Jacksonian Democracy: Market Revolution, Westward...

Post on 15-Apr-2018

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• Jacksonian Democracy: Market Revolution, Westward Expansion, Spread of

Slavery, Growth of Democracy

• Self Made Man

• Universal Manhood Suffrage – no property requirements , wage earners, north v


• Masses of Ordinary Citizens: right to vote and political participation = national


• Information Revolution

• Political exclusions shifts from economics to gender and race

• American System: new national bank, protective tariff, federal financing for

“internal improvements” (Madison Veto)

• Second Bank of the United States (BUS): regulate paper money, speculation, Panic

of 1819, dropping land prices, resentment

• John Marshall and McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

• Compromise of 1820: Missouri, Maine, 36/30, Republican split

• 1824: Corrupt Bargain, Democrat (Van Buren & Jackson) Whig (Clay)

• Politics: Mass Activity, National Conventions, Spoils System, Patronage

• Jacksonian political issues: banks, tariffs, currency, internal improvements, balance

of power between National and Local governments

The “Corrupt Bargain”

Election of Andrew Jackson a cotton

planter and slave owner calms South

• Jackson as Pres = TJ as Pres

• Jackson elected on belief in state’s rights but South

Carolina challenges this.

• Tariff of Abominations and Nullification

• SC alarmed by Missouri and Marshall Court

• Calhoun “Exposition and Protest” (KY & VA)

• Peggy Eaton a woman of “easy virtue”

• Daniel Webster v Robert Y. Hayne in the Senate

• Tariff of 1832 & the Force Bill

• Indian Removal: Black Hawk, Georgia, John

Marshall Trail of Tears

• Bank: Biddle, New Charter, Veto, Pet Banks

John H. Eaton

Secretary of War

& Peggy O’Neale

• Daniel Webster argues

people not the states

created the constitution

which makes federal

government sovereign.

• “Liberty and

Union, now

and forever,

one and


• Jackson stand up to

deliver a toast at a

White House dinner a

few weeks after

Webster’s speech and

said: “Our Federal

Union - it must be


• Vice President

Calhoun replied: “The

Union –next to our

liberty most dear.”

• Calhoun leading

theorist of “state’s



John C. Calhoun “The Great


At beginning strong

Nationalist ( War Hawk with

Clay during War of 1812)

now 16 years later he thinks

that Nullification can save the


After his resignation of the

Vice Presidency he becomes

more of a states righter and

moves with the South toward


• It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often

bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.

Distinctions in society will always exist under every

just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of

wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In

the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits

of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is

equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws

undertake to add to these natural and just advantages

artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and

exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the

potent more powerful, the humble members of society-

the farmers, mechanics, and laborers-who have neither

the time nor the means of securing like favors to

themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of

their Government. There are no necessary evils in

government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it

would confine itself to equal protection, and as Heaven

does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and

the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an

unqualified blessing – Andrew Jackson Veto Message

Jackson’s Bank Veto

Supreme Court & Indians

• Johnson v M’Intosh (1823): Indians not legal

owners of their land, only have a right to occupancy

• Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) Indians are

“wards” of federal government. They deserve regard

and protection but lack standing of citizenship which

would allow Supreme Court to protect their rights

• Worcester v. Georgia (1832): Federal Govt. not

State Govt. must deal w/ Indians because of the

Cherokee Nations treaties with Washington

• “John Marshall has made his decision now let him

enforce it” – Andrew Jackson

John Ross

“passive non-


Politics of the People

• Martha Washington “Filthy Democrat”

• 1820 Aristocracy becoming taint on Democracy

• Politicians need to curry favor w/ masses

• Birth in Log = Good Thing

• Militia Commanders & Indian fighters (Jackson, Crockett,

Harrison) viewed as qualified Presidents by people of the West

• “Leading Citizens” need to cultivate common touch to get


• Jeffersonian’s believe “people should be governed as little as


• Jacksonsian’s add “what ever governing should be done should

be done by the people”

• Universal white manhood suffrage replaces

old property qualifications (Vermont 1791)

• Judges popularly elected

• Easy to acquire land in the West made

property restrictions pointless.

Nourishing New Democracy

• Ideals of the revolution

• Growth of market economy lead many people to

understand how banks, tariffs, and internal

improvements affected quality of their lives

• Missouri Compromise & Panic of 1819 lead

people to want a say in Government

• Economic meltdown was blamed by workers &

farmers on banking irregularities and speculation

• Resentment towards govt. granted privileges of the

bank (farmers go in debt lose farm not true for

bankers who gamble and lose on speculation)

• Voters are angry at favoritism of the wealthy believe

it is making a mockery of the democratic principles

of equality and fair play

• Want to Purge land of corruption

• Control of government in order to tear the banks

from its protective embrace, want hard $ for bank

notes, abolish banks altogether

• Missouri Compromise awakens Americans to the

importance of politics (North’s reaction scares white


The “Corrupt Bargain”

The “Tariff of Abominations”

• 1824 goes from 23% to 37%

• Wool manufacturers want higher & more


• Jacksonites play politics (JQA Black Eye) but it


• 45% duties on manufactured goods

• Raw materials: things needed for manufacturing

in New England

• New England = Factories South = Cotton fields

• Southerners heavy consumers of goods and they are

shocked by heavy rates of 1828 Tariff

• S.C. flags at half mast

• South begins to worry about possible Federal

interference with slavery

• Missouri Compromise debate, Denmark Vesey (1822),

B.W. Indies pressure from London abolition movement

• Now is the time to take a stand against all Federal


• South struggling over cropped, dropping prices & tariff

is a scapegoat)

• “Yankee Tariff” discriminates (read hypothetical


• Reduces volume of purchases in both directions

• Prosperous Manufacturing in N.E. would help

Southerners as consumers of cotton & Farm


• The S.C. Exposition: Pamphlet written by John C.

