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?I~Vat41117 - 1999

Mrs. James B. Barden wrote thefollowing "Historical Data of theChadbourn Methodist Church" which wasplaced in the relics box in thecornerstone of the church on September27, 1953.

The historical data is continuedfrom that point until the presentCentennial Celebration on October 10,1999.

These historical facts, as well asthose of Mrs. Barden, were gleaned fromchurch and Conference records and from'historical papers found placed in churchrecords.



The Chadbourn Methodist Churchoriginated from what was known as thePeacock Methodist Church, which waslocated about two miles east ofChadbourn near where Mr. Fred Boege'shome now stands. The few members leftfrom this disbanded church worshipped inthe Baptist Church of Chadbourn.

It was in 1897 that these fewMethodists, together with a few NorthernMethodists who came to Chadbourn withthe Sunny South Colony organized theChadbourn Methodist Church, having astheir trustees J.T. Newland, E.A. Piferand H. Cowan.

The first pastor was A.R. Raven,who preached at Whiteville, Cerro Gordo,Evergreen and Fair Bluff.

The Chadbourn Methodist Church wasat first a part of the WhitevilleCircuit. In 1904 the charge was calledWhiteville-Chadbourn. Afterwards a newcharge was formed called Chadbourn-Bolton. This change was made in 1907when Chadbourn was taken off theWhiteville Circuit. It was changedagain in 1910 to Chadbourn-Hallsboro,and it was not until 1912 that thecharge was known as the ChadbournCircuit, which included Fair Bluff,Evergreen, Cerro Gordo and Chadbourn.


In 1949 the charge was divided into twoparts- Chadbourn and Fair Bluff. Nowonly Evergreen remained with Chadbourn.On July 1, 1957, Chadbourn became astation.

When the church was firstorganized, they did not have a buildingof their own, but services were heldonce a month in the Baptist Church.About the year 1901, two consecratedPresbyterians, Mr. And Mrs. J.A. Brown,donated the present lot on which the oldchurch stood.

It was during the pastorate of Rev.A.S. Barnes the first church was erectedand in the early part of 1902 it wasdedicated by Bishop John C. Kilgo, witha very large congregation present.

The organization of the SundaySchool followed soon after theorganization of the church. The SundaySchool superintendents through the yearshave been as follows.

First, Mr. M.F. Allen, then insuccession came Mr. J.W. Louper, E.T.Usher, E.A. Pifer, Mrs. R.K. Moore, Dr.J.E. Koonce, Mrs. Tom Lewis, Mrs. W.K.Willis, Dr. J.B. Bardin, Mr. ClydeElliott, Mr. Paul Avant and Mr. S.G.Koonce.

The old church stood for 52 yearsbefore being replaced by the present


building, which was designed by J.Whitney Cunningham, Architect.

This brings us to the point of ournew church, the building Fund of whichwas started one Sunday morning duringthe ministry of W.L. Loy in the year1942. He announced at the morningservice that he had received a check for$1000 from Mr. D.D. Bruton for thestarting of the building fund for a newMethodist Church.

To this fund more was added.Shortly afterwards the Conference metand sent Rev. J.W. Lineburger toChadbourn. Under his pastorate thefunds were increased to over the $30,000mark.

Then began the pastorate of C.E.Vale. Under his guidance the churchbuilding was begun. The congregationbecame very interested and churchminded. The members and friends openedtheir hearts and pocketbooks. Wereached the point in our buildingprogram on a "pay as you go" basis untilthe church was so nearly completed andthe pocketbooks of the membership sonearly depleted that the buildingcommittee decided to make its firstdebt. We borrowed $5000 to complete thechurch.


The beautiful furnishing of thechurch were the project of the WSCS at acost of nearly $6000.

The memorial windows were sold tomemorialize our loved ones who havelived and loved this church. Thesewindows were put in at a cost of nearly$6000.

