysis of effects on other bacteria showedthat Rothia and Veillonella increased significantly withCandida abundance after controlling for a false discoveryrate of 5%.

DiscussionMicrobial community analysis by deep sequencing reportsrelative proportions of microbes present in a sample re-gardless of absolute abundance. Problems arise when sam-ples contain varying amounts of authentic organisms and asubstantial background of contaminating sequences, as iscommonly the case in respiratory tract samples [20]. Here,we report that the majority of fungal OTUs observedin sequence data from OW and BAL samples cannot bedefinitively established as authentic sample constituents be-cause of the admixture of fungal DNA from contaminatingsources. However, OTUs authentically present in ex-perimental samples may be identified more accurately

denovo18769S. mitis

denovo1048S. parasanguinus

denovo10659S. salivarius

denovo4966S. oralis

denovo10339S. parasanguinus

denovo13840S. parasanguinus

denovo2114S. oralis

denovo22088S. parasanguinus

denovo22729S. salivarius

denovo15434S. gordonii









0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60

Rank Candida abundance (PicoGreen−corrected)


k S





U a














−0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4

PC1 (37%)


2 (2

5%) Candida




Bacterial 16S sequences, weighted UniFrac distance

Rothia Streptococcus Veillonella













0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60

Rank Candida abundance (PicoGreen−corrected)


k ba


ial g






















Figure 6 Bacterial covariation with Candida in OW samples. (A) Principal coordinates analysis of weighted UniFrac distance betweenbacterial communities for oropharyngeal wash samples. Group centroids are shown with open triangles. The PicoGreen-corrected abundanceof Candida has a significant effect on bacterial community composition (PERMANOVA P = 0.004, F = 3.8). (B) The QPCR-corrected abundance ofStreptococcus, Rothia, and Veillonella increased with the abundance of Candida (Spearman correlation, P <0.05 after FDR correction). (C) Tenof the top 20 most abundant Streptococcus OTUs were found to increase with Candida abundance (Spearman correlation, P <0.05 afterFDR correction).

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by using data on PCR amplification efficiency to an-notate OTU proportions by absolute abundance. Thiswas validated by comparing OTU calls to clinical cul-ture results, showing improved correlation after abundance-

based correction. Abundance-based correction also greatlyimproved agreement between technical replicates fromsingle samples. Thus, use of an absolute abundancethreshold provides a way to go beyond statistical, population-

Bittinger et al. Genome Biology 2014, 15:487 Page 11 of 14

level approaches into a more diagnostic framework, allow-ing identification of specific fungi in a single sample withknown confidence.Our data show a progression of colonization by clinic-

ally relevant fungi in BAL across the four cohorts, fromthe least colonization in healthy controls, through increas-ing colonization from well suppressed HIV+, to mixedlung diseases (Pulm), to lung transplant recipients. In thehealthy controls, only low levels of fungal reads were de-tected, and only one was a candidate for clinically signifi-cant colonization (Aspergillus). In the HIV+ group, levelswere relatively low, but identification of organisms of clin-ical importance in BAL was greater (4 out of 18 subjects;two Aspergillus, one Cryptococcus, and one Pneumocystis).For the mixed lung disease group (Pulm), fungi appearedat higher levels in some cases, and organisms of potentialclinical import were detected in seven out of 13 subjects(four Aspergillus, two Candida, and one Cryptococcus).For lung transplant recipients, the inferred abundancelevels were far greater in some specimens, and 21 out of42 individuals showed organisms of potential importance(4 Aspergillus, 14 Candida, 3 Cryptococcus and 1 Purpur-eocillium; one sample contained two of these). These data,together with the positive correlation with clinical diag-nostic data, support the use of the abundance-weightedmethod for identification of fungi of clinical interest.Although this approach can establish confidence thatan organism is genuinely present in a sample and doesnot derive from environmental admixture, it cannot dis-tinguish possible community mixing, such as upper re-spiratory admixture with lung samples, which must beaddressed with other measures [20,21].The fungal sequence data could be analyzed either

by scanning for authentic colonization using the abundance-weighed method, or by the use of a more sensitive butmore contamination prone presence-absence approach.The advantage of the presence-absence approach is thatless stringent thresholds can be used for calling enrich-ment in one sample type over another, allowing morefrequent calling of positive samples. However, given sub-stantial contamination, one does not know which detec-tions in experimental samples are authentic and whichrepresent contaminants. Aspergillus, for example, wasfound in over half of the contamination control samples,but approximately 75% of experimental samples. Thus itis likely that Aspergillus was authentically present inmany experimental samples, but it is usually not possibleto determine which ones except in those few cases wherelevels were particularly high. Using the presence-absencemethod, a total of 11 fungal genera were found to be sig-nificantly more common in either OW or BAL than incontamination controls.Several of the fungi studied were enriched in OW sam-

