Isha Workplace Health & Wellness Framework Package.pdf · Isha Isue Ier-sees 951 Isha Lae, MMve TN...

Post on 21-Feb-2018

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Isha Institute of Inner-sciences | 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville TN 37110 | | 931-668-1900 1

Workplace Wellness Programs – A Business Savvy Investment

Current State of Health in America

Overview of Isha Health and Wellness Programs

Why Isha Institute of Inner-sciences?

Sadhguru and Isha Foundation

Corporate Clients Listing


Appendix: Medical Research Findings










Isha Workplace Health & Wellness Framework

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences | 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville TN 37110 | | 931-668-1900 2

• Improved productivity• Higher focus and clarity• Increase in employee commitment• Improved sense of being a team• Improved morale & attitude• Decreased absenteeism• Decreased turnover

In the current economic environment, corporations are challenged to increase market share and keep costs low, thus putting unprecedented pressure on employees to pro-duce more with less. Most people spend more hours at work than anywhere else. A long sedentary work day increases stress levels and creates poor health habits, result-ing in growing rates of chronic disease, thereby increasing the cost of health insurance for both employees and employers.

Introducing health and wellness programs in corporations serves as an effective tool to reduce corporate stress, sickness-induced absenteeism and employee turnover. Many companies are starting to realize the tremendous benefits of corporate wellness programs that promote the well-being of their employees, employers and organiza-tion in general.

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences (operated under the auspices of the Isha Foundation) was established with the primarily focus of creating peak human physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing through the technology of yoga and meditation. Isha approaches yoga and meditation as a science and imparts it as a technology. The inspiration for this scientific pursuit comes from Isha’s founder and yoga master Sadhguru Vasudev’s mastery over the mechanisms of life, stemming from his yogic lineage tracing back thousands of years. Organically created from an authentic source, Sadhguru’s scientifi-cally structured wellness programs are rooted in the purity of yoga and delivered in a contemporary manner.

Isha’s health and wellness solutions - designed to alleviate stress - are simple, power-ful, and most importantly, relevant to today’s fast paced corporate environment. Its low cost, highly effective, practical, down to earth, and easy to learn wellness pro-grams can easily be integrated - without continuous reinforcement - in the employee’s workday. Regular practice can bring about the following:

Workplace Wellness Programs – A Business Savvy Investment

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences | 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville TN 37110 | | 931-668-1900 3

The cost of healthcare is one of the top social and economic problems facing Americans today. The rising cost of medi-cal care and health insurance is impacting the livelihood of many Americans in one way or another. Health care costs for a family of four have doubled in less than a decade from $9,235 in 2002 to over $19,000 in 2011.

• One of the most expensive aspects of health care is the treatment of chronic diseases. It will be hard to make insurance affordable without changing how chronic disease is treated. (Source:

• Healthcare expenditures in the United States exceed $2 trillion a year. (Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group)

• 75% percent of total health care spending in the United States in 2007 went towards the treatment of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and asthma. (Source: CMS)

• Approximately half of all chronic diseases are linked to preventable problems (Source: CDC). Stress is a major contributor to chronic disease.

• Numerous studies have shown that when patients with chronic diseases focus on their health and get involved in their own care, their health improves and health expenses decrease.

Because of the rising cost of the treatment of chronic disease, there is a growing interest in self-management programs, making self-care an inevitable and critical component of healthy living. As a result, there is a fundamental need to empower patients, caregivers and corporate professionals with appropriate tools and technologies to manage chronic conditions, which not only has a direct impact on the per capita health care cost, but more importantly, enhances the quality of life.

For those whose professional lives are spent caring for others, its significance is magnified. Observations from research have shown that health care professionals may overlook their own needs for self-care and those of their peers. Over time, this can lead to mistakes, health problems, compassion-fatigue, and burnout.

