Intestinal Absorption of Hemoglobin Iron-Heme Cleavage by...

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Intestinal Absorption of Hemoglobin Iron-Heme Cleavageby Mucosal Heme Oxygenase


From the Gastrointestinal Unit, Department of Medicine, and Nuclear MedicineSection, Department of Radiology, University of California School of Medicine,San Francisco, California 94143

A B S T R A C T Hemoglobin and myoglobin are a majorsource of dietary iron in man. Heme, separated fromthese hemoproteins by intraluminal proteolysis, is ab-sorbed intact by the intestinal mucosa. The absorbedheme is cleaved in the mucosal cell releasing inorganiciron. Although this mucosal heme-splitting activityinitially was ascribed to xanthine oxidase, we investi-gated the possibility that it is catalyzed by microsomalheme oxygenase, an enzyme which converts heme tobilirubin, CO, and inorganic iron.

Microsomes prepared from rat intestinal mucosa con-tain enzymatic activity similar to that of heme oxy-genase in liver and spleen. The intestinal enzyme re-quires NADPH; is completely inhibited by 50% CO;and produces bilirubin IX-a, identified spectrophoto-metrically and chromatographically. Moreover, duodenalheme oxygenase was shown to release inorganic 'Fefrom 'Fe-heme. Along the intestinal tract, enzymeactivity was found to be highest in the duodenumwhere hemoglobin iron absorption is reported to bemost active. Furthermore, when rats were made irondeficient, duodenal heme oxygenase activity and hemo-globin-iron absorption rose to a comparable extent.Upon iron repletion of iron-deficient animals, duodenalenzyme activity returned towards control values. Incontrast to heme oxygenase, duodenal xanthine oxidaseactivity fell sharply in iron deficiency and rose towardsbase line upon iron repletion.

Our findings suggest that mucosal heme oxygenasecatalyzes the cleavage of heme absorbed in the intes-tinal mucosa and thus plays an important role in theabsorption of hemoglobin iron. The mechanisms con-trolling this intestinal enzyme activity and the en-

This work was presented in part at the Annual Meetingof the American Society for Clinical Investigation in At-lantic City, N. J., 5 May 1974.

Received for publication 12 June 1974 and in revisedform 9 August 1974.

zyme's role in the overall regulationabsorption remain to be defined.

of hemoglobin-iron

INTRODUCTIONInorganic iron salts and the heme' iron of hemoglobin,myoglobin, and other hemoproteins represent the majordietary sources of iron in carnivorous mammals (1-4).Intestinal absorption of these inorganic and organiciron compounds is most active in the duodenum and isadaptively increased in iron deficiency (5-9). Studieswith tracer techniques indicated that in man a majorportion of the absorbed food iron is derived from in-gested heme compounds (3, 4). Thus, it has beenshown in normal individuals that the fractional ab-sorption of radioactive iron from food containing com-parable amounts of either inorganic 'Fe-salts or 'Fe-hemoglobin was 0.9 and 15.8% of the administereddose, respectively (3). In the omnivorous rat, on theother hand, the importance of hemoglobin iron as asource of food iron is a matter of controversy. Wean-ling rats, raised on a diet in which hemoglobin wasthe only source of iron, were shown to develop irondeficiency, reflected by hypochromic microcytic anemia(10). Furthermore, despite this iron deficiency, frac-tional absorption of hemoglobin iron did not rise, whichsuggested that hemoglobin iron is poorly absorbed inrats (8, 10). By contrast, Bannerman (11) and Wheby,Suttle, and Ford (9) found that rats are able to absorbhemoglobin iron, although at a smaller rate thanferrous salts, and that the absorption of heme iron isadaptive in that it increases in iron deficiency. More-over, Thomas, McCullough, and Greenberger (12) re-ported that in rats, intraperitoneal administration of

1 In this paper, the term "heme" is used to indicate iron-protoporphyrin IX without regard to the oxidation stateof the iron.

The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 54 December 1974*1344-13521344

phenobarbital enhances intestinal absorption of hemo-globin iron.

