Industry 4 · Sensors and actuators, connected by networks to computing systems. These systems can...

Post on 24-Jul-2020

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Industry 4.0State of the Sector, Opportunities and How to get started

Dr Nico Adams | Senior Research ScientistTwitter: @nicoadamsLinkedIn:

Where are we?

Non-functioning B2B Business Process Data Exchange

• Typing: 120 AUD/hour• 1 hour to process order• 200 orders a month

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Advanced Manufacturing and Digital Transformation - Session 4 | Dr Nico Adams

Low Use of Internet in Manufacturing

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A Profusion of Standards and Systems

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Non-functioning B2B Business Process Data Exchange

• Typing: 120 AUD/hour• 1 hour to process order• 200 orders a month

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Non-functioning Engineering Data Exchange

• Not just business process data…engineering data too…• Problem replicated again and again and again….• Extrapolation over manufacturing sector: between 1 and 10 billion AUD lost productivity

Courtesy of Dr Steve Dowey, Sutton Tools

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Business Aspects

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• (Manufacturing) companies do not have digital strategies• (Manufacturing) companies do not understand business models enabled by digital• (Manufacturing) companies do not know how to take advantage of IoT

• Lack of skills• Want: Capability Discovery over an Industrial Internet Innovation Ecosystem

cf. Germany:80 % of value chains digitised by 2020

Advanced Manufacturing and Digital Transformation - Session 4 | Dr Nico Adams

It’s a Journey

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Focus on Industry 4.0/Industrial Internet/IoT


“Sensors and actuators, connected by networks to computing systems. These systems can monitor or manage the health and actions of connected objects and machines. Connected sensors can also monitor the natural world, people and animals.”

Source: McKinsey Global Institute, “The Internet of Things: Mapping the Value Beyond the Hype” (2015)

Terminology Confusion

Applying IoT + …+…. to Manufacturing

“Industry 4.0”


“Industrial Internet (of Everything)”


Industry 4.0

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Industry 4.0

Autonomous Robots

System Integration

Internet of Things


Additive Manufacturin


Cloud Computing

Augmented Reality

Big Data


But please….

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Forget the technology……..

Industry 4.0/Industrial Internet


….concepts that denote the digitisation of industrial value chains……

“…the (real-time) intelligent integration of humans, machines and objects towards a management of


Why is the Digitisation of Value Chains so Important?

Value Capture Changes in Digital Manufacturing

Traditional (Manufacturing) Mindset

Digital (Manufacturing) Mindset

Value Creation Customer Needs Service existing needs,reactive

Address real time + emergent needs in a predictive manner

Offering Product obsolescence as a function of time

Product refresh via software update, partial physical upgrade, synergistic

Role of Data Single data point to define futureproducts

Use data to create product experience, enable services, synergies with other systems

Value Capture Profit Creation Sell the next/more of product Enable recurring revenue

Control Points IP ownership, brand, commodity advantage

Personalisation, context, network effects

Capability Use existing core competence,resources and processes

Systems thinking, n-sided markets, platforms

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Platform Economics….

Products > Services > Platforms

Source: Adrian Turner, Data61

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Industry 4.0

• German strategic initiative

• 2006: Germany launches “High Tech Strategy 2020”

• 2012: Germany government passes “High Tech Strategy Action Plan”• Identifies 10 future focus areas

• Includes Industry 4.0

• Goal: to become an international leader of cyber-physical systems by 2020

• Builds on Germany’s national strength in embedded systems

Produces detailed reference architecture, policy, working towards testbeds etc


Industrial Internet Consortium

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• Founded in March 2014 by• AT&T• CISCO• GE• IBM• Intel

• Mission: to catalyze and coordinate the priorities and enabling technologies of the industrial Internet

• 245 Members (May 2016)• Reference architecture• Testbeds• Publicity and outreach

IIC vs I4.0

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Public Domain




I 4.0

What does that mean for Australia?

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What are the Opportunities?

Business Opportunities in Digital Manufacturing….

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• Better visibility into factory• Better visibility into supply chain• Better HSE outcomes

• Servitisation• Predictive/preventative maintenance• “Pay per laugh”

• On demand, hyperlocal manufacturing of customised products for audiences of one

• Self-assembling factories• Self-configuring factories

Which Business Problems does I4.0/II address? - Horizon 1

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• Better factory visibility (and therefore actuation and control)

• Better supply chain visibility (and therefore actuation and control)

• Better HSE outcomes• Better resource management• Servitisation

Horizon 3 – Outcome EconomyTumpf (Germany)

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Building Platform Business….

Horizon 3 – Outcome EconomyWittenstein (Germany)

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Factories as good neighbours……

Horizon 4 – Pull Economy

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“Pull approaches, in contrast, tend to be implemented on "platforms"

designed to flexibly accommodate diverse providers and consumers of

resources. These platforms are much more open-ended and designed to

evolve based on the learning and changing needs of the participants.

Once again, we do not mean to use platforms in the literal sense of a

tangible foundation, but in a broader, metaphorical sense to describe

frameworks for orchestrating a set of resources that can be configured

quickly and easily to serve a broad range of needs. ”

Horizon 4 – Pull Economy

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In the Short Term…

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So how to respond?

Dual Strategy



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How to get started….


• Step 1: Develop a Digital Strategy and lay the groundwork• What business outcomes do I want to achieve and how can digital help?• Which new products and services do I want to develop and what is the role of

digital?• What is the digital maturity of my company?

• Which capabilities (systems, tools, digital skills etc) do exist in my company to get me closer to my business goals? Which ones do I need to invest in/find partners for?

• Which structures, processes and talents in my company support digital innovation? Which ones do I need to put in place?

• Which culture in my company supports digital innovation? Which mindsets and behaviours are in place and which ones do I need to nurture and/or change?

• Step 2: Learn from Peers and Collaborate with Peers• Find peers that already work with I4.0/II technologies and learn from them• Collaborate on pre-competitive activities• Reach out to research providers (CSIRO, universities), CRCs, Growth Centres and

industry associations (e.g. AiG) to find connections

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How to get started….

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• Step 3: Experiment Bottom Up and Scale Slowly• low cost, low risk• e.g. find summer students or interns with the required capabilities (e.g. using the

Ribit platform) and work on proving an IoT enabled business case/tech case with them (also gets new capability into the company)

• Take advantage of researcher in business• Be agile in your experimentation• …

• Step 4: Invest Systematically once Business Case has been proven• Funding is potentially available through• IMCRC• AMGC• CRC-p• CSIRO Innovation Fund• …..

Data61Dr Nico AdamsSenior Research Scientist

t +61 3 9545 2222e or


Thank you