Interview process for employers Complied by Dr. Refaat Bushra Megalli

Post on 19-May-2015

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Complied by Dr. Refaat Bushra Megalli


InterviewInterview ProcessProcess

Information Gathering as a Information Gathering as a ConversationConversation

1 Before the Interview

Put the candidate at ease

Don’t judge by first impressions

2 During the Interview

Describe the job to the candidate

“Pocket-Sized” Checklist: Communicating with Applicants at Interview Time

The following is a “pocket-sized” checklist of reminders created to assist you in communicating with applicants at the time of the interview. You may wish to

print a copy of this and refer to it when conducting interviews.

 Establish Rapport and Explain the Process: (Before Bringing Applicant into Room):

·         Greet applicant·         Introduce yourself·         Clarify application / resume·         Explain panel, others interviewing, taking turns·         Explain process, format, order ·         Time constraints·         Note Taking·         Note Pad and Use ·         Repeat, Rephrase, Paraphrase·         Come back at end of interview ·         Any Questions? 

 Getting the Interview Started: (Once in the Room):

·         Introduce to panel members·         Seat applicant ·         Reminders: take notes, use note pad, repeat questions, come back, etc. ·         Asking sequence and who starts  Closing the Interview:

·         Revisiting Questions ·         Additional comments from Applicant?·         Past work performance checks·         Salary/Classification changes·         Any special considerations·         Keep it brief·         Decision Time table·         Thank you 

It’s okay to improvise…


This is a conversation…not an interrogation. Tell me what you think….

Take notes

Invite the candidate to ask questions

Follow legal guidelines for interviewing candidates

3 After the Interview

Let the candidate know what they can expect

Compare notes and reach consensus

Deepen the questions as the candidate field narrows

Create a positive image of your organization to the candidates

Have a Good Interview