In contrast to iron salts, intestinal absorption ofhemoglobin iron is neither reduced by simultaneousadministration of food or chelators, nor is it enhancedby ascorbic acid (2, 3, 13, 14). These observationssuggest that hemoglobin iron is absorbed in a mannerdifferent from that of inorganic iron salts. It is pre-sumed that native or partly denatured hemoglobin ormyoglobin that has reached the gastrointestinal tract issplit by proteolytic enzymes into polypeptides and heme(9, 15). The heme, containing the chelated iron inthe core of the protoporphyrin ring, then is believed tobe transferred intact into the intestinal mucosa, whereinthe ferroprotoporphyrin is cleaved and the iron setfree (9, 14). This latter conclusion is based on theobservation that after intestinal administration of la-beled hemoglobin to dogs, most of the isotopic ironappeared in the portal circulation in the form oftransferrin-bound iron rather than as intact heme (14,16).

Weintraub, Weinstein, Huser, and Rafal (14) pro-vided evidence that intramucosal disruption of theabsorbed heme is an enzymatic process, and subsequentstudies appeared to suggest that the enzyme involvedmay be xanthine oxidase (17). This enzyme, whichcatalyzes the conversion of hypoxanthine and xanthineto uric acid, generates hydrogen peroxide which, ac-cording to one school of thought (18), may be involvedin the fissure of methene carbon bridges of ferropro-toporphyrin. The major objection to this proposedmechanism is that it would be expected to result information of a mixture of bilirubin isomers which isat variance with the findings in vivo (19, 20). As analternate possibility, we have proposed that mucosalheme-splitting enzyme activity may reflect microsomalheme oxygenase (21), which in many other tissuescatalyzes the conversion of heme to bilirubin IX-a, CO,and inorganic iron (21-23). However, initial attemptsto identify heme oxygenase activity in the intestinalmucosal of rats, rabbits, and dogs were unsuccessful.The fortuitous observation that intestinal and possiblypancreatic proteases rapidly inactivate the mucosalheme-splitting enzyme activity permitted reassessmentof this problem.

In the present study, we demonstrate that rat in-testinal mucosa contains a microsomal enzyme withproperties and activity similar to microsomal hemeoxygenase in liver (22). Intestinal heme oxygenase ac-tivity is highest in the mucosa of the duodenum, wherehemoglobin iron is absorbed most efficiently (8, 9).Moreover, when body iron stores are experimentallyaltered, resulting in adaptive changes in the rate ofhemoglobin iron absorption, heme oxygenase activity in

duodenal mucosa changes in a parallel manner. Theseobservations suggest that microsomal heme oxygenasemay play a role in the intestinal absorption of hemo-globin iron.


,Analytical techniques. All experiments were conductedin male Sprague-Dawley rats (130-300 g) purchased fromCharles River Breeding Laboratories, Inc., Wilmington,Mass., and certified to be "specific pathogen" (Bartonella)-free. The animals were housed two to a cage in an isolatedroom of the vivarium equipped with automatically con-trolled temperature and 12 h-diurnal photoperiods. Cageshad wire mesh floors, precluding the possibility of copro-phagia.

Intestinal mucosa for enzyme assay was prepared as fol-lows: under light ether anesthesia, the rats were exsangui-nated by aortic puncture and three 10-cm segments of smallintestine were excised and perfused with 30 ml of isotonicNaCl at 4°C to wash out intestinal contents. For con-venience, we chose the first 10-cm segment distal to thepylorus (duodenum), the fourth 10-cm segment (jejunum),and the terminal 10-cm segment (ileum). The mucosa wasextruded on a chilled glass plate by stroking the serosa witha glass slide, producing clumps of epithelial cells easilyidentified by microscopic examination. The mucosal cellswere suspended in 5 ml of ice-cold 0.1 M K phosphatebuffer, pH 7.4, containing 5% (vol/vol) fetal calf serum(Grand Island Biological Co., Grand Island, N. Y.). Addi-tion of fetal calf serum appeared essential, as in its absenceenzyme activity was rapidly lost; fetal calf serum neitherpossesses intrinsic heme oxygenase activity nor does itaffect enzyme activity when added to splenic microsomes.The cell suspension was weighed and sonicated for 25 s at35 W (Sonifier cell disruptor, Heat Systems-Ultrasonics,Inc., Plainview, N. Y., model W185D), which virtually dis-rupted all cells as shown by phase microscopy. A Sorvallsuperspeed automatic refrigerated centrifuge (model RC2-B, Ivan Sorvall, Inc., Norwalk, Conn.) and a Beckmanmodel L-2 ultracentrifuge (Beckman Instruments, Inc., Ful-lerton, Calif) were used to prepare 20,000-g supernate andmicrosomal fractions using a minor modification of themethod of Schneider (24). In most instances, assay of hemeoxygenase was performed in the 20,000-g supernatant frac-tion (22). A typical incubation mixture (0.5 ml) contained0.1 ml of the 20,000-g supernatant fraction (protein concen-tration approximately 8 mg/ml); 80 mMK phosphatebuffer, pH 7.4; 180 ,uM NADPH, and 45 ,uM hemin asmethemalbumin (MHA) ' containing 22 /Amol hemin/himolalbumin. Enzyme activity was expressed as nmol bilirubinformed/min/10 mg protein, using 60,000 as the molar ex-tinction coefficient of bilirubin as determined in our assaymixture. The techniques of McDonagh and Assisi (25)were used to extract, purify, and identify the isomer formof the enzymatically produced bilirubin. Absorption spectrawere determined in an Aminco DW-2 spectrophotometer(American Instrument Co., Inc., Silver Spring, Md.).

