Intro to Backbone.js with Rails

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Ruby on Rails is awesome…why should you care about Backbone.js? Tim will give an overview of why Rails developers should care about Javascript MVC frameworks and how you can easily integrate one into a Rails application. He’ll also will explain the structure of a Backbone.js application and how the paradigm jives with its Rails counterparts. You should be able to walk away from this presentation and add Backbone.js to your resume. Code here:


Intro to Backbone.js with Rails

by: Tim Tyrrell@timtyrrell


● Why?● No really, why???● Intro to Backbone.js● Using Backbone.js with Rails● Testing● Other Libraries● Wrap up● Questions

Why should I care about Backbone.js?

Rails is awesome!


● Because you are a professional● You want to be employable in the future● You enjoy learning new things● ...

This is something that you can use to write better software

Why not Ember.js or Spine.js?(or the dozens of other ones)

I initially decided to learn Spine.js... ... and then I had a question.


(Pic taken in May 2012)


(Pic taken in May 2012)

Why Rails instead of Node.js or Sinatra?

What is Backbone.js

Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing:● models with key-value binding and custom

events● collections with a rich API of enumerable

functions ● views with declarative event handling ● connects it all to your existing API over a

RESTful JSON interface.

Comparing Paradigms

Backbone.js● Models● Views & Routers● Templates● Collections

Ruby on Rails● Models● Controllers● Views

Backbone.js Model

● Manages data for an application● Not tied to markup, presentation, UI● Validates itself● Query methods (fetch, save)

Backbone.js Collection

● Manages an ordered set of models● Fetches, add, removes models● Gives you Underscore.js goodness● Listens for model events

Backbone.js View

● Controller that responds to DOM events● Displays data from a model w/template● Reacts to model changes● Reacts to DOM events● Handle presentation logic for a part of the UI

Backbone.js Router

● Controller that responds to URL's○ Hash Fragments (#page)○ Standard URL's (/page)

● Generally sets up model w/ View

Backbone.js Template

● HTML to be rendered● Template agnostic

○ Eco○ Handlebars.js○ Mustache.js○ etc.

Getting started with Rails

● rails new todo_list -T● cd todo_list● echo "gem 'backbone-on-rails'" >> Gemfile● bundle● rails g scaffold task name:string complete:

boolean● rake db:migrate● rm -f app/views/tasks/*● touch app/views/tasks/index.html.erb

rails g backbone:install

rails g backbone:scaffold task

Other Backbone Scaffolded Settings

Setup the Backbone routes

Tasks Collection

Rails Scaffolded Tasks

Where will this app appear?

Find a Spot

TasksIndex View

TasksIndex Template

TasksItem View

Item Template

Fire up the rails server

Move require_tree to the bottom

Much Better

Wire-Up the Router

Refresh the Browser

Add some records to the database

Add Tasks Template Change

Add Tasks to TasksIndex View

@collection.create name: @$('#add-task').val() @collection.create name: @$('#add-task').val() @collection.create name: @$('#add-task').val() @collection.create name: @$('#add-task').val() @collection.create name: @$('#add-task').val() @collection.create

Started POST "/tasks" for at 2012-05-20 17:16:17 -0500Processing by TasksController#create as JSON Parameters: {"name"=>"Walk the dog", "task"=>{"name"=>"Walk the dog"}} (0.1ms) begin transaction SQL (9.7ms) INSERT INTO "tasks" ("complete", "created_at", "name", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["complete", nil], ["created_at", Sun, 20 May 2012 22:16:17 UTC +00:00], ["name", "Walk the dog"], ["updated_at", Sun, 20 May 2012 22:16:17 UTC +00:00]] (1.8ms) commit transactionCompleted 201 Created in 19ms (Views: 2.7ms | ActiveRecord: 11.6ms)

Add New Task to Page

Delete a Task

TasksItem View

@model.destroy()Started DELETE "/tasks/5" for at 2012-05-20 20:58:43 -0500Processing by TasksController#destroy as JSON Parameters: {"id"=>"5"} Task Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tasks".* FROM "tasks" WHERE "tasks"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", "5"]] (0.1ms) begin transaction SQL (0.2ms) DELETE FROM "tasks" WHERE "tasks"."id" = ? [["id", 5]] (2.9ms) commit transactionCompleted 204 No Content in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 3.3ms)

Adding a Footer

TasksIndex to Create the View

Footer View and Template

Done with the Example Now


Other Libraries

● ModelBinder○ HTML Binding○ Recursive Binding○ Calculated Fields

● Backbone-relational○ one-to-one○ one-to-many○ many-to-one

● Backbone-validation○ Validate model properties○ Notify users of erros

Wrap Up

● A Javascript client-side MV* framework can help you write better code.○ It forces you separate the presentation logic away

from the business logic○ It helps to make you javascript more testable○ It allows for more responsive user experience○ It is a tool that you will want to add to your toolbox○ These same concepts apply to other JS frameworks○ It is fun



Thanks for listening!