Internet Marketing Burnout: 6 ways to pull yourself out of a marketing funk or rut

Post on 17-May-2015

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description - "Internet Marketing Burnout: 6 Ways to Pull Yourself Out of a Marketing Funk or Rut" Are you or have you experienced burnout from your marketing efforts? If so, this video will give you some tips to come out of the rut. Enjoy! Cherie King "The Work@Home Advocate"


Internet Marketing BURNOUT:

6 Ways to Pull Yourself Out of a Marketing


There is something that is a very real issue that plagues some marketers and it’s..

Marketing Burnout

Basically it’s overwhelm, which can lead to neglecting the tasks they need to perform on a

daily basis and that just makes things worse because without doing those IPA’s, your income

slows down or stops altogether.

I personally experienced this recently. I did not want to do anything… no videos, no blog posts, no

anything. I was totally void of topics to blog or talk about. I felt overwhelmed and just didn’t know

where to begin. So I just did nothing at all.

But I knew I could NOT remain in that place and so…

I dug deep to find my way out and thankfully so. One step was me actually talking about what I was going through. It’s very real and I know I’m not the

only one who has gone through it. Perhaps YOU have or are right now and I hope and pray that this

information helps you!

Here are a few things I did (not all but some) that you can do if you find yourself

in the midst of Internet Marketing, Network Marketing or Marketing, period,

burnout and in a funk or rut…

1. Recognize and identify it.Acknowledge the feeling(s) for what it is but

DO NOT wallow or dwell in it! The idea is to identify it and do what’s necessary to come out of it - which the following will

help you to do…

2. Change your environment.Sometimes it’s good to just get up and walk

away from what you’re doing. Go do something different… do something

enjoyable… go for a walk, run or ride. Anything that will be a change and help take

your mind off of your frustrations.

3. Reflect on the feelings you feel when you DO accomplish your goals.

Meditate and focus in on that good feeling of accomplishment, productivity and progression that you feel when you’ve achieved a goal that you set for yourself! Capture that moment and

bring it into your NOW!

4. Get positive reinforcements.Surround yourself with positivity be it in the form of

books, audio, an accountability partner, a mentor/coach, or support system. This is NOT the

time to be around your negative, complaining about the world and life circle of family & friends!

Get with people who have or are striving for some of the same things that you are.

5. Re-evaluate your goals & the tasks needed to accomplish them.

Take a look at your daily check-list…your to-do list… your IPAs (Income Producing Activities) and be

realistic with yourself. Is it too much? Is it overwhelming you? If you cannot outsource the

work to someone else, then trim that list back temporarily, regroup and then later, scale it back up!

6. Remember your why.

Reflect on WHY it is that you’re doing what you’re doing. Is it to retire comfortably? Fire your boss? Pay for your children’s education? Travel more? Whatever it is, remember why you started this journey in the first place!

Those are some ways to help get yourself out of your rut. Try them and see if it works for you!

To YOUR Success,

P.S. Go to: to discover how I make money from home with NO home parties & NO recruiting. Or…

Go to: if you already have a business but you need more exposure to it.

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