In addition to the conventional assay method for micro-somal heme oxygenase, a new procedure was developedwhich demonstrates directly the release of radioactive iron

'Abbreviations used in this Paper: MCHC, mean cor-puscular hemoglobin concentration; MCV, mean corpuscu-lar erythrocyte volume; MHA, methemalbumin; NBLIdiet, Nutritional Biochemicals low iron diet.

Heme Oxygenase and Absorption of Hemoglobin Iron 134,5










1 1.50 0.5BILIRUBIN FORMATION, nmol/lOmin

FIGURE 1 Comparison between bilirubin formation and ironrelease by microsomal heme oxygenase in the same 20,000-gsupernatant fraction prepared from rat spleen. Each pointrepresents the mean of four individual determinations at theindicated protein concentrations. (*) Protein concentration,milligrams per milliliter.

from WFe-MHA. A typical assay mixture (1.0 ml) con-tained 0.2 ml of the 20,000-g supernatant fraction (proteinconcentration approximately 8 mg/ml); 80 mMK phos-phate buffer, pH 7.4; 45 1uM 'Fe-MHA containing 0.023juCi 'Fe (26); and 180 AM NADPH. The mixture wasincubated with gentle agitation at 37'C for 12 min in a Me-tabolyte water bath shaker (New Brunswick Scientific Co.,Inc., NewBrunswick, N. J.). The inorganic 'Fe released en-zymatically was precipitated from the reaction mixture, solu-bilized, and quantitated in the following manner. 2 ml of 5N NaOHwere added to each 1 ml of the incubation mix-ture together with 5 mg of ferric ammonium citrate (0.75mg iron) and 1 mg crystalline hemin (Sigma ChemicalCo., St. Louis, Mo.). The ferric ammonium citrate wasrequired for coprecipitation of free 'Fe as ferric hydroxide,while the added hemin served to dilute the remaining un-reacted 6'Fe-hemin that tended to get trapped in the bulkyferric hydroxide precipitate. The whole mixture was thenplaced in a boiling water bath for 15 min, centrifuged for10 min at 2,000 rpm, and the supernate, containing morethan 97% of the unreacted 'Fe-hemin, was discarded. Theferric hydroxide pellet containing the enzymatically released'Fe was further cleansed of trapped 'Fe-hemin by dissolv-ing it three times in 1 N HCl, followed by precipitationwith 1 N NaOH. By this means, contamination of theFe(OH)s pellet with unreacted 'Fe-hemin eventually wasreduced to 2-3% (500-600 cpm) of the initial 45 nmol ofsubstrate added (20,000 cpm). Finally, the pellet containingthe 5Fe was dissolved and decolorized by the addition of0.3 ml 1 N HCOand 0.4 ml 5% (wt/vol) aqueous ascorbate.The clear and colorless solution was added to 15 ml ofscintillation fluid, consisting of 10% (vol/vol) BBS-3 and32 g of dry mix formula TLA fluor (Beckman Instruments,Inc.) in 1 gallon of toluene. The radioactive iron wascounted in a Beckman liquid scintillation spectrometer(model LS-250, Beckman Instruments, Inc.), utilizing thewide 3H isoset module (27). When traces of FeCla wereadded to the initial assay mixture, recovery of the isotoperanged from 84 to 85%. Quenching of individual sampleswas monitored by external standardization and was foundto vary by less than 1%. Results were expressed as nmolinorganic iron released/min/10 mg protein of the incuba-tion mixture. Using variable amounts of a 20,000-g super-

natant fraction of spleen as the enzyme source, enzymeactivity determined with this modified assay procedure wasproportional to the values obtained with the conventional mi-crosomal heme oxygenase assay (Fig. 1).

