Innovation in digital schools gess dubai 2013 cof

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Innovation in digital schools is a new approach to the new digital paradigm in the global educational community.


The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


Innovation in Education

in the New Digital Era.

Smart Interactive Digital TextBooks, Advanced Digital Contents,

Simulations and Serious Games, Actions Based Learning.

Carlos J. Ochoa Fernandez Vice-President ONE Digital Group GEF, Dubai 5 of March 2013

The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company



From the History to the Present Situation

Megatrends in the Educational World

Ideas & Opportunities for Innovation

The Big Challenge


The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


We live in a world in wich people face one another across gulfs of geography, language, and nationality. At this present time and in this Global Environment, more than any time in the past, we all depend on people we have never seen before, and they depend on us…

Martha C. Nussbaum

The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


From the History to the Present Situation

Humans, since its inception has been the need for:

Learn, understanding the things and the reason why and adapting to the environment.

Discover, learning new things, finding new places, understanding the environment and growing up as individual.

Invent, creating things to make life easier.

Share, teaching to others the knowledge and benefits of the things and training to improve their skills in hunting, building, fighting

The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


From the History to the Present Situation

The evolution of society in recent years has been breathtaking, especially because of the research, development and innovation and the rapidly adaptation of the citizen to this big change. These changes in lifestyle, work, personal development, education, how we communicate, etc ... were unimaginable to our grandparents just 20 years ago.

The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


From the History to the Present Situation

This New Scenario directly affects the way that governments must tackle new challenges and paradigms of contemporary society. The impact of social networks and mobile devices, is the most comprehensive and global driver. And in the same way, the new advanced threats, has a very strong impact to social welfare and peaceful coexistence between people and countries.

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New Drivers and Megatrends in digital Education

The New Learning Scenario in an On-Line world: Strategic Definition

IT and Media Megatrends

eLearning/Blended learning

eKnowledge/My learning space

eTraining/ Virtual training and simulators


Digital Books, A.R., Serious Games…

The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


The impact of Tablets and Smartphones in Children

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Envisioning the future of education technology:


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Envisioning the future of education technology:


The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


Blended Learning Models:


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Learning Ecosystems:


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Learning Ecosystems:

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The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


Trends in teachers evaluation:

“We have to measure what is important and relevant”


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Innovative and Effective Schools:


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Closing the Gap, from the present to the future of digital education:

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The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


Actions Based Learning: A Innovative approach for a global problem based in Projects, Cases Studies

and Real Life experiences.

Assist teachers and supervisors in planning, developing and implementing the educational programme for their classroom.

Train teachers to identify students who may be at risk of problems and the steps to assist them in getting help.

Increase teachers and supervisors comfort level with the content and process of the educational program.

Increase teachers and supervisors level of knowledge of the facts of student problems and needs and related issues.

Expand the repertoire of methods, tools and actions for delivering the educational program.

Increase the competence, confidence and commitment of teachers, supervisors and parents of education.

Improve teachers, supervisors and parents confidence in using interactive teaching methods, tools and actions in the “Learning Program”.


The Leading e-Knowledge Supporting Technologies Company


Actions Based Learning Approach






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ACTION 1. Students Outcomes Rich Educational Digital Contents

Objective: Define a pilot project to evaluate the capabilities, methods, procedures and quality of ICCONE, to develop Rich Educational Digital Contents in order to improve the curricula and competences of students, develop specialized programs, support professional development, develop innovative infrastructures and facilities, and provide high potential contents and resources for students and teachers.

Target Public: Students, teachers Proposal: Development of a Digital Object, based on the MOE standards and

according the MOE requirements. Improving the whole value chain and tools for better performance.

Requirements and needs: Identify the requirements of the pilot: Select a Theme, a lesson, the target public and the objectives. As well as texts and graphics material from the author.

Supplied some examples of similar digital objects with the highest and lowest

quality and specification for the target pubic.

Platform: Internet, IWB, PC/MAC, iOS/Android

Indicators: Number of users, number of visits, number of participants

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Instructional detailed description


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Action Based Learning Example. Video Tutorials Channel


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Action Based Learning Example. Smart Digital Text Books

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Action Based Learning Example. Teachers and parents simulators

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The Evolution and new paradigm in digital textbooks

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From digital textbooks to Smart Interactive Textbooks

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The new paradigm in smart learning of the time-line

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The new paradigm of the time-line

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The new paradigm of interactive digital objects

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The new paradigm of on-line and off-line tracking and assesment

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The new paradigm of on-line and off-line tracking

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The new paradigm of interactive simulators embedded in digital textbooks

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The new paradigm of interactive simulators and serious games

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The new paradigm of usability and accessibility

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Thank You