The other memorials are as follows.The beautiful organ, the pews, thebaptismal fount, collection plates,candlesticks, the Cross, altar vases,the Bible, the hymnals, choir robes,paraments, the communion set, and thelights. Each one of these memorialsbears the name of those in whose memorythey have been placed.

Members of the Building Committeewere Mr. D.D. Bruton, Chairman; Dr. J.B.Bardin, Dr. J.E. Koonce, Mr. T.O.Goodman, Mrs. W.F. Yates, Mr. J.W.Mooney and Mr. W.D. Bullard, Treasure.

Present (1953) Trustees of thechurch are Dr. J.B. Bardin, Mrs. D.D.Bruton, Mrs. J.A. Baldwin, and Mr. J.W.Mooney.

C.E. Vale, II and his family~ Mrs.C.E. Vale and Kathryn occupy theparsonage which by the way was beingconstructed during the pastorship of Mr.Vale's father, the Reverend C.E. Vale,the first, and his family. Two of the


prime factors in the construction of theoriginal parsonage were Mr. C.D. Koonceand Dr. J.D. Koonce. Since then it hasbeen moved and remodeled along modernlines. The money for this purpose waslargely made available by a loan fromD.D. Bruton, for which he has beenreimbursed.

This (1953) is Mr. Vale's fourthyear with us, and during the four years70 members have been added and $30,639raised for the building now in progress;and the preacher's salary has beenraised from $3000 to $3600. Besides twoMethodist Men's fellowships have beenorganized.

The history would not be completewithout stating the aid the women havegiven in raising the finances of thechurch. The Women's Society has changedthree times since 1904. Rev. J.T.Draper organized the first under thename of "Ladies' Aid Society.H Then in1917 Rev. B.E. Stanfield organized thesecond under the name of "Women'sMissionary SocietyH. Which includedboth home and foreign missions. Finallywe took the name now (1953) borne by allsocieties of the Methodist Conference."The Women's Society of ChristianService.H Rev. C.E. Vale, II organizedthe Society in the Evergreen Church in1950. Our Chadbourn Society has (1953)two circles under the leadership of Mrs.W.F. Yates. In the last five years by


sheer hard work we have raised on theaverage about $2000 a year and havecontributed about $4000 to the Buildingand Parsonage Fund.

The present (1953) Board ofStewards of the new church are: Mr. D.D.Bruton, Mr. Douglas Bullard, Dr. J.E.Koonce, Mr. Sammy Koonce, Mr. ClydeElliott, Dr. J.Ben Ward, Mrs. W.F.Yates, Mr. J.W. Mooney, Mr. PrestonGuyton, Mr. Frank Clark, Mrs. LillianEasom, Mr. Alva Cole, Mr. J.W.Worthington, and Mr. Albert Thomas.

It would be fitting to say herethat Mr. W.A. Thomas was an activemember of this Board of Stewards untildeath deprived us of his services and tohim we all owe our obligations for theinvaluable assistance he rendered.



Chadbourn remained on a circuituntil it became a station church in1957. This continued until 1968 whenthe church again joined Evergreen on thecircuit. It was in 1968 that theMethodist Church joined with TheEvangelical United Brethren Church andbecame the United Methodist Church.Thus the Chadbourn Methodist Church isnow the Chadbourn United MethodistChurch.

The original parsonage wassupplanted in 1968 with the currenthome. The dedication ceremony by PastorAllen Richardson and DistrictSuperintendent W.J. Neese in 1971followed the actual construction begunduring the ministry of the Reverend R.M.Gradeless.

Memorial and other gifts over theyears have enhanced worship in ourchurch. In the nineteen seventies, thepiano in the sanctuary was dedicated. Asound system was installed and new choirrobes were purchased.

An active Senior Citizens Group wasbegun by Mrs. Alice Richardson. Thisgroup included seniors from throughoutthe community. They enjoyed a strongfellowship and engaged in many variedactivities and outings.