Intestinal xanthine oxidase was assayed by a modifica-tion of the method of Dawson, Rafal, and Weintraub (17)using a 20,000-g supernatant fraction of sonicated mucosalcells. The incubation mixture contained 0.2 ml of the super-natant fraction (protein concentration, 8 mg/ml), and 4.8ml of an ice-cold solution containing 5 X 10 M xanthinein 0.1 M tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.3. A portion of this mix-ture was transferred to a 3.0-ml cuvette, placed in a Gil-ford recording spectrophotometer (Gilford Instrument Lab-oratories, Inc., Oberlin, Ohio) prewarmed to 370C, andthe reaction allowed to proceed to completion. Formation ofuric acid was continuously monitored by the change in opti-cal density (OD) at 292 nm. Results were expressed asA OD/min/10 mg protein. Allopurinol added to the incu-bation mixture (final concentration 2 X 10-' M) completelyinhibited the reaction. Moreover, 10 IAI of porcine uricase(2 U/ml, Sigma Chemical Co.) added to the reactionmixture after the initial 15 min of incubation caused thedisappearance of the OD at 292 nm that had been generatedduring the initial phase of incubation.

Intestinal absorption of hemoglobin iron in the intact ratwas quantitated in the following manner. 30 mg rat 'Fe-hemoglobin (0.75 1uCi 'Fe) prepared by the method ofThomas et al. (12) and dissolved in 2 ml of dilute tris-HC1 buffer, pH 8.6, was instilled intragastrically in ratsthat had been fasted for the preceding 24 h. Whole bodyradioactivity of the animals was determined using a dual-detector large sample gamma counting system (Tobor,Nuclear-Chicago Corp., Des Plaines, Ill.). 10-min countswere performed 3 h after the 'Fe-hemoglobin instillationand again 7 days later (28). Absorption of 'Fe-hemoglobinwas expressed as the percentage of administered isotoperetained 7 days after intragastric infusion.

Serum iron was measured by the method of Stookey (29)and protein concentration was determined by the methodof Lowry, Rosebrough, Farr, and Randall (30). In someinstances iron-deficient rats were repleted with 50 mg ironby intramuscular injection of iron dextran (Imferon, Lake-side Laboratories, Milwaukee, Wisc.) 7 days before study.

Experimental iron deficiency in rats. In young, rapidlygrowing male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 130-200 g,iron deficiency was produced by feeding a low iron diet(Nutritional Biochemicals Corp., Cleveland, Ohio [NBLIdiet]), consisting of vitamin test casein, 27%; corn starch,55%; hydrogenated vegetable oil, 14%; salt mixture with-out ferric phosphate, 3%; and vitamin mixture, 1%. Theiron content of this NELI diet was less than 0.1 mg/100 gdiet (The Hine Labs, San Francisco, Calif.). Control ani-mals were fed either standard rat chow containing 20 mgiron/100 g diet (Berkeley Diet, Seed Stuff Processing Co.,San Francisco, Calif.) or the NBLI diet supplemented withferrous sulfate (40 mg iron/100 g diet). No difference inhematocrit, serum iron concentration, or intestinal micro.somal heme oxygenase activity was detected between groupsof rats maintained on these two control diets. The growthrate of animals fed the iron-deficient NBLI diet was com-parable with that of littermates maintained on either of thecontrol diets. In rats on the NBLI diet, serum iron con-centration and hematocrit fell within the 1st wk (Fig. 2),confirming earlier findings by McCall, Newman, O'Brien,Valberg, and Witts (31) in weanling rats on a similarlow iron diet After 20 days on the NBLI diet, hemoglobinconcentration and mean corpuscular erythrocyte volume

1346 S. B. Raffin, C. H. Woo, K. T. Roost, D. C. Price, and R. Schmid




12 16 20 24 28


FIGURE 2 Serum iron, hematocrit, and growth rate of ratsfed a low iron diet 14 rats fed NBLI diet were killed atthe times indicated. Each point represents the average valueof two animals. Normal serum iron concentration andhematocrit were 252 ug/100 ml and 45%, respectively;mean values after 2 wk on NBLI diet were 39 ,ug/100 mland 30%, respectively.