Calhoun denounces Tariff as unjust and


• Calhoun thinks Nullification can preserve Union

form secession

• Calhoun = Unionist, Nationalist, but also


John C. Calhoun “The Great


At beginning strong

Nationalist ( War Hawk with

Clay during War of 1812)

who thinks that Nullification

can save the union

After his resignation of the

Vice Presidency he becomes

more of a states righter and

moves with the South toward


Election of Andrew Jackson a cotton

planter and slave owner calms South

How was the presidency of

Andrew Jackson and the

election of 1828



• Common people have the will to vote

• Political center of gravity shifts from seaboard to

the West

• Poor Masses defeated entrenched elite classes

(from snobs to mobs)

• 1st from West, 1st nominated by convention

(1832), 1ST non college educated

• Suspicious of Federal Government as bastion of

privilege removed from popular scrutiny

Why might his

opponents call

him “King

Andrew the 1st”?

“King Andrew the 1st”

• Disappoints “states rights” southerners with his

belief in the sacredness of “the union” and the

ultimate supremacy of federal power over the


• You are either with him or against him

• He ignores the Supreme Court

• Defies and dominates congress vetoing bills for

personal beliefs and not constitutional principles

• Predecessors (GW – JQA) us veto 6 times while

AJ uses it 12 times

• Spoils system rewarding political supporters with

public office. Jefferson starts Jackson extends

(“clamoring for public tit”)

• Washington riddled with incompetence, corruption,


• Officeholders in their 80’s drawing salaries but little


• More people wanting jobs then jobs available

(Jackson keeps 9,000 of original 11,000 civil


• “What has he done for the party” is new question

that decides who gets important posts. “Is he loyal to


Samuel Swartwout

• Scandal accompanies

new system

• Buying posts with

campaign finances

• Swartwout –

untrustworthy man

was made collector of

customs at port in NY

steals a million from

Fed Govt and escapes

to England

John H. Eaton

Secretary of War

& Peggy O’Neale


• Jackson breaks w/ Calhoun &

purges cabinet of Calhoun


• Calhoun resigns the Vice

Presidency and enters the Senate


• Abandons nationalism becomes

inflexible defender of Southern

Sectionalism “The Great Nullifier”

• Jackson hurts nationalism with

hostility to roads and canals

• AJ will not spend Federal $ on

individual state roads and those not

connected to interstate network)

• Vetoes bill for improving

Maysville Rd. which was in Henry

Clay’s KY which is a victory for E

& S against W.

“Nullies in South Carolina”

• Tariff of 1828 rankles South Carolina as they

see it as a foothold for federal interference w/


• “homespun” untainted by Yankee Tariff

• 1832 Congress passes new tariff lowering rate

to 10%

• South Carolina still upset and in 1832 state

election it is Unionists vs Nullies with Nullies

winning a 2/3 majority in S.C. state legislature

• New state legislature holds a special convention

which declares the Tariff is “Null & Void” in S.C.

• Also calls upon state legislature to prepare

military & threatens to take S.C. out of the Union

if D.C. attempts to collect duties by force

• Jackson is outraged and sends modest Naval &

Military reinforcements to S.C. (quietly prepares

sizable army)

• AJ issues proclamation against Nullification

• Clay “Great Compromiser” throws weight behind

bill that would reduce tariff by 0% over 8 years

(Compromise Tariff)

• Congress also passes “Force Bill” authorizing the

Pres. To use army and navy to collect federal tariff


• No other Southern state sprung to the defense of


• S.C. legislature meets again repeals nullification of

Tariff but nullifies the Force Bill

• Victory for both S.C. and Union: S.C. is appeased,

abandons nullification for secession, “force is a

confession that statesmanship has failed”, American

tradition of reasonable compromise.

• “1st President of the Southern Confederacy”

• Characteristics of New Democracy (Jacksonian Beliefs)

• Corrupt Bargain (Election of 1824, HOR, Clay, Sec of State, Adams Aloof)

• Panic of 1819 (Govt. granted privileges)

• Missouri Compromise (Fear of Govt. intervention in peculiar institution

• Universal White Manhood Suffrage (Property requirement made useless b/c of easily affordable land in West)

• “Revolution of 1828” (elite weakened more power in hands of the masses)

• Spoils System (reward political allies, common people can serve in office)

• National Nomination Convention (more democratic way to elect candidates)

• Daniel Webster, Robert Hayne, Peggy Eaton, Martin Van Buren, Samuel Swartwout, Rachel Robards Jackson, Denmark Vesey, & Davy Crockett

• Tariff of Abominations, South Carolina Exposition, Nullification, Hayne-Webster Debate, Secession

Supreme Court & Indians

• Johnson v M’Intosh (1823): Indians not legal

owners of their land, only have a right to occupancy

• Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) Indians are

“wards” of federal government. They deserve regard

and protection but lack standing of citizenship which

would allow Supreme Court to protect their rights

• Worcester v. Georgia (1832): Federal Govt. not

State Govt. must deal w/ Indians because of the

Cherokee Nations treaties with Washington

• “John Marshall has made his decision now let him

enforce it” – Andrew Jackson