Instant Remove Viruses From A Computer - DigitalBulls

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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METHOD 1 RUNNING SCANS1 Backup your data. Before starting the virus removal process, make sure that all of your important data is backed up.

2 Check to ensure that other factors aren't causing you problem. Oftentimes a slow computer will give the impression that it is infected with a virus, when it may be an issue with memory, storage, adware, or a number of other factors. Failing hardware, especially hard drives, can significantly slow down your computer and corrupt files.

3. Gather your tools. You should already have an antivirus program installed

4. Reboot in Safe Mode. In order for a virus to do anything, it needs to be run. Most viruses run themselves by attaching to startup services that load when Windows load. Safe Mode only loads the most essential files for Windows to run, which should stop almost all viruses from activating. This will allow you to identify and remove them.

5. Run your scans. Run a full system scan with your antivirus program.

6. Test your computer. After the scans have all completed, reboot normally and test your computer's performance.

METHOD 2 REMOVING MAC VIRUSES 1. Install a Mac-specific antivirus program

2. Scan for viruses. Use your newly-installed scanner to check your computer for viruses.

3. Scan with a second program. After scanning with your first antivirus program, uninstall it and install a second program. You can use two different free programs for this, or one free and one paid. Running a second scan will help catch malware that slipped through the cracks of the first scan.

4. Reinstall OS X. If you have a virus infection that simple scan won't get rid of, reinstalling your operating system may be your best bet.

5. Remove the Flashback virus. This virus was one of the first big virus scares for OS X users. Apple has patched OS X to fix the security exploit and remove the malware from OS X systems, but if you have not kept OS X up to date you may not have this fix.

6. Remove the FBI Mac OS X virus (MoneyPak). This piece of malware hijacks your browser, forcing you to a page that claims your computer has been shut down by the FBI.