Introduction to LinkedIn by Zeb Welborn from Welborn Media

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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How to Use LinkedIn to Generate New Business

How Big is Your Digital Rolodex LinkedIn is

Your Digital Rolodex

How to Set Up Your LinkedIn Profile It’s easy! Just follow the directions. Your profile should be set up in a

way to show how you can help others.

Fill it out thoroughly. Add your own voice.


Tips to a Good LinkedIn Summary1. How do you

give value to your clients?

2. Why do you do what you do?

3. Something personal.

4. Reasons to connect

5. Your specialties

Degree of Connections

1st Degree Connection – Someone who connects with me

2nd Degree Connection – Someone who connects with your 1st degree connection

3rd Degree Connection – Someone who is a connection of a connection

Join Groups More easily found Find others who have

similar interests Become a credible

expert by answering questions and posting articles of interest

Can easily promote your events

You can search within groups to connect with potential prospects.

Give/Get Recommendations In the edit section

of your profile Surprise Someone

– It puts your link on someone else’s profile and sometimes your contacts reciprocate.


1. Start with quality contacts2. Locate people of interest3. Start conversations with people who

are connected to your people of interest

4. Ask for information about people of interest

5. Ask to be introduced “I would really be interested in meeting

Bob. Can you introduce us over coffee?”

*Be a giver. Give way more than you receive*

Additional LinkedIn Tips

Use LinkedIn Button’s in your email signature and on your website.

Don’t sell – educate Follow thought leaders on LinkedIn

Today Headlines Matter Use a Catchy Profile Photo (Show

Your Face) Update Your Profile Twice per Month

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Gigi Fix from Servpro for being our breakfast sponsor this morning.

Brian Roberts from In-Store Radio for his amazing podcast introduction skills.

Carol Asper from Transamerica Financial for the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Facebook Advertising Prize

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Promote your business to up to 6,000 people on Facebook.

You must be a member of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce to win.