(MCV) were substantially reduced and after 34 days, thered cells were distinctly hypochromic as judged by mean

corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) (TableI). In rats which had been fed the NBLI diet for 20 days,substitution of drinking water by 1%o aqueous ferrous sul-fate solution for 7 days corrected the iron deficiency.


Intestinal absorption of hemoglobin iron in rats.Because of the existing controversy regarding the ex-

tent of hemoglobin iron absorption in rats, we esti-mated the fractional isotope absorption of intragas-trically administered, Fe-labeled hemoglobin in fourcontrol and four iron-deficient rats. The iron-deficientanimals were maintained on the NBLI diet for 3 wkbefore the study and had a mean serum iron concen-

tration of 39 usg/100 ml. In the control rats, hemo-globin iron absorption was 2.5±0.4% (SEM) of theadministered dose whereas in the iron-deficient animals,the respective value rose to 5.8±0.6%. Our results innormal rats are identical to those of Thomas et al. (12)who, under comparable experimental conditions, re-

ported a fractional isotope absorption of 2.5±0.4%(SD). Moreover, the data in iron-deficient rats are

in agreement with the earlier reports of Bannerman(11) and Wheby et al. (9) who demonstrated an in-crease in hemoglobin iron absorption in rats with de-pleted iron stores.

Characterization of the intestinal heme-splitting en-

zyme. Rat intestinal mucosa was shown to contain an

enzyme system exhibiting many of the characteristics

TABLE IHematological Values in Normal and Iron-Deficient Rats

Normal diet (a = 5) NBLI* diet (s = 6)

20 days 34 days

Hb, g/100 ml 15.6 (14.7-16.1)1 10.8 (10.1-11.3) 7.9 (6.7-9.2)Hct, % 45 (41-48) 30 (26-32) 27 (24-30)MCV, Am$ 55 (52-57) 51 (50-52) 45 (44-45)MCHC,% 34 (33-36) 35 (33-37) 29 (28-31)Serum iron,

pg/100 ml 252 (223-271) 39 (35-41) 37 (33-42)

* See Methods, footnote 2, for abbreviations.$ Results are given as mean and range.

of microsomal heme oxygenase which in other tissuescatalyzes the conversion of heme to bilirubin (21-23).Intestinal enzyme activity was present in microsomesprepared from the mucosa but was absent from the 100,-000-g supernatant fraction. MHAserved as substrateand its conversion to bilirubin was linear during thefirst 12 min of incubation. In the 20,000-g supernatantfraction of duodenal mucosa, formation of bilirubinwas proportional to protein concentration up to 3 mg/ml (Fig. 3). The reaction required NADPHand aero-

bic conditions, was inactive at 4VC, and was completelyinhibited by 50% CO. When the bilirubin (formed on

incubation of the complete system) was extracted withchloroform, its Rt in two different thin-layer chroma-tography (TLC) systems (silica gel, chloroform with1% [vol/vol] acetic acid; and polyamide, methyl alco-hol with 1% [vol/vol] ammonium hydroxide) was

identical with that of authentic bilirubin IX-a preparedfrom a mixture of isomers contained in commercial








FIGURE 3 Reaction rate as a function of enzyme concen-

tration. Heme oxygenase activity, expressed as nanomolebilirubin formed in 10 min, was measured in the 20,000-gsupernatant fraction of duodenal mucosa obtained from twoiron-deficient rats. Each point represents the average valueof two separate determinations at the protein concentra-tions indicated on the abscissa.