Introducing Yoga and Meditation in the work place can bring much needed relief from elevated stress levels and its undesirable impact on the human system. Twenty minutes per day of meditation and yoga can lower feelings of stress and improve sleep quality in sedentary office employees (Source:

Current State of Health in America

Family Healthcare Costs RisingSource: 2011 Milliman Medical Index

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011






Isha Institute of Inner-sciences | 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville TN 37110 | | 931-668-1900 4

Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years, and currently close to 11 million Americans are enjoying its health benefits (Source: Yoga is a technology to bring the body and mind to the peak of their capabilities allowing one to live life to the fullest. Described briefly below are Isha’s corporate health and wellness solutions.

Overview of Isha Health and Wellness Framework

Meditation on the Go (60 - 90 minute session) As an introduction to meditation, this 60-90 minute session can be conducted as a lunch and learn or as a work-shop presentation. Isha Kriya is a very simple15 minute meditative practice that involves the use of breath and thought to experience a meditative state and can be practiced at anytime, anywhere. This program is accredited by the Annenberg Center with 1 hour of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM for Physicians, Nurses, Physician Assis-

ADVANTAGES• Introduces a simple practice that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine • Experiential in nature • Benefits are immediate and sustained• Requires little time commitment on a daily basis• No special conditions • Requires no lifestyle changes

BENEFITS• Brings a state of relaxation• Enhanced Clarity• Regular practice decreases stress and promotes a general state of wellbeing

* Isha Kriya does not require physical agility or prior experience of yoga and is suitable for persons of all ages and physical abilities.

“Isha Yoga – One Day Workshop” This interactive workshop allows for a more in-depth explo-ration of yoga and meditation. It can be offered at an off-site location where participants can enjoy both indoor and outdoor sessions. Learn yoga asanas – simple postures that balance the system, as well as kriya and meditation. Explore the role that food plays in one’s health.

ADVANTAGES• Simple physical asanas or yoga postures that require no previous experience with yoga. • Conscious breathing techniques bringing about physiological changes in terms of health.• Interactive, fun-filled group activities that facilitate relaxation and flexibility.

BENEFITS• Brings relaxation to both body and mind• Increased energy thoughout the day• Promotes internal balance • Improves overall health

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences | 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville TN 37110 | | 931-668-1900 5

“Inner Engineering” Inner Engineering is an opportunity to engineer an inner transformation that deepens your perception of the very way you look at your life, your work, and the world you inhabit. An authentic program for self-empowerment and personal growth, the course opens up the possibility of living life to your fullest human potential - a potential modern physicists and psychologists say is almost unlimited. Especially those seeking professional and personal excellence, this program offers keys for meaningful and fulfilling relationships at work, home, community, and most importantly within one’s self. Once given the tools to rejuvenate, people can optimize all aspects of health, inner growth and success.

LIVE FORMAT WITH SADHGURUInner Engineering is offered as a weekend program conducted by none other than Sadhguru Vasudev. Partici-pants have the unique and rare opportunity of being in his presence and experiencing the program in a comprehensive format with support from Sadhguru and trained volunteers.

ONLINE FORMATThe online course offers seven 90-minute modules, with Sadhguru. The online session includes a per-sonalized workbook, and access to a treasure trove of video questions and answers addressing various topics. Participants have the flexibility of completing the online program at their own pace and in their own space.

Benefits of Inner Engineering experienced by millions for over 25 years include: • Eliminate stress, fear and anxiety• Improve communication & inter-personal relationships • Enhanced mental clarity, emotional balance & productivity• Find relief from chronic ailments such as allergies, insomnia, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity• Find relief from addictions• Achieve inner peace, joy and fulfillment• 10.5-26 hours of CME (AMA PRA Category 1TM) credits for physicians and medical professionals

Inner Engineering is offered in 2 formats - “Live” or Online

“Yoga is the science of activating your inner energies in such a way that your body, mind and emotions function at their highest peak. When your body and mind function in a completely dif-ferent state of relaxation and a certain level of blissfulness, you can be released from so many things that most people are suffering from.” - Sadhguru Vasudev

