Introduction to AI and AI for Good - NetHope · 2020-02-19 · Introduction to AI and AI for Good...

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Introduction to AI and AI for GoodLeila Toplic,

Objectives for NetHope Summit engagement on ‘AI for Good’ topic

1. Provide NetHope community with information about how Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning tools can benefit our work.

2. Facilitate sharing and discussions within the nonprofit sector and cross-sector -- with tech companies and academic institutions.

3. Inspire future projects and collaborations.

‘AI for Good’ sessions planned for NetHope Summit

TODAY: October 25, 2018Webinar: Introduction to AI and AI for GoodCraig Jolley, Senior Data Scientist, USAID

November 8, 2018AI for Good plenary sessionAubra Anthony, Strategy & Research Lead, USAID

Brigitte Hoyer Gosselink, Head of Product Impact,

Kristin Tolle, Director, Data Science, Microsoft

Moninder Singh, Research Staff Member, IBM Research

Stephen Hellen, Director ICT4D & GIS, Catholic Relief Services

Breakout session: Human-centered, ethical AIAnna Bacciarelli, Researcher and Adviser, Amnesty International

Kentaro Toyama, Professor, University of Michigan

Nora Lindstrom, Global Lead for Digital Development, Plan International

November 9, 2018AI for Good workshopSummit speakers (mentioned above), NetHope members and other NGOs (e.g. War Child, Amnesty International).

Development of AI for Good program (i.e. sessions) and feedback rounds.

July -October

AI for Good Plenary

November 8October 25

ICT4D ConferenceKampala, Uganda

April 30-May 2

NetHope Solutions Center

Introduction to AI and AI for Good


AI for Good Global Summit at the UNGeneva, Switzerland


December -April

AI for Good workshop

November 9



Human-centered, ethical AI breakout

Help us shape future engagement by completing this survey:

Today’s webinar:• What is AI? What is Machine Learning? What is Big Data? • What can AI do today? • What are the benefits of using AI in humanitarian, development and

conservancy contexts? • What are the barriers and risks? • What are some of the examples of applied AI in our sector? • How can nonprofit sector shape the development and use of AI?

Craig Jolley, Senior Data Scientist, USAID


Plenary Panel [November 8, 2018]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to radically transform the way the international development community solves humanitarian, development, and conservation challenges - from emergency response to refugee education and health diagnostics. While AI holds the promise of helping us do good better -application of AI in international development is still nascent and there is a growing number of questions and concerns related to people, process, and technology. In this session, we'll invite a diverse set of thought-leaders from different sectors to share how AI can help us deliver impact that benefits our sector and the world.

Title: AI and AI for GoodSpeakers: Kristin Tolle (Microsoft), Moninder Singh (IBM), Brigitte Hoyer Gosselink (, Aubra Anthony (USAID), Stephen Hellen (CRS)Facilitator: Leila Toplic (NetHope)

Breakout [November 8, 2018]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives whether we’re aware of it or not. It's one of the most transformative technologies of our time, with a huge disruptive potential across all sectors. The steps we take today — in terms of where we apply AI, who participates in creating it, who gets access to it, and how informed we all are about its impact on our daily lives — will play an important part in shaping the future of humanity. As a nonprofit sector we need to work with a diverse set of stakeholders -tech companies, academia, policy makers, and beneficiaries - to put the best conditions in place to make sure that AI benefits all.

Title: Human-centered, ethical AISpeakers: Anna Bacciarelli (Amnesty International), Kentaro Toyama (University of Michigan), Nora Lindstrom (Plan International)Contributors: Plenary and workshop speakersFacilitator: Leila Toplic (NetHope)

Workshop [November 9, 2018]

In this workshop, we want to focus on the specific opportunities, examples, and steps for AI to power the development of solutions to some of the toughest problems in the world.

This initial engagement around AI for Good topic will provide a baseline understanding of AI to NetHopemembers and partners wishing to learn about AI technology and how it might apply to and impact their work. It is the first step in a process which will provide a foundation for future training, sharing, and collaborations.

In this workshop, humanitarian actors will share examples of how they're using AI to address problems their organizations are focusing on. We'll talk about how to get started with data, what questions to ask, and discuss solutions to some of the barriers we face in leveraging AI effectively as well as the outcomes from the current implementations of AI in international development.

Title: AI for GoodSpeakers: Speakers from November 8th sessions, and additional speakers from NRC, University College Dublin, Microsoft Facilitator: Leila Toplic (NetHope)

Workshop [November 9, 2018] - AgendaTime Topic Presenter

8:30-9:00am Arrive and check-in All

9:00-9:15am Introductions and workshop goals Leila Toplic, All

9:15-10:30am Examples of applied AI for Good.

Format: 5min presentation per example (Format: Problem – Process / Specific steps - Solution – Learnings & Next Steps), followed by a discussion about challenges and opportunities.

Presenters include: NRC, CRS, Amnesty International, Microsoft, IBM,, USAID, and others.

10:30-10:45am Break10:45-12:00 Data is at the core of AI.

• What is ‘good’ data (e.g. inclusive, clean, consistent, protected); Examples of 'good' data & AI use case.• Situation today in humanitarian sector (i.e. there is a delta between what the data is supposed to look like

and what it looks like today; what are the barriers to getting to 'good' data)• How do we get to 'good' data (incl. how might we use frameworks like CRISP-DM, what questions do we need to

ask along the way)• Specific examples of what might be possible with 'good' data (incl. text, photo, video, audio) and AI.Format: Presentation & discussion

Kristin Tolle (Microsoft), All

12:00-12:15pm How AI can benefit our work in the future (e.g. what might be possible with reinforcement learning )

Cyrill Glockner (Microsoft)

12:15-12:12:30pm Reflections, and next steps (incl. topics for future engagement, collaborations) Leila Toplic, All

12:30-1:00pm / 1:30 Lunch and informal conversations All