Heme Oxygenase and Absorption of Hemoglobin Iron













0 0

FIGuRE 4 Facsimile of thin-layer chromatogram of bili-rubin formed by duodenal microsomal heme oxygenase.The R, of bilirubin formed by duodenal heme oxygenase(B) is identical with that of authentic bilirubin IX-a (A)but differs from the R, of the bilirubin isomers III-a andXIII-a contained in commercial bilirubin (Pfanstiehl Lab-oratories Inc., Waukegan, Ill.).

bilirubin (25); it clearly differed from the R, of bili-rubin III-a and XIII-a (Fig. 4). In addition, whenmixtures containing the enzymatically formed bilirubinand authentic bilirubin IX-a were applied to eitherTLC system, they migrated as a single spot suggestingidentity of these two pigments. Finally, the absorptionspectrum of the enzymatically formed bilirubin elutedfrom the silica gel TLC was virtually identical withthat of authentic bilirubin IX-a.

MHO0.25r K

0.20 _




zE 0.1001-









FIGURE 5 Microsomal heme oxygenase activity in the in-testinal mucosa of normal and iron-deficient rats. Enzymeassays were carried out in the 20,000-g supernatant frac-tion of mucosa of intestinal segments obtained from fournormal and eight iron-deficient rats. Results are expressedas mean±@SEM.










~.5 0

~.4.3 0


~.1 0

IIC 1 2 3 4

PROTEIN CONCENTRATION,mg/mlFIGuRE 6 Reaction rate as a function of enzyme concen-tration. Heme oxygenase activity, expressed as nanomoleiron released in 10 min, was measured in the 20,000-gsupernatant fraction of duodenal mucosa obtained from twonormal rats. Each point represents the average value of twoseparate determinations at the protein concentrations indi-cated on the abscissa.

Microsomal heme oxygenase activity was highest induodenal mucosa where absorption of hemoglobin ironis reported to be most effective (8, 9) and progressivelyfell in more caudal intestinal segments (Fig. 5). Thisquantitative relationship existed whether enzyme ac-tivity was expressed as specific activity per milligram

TABLE IIDuodenal HemeOxygenase Activity in Normal,

Iron-Deficient, and Iron-Repleted Rats

Serum Bilirubin Heine ironHematocrit iron formed released

% pg/100 ml zmol/min/ nmol/min/10ng 10mgprotein protein

Normal rats 43i2.0 25045.0 0.1440.01 0.27+0.02(n = 4)

Iron-deficient 2740.5 4141.0 0.3840.01 0.4540.04rats(n = 4)

Iron-repleted* 42+0.5 1674 15.0 0.16-t0.01 0.29d0.05rats(n = 4)

In each rat, both bilirubin formation and heme iron releasewere measured in the same 20,000-g supernatant fraction.Values are expressed as meanISEM.* Iron-deficient rats 1 wk after an intramuscular injection of50 mg iron as iron-dextran (Imferon).

1348 S. B. Raffin, C. H. Woo, K. T. Roost, D. C. Price, and R. Schmid

of the assayed protein or as total activity of the 10-cmintestinal segment.

When intestinal heme oxygenase was assayed by themodified procedure which permits direct quantitationof the inorganic 'Fe released from 'Fe-heme, theresults were similar to those obtained with the con-ventional enzyme assay. Iron-releasing activity waspresent in the microsomal fraction of intestinal mucosa,but not in the 100,000-g supernatant fraction. NADPHand aerobic conditions were essential for activity,whereas incubation at 4VC or in the presence of 50%CO completely inhibited enzyme activity. The reactionrate was linear for the first 15 min of incubation andwas proportional to protein concentration up to 2.0mg/ml (Fig. 6).

Relationship of duodenal heme oxygenase activity tohemoglobin iron absorption. Since fractional hemo-globin iron absorption was found to be increased iniron deficiency, intestinal heme oxygenase was assayedin rats whose iron stores had been depleted. In thisgroup of anemic animals, mean serum iron concentra-tion and hematocrit were 39 Ag/A00 ml serum and 30%,respectively, compared to normal values of 252 tig/100ml serum and 45% (Table I). All three intestinalsegments exhibited an increase of mucosal heme oxy-genase activity in iron deficiency (Fig. 5); duodenaland jejunal enzyme activity was raised approximately2i-fold over control values (P < 0.001). Moreover,














0.24 -









_ 0.10 a0<




FIGURE 8 Microsomal heme oxygenase (MHO) and xan-thine oxidase (XO) activity in duodenal mucosa of normaland iron-deficient rats. Enzyme assays were carried out inthe 20,00-g supernatant fraction of four normal and eightiron-deficient rats. Results are expressed as mean±+SEM.







