Interaction function II. Receptors and effectors.

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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PowerPoint Presentation - The Human Digestive System

INTERACTION FUNCTION IIReceptors and effectorsTransmitting, analyzing and working out responses.


Internal receptors. External receptors. Photoreceptors.Chemorecpetors.Mechanoreceptors. Thermoreceptors.SENSORY RECEPTORSResponsible for perceiving information, which they convert into a nerve impulse.Stimuli receivedLocationTypes of receptors.



They receive information from the environment (stimuli).

Receptors are usually neurons, but can also be other types of cells, modified.

Stimuli can be varied: light, sound, heat and cold, pressure, chemical molecules (CO2, O2, sugar in blood), position.

SIGHTA really important sense, as much information is received thanks to it.Sight receptors are stimulated by light. These receptors are found in a really complex organ: the eye. It is made up of the ocular globe, accompanied by several muscles, that allow its mobility, and glands that lubricate and protect it.

Eyes allows us to perceive: Colour Size Distance Shape

Parts:GLOBE:CorneaIrisSclera (esclertica)Choroid (coroides) [iris, pupil]Aquous humour (humor acuoso)Vitreous humour (humor vtreo)LensRetina [cells: rods, and cones]ACCESORY ORGANSEyelids (prpados)Eyelashes (pestaas)Eyebrow (cejas)Ocular musclesLacrimal glands

Description and functions in your book.

LensCorneaChoroidsScleraOptic nerveVitreus humourAquous humour

THE EYEHow the eye works.The globe would be the camera.The pupil opens and closes to regulate light, like a diaphragm.The lens (that changes it shape) would be the objective (focus the image).The retina would be the screen of the camera, where image is projected (remember the image formed in the retina is inverted).The brain overlap images from both eyes, causing ESTEREOSCOPIC VISION.Estereocopic means: we can perceive 3d, size, dimension and distance of objects.

Light entres into the globe through the cornea, and the lens focus the image on the retina, where we find photoreceptors cells. These cells are: CONES (conos): Stimulated by different wavelenghts (colours ). It constitute the daylight vision (visin diurna). RODS (bastones): Stimulated by differents light intensities (brightness) and constitute what we call night vision (visin nocturna), it allows us to see at night.

THE HEARINGReceptorns in this case are our ears.3 parts:OUTER ear.MIDDLE ear.INNER ear.


Penetrates the bone and ends in the eardrum.

Here we find ceruminous glands (glndulas ceruminosas).PINNA (pabelln auricular)AUDITORY CANNAL



MIDDLE ear.Cavity in the temporal bone-From the eardrum to the membranes called oval window and round window.It contains 3 small bones: hammer, anvil and stirrup.


INNER ear.

Deepest section.Group of membranes that occupies several cavities in the bone: bony labyrinth:- COCLEA (caracol): sounds.- VESTIBULAR SYSTEM (aparato vestibular): spatial awareness and balance.


In the inner ear, a liquid stimulates the nervous cells (aqu aparecen como teclas de piano).Those cells produce a nervous impulse, that travels through the auditory nerve to the brain.Waves produce the vibrations on the eardrum.Sound reaches the outer ear (waves, vibrations). They get to the pinna. Sound is leaded to the auditory canal.The 3 little bones of the middle ear transmit and amplify vibrations, and transfer them to the ovan window.

BALANCEIt alows us to control our body position or perception of static balance.It also allows us to detect movement or perception of dynamic balance.


Semicircular canalsVestbular system: Sacule utriccule.

Aunque tambin contribuye a guardar el equilibrio la informacin obtenida por?

Body movementBody position


sentido del equilibrio Valeska Rojas

TOUCHSkin is an organ that has sensory receptors that perceive very diverse stimuli through touch.Layers: epidermis, dermis, hypodermis.

TOUCH3 types of stimuli.MECHANICS


PAINCorpuscles CorpusclesFree nerve endingsSurface (meissner) Contact

Deep (Vater-Pacini) Pressure

Surface (Krause) cold

Deep (Ruffini) heat


NO receptors in the hypodermis

SMELLIt allows us to detect chemical substances in the air we inhale through mouth or nose.The sense of smell resides in the NASSAL PASSAGES.Parts:NostrilsTurbinates (/tbnt/) Cornetes nasales.Red pituitaryYellow pituitaryOlfatory ciliaOlfatory bulbeOlfatory nerveFunction:Entrance and chamber.Are covered with the pituitary memb. (repliegues seos cubiertos de mucosa pituitaria).Calienta y filtra aire con cilios.Membrana en la parte superior.To detect chemical substances.To recieve information.To send information to the CNS.

TASTEIt detect chemical substances from food, as they dissolve in our saliva. There are 5 basic tastes: sweet, salty, acidic, sour and umami.

The taste organ is the tongue, where we find taste buds. These receptors are located across the tongue surface. Although some are more predominant in certain areas than others.


SKELETAL SYSTEMFunctionFormed byProtects soft tissues.Mineral salts reserve.Allows movement.Provides structure.Produces blood cells.Without calcium salts.Some bones have this substances while we are growing.CARTILAGUESBONESHarder, as they have calcium salts.Bone tissue that can by SPONGY (with cavities) or COMPACT bone tissue.Types: SHORT, LONG, FLAT or IRREGULAR bones.They join through JOINTS.

Compact and spongy bone tissue

Axial skeleton

Apendicular skeleton

Clula hematopoytica: Clula inmadura que se puede transformar en todos los tipos de clulas sanguneas. Las clulas madre hematopoyticas se encuentran en la sangre perifrica y en la mdula sea. Tambin se llama clula madre sangunea.

MUSCULAR SYSTEMFunctionTypesMantain posture.Produce movement.Provides structure.Produces blood cells.STRIATED MUSCLE: Voluntary movements, joint to bones.SMOOTH MUSCLE: Involuntary movements.CARDIAC MUSCLE: Involuntary. CELLSSHAPELONG or FUSIFORM: movement.FLAT: organs protectionCIRCULAR: open and close ducts.

PERFORMING MOVEMENT: Muscle contraction.Agonists perform one unique movement.Antagonists perform movements in opposite directions.


To perform a movement, muscles, joints and bones work together as levers.

Fulcrum: Punto de apoyoLoad: CargaEffort: Fuerza