ples but not BAL, which contrasts with findings for

bacteria. Published comparisons of bacteria in OW andBAL in healthy controls showed that communities in thetwo body sites were mostly indistinguishable (once thegreater representation of contamination in lung sampleswas properly accounted for) [20]. Samples from lungtransplant recipients differed, with many examples of se-lective bacterial lung colonization [21]. For the fungi stud-ied here, multiple lineages were notably enriched in OWcompared to BAL, including Candida, Debaryomyces,Fusarium, Pichia, Rhodotorula, and Saccharomyces,suggesting more ‘localized’ colonization by these organ-isms in the oral cavity, possibly reflecting a more surface-associated lifestyle.Comparison of abundance-corrected fungal ITS data

and bacterial 16S data enabled us to assess covariationof the two. Only upper respiratory tract samples had suf-ficient fungal detection to allow statistical analysis, andonly Candida was sufficiently abundant for study. Previ-ous literature documents a variety of interactions be-tween Candida and Streptococci in the mitis group: (1)S. oralis and S. parasanguinis were reported to grow to-gether with C. albicans in oral biofilms [26]; (2) S. oraliswas recently shown to enhance the virulence of C. abi-cans in a mouse model by increasing the mucosal in-flammatory response [37]; and (3) differences in salivaryflow were reported to change the ratio of Candida toStreptococcus in the oral cavity [38]. Using the methodof PicoGreen-corrected abundance for fungal species, wewere able to detect association between Candida andbacteria in the S. mitis group in our deep sequencingdata. We also found linkage between Candida and an-other Streptococcus species outside of the mitis group, S.salivarius. A recent culture-based study observed S. sali-varius-C. albicans association and found that S. salivariusmay interfere with the ability of C. albicans to adhere tosurfaces, thereby reducing the potential for developmentof candidiasis [39]. One Streptococcus lineage was foundto be both enriched in OW in HIV+ versus healthy con-trols and positively associated with Candida, suggestinga possible specific interaction in the setting of HIV infec-tion. We also found that Rothia and Veillonella covariedwith Candida at the genus level, helping to specify alarger community pattern associated with high Candidaabundance.

ConclusionsThe abundance-weighted sequence-based approach hasseveral advantages compared to traditional culture basedmethods used in clinical diagnosis. The sequence-basedmethod provides an overview of all community mem-bers in a single assay, without any requirement for assay-ing organisms individually. The abundance-weightedsequence-based method is potentially quite rapid givensufficient optimization at each analytical step, though

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some technology improvements are still needed. Touse this approach, every laboratory must establish itsown empirical contamination control threshold, sincethe efficiency of amplification will be affected by manylaboratory-specific variables. Thus for these and otherreasons collection of extensive contamination controldata is essential. These data taken together indicatethat the use of abundance-weighted sequence-basedidentification may be attractive for use in clinical diagnosisof fungi.

Materials and methodsSamplesSubjects studied are enumerated in Table 1 and Additionalfile 1. Healthy volunteers and asymptomatic HIV+ sub-jects who were without lung disease, acute respiratorysymptoms, or recent antibiotic use underwent upper re-spiratory tract sampling by oropharyngeal wash (OW)followed by bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage(BAL). Sampling of healthy subjects has been previ-ously described [20], and HIV+ volunteers were sam-pled in an identical manner. For subjects where multipleBAL samples were available [20], the BAL A secondreturn sample was used. Healthy volunteers in group3C were sampled by OW only. Healthy volunteers ingroup 3D were sampled in the same manner as otherhealthy subjects [20], but a single bronchoscope was usedfor the procedure. Lung transplant recipients routinelyundergo surveillance bronchoscopy and BAL, and a por-tion of clinical BAL fluid as well as OW obtained immedi-ately prior to bronchoscopy were collected as described[21]. Subjects in the Pulm group were sampled duringclinically-indicated bronchoscopies in the same manneras lung transplant subjects. Environmental contamin-ation controls included sterile saline used for OW andBAL sampling, saline washed through the channel of ster-ile bronchoscopes, and lab water mock-purified as previ-ously described [20,21].Written informed consent was granted by all subjects

in the study. Protocols were approved by the InstitutionalReview Board of the University of Pennsylvania (protocols#810501 and 812748).

454 sequencingTo profile fungal communities, genomic DNA was ex-tracted from whole neat BAL or OW using the Power-Soil DNA isolation kit (MoBio, Carlsbad, CA, USA) aspreviously described [40]. ITS genes were amplified intriplicate using barcoded ITS1F/ITS2 primers [40]. ITSamplicons were purified using Agencourt AmPure XPbeads (Beckman-Colter, Brea, CA, USA) to remove primerdimers and short amplicons before PicoGreen quantifica-tion. Following this, 454 pyrosequencing was performedas previously described [40].