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences | 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville TN 37110 | | 931-668-1900 6

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences (operated under the auspices of the Isha Foundation) is a non profit, non religious, internationally known public service organization that offers simple, powerful and cost effective health and well-ness solutions to individuals and corporations through the technology of yoga and meditation. For over 25 years, Isha has been helping millions of individuals regain their natural state of health and well-being, inner peace, and freedom through powerful yoga programs. Isha’s provides a comprehensive health and wellness solution framework derived from the ancient science of yoga and meditation, which has been proven to relieve stress induced chronic conditions leading to a joyous and balanced life. Isha’s unique advantages include:

Why Isha Institute of Inner-sciences?

• Imparting Yoga and Meditation as a science/technology, not as an esoteric philosophy.

• Practitioners can clearly see and track – with regular practice - the ‘before’ and ‘after’ states in terms of their health, body, mind, emotions and relationships.

• International organization operating in 150 US city-based centers.

• Trained teachers in each of the 150 city based centers to help practitioners with their practices. Onsite support provided for corporations.

• Monthly gathering for practitioners to meet, meditate and share a meal.

• Childcare (at practitioner’s cost) offered to enable more people to attend these monthly gatherings.

• Supported by a network of over 2 million unsalaried volunteers worldwide.



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Inner Engineering: Live/Online Format

Chronic disease reliefHig

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y levels



Health &

Wellness Solutions


Enhanced focus, clarity, memory & concentration

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences | 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville TN 37110 | | 931-668-1900 7

Sadhguru is a yogi, international thought leader, humanitarian and the founder of the Isha In-

stitute of Inner-sciences located in McMinnville, Tennessee. Sadhguru works tirelessly toward

the physical, mental, and inner wellbeing of all. With speaking engagements that take him

around the world, he is widely sought after by prestigious global forums to not only speak

about yoga and meditation but also to address issues as diverse as business values, human

rights, social, environmental and existential issues. He has been a delegate to the United

Nations Millennium World Peace Summit, a special invitee to the Australian Leadership

Retreat, Tallberg Forum, Indian Economic Summit and the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences was founded by Sadhguru as a non-profit, non-religious orga-

nization dedicated to cultivating human potential through the application of ancient yogic

knowledge. The organization serves as a thriving model for human empowerment, com-

munity revitalization and environmental stewardship. Its activities are designed to create an

inclusive culture that is the basis for global harmony and progress.

About Sadhguru and Isha Institute of Inner-sciences

“Knowing my home was miles away from any hostiles, still lights were never turned on in my home at night, believing if I did I would become an easy target. I kept loaded weapons strategically concealed in every room, always prepared for the unexpected. I can recall many nights laying down staring impatiently at the darkness waiting for sleep to descend upon me. If I did happen to nod off, the slightest sounds would snap me back to my distress. Finally reaching my limits, my mind would thrust me back on my bed, where I would cautiously lay petrified.Functioning on scarcely any rest had its effects on me. I stumbled upon Isha Kriya , a yoga practice, which was like a pressure release button for me. Not only did my ability to sleep significantly improve, but my mind was also at ease. The reoccurring dreams faded away. My perception became considerably clearer; I have an abundant amount of energy. My attention span and focus also substantially improved.” US Marine - Sat Singh,mobilized to Active Duty in July 1987-1991 and deployed in Panama,

“Meditation had become such an important part of my life that I tried very hard to continue my daily practice, even in the deployed environment. What I realized right away wasthat meditation helped me to maintain focus despite the physical and mental stress of working in a war zone. I was able to look at situations and people without so much personal judgment and emotional involvement. It kept me centered and allowed me to perform my duties to the best of my abilitiesand with a certain amount of inner joy. I can’t imagine being in that environment without the inner support of meditation.”Naval Reserve Member - Kim Landon, mobilized to Active Duty in 2011 anddeployed to Afghanistan

“I had high blood pressure and migraine headaches for years, and I never treated them. But Inner Engineering proved to be the perfect remedy and cure. My blood pressure came under control. And now six years after starting the practice, I have not had one headache and my blood pressure is normal.” Jayant Eldurkar, Physician


Isha Institute of Inner-sciences | 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville TN 37110 | | 931-668-1900 8

Isha Yoga Research ResultsStudies have been conducted to assess the impact of Isha Yoga practices on the various aspects of the human system.

