Industrial Revolution - some ideas

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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The Industrial Revolution (W. Europe, U.S., Russia, & Japan)

Late 18th century through the 19th century

“No movement in human history did more than the Industrial Revolution to change the way people live. It has provided humanity with great benefits, and at the same time, it has destroyed people with its less fortunate consequences.”

Industrialization started in Great Britain, then spread to other parts of Western Europe, the U.S., Russia, and Japan in the 18th century.

Industrialization led to new patterns of production that changed how goods were made & consumed.

home to factory production

Machines using fossil fuels powered engines were used to increase production (replacing human, animal, and water power).

Development of the factory system concentrated labor & led to an increasing degree of specialization of labor.

Textile Industry in Britain: where the industrial revolution began.

WHY BRITAIN? Using pages 830-832, work with your

partner to find and write 7 REASONS

that the Industrial Revolution

began in Great Britain?

Factors leading to the rise of industrial production . . .

Abundance of waterways and access to coal, iron, & timber And other natural resources

Improved agricultural production Population increase & urbanization Increased capital & private investment

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the best way to measure a country's economy. It includes everything produced by all the people and companies that are in the country.  Per capita = per person,

RESULTS of Industrialization Factory labor / Mining led to new

social and political issues like child labor, job safety, working hours, & worker rights.

Labor organizations gained political power

RESULTS of Industrialization Mining and factory pollution altered the

environment Urbanization led to problems in sanitation,

crime, and housing

To meet the need for investments in all levels of industry, financiers developed various financial institutions.

Developments in transportation and communication changed societies and economies during the IR.

Railroads, Steamships Canal networks Telegraph

Later industrial revolution developments led to new methods in producing steel,

chemicals, electricity & precision machinery.

The Bottom Line“Industrialized” nations were

able to make better stuff faster than anywhere else in the world.

Global trade changed as industrialized economies sought raw materials and new markets for factory goods.

Some Continuities in many Industrialized regions…

Working classes remained in the lower classes.

Nobility retained their position in upper class.

Land continued to be a source of wealth and status.

Agriculture continued to be an important part of the economy.

TEST REVIEW What were the REASONS why industrial

revolution began in Europe and in Britain? What fossil fuel was most important? What were the changes in social classes as

a result of industrialization? What new classes/professions were formed?

Aristocracy Middle Class Working Class

TEST REVIEW What were WOMEN’s ROLES in new

industrialized societies? Aristocracy Middle Class Working Class

What were the differences in RUSSIAN and US Industrialization? Government control Working class and Labor movement

Karl Marx theories