0 30h

0.24A.A A

4A A






0 :0

1 1 150 100 150 200 250 300

SERUMIRON (Ag/100 ml)

FIGURE 7 Relationship of duodenal heme oxygenase ac-tivity to serum iron concentration. The symbols indicatevalues in individual rats in one of the following treatmentgroups: (A), iron-deficient rats maintained for at least2 wk on NBLI diet; (0), iron-deficient rats injected intra-muscularly with 50 mg iron as iron-dextran (Imferon) 1wk before the enzyme assay; (*), control rats on aregular diet.

after parenteral iron repletion of iron-deficient rats,duodenal heme oxygenase activity returned towardsnormal (Table II). This relationship between normal,iron-deficient, and iron-repleted animals held truewhether duodenal enzyme activity was expressed interms of bilirubin formation or of release of heme iron(Table II); in all but one instance (P < 0.05), thedifferences between iron-deficient rats and either nor-mal or iron-repleted animals was statistically significantat the P < 0.01 level. In addition, in these three groupsof rats, a direct proportionality existed between duo-denal enzyme activity and serum iron concentration(Fig. 7). In contrast, xanthine oxidase activity, whichis relatively high in the duodenal mucosa of normalrats, fell sharply when the animals were rendered irondeficient (Fig. 8), confirming an earlier report byAwai and Brown (32).

DISCUSSIONThe present findings demonstrate that the microsomalfraction of rat intestinal mucosa contains an enzymesystem with the characteristics of heme oxygenase (21-23). This intestinal enzyme converts protoheme to bili-rubin IX-a, which is the bilirubin isomer excreted inmammalian bile (19, 20). Although isomer identifica-

Heme Oxygenase and Absorption of Hemoglobin Iron 1349

tion was carried out with the most sensitive and dis-criminating techniques published (25), the unavail-ability of authentic bilirubin IX-p, ay, or 8 for use asstandards prevented us from ruling out the possibilitythat, in addition to bilirubin IX-a, small amounts ofthese "nonphysiological" bilirubin isomers also mayhave been formed in the enzymatic degradation of hemein vitro.

In the conventional heme oxygenase assay, enzymeactivity is measured by the rate of bilirubin formation(22). Since the present study was designed to explorethe possible role of intestinal heme oxygenase in theabsorption of hemoglobin iron, an attempt was madeto modify the enzyme assay in such a way that mucosalrelease of heme iron could be measured directly. Theanticipated technical difficulty of separating the releasedinorganic 'Fe from the unreacted iron-labeled heme(33) was overcome by a series of precipitation anddissolution steps. With 'Fe-protoheme as substrate, therelease of inorganic 'Fe was linear and proportional tobilirubin formation over a wide range of enzyme con-centrations (Figs. 1 and 6). As expected, however, ona molar basis heme oxygenase-mediated iron releasesignificantly exceeded bilirubin formation. It previouslyhad been noted that with microsomal heme oxygenaseprepared from other tissues, heme disappearance fromthe incubation mixture regularly was greater than theamount of bilirubin formed (23, 34). The most likelyexplanations for this discrepancy are that in the en-zymatic cleavage of the ferroprotoporphyrin ring, partof the tetrapyrrol is converted to catabolites differentfrom bilirubin, or that because of the inherent insta-bility of the pigment, part of the bilirubin formed isdestroyed during the assay procedure (23).

Since earlier studies had demonstrated that heme ab-sorbed from the intestinal lumen is cleaved within themucosa (9, 14), we postulated that this step may becatalyzed by microsomal heme oxygenase as it is in avariety of other tissues, including spleen and liver (22),kidney (21), and macrophages (23). Our present ob-servations in rats support this concept; thus, in thesmall intestine, microsomal heme oxygenase activitywas highest in the mucosa of the duodenum wherehemoglobin iron absorption has been shown to be mostefficient (8, 9) (Fig. 5). Moreover, in rats made irondeficient, hemoglobin iron absorption and duodenalheme oxygenase activity rose to a comparable extent.Finally, on iron repletion, which would be expectedto result in normalization of hemoglobin iron absorp-tion, duodenal heme oxygenase activity returned to-wards base-line value (Fig. 7, Table II). By con-trast, the activity of mucosal xanthine oxidase, whichtentatively had been assigned a role in the degradationof absorbed heme (17), greatly declined in iron de-

ficiency (Fig. 8), making it unlikely that this solubleenzyme is involved in the absorption and release ofheme iron.