• Reduction in the severity of symptoms and medicine usage in chronic diseases• Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and better cardiac functioning• Better cognition• Increased alertness, awareness and relaxation through Shambhavi Mahamudra• Enhanced mental capabilities• Enhanced mental and emotional wellbeing• Reduction in menstrual problems• Improved sleep quality

Benefits of Inner Engineering

Chronic Disease ReliefReduction in the severity of symptoms and medicine usage in chronic diseases through Isha Yoga





Back or neck pain




Gastrointestinal diseases


Heart disease




Poor resistance tocold and flu




















































In a health survey that was conducted on Isha Yoga practitioners, more than 500 respondents reported improvement in their disease status and reduction in medicine usage for their diseases.

Raj Maturi et al. Impact of Isha Yoga on disease status and medicine usage. March 2010

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences | 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville TN 37110 | | 931-668-1900 9

Enhanced Mental and Emotional Wellbeing in Isha Yoga PractitionersA survey conducted on 536 Isha Yoga practitioners showed improvement in the following areas:



Emotional balance

Energy level

Inner peace

Mental clarity











Raj Maturi et al. Survey of wellbeing in Isha Yoga practitioners. March 2010

Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases and Better Cardiac Functioning Because of Isha YogaHeart Rate Variability studies show that Isha Yoga causes greater balance of the Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System, therevy enhancing the ability of the heart to respond to various stressful situations effectively. This reduces the risk of cardiac ailments like hypertension, angina, infarction, arrhythmias, etc.

Muralikrishnan et al. Effect of Isha Yoga on Short term Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Third International Association of Yoga Therapists Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research. March 2009

Selvaraj et al. Heart Rate Dynamics During Shambhavi Mahamudra - A Practice of Isha Yoga. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine

2008; 5: Iss 1, Art 22

Better Cognition After Isha YogaNeurocognitive tests show that Isha Yoga increases performances in attentional task suggesting better distribution of attentional resources, enhanced sustained attention skills and faster allocation of attentional resources.

Braboszcz C et al. Is meditation improving attention? A study on 82 Isha meditation practitioners following a 3 month retreat. 34th European Conference on Visual Perception, August 2011

Increased Alertness, Awareness and Relation Through Shambhavi MahamudraNeurophysiological studies using EEG revealed a substantial increase in Delta and Theta brain waves and markedly reduced Beta and Alpha brain waves measured after 21 minutes of Shambhavi Mahamudra Practice. Increase in Delta and Theta waves are asscoiated with deep relaxation and higher levels of mental focus. Reduced Beta waves are associated with reduced mental tension and anxiety. Reduced Alpha waves in conjunction with increased Theta and Delta waves are associated with conscious awareness of the subconscious mind. These results support a drop in stress and anxiety, a boost in mental alertness and focus, and an increase in self-awareness as a result of just 21 minutes of daily practice.

Manveer Bhatia et al. Neurophysiological and Biochemical evaluation in practitioners of Isha Yoga. World Conference - Expanding Paradigms: Science, Consciousness and Spirituality, February 2006

Enhanced Mental CapabilitiesThe EEG study on Shambhavi Mahamudra also showed higher levels of coherence between the right and left sides of the brain. This greater whole brain synchronization leads to greatly enhanced mental capabilities like better learning ability, increased creativity, heightened mental clarity and sharper intellect.

Manveer Bhatia et al. Neurophysiological and Biochemical evaluation in practitioners of Isha Yoga. World Conference - Expanding Paradigms: Science, Consciousness and Spirituality, February 2006