Absolute DNA quantificationA PicoGreen assay was used to quantify all PCR productsprior pooling for pyrosequencing. Following the protocolsfor DNA extraction and PCR amplification [40], 10 uL ofPCR product was used for the quantification.To determine the relationship between fungal DNA con-

centration in PCR reactions and PicoGreen fluorescencemeasured on PCR products, we assayed a dilution seriesof S. cerevisiae genomic DNA where each dilution wasPCR amplified in triplicate and quantified with PicoGreen.The starting concentration of S. cerevisiae genomicDNA was 0.625 ng/μL, as measured by PicoGreen. Dilu-tions from the stock concentration were made in stepsof 1:2, down to a 1:1,024 dilution. Following that, a1:10 dilution series was made from 1:10 k to 1:1 M.Each dilution was PCR amplified in triplicate usingAccuprime PCR reagents and the ITS primer pair de-scribed above. The resulting PCR products were quanti-fied using PicoGreen at a 1:100 dilution. Two suchdilution series were made to examine reproducibility.We then chose two oropharyngeal wash samples thatcontained high levels of ITS amplicon by PicoGreenand followed the same protocol for serial dilution andPCR amplification for each dilution. The resulting PCRproducts were quantified using PicoGreen at a 1:20or 1:50 dilution. We also conducted a spiking experi-ment where increasing amounts of purified S. cerevi-siae genomic DNA were added to an oropharyngealwash sample.

Bioinformatic analysisBioinformatic analysis of sequence tag data was carriedout using the QIIME pipeline ver. 1.8 [41], followed bystatistical analysis in the R programming language [42].For the ITS amplicon, reads were filtered to remove

sequences shorter than 130 bp, sequences with a homo-polymer run exceeding 6 bp, and sequences with morethan two ambiguous base calls (Ns). To be included inthe analysis, reads were also required to match thesample-specific barcode sequence and the leading ITSprimer sequence exactly. The reads were clustered bysimilarity at the 97% level using UCLUST [43]. Taxo-nomic assignments were generated by BROCC [40], afterBLASTing representative ITS sequences to the nt data-base from NCBI (maximum e-value of 10−5, maximum100 results per query).For the 16S amplicon, reads were similarly filtered, but

a minimum length of 200 bp was required. Taxonomicassignments were generated with the UCLUST-basedconsensus assignment method in QIIME ver. 1.8, usingthe GreenGenes taxonomy rev. 13_8 [44,45]. To computepairwise UniFrac distances, the 16S reads were alignedwith PyNAST [46] and a phylogenetic tree was estimatedwith FastTree 2 [47].

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Data availabilityAll sequence data in this paper are deposited in the NCBISequence Read Archive (SRA), under accession numbersSRA: SRP044188, SRA: SRP014819, and SRA: SRP014803.Data and programs used to generate the results are avail-able under an open-source license at

Additional files

Additional file 1: Detailed listing of subjects, including diseasestatus, medications, and bacterial/fungal culture results.

Additional file 2: Analysis of fungal communities.

Additional file 3: Analysis of bacterial communities, covariationwith Candida.

AbbreviationsBAL: Bronchoalveolar lavage; OTU: Operational taxonomic unit; OW:Oropharyngeal wash; ROC: Receiver operating characteristic; URT: Upperrespiratory tract.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsKB, RGC, FDB, JMD, ESC, and JDC conceived of the study. EC performed thelung transplants. KB, RGC, and FDB wrote the manuscript. ESC, EL, AL, and YYcarried out the experiments. KB, DJS, ESC, FDB, and RGC carried out the dataanalysis. DJS, KB, and FDB designed and validated the PicoGreen-correctedabundance method for quantifying fungi. ARH, GDW, JDL, and IF assisted instudy design and interpretation of results. All authors approved the finalmanuscript prior to submission.

AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful to the research subjects who volunteered for thisstudy; A. Fitzgerald, W. Russell, and D. Frame for critical assistance; andmembers of the Collman and Bushman laboratories for valuable discussions.This work was supported by the Lung HIV Microbiome Project Grant U01HL098957 from the National Institutes of Health to RGC and FDB, and by thePenn Center for AIDS Research (P30 AI045008). ESC was supported by T32AI060516.

Author details1Department of Microbiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,426 Johnson Pavilion, 3610 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.2Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Division, University of PennsylvaniaSchool of Medicine, 522 Johnson Pavilion, 3610 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia,PA 19104, USA. 3Gastroenterology Division, University of Pennsylvania Schoolof Medicine, 522 Johnson Pavilion, 3610 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA19104, USA. 4Infectious Diseases Division, Department of Medicine, Universityof Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 522 Johnson Pavilion, 3610 HamiltonWalk, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 5Department of Cardiovascular Surgery,University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Received: 27 March 2014 Accepted: 3 October 2014

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doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0487-yCite this article as: Bittinger et al.: Improved characterization ofmedically relevant fungi in the human respiratory tract usingnext-generation sequencing. Genome Biology 2014 15:487.

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