If microsomal heme oxygenase catalyzes the degra-dation of absorbed heme in the intestinal mucosa, it wasto be expected that enzyme activity would be increasedwhen heme iron absorption is enhanced in iron de-ficiency. Although this was the case, it is not clearwhether the rise in enzyme activity is a primary event,exerting a regulatory effect on the overall process ofheme iron absorption, or whether the enzyme is stimu-lated adaptively by the increased amount of substrate-heme that is degraded in the mucosal cell. The presentfindings fail to provide an unequivocal answer to thisquestion because increased hemoglobin iron absorptionappears to be linked inextricably to iron deficiency.Although techniques exist permitting manipulation ofinorganic iron absorption independently of the organ-ism's iron stores (35-38) no such experimental pro-cedures have been reported for use in the study ofhemoglobin iron absorption. However, the followingconsiderations suggest that microsomal heme oxygenasemay play an active role in the coordination of hemeiron absorption.

In most tissues, heme oxygenase is stimulated byheme, presumably by substrate-mediated enzyme induc-tion (39). One might have anticipated, therefore, thatblood in the intestinal tract would enhance the activityof the enzyme in the mucosa. However, no reports existdocumenting an increase of fractional hemoglobin ironabsorption or of intestinal heme-splitting enzyme ac-tivity following prolonged feeding of hemoglobin to ex-perimental animals. Moreover, preliminary observationsin rats failed to show a rise of duodenal heme oxygen-ase activity after peroral administration of hemoglobinor MHA.' This appears entirely reasonable becauseexcretory (40) and secretory (41) pathways for ex-cess iron are functionally limited; the adjustment ofintestinal iron absorption to need, therefore, appearsto be the principal mechanism available to the bodyfor maintenance of internal iron balance. Indeed, if ironabsorption were regulated primarily by the heme con-tent of the diet, carnivores would be defenseless againstiron accumulation and consequent hemosiderosis. Thus,it would appear to offer a physiological advantage tolink control of intestinal heme oxygenase activity to thesize or availability of body iron stores rather than tothe amount of heme substrate that is present in theintestinal lumen. The mechanism by which the ironrequirement of the whole organism modulates mucosalheme oxygenase activity and regulates intestinal hemeiron absorption is unknown.

'Raffin, S., C. H. Woo, and R. Schmid. Unpublishedobservations.

1350 S. B. Raffin, C. H. Woo, K. T. Roost, D. C. Price, and R. Schmid

Since heme oxygenase activity has been demonstratedin the intestinal mucosa, it would be expected that invivo absorbed heme not only releases inorganic iron,but also is a source of bilirubin formation. The meta-bolic fate of this mucosal bile pigment is unknown; itmay be excreted into the intestinal lumen, sloughedwith senescent villous tip cells, or absorbed into theportal system. Because in the rat fractional hemoglobiniron absorption is relatively small, the bilirubinformed in the intestinal niucosa probably constitutesan insignificant portion of the total bile pigmentproduced in this animal. On the other hand, inman where fractional absorption of hemoglobin ironmay exceed that of iron salts (3, 4), the amount ofbilirubin formed from absorbed heme may be propor-tionally larger. If this bile pigment fraction shouldgain access to the portal system, it is possible that iniron-deficient patients with upper gastrointestinal hem-orrhage, this may lead to a measurable expansion ofthe body's bilirubin pool. It remains to be determinedwhether this mechanism may explain the well-docu-mented rise of serum bilirubin concentration in cir-rhotic patients with bleeding esophageal varices (42).


The authors wish to thank Lydia Hammaker, M.S., AntonyF. McDonagh, Ph.D., George Brecher, M.D., and MatthewsB. Fish, M.D. for their invaluable assistance in varioustechnical aspects of these studies.

This work was supported in part by grants AM 17635and AM 11275 from the National Institutes of Health, andby the Walter C. Pew Fund for Gastrointestinal Research.


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