During this time, there was muchinterest in a Chrismon Tree. Manyintricate and beautiful Chrismons weremade by adults and youth of the church.They continue to be used each year andtheir beauty and significance are anintegral part of the Advent season.

The new Rodgers organ was dedicatedin 1983. Also in the nineteen eightiesthe pew cushions and the current hymnalswere provided.

About this time, the membership wasasked by the Boy Scout Council to

'sponsor the Cub Pack in Chadbourn. Thissponsorship has continued andparticipation is strong.

From 1990 until the present, a new'sound system has been installed, newchoir robes have been purchased and apiano given for the Fellowship Hall.

There continues to be an ongoingeffort to maintain and improve thatwhich has been entrusted to us. Repairshave been made to the stained glasswindows and they are now protected by anexterior covering. Classroom furnituteand equipment and library shelves havebeen added. The addition of air-conditioning and the continued updatingof it and the heating system have beenpart of our stewardship.


When the carpeting in the sanctuarybecame worn, it was replaced. Newcarpeting in all of the classrooms andnew blinds for the windows throughoutthe church were provided by the UnitedMethodist Women.

As the need arises, painting andupgrading of appliances for the Churchand parsonage are provided. And throughregular lawn care and landscaping, wemaintain a pleasing exterior.

The Women's Society of ChristianService is now known as The UnitedMethodist Women. This group continuesits long history of service to thechurch and community here and abroad.Their fund raising efforts over theyears have helped to supplement andenhance the needs of the Church. Overthe past two decades, the UnitedMethodist Women have derived the majorpart of their financial aid from achurch-wide annual Bazaar each November.

The Methodist Men's Fellowshipwhich was organized in 1953 by Rev. Valewas reorganized after the current mergerwith the Evergreen Church. Now they arethe Chadbourn-Evergreen United MethodistMen and meet each month for breakfast,alternating between the two churches.They, too, have provided funds andsupport for the two churches as well asproviding supportive care to thefellowship.


Throughout the years, the Churchhas tried to maintain a strong programof Christian education for its childrenand youth. This has included SundaySchool, Youth fellowship, choir andVacation Bible School. As with mostsmall churches, the number of childrenhas fluctuated. During the years withsmall numbers, we have joined with theChadbourn Presbyterian Church for theseactivities. The church has also hadsuccessful Vacation Bible Schoolprograms with the Evergreen Church. Thenumber of children at present is smallbut attendance is steady.

Chadbourn United Methodist Churchremains a small church in a small town.The church population reflects thepopulation and industry of the area.The current active membership, perhapsthe smallest in its history, remainfaithful stewards of God's gifts. Theyrespond generously of their time andtalents to the needs of the congregationand the community.

We pray for God's continued graceas we enter another century.


PASTORS1897 Alexander R. Raven1899 Albert Sidney Barnes1904 Jesse Thomas Draper1906 V.E. Wright1907 Charles Edward Vale1911 William C. Martin1914 D.L. Barnhardt

G. Ray Gordon1917 Benjamin E. Stanfield1921 Benjamin O. Merrit1923 Linsay Frazier1924 Thomas Edward Davis1928 Cuyler Freeman Heath1932 Marquis Wood Lawrence1936 Frank Belton Joyner1938 Eli Carson Maness1942 William Lawrence Loy1944 James Worth Lineberger1948 Chester James Andrews1949 Charles Edward Vale, II1953 G.C. Kinlaw1954 J.E. Hodges1955 Robert Fullerton McKee1958 Auburn W. Lore1960 Wallace T. Green1962 Carlos O. Gardner1965 Frank Donald Salmon1966 Robert Marriner Gradeless1968 Allen Richardson1977 Joseph Wayne Forbes1983 Robert Eugene Rattz1987 John Neal Salter1990 William Thomas Clark1991 Vernon W. Brown, III1994 Warren Trall Heitzenrater1999 Albert Eugene Goldfinch, Jr.